View Full Version : How Can Nordids Be Depigmented Meds?

02-22-2019, 02:59 AM
How can someone be just a depigmented med? Is not it an oxymoron? I mean, didn't the genes of light pigmentation in nordids had originated in Central Asia, while meds are originally Middle Easterners? Pure meds don't have the genes for light pigmentation.

02-22-2019, 03:01 AM
Not to mention all the other differencies like height, different occiput shape, long face of nordids, etc...

02-22-2019, 03:07 AM
How can someone be just a depigmented med? Is not it an oxymoron? I mean, didn't the genes of light pigmentation in nordids had originated in Central Asia, while meds are originally Middle Easterners? Pure meds don't have the genes for light pigmentation.

Difficult question to answer. The honest truth is sometimes it is VERY difficult to tell a Med from a Nordid through bone and skull structure. I saw someone today that had blue eyes and very blond hair but their head shape was Mediterranean looking. However many would say he was Nordid. The differences sometimes are just not large and not easy to see all the time.

Anthony PV
02-22-2019, 03:12 AM
Nordics are Meds who migrated to Northern Europe/Scandinavia. :coffee:

02-22-2019, 03:24 AM
Nordics are Meds who migrated to Northern Europe/Scandinavia. :coffee:

Then how do you explain their differencies?

Anthony PV
02-22-2019, 03:25 AM
Then how do you explain their differencies?
Adaptations to a different environment. :coffee:

02-22-2019, 03:36 AM
Adaptations to a different environment. :coffee:

But how meds adaptated to the cold? Maybe by mixing with people that already were adaptated to the cold?

02-22-2019, 04:02 AM
I suppose that there were many Meds among Neolithic Orcadians, but modern Nordic Orcadians are not descended from them:


02-22-2019, 04:03 AM
I suppose that there were many Meds among Neolithic Orcadians, but modern Nordic Orcadians are not descended from them:


Why do they look so similar in structure

02-22-2019, 02:09 PM

02-22-2019, 03:13 PM
Nordics aren't Meds. Pigmentation is not the only difference, there is also stature (tall in case of Nordics, small in case of Meds), cranial structure (Nordics have sharper, narrower features, with elongated eye orbits, stronger brow ridge/less vertical forehead, Meds have wider eye orbits, smaller and softer featured skulls, with no browridge or often vertical forehead), hair formation (Meds have more curly/wavy hair).

Nordic type probably developed as a result of Irano-Afghan "Meds" (CHG) mixing with depigmented Paleo-European types (EHG).

02-22-2019, 03:15 PM
only Hallstatts and nordic types influenced by atlantic phenotypes are, technically the evolution of some mediterranic types

02-22-2019, 03:18 PM

It's because the sexual selection and some other factors altogether led to the depigmentation. Foundations for ''Nordid'' are speculated to be introduced together with the influx of the Neolithic farmers there.

02-22-2019, 03:30 PM
they aren't. :bored:

If there is any overlap, it's probably due to shared farmer heritage, of which they share a little.

02-25-2019, 09:20 AM
Nordics are metrically and morphologically indistinguishable from Gracile Meds, whoever says to the contrary is just in denial.

02-25-2019, 12:58 PM
Nordics are metrically and morphologically indistinguishable from Gracile Meds, whoever says to the contrary is just in denial.

I have to say I seen a person the another day that supports your theory. I saw male that had almost platinum blond hair and blue eyes. However he was quite gracile and his skull was rounded as fuck like a gracile med. So you may be correct.

02-25-2019, 01:00 PM
Nordics aren't Meds. Pigmentation is not the only difference, there is also stature (tall in case of Nordics, small in case of Meds), cranial structure (Nordics have sharper, narrower features, with elongated eye orbits, stronger brow ridge/less vertical forehead, Meds have wider eye orbits, smaller and softer featured skulls, with no browridge or often vertical forehead), hair formation (Meds have more curly/wavy hair).

Nordic type probably developed as a result of Irano-Afghan "Meds" (CHG) mixing with depigmented Paleo-European types (EHG).

Nordids can be very gracile and some have very rounded heads which is med feature. They can look very similar they just do.

02-25-2019, 01:17 PM
But how meds adaptated to the cold? Maybe by mixing with people that already were adaptated to the cold?

Depigmentation is more of a sexually selective trait. Mongoloids aren't light, yet their whole phenotype is forged by the cold. And there's a winter that sweeps through southern Europe every year.

I'm rather of the opinion that they are cousin types who split in the Iranian plateau and the Caucasus. The maxilla bone and occipital shape is evidence of that; how could Nordics have evolved along borreby-types? Borreby is Anti-Nordic. And not all Nordics are blonde.

Actor from Stockholm.

02-25-2019, 01:48 PM
How can someone be just a depigmented med? Is not it an oxymoron? I mean, didn't the genes of light pigmentation in nordids had originated in Central Asia, while meds are originally Middle Easterners? Pure meds don't have the genes for light pigmentation.

Of course Nordids aren't just depigmented Meds. Rather there is some overlap.
They have the same ancestral components but in different proportions.
Meds are very close to Neolithic Farmers, Nordids have more ancestry from European Hunters Gatherers and Steppe Indoeuropeans.

02-25-2019, 01:49 PM
How can someone be just a depigmented med? Is not it an oxymoron? I mean, didn't the genes of light pigmentation in nordids had originated in Central Asia, while meds are originally Middle Easterners? Pure meds don't have the genes for light pigmentation.

Nordicist want to appropriate Hellenic and Med. World as their own through Indo-Germanic (european) theory.

Mediterranean world has absolutely nothing to do with Nordic people.

02-25-2019, 02:38 PM
Because they are not. Only some retards/inferiority complexed South Europeans do such claims.

02-25-2019, 03:45 PM
Because they are not. Only some retards/inferiority complexed South Europeans do such claims.

Token is not Southern European at all. I think it is certainly something to consider because they do look similar at least more so than alpines or CM. Nordids can also be gracile. But I do not know enough about it.

02-25-2019, 04:59 PM
Nordids can also be gracile.

That's another potential med-relative argument. Native N-Euros are mostly mesomorphic.

02-25-2019, 05:50 PM
Nordics are metrically and morphologically indistinguishable from Gracile Meds, whoever says to the contrary is just in denial.

LOL! Here is your "depigmented Gracile Med": :lmao :icon_lol:


02-25-2019, 05:55 PM
LOL! Here is your "depigmented Gracile Med": :lmao :icon_lol:

By Nordic i refer to the Nordic type as coined by Physical Anthropologists (what people here wrongly call 'Nordid'), this guy is rather Tronder - Nordic altered by Cromagnoid admixture.

02-25-2019, 06:16 PM
i refer to the Nordic type as coined by Physical Anthropologists

But physical anthropologists did not know, that a lot of those skulls were not actually skulls of Germanic people:

KER_1, Crimean Ostrogoth (described as a Goth by archeologists) - turned out to be genetically Greek
AEH_1, Bavarian Ostrogoth (described as a Goth by archeologists) - turned out also genetically Southern

Those people were Germanic in terms of material culture, but ancient DNA shows they were assimilated foreigners.

When physical anthropologists of the past examined their skulls, they thought those were skulls of Germanic people!

02-25-2019, 09:52 PM
Nordics are metrically and morphologically indistinguishable from Gracile Meds, whoever says to the contrary is just in denial.


02-25-2019, 10:11 PM
But physical anthropologists did not know, that a lot of those skulls were not actually skulls of Germanic people:

KER_1, Crimean Ostrogoth (described as a Goth by archeologists) - turned out to be genetically Greek
AEH_1, Bavarian Ostrogoth (described as a Goth by archeologists) - turned out also genetically Southern

Those people were Germanic in terms of material culture, but ancient DNA shows they were assimilated foreigners.

When physical anthropologists of the past examined their skulls, they thought those were skulls of Germanic people!

Yeah, there were lots of Greeks in Andronovo, Afanasevo, Sredny Stog. Oh, lets not forget the Tarim Basin, maybe it was a Greek colony? :laugh:

02-26-2019, 01:42 AM
Yeah, there were lots of Greeks in Andronovo, Afanasevo, Sredny Stog. Oh, lets not forget the Tarim Basin, maybe it was a Greek colony? :laugh:
None of these people were Nordic. All of these people looked like Artem Lobov.

There's such thing as convergent evolution you know, otherwise brachy/doli or broad headed/long headed wouldn't be present in every single population, even the most homogenous.

I guess these mesolithic WHGs were all neolithic migrants(even if they aren't metrically perfect Nordic skulls, they're still long and doli, Nordic skulls still could've easily evolved from them).








02-26-2019, 01:44 AM
To mouni tis manas sou na deis poso komplexiko einai.

02-26-2019, 01:45 AM
Real scientists don't give a f*** about your pity feelings fags,they've spoken..go to some corner and cry about it!

02-26-2019, 01:49 AM
LOL, the genes for light skin did not come from central Asia. To the contrary, they emerged in Europe among the neolithic farmers and were further propagated through sexual selection.

02-26-2019, 01:55 AM
LOL, the genes for light skin did not come from central Asia. To the contrary, they emerged in Europe among the neolithic farmers and were further propagated through sexual selection.
Nope, light skin comes from eastern European paleolithic HGs, the ones that contributed ancestry to both Anatolian HGs/farmers(who were around half eastern European paleo HG, not to be confused with EHG, and half Basal Eurasian, think of Saudis or Bedouins pretty much) and Afantova Gora/EHGs. Probably first was selected for around the time of late Sunghir. Scandinavian HGs, Baltic, Balkan HGs, EHGs all had light skin at the same time or earlier than Anatolian farmers, and they had more of it, with both SLC24 and SLC45 peaking in frequency in SHGs.

02-26-2019, 02:01 AM
Nope, light skin comes from eastern European paleolithic HGs, the ones that contributed ancestry to both Anatolian HGs/farmers(who were around half eastern European paleo HG, not to be confused with EHG, and half Basal Eurasian, think of Saudis or Bedouins pretty much) and Afantova Gora/EHGs. Probably first was selected for around the time of late Sunghir. Scandinavian HGs, Baltic, Balkan HGs, EHGs all had light skin at the same time or earlier than Anatolian farmers, and they had more of it, with both SLC24 and SLC45 peaking in frequency in SHGs.

What are these and how do they differ from ANE and EHG?

02-26-2019, 02:10 AM
What are these and how do they differ from ANE and EHG?
Basically WHG or proto-WHG that lived in eastern Europe. An example would be mid-late Sunghir. None sampled yet, but it's a reasonable assumption because: no ANE west of the Urals(see: Dzudzuana genome, a similar mix of WHG+Basal Eurasian/Natufian, as opposed to lots of ANE in CHG) before anywhere from 13k-24k BC, and Afantova Gora itself is more WHG shifted than the earlier ANE Ma'lta, showing there was some sort of migration east from Europe.

I think they're the source of light skin because both ANE/EHG and Anatolian farmers had both light skin SNPs despite no geneflow between the two, but there was geneflow from eastern Europe/Balkans into Anatolia and Siberia in the paleolithic.

02-26-2019, 02:17 AM
Basically WHG or proto-WHG that lived in eastern Europe. An example would be mid-late Sunghir. None sampled yet, but it's a reasonable assumption because: no ANE west of the Urals(see: Dzudzuana genome, a similar mix of WHG+Basal Eurasian/Natufian, as opposed to lots of ANE in CHG) before anywhere from 13k-24k BC, and Afantova Gora itself is more WHG shifted than the earlier ANE Ma'lta, showing there was some sort of migration east from Europe.

I think they're the source of light skin because both ANE/EHG and Anatolian farmers had both light skin SNPs despite no geneflow between the two, but there was geneflow from eastern Europe/Balkans into Anatolia and Siberia in the paleolithic.

did both steppe herders and neolithic farmers have light skin then?

Knight Slayer
02-26-2019, 03:01 AM
Nordics are metrically and morphologically indistinguishable from Gracile Meds, whoever says to the contrary is just in denial.

I'd reckon somewhat taller on average with maybe some basic minor cranial tweaks, but yes, I would largely agree with that. You're definitely right on the money with the denial part.

Knight Slayer
02-26-2019, 03:05 AM
Hooton considered Nordics to be a mix of Neanderthal and Mediterranean. Coon believed Nordics were depigmented Mediterraneans that went through some sort of period of depigmentation.

02-26-2019, 03:17 AM
How can someone be just a depigmented med? Is not it an oxymoron? I mean, didn't the genes of light pigmentation in nordids had originated in Central Asia, while meds are originally Middle Easterners? Pure meds don't have the genes for light pigmentation.

kit ligend gene aka KITLG aka rs4590952,boblu give me the answer,very good this guy in genetics

thank you blobu and welcome,it's what i try , like Finnish Swede, to explain to stupid stubborn people here who have no skills in,geography,genetics,anthropology,taxinomy and what i have stopped to explain because i'm tired and saturated,have you heard of kit ligand(KITGL) gene (rs4590952),the gene of blondness where the core mainly centered in central estonia apparently,i'am maybe the only one who talk about it,here
example this estonian girl from riga again yes because i have allready post her as example


KITLG is not the only gene relating to blondism. SLC24A5 , SLC45A2, and TYR are also associated with lighter skin and hair among Europeans.

OCA2 when modified by HERC2 are associated with blue eyes among Europeans, but different alleles are associated with lighter skin among East Asians.

MC1R variants naturally are associated with golden/rufous blondism, but not the ash-blondism of the Estonian girl you posted. Some variants are more associated with the traditional red hair phenotype than others. rs1805005, for instance is not strongly associated with red hair like rs1805007 (R151C), but is associated more with golden/rufous blondism.

did it answer to your interrogation?

02-26-2019, 03:20 AM
How can someone be just a depigmented med? Is not it an oxymoron? I mean, didn't the genes of light pigmentation in nordids had originated in Central Asia, while meds are originally Middle Easterners? Pure meds don't have the genes for light pigmentation.

No they didn't. Geneticists place first blonde genes in Pontic Steppe.

02-26-2019, 03:25 AM
Nordics are Meds who migrated to Northern Europe/Scandinavia. :coffee:


02-26-2019, 04:01 AM
Did anyone ever think Meds and Nordics could be Aliens?

02-26-2019, 08:31 AM
None of these people were Nordic. All of these people looked like Artem Lobov.

There's such thing as convergent evolution you know, otherwise brachy/doli or broad headed/long headed wouldn't be present in every single population, even the most homogenous.

I guess these mesolithic WHGs were all neolithic migrants(even if they aren't metrically perfect Nordic skulls, they're still long and doli, Nordic skulls still could've easily evolved from them).

Nordic with flared zygomatas? Nordics don't have massive jaw, quadratic orbits and extremely protruded glabella like your skulls do. Combe-Capelle does somewhat qualifies but the dating was revised with mass spectrometry and it turns out the skull was actually from the Late Mesolithic.

Sorry if it crushes your chauvinistic dreams but there were no light-pigmented gracile caucasoids outside of the Russian steppes before Late Neolithic expansions, metrically perfect Nordics were abundant since the Eneolithic and beyond in the steppes between the Black and Caspian seas so there is no need to look elsewhere. The pre-Neolithic Hunter-Gatherers you posted have little to do with modern day Northern Europeans, you will hardly find anyone in modern Europe with similar dimensions.

02-26-2019, 01:49 PM
Did anyone ever think Meds and Nordics could be Aliens?
funny because you have several theories of the homo sapiens origins,more creationist than evolutionist,but for that you need to read between the lines and the ton of bullshit and hoaxes,but did you heard of the mononucleic gold,the akkadians,marduk,gligamesh,enlil,enki,ea and niribu the 10th planet of our solar system with a revolution of 26000 years,but for that you need to read books i can't explain deeply here,but it's the summerian/babylonian lead if your are interrested,but be carefull it's to take with caution,no fake mysticism

02-26-2019, 02:01 PM
It depends from which version you decide to follow.

Most examples Nordic IS identical to Med, besides Taller, obviously blonder.
This is the case for Coon’s ”Osterdahl/Halstatt” which is so popular on fora and amateur pages with the Lundmanian name of “Skando-NordiID”
This seems most example Med/ or Gracile Med influenced (narrow face, delicate features).

So a Nordic to be distinct and separate from MED should show elements that are distant from Mediterranean and so be closer to Coon’s coarser “Anglo-Saxon” or “Troender”.

In my opinion the True Distinct Nordic type is much closer to coarser “Anglo-Saxon” or Teuto-Nordic of others.

04-06-2020, 10:26 PM
As you might know, the Yamnaya were predominantly brown-eyed, brown-haired and tall.

The theory that Nordids evolved from Meds makes much more sense to me than Vikernes' bizarre theory that Meds evolved from mixing between Nordids and Negroids.


Nordid + Negroid:

04-06-2020, 10:42 PM
Nordics developed in the Corded Ware Culture (Corded Nordics). Yamnaya were pred. robust dolicephals and Proto Europids, so not your typical Gracile/Atlanto Meds. The fusion with Funnelbeakers (Scandinavic and Baltic Hunter Gatherers with Early Eurupean Farmers) produced phenotypes Corded Nordic and Troender and propably also Halstatt like individuals.
So Nordic is not Med, Nordic is EHG/CHG with SHG/ EEF. Med is Anatolic Farmer/ Iranic plateau etc.

04-07-2020, 12:01 AM

04-07-2020, 01:04 AM

Southern Europeans are primarily the ENF component, while Northern Europeans are descended more heavily from Hunter Gatherers and from ancient steppe populations. Western and North-Western Europeans are similar to Southern Europeans in that they have less ANE ancestry (French for example only have 12% ANE) but still sizeable WHG.

04-07-2020, 02:06 AM
I think southern european were mosly WHG related to nordic people but after Neolithic migration of farmers their genetic mixture changed and their WHG dna got deluted with the predominantly Neolithic dna

04-07-2020, 03:55 AM


04-07-2020, 04:01 AM
How can someone be just a depigmented med? Is not it an oxymoron? I mean, didn't the genes of light pigmentation in nordids had originated in Central Asia, while meds are originally Middle Easterners? Pure meds don't have the genes for light pigmentation.

The light color complexed European Cromagnoids were the source of these genes. Meds from the first neolithic waves +some mesolithic European.

04-07-2020, 04:03 AM
The light color complexed European Cromagnoids were the source of these genes.

Didn't it come from ANE?

04-07-2020, 04:08 AM
Didn't it come from ANE?
The carriers of the light color complex? Presumably yes. But these genes are "young" somewhere between 10-5K BC was thetime of the adaptation. The first was the light eye color (maybe older than 10K), the last was the light skin color (surprisely young).

04-07-2020, 04:30 AM
I think southern european were mosly WHG related to nordic people but after Neolithic migration of farmers their genetic mixture changed and their WHG dna got deluted with the predominantly Neolithic dna

Proto Southern European must have looked like Joso

I mean the ones before the Neolithic invadors came

04-07-2020, 09:58 AM
Didn't it come from ANE?

Not ANE directly, but EHG had genes for lighter hair. the most depigmented were SHG/ BHG = the Scsndinavic and Baltic huntergatherers, even people of pure WHG showed in that region of Noreasteurope tendencies for lighter hair and skin. So broadly speaking Northeastern huntergatherer were the frequently most light in hair and skin and it shows even today with the highest frequency of blondes.
To call Yamnaya "Med" is wrong though, in average they were much robester then classic Med. They were robust dolicephals and robust Proto Europid, some Steppe Herders were even described as extremly robust. Genetically they were EHG/ CHG, which shows also why they should not be labeled as Med.

04-07-2020, 10:07 AM
nordids are pigmented meds and meds are depigmented nordids


04-07-2020, 10:18 AM
nordids are pigmented meds and meds are depigmented nordids

you mean it the other way round

Nordo-Cms are depigmented Med-Cms and Med-Cms are pigmented Nordo-Cms.

ok thanks, now we can go home....:picard1:

04-07-2020, 10:32 AM
Ok, for me, it's the following:

Many times Meds and Nordids can be similar. The difference mainly can be found in zygomatic structure and head length and of course, pigmentation. I've seen some people saying height is a difference, but if we compare the main types of Nordid and Med, Hallstatt and Atlanto-Med mainly, they're identical in height. Don't forget that Atlanto-Meds can be really, really tall. After all, we're not talking about Gracile Meds. But about Atlanto-Meds and Hallstatt Nordids, who are identical in most aspects, except pigmentation.

04-07-2020, 10:38 AM
I think southern european were mosly WHG related to nordic people but after Neolithic migration of farmers their genetic mixture changed and their WHG dna got deluted with the predominantly Neolithic dna

One of the only good things of the Moots study about Rome it's that they had a Mesolithic sample from Latium.

He turned out to be one of the purest (if not the purest) WHG samples ever seen.

04-07-2020, 10:43 AM

04-07-2020, 10:57 AM

Your Quotes that you have taken are hilarious
Anyways I think that the hard-core of western culture is Mediterranean so i think showing some respect to the people that civilised you would be appreciated .

04-07-2020, 10:59 AM
Can meds be pigmented nordids?

04-07-2020, 12:48 PM

Never seen (except really exceptional cases) Southern Euros looking like the guys at the left.

04-07-2020, 01:29 PM

04-07-2020, 02:56 PM
It could be

04-07-2020, 03:00 PM
Never seen (except really exceptional cases) Southern Euros looking like the guys at the left.

You can realy feel the hate he has in this post

04-07-2020, 03:28 PM
Yes , they were the first owd people basically who heavily selected the white skin from meds ,blue eyes from whg and blonde from ehg aka meds with extra mutations.

04-07-2020, 03:37 PM
They do exist, and this one for instance looks noticeably brown.



Who tells he is Greek? He is highly likely a gypsy or an immigrant. Not even a dark Greek looks like that, let's be real.

04-07-2020, 03:37 PM
you mean it the other way round

Nordo-Cms are depigmented Med-Cms and Med-Cms are pigmented Nordo-Cms.

ok thanks, now we can go home....:picard1:

yup, you can :lol:

04-07-2020, 03:44 PM
Yes , they were the first owd people basically who heavily selected the white skin from meds ,blue eyes from whg and blonde from ehg aka meds with extra mutations.

Metrically, with only the skull, it would be very difficult finding the difference between a "pure" Med and a Nordid, it's true.

04-07-2020, 04:13 PM
I doubt it, dude.xD



Dude, I've seen this pic on /pol/ spammed multiple times by memeflaggots. Post something original.

04-07-2020, 04:29 PM
Some of the nordids would have med metrics and be depigmented.
But most of them have CM metrics, just look at coon's Keltic Nordid, they have a head breadth of 162 mm and a head length of 213 mm, whereas the gracile meds or atlantomeds only have 205 mm at maximum head length and 150-155 mm head breadth and no convex jaws.

04-07-2020, 04:40 PM
Ok, for me, it's the following:

Many times Meds and Nordids can be similar. The difference mainly can be found in zygomatic structure and head length and of course, pigmentation. I've seen some people saying height is a difference, but if we compare the main types of Nordid and Med, Hallstatt and Atlanto-Med mainly, they're identical in height. Don't forget that Atlanto-Meds can be really, really tall. After all, we're not talking about Gracile Meds. But about Atlanto-Meds and Hallstatt Nordids, who are identical in most aspects, except pigmentation.

They are not identical, they have similarities though

04-07-2020, 04:42 PM
Some of the nordids would have med metrics and be depigmented.
But most of them have CM metrics, just look at coon's Keltic Nordid, they have a head breadth of 162 mm and a head length of 213 mm, whereas the gracile meds or atlantomeds only have 205 mm at maximum head length and 150-155 mm head breadth and no convex jaws.

yup, thats what people often forget in this discussion...

04-07-2020, 04:43 PM
Last try.


Spammed again kek, but this one is just tanned. Not surprising this demonstration was in June.

04-07-2020, 04:44 PM
I believe it's magic

04-07-2020, 04:52 PM
I believe it's magic

Uralische magic