View Full Version : Group photos from 30% Italian Town In England. Bedford

04-09-2019, 09:34 PM


Bedford is home to one of the largest concentrations of Italian immigrants in the United Kingdom. According to the 2001 census, almost 30% of Bedford's population were of at least partial Italian descent. This is mainly as a result of labour recruitment in the early 1950s by the London Brick Company from Southern Italy.[19] From 1954 to 2008 Bedford had its own Italian vice-consulate.[20]

SPOT THE ITALIANS!!! You probably cannot, unless they are very dark but w/e, give it a go. and class/pass if you want.

sorry for the 16-18 year old's its easiest to get group photos in this age bracket:


https://www.socscms.com/socs/images/teamphotos/England/Mids/356246Boys-U18AM.jpg 2 south italians in the bottom right.....1 north italian top right :)

https://www.bedfordschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/DSC_1572.jpg a sicilian clearly :)

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8IGNh_6zjDs/UbWZ7fGVRtI/AAAAAAAABVI/swJJ012Zm3w/s1600/Star+(129).JPG The first guy in the boat doesn't look English to me.






http://www.bedfordhighschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/gcse-2-1024x681.jpg 16 year olds you can tell if they are more working class if they have this bad makeup on + eyebrow stuff

https://www.leighjournal.co.uk/resources/images/8457121/?type=responsive-gallery-fullscreen 16 year olds


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53aLTlerc0s watch from 2:03 to the end for all the students.

https://www.bedfordschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Bedford-School-Sixth-Form-Results-2017.jpg private school in beford

http://www.markrutherford.beds.sch.uk/images/Y10.Netball.v.St.Andrews.jpg there are a lot of ethnic minorities in this town which suprises me as its a small town

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCdJCnmXYAEbaIW.jpg 14 year olds, its getting harder to find photos

https://www.bedfordschoolshop.co.uk/ekmps/shops/keywave/resources/Design/slide01.jpg I think this area has a little more anglo saxon influence than others. Overall it is hard to spot obvious italians now that they have mixed into the gene pool, this is possibly what happened with the romans or celts from a bit further north all those years ago

04-09-2019, 09:37 PM
The true North Italians.

Tooting Carmen
04-09-2019, 09:39 PM
Guy on the far left on the second row and guy fifth to right on the first row are likely Italian in origin: https://www.abingdon.org.uk/uploads/school/galleries/29283/_dsc0008.jpg

Guy at the front almost certainly is - textbook Dinaro-Med, like a less swarthy version of Leonardo Sarto:

Boy looks more Greek or Balkan, but could be Italian too:

04-09-2019, 09:48 PM
Guy on the far left on the second row and guy fifth to right on the first row are likely Italian in origin: https://www.abingdon.org.uk/uploads/school/galleries/29283/_dsc0008.jpg

Guy at the front almost certainly is - textbook Dinaro-Med, like a less swarthy version of Leonardo Sarto:

Boy looks more Greek or Balkan, but could be Italian too:

Nice spots. Agree 100% Those stand out phenotypically.

Guy at the front almost certainly is - textbook Dinaro-Med, like a less swarthy version of Leonardo Sarto:

3rd guy in this boat may also be italian?