View Full Version : stereotypes about russians and poles in the west

06-22-2011, 09:12 PM

06-22-2011, 09:26 PM
The funny thing about stereotypes is that they are true, thus why it is called a stereotype. With that said I'm sure those two could molest any healthy inner city.

06-22-2011, 09:29 PM
The funny thing about stereotypes is that they are true, thus why it is called a stereotype. With that said I'm sure those two could molest any healthy inner city.

Stereotypes aren't always true, though. In this case, it definately isn't true of most Russians and Poles

06-22-2011, 09:30 PM
So every russian or pole behaves so, without exceptions?

06-22-2011, 09:35 PM
Stereotypes aren't always true, though.

Of course they are or they wouldn't exist in the first place.

So every russian or pole behaves so, without exceptions?

You said nothing of behaviour. I was going by terrible fashion sense. Russians and Poles stick out like a sore thumb, usually.

06-22-2011, 09:36 PM
Of course they are or they wouldn't exist in the first place.

are all British people rude drunkards?

06-22-2011, 09:38 PM
What the fuck is this thread ?

Stars Down To Earth
06-22-2011, 09:39 PM
If you put Burberry caps and tracksuit trousers on them, they could easily be Scottish "Neds" from last year.

06-22-2011, 09:39 PM
are all British people rude drunkards?

Not all, but most are.

06-22-2011, 09:40 PM
Russians are fucking stupid. I don't know about Poles, although they are known to spend their whole lives in strip clubs.

06-22-2011, 09:42 PM
Russians are fucking stupid. I don't know about Poles, although they are known to spend their whole lives in strip clubs.

My new signature. :thumb001:

06-22-2011, 09:44 PM
western stereotypes about russians? theres plenty, they are all drunks, beat their wives, are communists, thieves, liars, liars, even bigger liars, steal american technology, want to kill everyone, all are racist, russian women are whores only after citizenship, their women all have aids.....ect

poles- i donno, i think the common one is they are funny short people

06-22-2011, 09:45 PM
Mordid's cousin:

06-22-2011, 09:46 PM

06-22-2011, 09:49 PM
What the fuck is this thread ?

This is how some uneducated people in the west think about ordinary russians look like.
I am just joking. Dont get it serious.

06-22-2011, 09:51 PM
This is how some uneducated people in the west think about ordinary russians look like.
I am just joking. Dont get it serious.

I think we all know that the stereotype aren't so true, so stop making a lame thread. :rolleyes: Btw, what this thread got to do with Taxomony ? :confused:

06-22-2011, 09:51 PM
western stereotypes about russians? theres plenty, they are all drunks, beat their wives, are communists, thieves, liars, liars, even bigger liars, steal american technology, want to kill everyone, all are racist, russian women are whores only after citizenship, their women all have aids.....ect

poles- i donno, i think the common one is they are funny short people

Dont generalize, please. And stop insulting.

06-22-2011, 09:52 PM
Dont generalize, please. And stop insulting.

So, you're Russian ? :thumb001:

06-22-2011, 09:52 PM
I think it is safe to say that Russians don't like criticism.

06-22-2011, 09:53 PM
I think we all know that the stereotype aren't so true, so stop making a lame thread. :rolleyes: Btw, what this thread got to do with Taxomony ? :confused:

Yes, it is should be put into another forum thread.
Anyway, what about their subrace?

06-22-2011, 09:57 PM
Russians are fucking stupid

Nigger lover :embarrassed


06-22-2011, 09:57 PM
Yes, it is should be put into another forum thread.
Anyway, what about their subrace?

Putin couldn't pass as Pole.
And this Pole couldn't pass as Russian.

06-22-2011, 10:02 PM
I think it is safe to say that Russians don't like criticism.

I would say that russians dont like from who this criticism comes out.
You havent any right to make such statements, because your countries have not passed such tests that slavs have passed.
Sometimes i think that current situation in europe is a good sort of history validity.
Now this is your test for surviving.

06-22-2011, 10:05 PM
I would say that russians dont like from who this criticism come out.
You havent any right to make such statements, because your countries have not passed such tests that slavs have passed.
Sometimes i think that current situation in europe is a good sort of history validity.
Now this is your test for surviving.

You're not part Latvian are you?

06-22-2011, 10:11 PM
I think it is safe to say that Russians don't like criticism.

That's partly true, but at least they take it infinately better than the Spaniards

06-22-2011, 10:14 PM
Poles don't look like Russians...

Look at our leaders...


06-22-2011, 10:16 PM
Dont generalize, please. And stop insulting.

the thread asked for western stereotypes of russians and poles in the west, i was simply answering with what i have heard negatively towards russians, and at no time did i say i think they are true either.

if you are that sensitive then i wouldn't make it a habit of reading to many threads.

06-22-2011, 10:17 PM
What Latvia has to do with it?

06-22-2011, 10:18 PM
Russians dont look like Poles neither.....
Look at our leaders...


06-22-2011, 10:22 PM
Yeltsin is from Ural, Putin has some karelian and tatar blood, he is half-tatar.
Tatars are very different people from very mongoloid to nordic.
Many of them look like southern europeans.

06-22-2011, 10:24 PM
the thread asked for western stereotypes of russians and poles in the west, i was simply answering with what i have heard negatively towards russians, and at no time did i say i think they are true either.

if you are that sensitive then i wouldn't make it a habit of reading to many threads.

I dont say about you, I say it to people who thinks it seriously.

06-22-2011, 10:25 PM
Many of them look like southern europeans.


06-22-2011, 10:28 PM

You dont agree? I saw tatarian who looks like scottish.

06-22-2011, 10:30 PM
You dont agree? I saw tatarian who look like scottish.

Scots aren't Southern Europeans, bro

06-22-2011, 10:34 PM
Scots aren't Southern Europeans, bro

There is a tendency that some Tatars do look Celtic. It's a case of Pontids looking similar to Atlantids.

06-22-2011, 10:34 PM
Scots aren't Southern Europeans, bro

I just say that tatars are very diverse because of mixing with slavs, balts and other tribes.
Even your avatar picture coulds pass for tatar.

06-22-2011, 10:39 PM
There is a tendency that some Tatars do look Celtic. It's a case of Pontids looking similar to Atlantids.

I am aware of the Pontid-Atlantid correlation. Pontid is a big part of my phenotype and Agrippa said I could pass for an Exotic Welshman :lol:

06-22-2011, 10:40 PM
I just say that tatars are very diverse because of mixing with slavs, balts and other tribes.
Even your avatar picture coulds pass for tatar.

I agree, but I've seen lots of Tatars who look almost identical to Russians. I think it all depends.

06-22-2011, 10:41 PM
Pontid is a big part of my phenotype and Agrippa said I could pass for an Exotic Welshman :lol:

A bit too exotic for a Welshman IMO. :)

06-22-2011, 10:43 PM
A bit too exotic for a Welshman IMO. :)

You mean the guy in my avatar or me?

06-22-2011, 10:44 PM
Because Russians are assimilated finno-baltic tribes on 60%, so are tatarians.

06-22-2011, 10:58 PM
I think it is safe to say that Russians don't like criticism.

Anyway, I agree with you in many things about social illnesses you said...:(

06-23-2011, 12:12 AM
Russians are known to be cheats, at least that is what my friend who frequents the car auction tells me.
However, the ones I have met, were outstanding citizens and dressed normal. I believe that this has something to do with the fact that they were not assylum seekers looking for an easy host, but instead, they were highly skilled positive contributions to our existing workforce.

Poles are the butt of many jokes in America. They are thought of as the poster child for stupidity. However, having known a few Polish fishermen, I do know that this is not true and they are hard working and heavy drinking people. :)

06-23-2011, 01:01 AM
Why are the Poles being lumped in with the Russians?

When I think of Russians, I think pimps, prostitutes and other assorted criminals and liars. :tape:

When I think of the Polish, I think of good Catholics. :fpope:


06-23-2011, 11:13 AM


06-23-2011, 02:56 PM


What's written here?

06-23-2011, 03:29 PM
What's written here?

Ungrateful people

they have already been entitled to so much, but it's still not enough for them

06-25-2011, 09:56 PM
Russians dont look like Poles neither.....
Look at our leaders...


Thank you for your compliment. Yeltsin seems to be quite a "nordic."


in his youth was like a Ben Affleck

but alcohol kills people

Putin couldn't pass as Pole.
And this Pole couldn't pass as Russian.

Putin could easily pass for a Pole, as well as that "Polish" football player (most likely with German roots) could pass for a Russian.

06-25-2011, 10:06 PM
Thank you for your compliment. Yeltsin seems to be quite a "nordic."


in his youth was like a Ben Affleck

but alcohol kills people

Putin could easily pass for a Pole, as well as that "Polish" football player (most likely with German roots) could pass for a Russian.

Putin is predominately East Baltid, and East Baltids among poles are pretty rare as far as i know. I think Putin can pass only as a very exotic Pole, if at all.

06-25-2011, 10:25 PM
All Slavic peoples are renown for the alcohol consumption and for being violent.

06-25-2011, 10:34 PM
All Slavic peoples are renown for the alcohol consumption and for being violent.

What about Gypsies?

06-25-2011, 10:53 PM
What about Gypsies?

What about Gypsies?

06-25-2011, 11:14 PM
What about Gypsies?

Slavs are not only nation, that is corrupted by such social illnesses. Many Gypsies have problems with alcohol, narcomania also.

06-25-2011, 11:16 PM
Slavs are not only nation, that is corrupted by such social illnesses. Many Gypsies have problems with alcohol, narcomania also.

LOL. Who cares about the Gypsies on a European preservation forum. :coffee:

06-25-2011, 11:18 PM
Britain has drinking problems too...

06-25-2011, 11:38 PM

Moldova: world's most drunk country

Moscow: The World Health Organisation has said that people of Moldova, an eastern European nation, consume more alcohol per head than citizens of any other nation.



06-25-2011, 11:41 PM
Russians stay drunk on vodka and Poles are plumbers. That's the most common stereotypes I have heard about those two groups.

06-25-2011, 11:46 PM
These stereotypes do not exist . They are your fantasies.

06-25-2011, 11:47 PM
I hate people with stereotypes.

06-25-2011, 11:49 PM
These stereotypes do not exist . They are your fantasies.

I assure you my fantasies do not consist of Russians and Poles. :)

06-26-2011, 12:02 AM
I assure you my fantasies do not consist of Russians and Poles. :)

I told the autor thread. Not you. :rolleyes:

06-26-2011, 12:20 AM
I like to think I'd like Russians (especially as depicted in my favorite movie: The Russians Are Coming) and to think they are probably a very strong people judging from their history.

Having said that the only non-Russian-American, pure-Russians I've encountered in the U.S. have been economic-immigrant ones. From what me and my friends observed they race mix at truly unfathomable levels, and not just with the half-white Mestizos either but we're talking with the hardest of hard ghetto-nigger-bulls. They actually have kids with them. I don't know why poor Russian, economic-immigrants do this in the West, maybe it is a holdout of the Soviet-equality doctrine? Or is it just that white Russians aren't accustomed to non-whites? This I'll never know. It bothers me greatly though.

I'll never forget this one incident as it still is seared in my mind as a great tragedy. There was this stunningly gorgeous Russian girl at our high-school and wow she was perfect, every guy wanted to fuck her (I'm pretty sure half did). Blue eyes, skin of a goddess, flowing jet blonde hair, splendidly tall, the quintessential Russian beauty. Anyways one day me and my friends were at the movies and there she is, not just with any black guy, but the most ghetto nigger bull you can mentally picture, kid in hand. That's right, she had had a kid with him. Baggy pants, untied shoes, unfitting massive-white T-shirt down to his knees. We all knew of him, he was a local drug dealer with various arrests and kids here and there with various black whores. Our stomachs sank at seeing her not only with him but having a kid with him. We literally were at a loss on a level I truly don't think many could understand unless you were raised in Texas as a white male. I have never been able to shake this real-life nightmare instance from my head and still cannot. This perfect Russian girl willingly ruined herself, for life. She was perfect. That's pretty much why I have always questioned Russians views on race. There's something there that isn't right in the Russian psyche if this girl could so willingly do what she did. She could have had any white millionaire she wanted and let me tell you she would have probably.

06-26-2011, 12:21 AM
Russians = Badasses (Don't mess with them)
Poles = Dumb (although I don't know many of them, just Mordid and quite a few more and they are far for being dumb, just one Pole chick named Krysia who is a children trapped in a woman's body, and his brother named Krystoff who's a 27 years old virging loser) That's pretty much the sterotype of these two here down the border. As I said, I don't necessarily agree with the sterotype of the Poles, so don't take it personal.

Dario Argento
06-26-2011, 12:37 AM
The stereotypes we have of them is that they're all jewish and speak yiddish.

Most immigrants from Poland and Russia Argentina received were all jews. It was the mistake of our government labeling them by Nation and not by ethnicity.

06-26-2011, 12:42 AM
Russian = Rapists, Antihumans, Jealous of the West, sell drugs, is mostly snuff porn there
Poles = working good on strawberry fields, they steal copper ,cars.. everything,polish prostitutes that work here

06-26-2011, 03:46 PM
I like to think I'd like Russians (especially as depicted in my favorite movie: The Russians Are Coming) and to think they are probably a very strong people judging from their history.

Having said that the only non-Russian-American, pure-Russians I've encountered in the U.S. have been economic-immigrant ones. From what me and my friends observed they race mix at truly unfathomable levels, and not just with the half-white Mestizos either but we're talking with the hardest of hard ghetto-nigger-bulls. They actually have kids with them. I don't know why poor Russian, economic-immigrants do this in the West, maybe it is a holdout of the Soviet-equality doctrine? Or is it just that white Russians aren't accustomed to non-whites? This I'll never know. It bothers me greatly though.

I'll never forget this one incident as it still is seared in my mind as a great tragedy. There was this stunningly gorgeous Russian girl at our high-school and wow she was perfect, every guy wanted to fuck her (I'm pretty sure half did). Blue eyes, skin of a goddess, flowing jet blonde hair, splendidly tall, the quintessential Russian beauty. Anyways one day me and my friends were at the movies and there she is, not just with any black guy, but the most ghetto nigger bull you can mentally picture, kid in hand. That's right, she had had a kid with him. Baggy pants, untied shoes, unfitting massive-white T-shirt down to his knees. We all knew of him, he was a local drug dealer with various arrests and kids here and there with various black whores. Our stomachs sank at seeing her not only with him but having a kid with him. We literally were at a loss on a level I truly don't think many could understand unless you were raised in Texas as a white male. I have never been able to shake this real-life nightmare instance from my head and still cannot. This perfect Russian girl willingly ruined herself, for life. She was perfect. That's pretty much why I have always questioned Russians views on race. There's something there that isn't right in the Russian psyche if this girl could so willingly do what she did. She could have had any white millionaire she wanted and let me tell you she would have probably.

Hm, my answer to that would be that sometimes immigrants do these kinds of things to fit in. I can tell you a similar story about a German girl at my school who also just came to America.

The Russians in Russia are far from immigrant friendly. In fact, if they deem you to be "too swarthy" there's a good chance you'll the shit beaten out of you. Every time I hear Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, or even Southern Frenchmen talk about visiting Russia, I always advise them against it- if you don't look Russian or Nordic enough, it's simply not safe for you to be in Russia, even if you're white

06-26-2011, 03:47 PM

06-26-2011, 03:58 PM
Every time I hear Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, or even Southern Frenchmen talk about visiting Russia

And even some Serbs and Bulgarians :confused:
At the same time many russians girls are dating with caucasians.

I thought earlier, that all italians are dark swarty curly half-arabs, before i saw pictures from Italy and Spain and this is change my option.

06-26-2011, 04:34 PM
And how do you classify these two russian guys from comedy show?

06-26-2011, 08:37 PM
Russians = Badasses (Don't mess with them)
Poles = Dumb (although I don't know many of them, just Mordid and quite a few more and they are far for being dumb, just one Pole chick named Krysia who is a children trapped in a woman's body, and his brother named Krystoff who's a 27 years old virging loser) That's pretty much the sterotype of these two here down the border. As I said, I don't necessarily agree with the sterotype of the Poles, so don't take it personal.
Am I really that dumb ? O. M. G. :rolleyes:
Btw, Mestizo like you are way and way dumber than Poles.

06-27-2011, 04:05 AM
Hm, my answer to that would be that sometimes immigrants do these kinds of things to fit in. I can tell you a similar story about a German girl at my school who also just came to America.

The Russians in Russia are far from immigrant friendly. In fact, if they deem you to be "too swarthy" there's a good chance you'll the shit beaten out of you. Every time I hear Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, or even Southern Frenchmen talk about visiting Russia, I always advise them against it- if you don't look Russian or Nordic enough, it's simply not safe for you to be in Russia, even if you're white

Yeah I know. Immigrants will do most anything to fit in, especially when they have no connections in the new society. I think it's more that when a white immigrant from Europe comes to America and they don't have connections to the white community they are more vulnerable to blacks lures because they have no true cultural experience dealing with them. I've seen this a lot. Young East Europeans will have kids with blacks not knowing that they will use them and leave them. They don't understand the U.S. white liberals global image of non-racism was a lie to sell U.S. products and media. White liberals in the U.S. are extremely subconsciously racist. I know as I am one or was until waking up to the reality of the world we reside in rather than giving into some blissful multicultural harmonious falsehood.

06-27-2011, 04:24 AM
The stereotypes are largely negative, I don't think I've heard a positive one other than "russian girls are hot" they have a pretty bad rap in canada and the usa, a lot of eastern european communities cause disproportionate amounts of crime for their size, they also tend to stick together which would likely add to negative feelings towards them.

06-27-2011, 04:48 AM
Am I really that dumb ? O. M. G. :rolleyes:
Btw, Mestizo like you are way and way dumber than Poles.

Do you know how to read? ' Dark Nordid ' :D? I said, you wasn't dumb, but i'm about to revoke that statement... :p

07-22-2011, 06:28 PM

07-25-2011, 08:10 AM
Russians are fucking stupid. I don't know about Poles, although they are known to spend their whole lives in strip clubs.

Yeah, Russians are so stupid. They only put the First man into space, The First Satelight into space & The First Space station into space.

They only have the highest College graduate rate in Europe.

The highest International Math Olympic winnings of any White Nation.

They only have the highest Litercy rate of any nation with more than 50 million people.

Russians, Along with Poles & Ukrainians are the White Nations to win the IBM battle of the brains contest.

07-25-2011, 08:17 AM
Am I really that dumb ? O. M. G. :rolleyes:
Btw, Mestizo like you are way and way dumber than Poles.

Yeah big time.
The Polish American iq is 109
While the Mexican American iq is 88.

Mexicans have a 21 point lower iq than Polish Americans. LOL

12-15-2011, 07:47 PM
Western People despise Slavs and I despise western people.

What do you think about western asslickers in our countries?

Padre Organtino
12-15-2011, 07:49 PM
Dunno bout Poles but Russia has sizeable non-Russian and non-Euro minority. From my exprience foreigners usually do not distinguish between Russians and other folk from Russia so the latter may be giving Russians bad rep.

12-15-2011, 08:01 PM
It seems to me that in non-germanic countries (French, Spain etc) aversion to Poles are much less.

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:14 PM
Western People despise Slavs and I despise western people.

What do you think about western asslickers in our countries?

As opposed to Marxist asslickers?

12-15-2011, 08:14 PM
Why jewish biological weapon thoughts that is cleverer than Poles?

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:23 PM
Yeah big time.
The Polish American iq is 109
While the Mexican American iq is 88.

Mexicans have a 21 point lower iq than Polish Americans. LOL

That explains why Mexico is the way it is, doesn't it?

Marmie Dearest
12-15-2011, 08:23 PM
The funny thing about stereotypes is that they are true, thus why it is called a stereotype. With that said I'm sure those two could molest any healthy inner city.

Stereotypes *may* be based in a small grain of truth, and even then it is purely anecdotal in many situations.

To say that stereotypes are true (as in always true, or completely true) is an absurd exaggeration.

Like if American people largely believed that all Russians they see in America are spies, just because a small number of Russians in America have been spies, that would be kind of dumb to say it's true - although it's based in a small grain of anecdotal truth.

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:24 PM
Why jewish biological weapon thoughts that is cleverer than Poles?

Let us know when the Poles plant a flag on the moon. :coffee:

12-15-2011, 08:24 PM
Western People despise Slavs and I despise western people.

I don't despise Slavs...

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:25 PM
Stereotypes *may* be based in a small grain of truth, and even then it is purely anecdotal in many situations.

To say that stereotypes are true (as in always true, or completely true) is an absurd exaggeration.

Like if American people largely believed that all Russians they see in America are spies, just because a small number of Russians in America have been spies, that would be kind of dumb to say it's true - although it's based in a small grain of anecdotal truth.

In my view there are two kinds of stereotypes:

1) Kinds where the only experience you have of foreign nations are based on what is seen on television, thus you can get an inaccurate, or semi-accurate, image.

2) Kinds where stereotypes come from close, personal experiences with certain groups, thus the stereotypes contain a large grain of truth. Examples would be blacks and crime, Jews and liberalism.

12-15-2011, 08:29 PM

12-15-2011, 08:31 PM
I don't despise Slavs...


Marmie Dearest
12-15-2011, 08:34 PM
There is a tendency that some Tatars do look Celtic. It's a case of Pontids looking similar to Atlantids.

But you guys do know that Scotland is NORTH of all of the other British Isles, right?

12-15-2011, 08:35 PM
Let us know when the Poles plant a flag on the moon. :coffee:

Are Wernher von Braun Yank? :)

Marmie Dearest
12-15-2011, 08:39 PM
Western People despise Slavs and I despise western people.

I don't hate Slavs, in fact I have great interest in Russian culture in particular and have quite a few Russian friends, including working for a Russian American as well.

I will agree though that many Americans, at least, stereotype Russians in an annoying way because of the Cold War and the propaganda that was on television.

I have heard the saying that Polish people are stupid, but I knew a Polish girl who was an exchange student in college and I think she was very kind, as well as obviously being bright enough to be an exchange student.

12-15-2011, 08:43 PM

Haha lol, Norwegian comedians make fun of everyone.

Still I don't despise Slavs...:)

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:46 PM
Are Wernher von Braun Yank? :)

He became a US citizen, actually, yes. He was not Polish.

You realize that few people working on the US space program were of foreign birth, right? Then again, maybe not.

Again, let me know when the Polish flag is on the moon, although I think the US flag will be on Mars long, long before then.

12-15-2011, 08:48 PM
Still I don't despise Slavs...:)

I'm pleasantly surprised. :)...But still most scandinavians thoughts that SLavs are white niggers. :mad:

Supreme American
12-15-2011, 08:51 PM
Western People despise Slavs and I despise western people.

What do you think about western asslickers in our countries?

Westerners do not despise Slavs, where do you get this from?

By the way, let us know when you'd like to get rid of the Patriot Missile systems that were put into Poland to protect you from your kind brothers the Russians.

12-15-2011, 08:56 PM
I'm pleasantly surprised. :)...But still most scandinavians thoughts that SLavs are white niggers. :mad:
U sur3 you mistak3 us for 1rish?

12-15-2011, 09:09 PM
By the way, let us know when you'd like to get rid of the Patriot Missile systems that were put into Poland to protect you from your kind brothers the Russians.

Are you joking? In Poland aren't any Patriot Missile. Most Poles don't want any foreign soldiers in our land! In my personal opinion Russians aren't enemies for Poles.

Sorry for my earlier words but polish newspapers and TV often informed about anti-slavic mentality most population of western world.

12-15-2011, 09:55 PM
I know them without any forum:

Russians are:
stupid bastards
what else?

12-15-2011, 10:08 PM
my grandmother use to say that Russian women are prostitutes, while men are heavy drinkers and they hit their wifes.

12-15-2011, 10:09 PM
my grandmother use to say that Russian women are prostitutes, while men are heavy drinkers and they hit their wifes.

My grandmother used to say that your grandmother is a liar.

12-15-2011, 10:11 PM
My grandmother used to say that your grandmother is a liar.

my grandmother is not a liar, probably she's only a racist.

Queen of Swords
12-15-2011, 10:11 PM
Western People despise Slavs and I despise western people.

Speak for yourself. I certainly DON'T hate Slavs and find them interesting and diverse. Among some of the Eastern European friends I've made, I have several Russian friends; they are some of the kindest, most loyal friends/people I know. I even studied some Russian language -- a rich, complex language indeed. It's a misstatement to say that all western people despise Slavs.

12-15-2011, 10:16 PM
Speak for yourself. I certainly DON'T hate Slavs and find them interesting and diverse. Among some of the Eastern European friends I've made, I have several Russian friends; they are some of the kindest, most loyal friends/people I know. I even studied some Russian language -- a rich, complex language indeed. It's a misstatement to say that all western people despise Slavs.

Of course, not all Western despite Slavs and not all Slavs despite Western. We're basically one big happy family who get along with each other well. Don't pay attention to Redar, he's just imaging things, lol.

Queen of Swords
12-15-2011, 10:24 PM
Of course, not all Western despite Slavs and not all Slavs despite Western. We're basically one big happy family who get along with each other well. Don't pay attention to Redar, he's just imaging things, lol.

True. I even like Poles who look like strange little munchkin Santa trolls. :p

12-15-2011, 10:24 PM
Western People despise Slavs and I despise western people.

What do you think about western asslickers in our countries?

That does not matter. Sheep always choose the field with more grass on it. I have not met too many of such ppl in the East anyway.

12-16-2011, 02:47 AM
Every time I hear Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, or even Southern Frenchmen talk about visiting Russia, I always advise them against it- if you don't look Russian or Nordic enough, it's simply not safe for you to be in Russia, even if you're white

But Russians aren't Nordic, they're darker Slavs, so why do they pretend to be Nordic? :confused:

12-16-2011, 03:10 AM
But Russians aren't Nordic, they're darker Slavs, so why do they pretend to be Nordic?
There are many such idiots. Gebbels worked very cool. The most interesting thing in the Gebbels (Gunter) propaganda - blue eyed blondes = aryans. Like he said - 100 x lies is becoming truth. And this is working!

12-16-2011, 04:27 AM
Whether you go to Russia, Poland..or even the USA, in the end, it depends on what you are looking for. If you go to some place prepared to not notice people who don't fit the stereotype, then you'll only remember people who fit the stereotype.

We also tend to notice and remember things that confirm our prejudices much more readily than we are those traits that are the opposite of what popular culture tells us.

In this case, it's teetotaling Russians. But it also includes Americans who are both atheist and physically fit, rude Canadians, nice French people, logic-minded and methodical Italians, and disorganized flamboyant Germans and other "Nordics". Oh, don't forget to add Scandinavian Neocons as well. Even in cases where the stereotype does have a grain of truth, it's only a grain. Every ethnic group I've seen has a hefty enough proportion of people who defy the stereotype to make even the "most of them" charge flimsy at best.

I guess the reason stereotypes are so appealing is that it's simple - a way to keep you from having to do the genuinely hard work of thinking independently and outside the box.

12-16-2011, 04:39 AM
The stereotypes I had of them growing up were never positive. There are a lot of Slovakians and Polish people that lived in my dad's area but my dad's family never had problems with them. I think I see Eastern cultures as a bit strange in a sense although there is something fluid and dynamic about their spirit although I do not see it as being cultured compared with other peoples from a historical standpoint.

I am cognizant that Poland is not nation of poor uneducated farmers which it was at one point. I think though many people forget that a lot of these poor "Polish" farmers were not Polish but were a collection of other peoples. A lot of the Polish people belonged to the nobility and they belonged to a social organism which was more centered around linguistic and cultural identities then ethnic background.

They were religiously tolerant and I usually perceive Polish to be strong and devout Catholics. In a sense I saw them to be good workers to a certain extent although the reports I hear out of Britain tend to not be so favorable in terms of the Polish work ethic within the blue collared sectors of British society.

Overall I have not made any concrete judgment about Poles it is constantly changing relative to the more I know and experience about them and their culture. I usually see Poles as liking Pierogis, Sausages, Beer, Humor, and the Polka.

Another stereotype that is common is that their women are fat. I know I have my biases but I still would never mind befriending Polish people as I have in the past. I wish them the best of luck and hopefully they will return Silesia, Pomerania, and Posen to Germany here soon for a Christmas package. ;)

12-16-2011, 05:36 AM
Russians are drunk bastards
What else about us?

Marmie Dearest
12-16-2011, 05:43 AM
I think I see Eastern cultures as a bit strange in a sense although there is something fluid and dynamic about their spirit although I do not see it as being cultured compared with other peoples from a historical standpoint.

This is actually part of what I love about Slavic culture (and Slavic language) and a Croatian man once told me that we should switch cultures because I would fit quite well with language which put more emphasis on inflection than word order, approximate starting times, and things settled on a handshake instead of the exact punctuality, careful word order, and long, tedious legalistic contracts which appeals more to him in American, English speaking culture.

One thing *I* noticed about Russian people is that they are generous people once they allow you into their "inner circle" (based in their collectivist culture pre-dating Soviet communism) and that their body language stands/sits closer, and that they speak with less expression than English speakers.

I was fortunate to not hear much bad about Eastern Europe growing up, except for the ideas of Polish people not being very smart. I've only become extremely aware of the prejudices against Russians because of my unusual exposure to Russian immigrants or visitors, and interest in Russian culture.

My friend who lives in Yekaterinburg once commented that American people seemed so "lonely" to him and that he thought there was more crazy people in the U.S. than in Russia (lol, of course he only saw New York City and L.A.) but he was one of the warmest people I have ever known, but it may be because he liked me as an individual.

My Russian-American therapist and Russian math professor had more of the unsmiling nature that Russians are stereotyped as having, but after I got to know my math professor more, he was much more relaxed once he regarded me as a friend and a trusted person. Some of my classmates thought of him as very odd, though. I thought he was an excellent math professor, though.

One of the people I work for is a Russian American who immigrated here in childhood, and I find him to be a mostly pleasant person and not fitting any particular stereotypes.

Things I heard in childhood mostly came from the news about the Soviet Union, like Russians will buy your jeans and tennis shoes, and must stand in line for bread.

I'm very happy to have been born right as the Cold War was ending, because it gave me a childhood fascination with Eastern Europe which has lasted for most of my life and freedom from the prejudices of my elders.

I'd never heard any of this nonsense that Russian women were "whores" or anything, but my math professor who is from former USSR (lived there until mid-twenties) advised me to be careful of Russian men who aren't intellectuals because of their attitude toward women. So that "stereotype" didn't come from an American, but from a person born and raised in Russia who can trace his ancestry back to Peter the Great.

12-16-2011, 06:17 AM
I think when you have been brought up in a certain culture for a certain duration of time the impressions the language you use tend to stick with you. They affect the ways you perceive yourself and others within respect to multiple seemingly small aspects within the aspects of culture. We ineffably are glued to an extent to our modes of behavior and personality which our language shapes for us some extent or another.

That is in so far as it is "limited" to the variety of culture aspects which we utilize for theoretical and practical purposes in our day to day life. I prefer word order, approximate starting times, and exact punctuality because that is just who I am. Language in a sense creates who you are its fundamental to understanding the fundamental differences in humans which presents itself to us in the given differences of human beings.

I think it would be nearly just as difficult to learn a more Western or Eastern culture. Becuase part of understanding the culture is determined in a great sense by blood line. Something most of us can't compensate for in respect to other cultures. There is always going to a seemingly never ending "gap" between us all and it will be purely a matter of culture, language, and ethnicity to some degree or another.

I think Eastern European cultures tend to be more oriented to collectivism as do more Southern countries in Europe to some degree or another with certain exceptions. A lot of more Northern and Western countries went through processes of individualizing their cultures during the Renaissance and later in the Enlightenment.

In my mind I perceive these historical events as being monumental in showing the creativity and originality that lies within the individuality and subject. That is man learns to cultivate, culture himself, and place boundaries around these sources of creativity and originality he can become a center of innovation and discovery, acknowledging both apriori facts and inventing posteriori abstractions to acquaint himself with the physical world itself.

Man learned that he was not the center of the universe but yet he was able to preserve his individuality and convert his potentiality into a three dimensional schemework of consciousness. I do not know what you mean by less expression, I suppose you mean less need for expressing themselves in a linguistic and semantic mode.

I think Polish people are perceived as not smart because their neighbors to their West such as the Germans, Dutch, French, and Scandinavians were extremely cultured societies with a high degree of intellectual intuition. The Polish did offer us such figures as Marie Curie, Chopin(Both were Half-French), and Copernicus(1/4rd-1/2th German) so the Polish are not idiots.

I think Russians get a bad rap because they do tend to be a bit free going on certain matters. Probably just as free going as any other Eastern European peoples, but they also were contributors to some extent within the spectrum of European culture and intellectual history.

I think the whole perception that Americans or Westerners are loney have to do with their inclination towards a collective mentality. This mentality can lead certain peoples to perceive cultures that are strongly oriented around individualist centers to be a bit self-alienating.

I think this is just because they are so used to living a life working in communion with others which is not necessarily a bad thing for them(Although I dislike this mentality). With America and the introduction of consumerism, crass materialism, and mass industrialism we have a problem with hyper individualism and an egalitarian form of communism which projects itself from the plutocracy.

I actually perceive more collectively minded people to be more lonely and self-alienated because they have cut themselves off from their individuality, that is the source of their creativity and abstraction capacity, which is conjunctive with the dynamic flow of creativity in the subject.

I have dealt with Russians before in real life and they love loyalty and trust to a unified cause. They do like to party a great deal, drink, and have a causal time talking.

Actually this one Russian guy was probably one of the best friends I had at college and we partied and drank regularly. They at times could be deemed as being irresponsible and reckless but that is just the way they live life.

I think the important thing is to realize that even though there will be misunderstandings and even conflicts due to this that the potential for interaction with different cultures should not be abandoned too suddenly.

Marmie Dearest
12-16-2011, 06:46 AM
I think when you have been brought up in a certain culture for a certain duration of time the impressions the language you use tend to stick with you. They affect the ways you perceive yourself and others within respect to multiple seemingly small aspects within the aspects of culture. We ineffably are glued to an extent to our modes of behavior and personality which our language shapes for us some extent or another.

That is in so far as it is "limited" to the variety of culture aspects which we utilize for theoretical and practical purposes in our day to day life. I prefer word order, approximate starting times, and exact punctuality because that is just who I am. Language in a sense creates who you are its fundamental to understanding the fundamental differences in humans which presents itself to us in the given differences of human beings.

I think it would be nearly just as difficult to learn a more Western or Eastern culture. Becuase part of understanding the culture is determined in a great sense by blood line. Something most of us can't compensate for in respect to other cultures. There is always going to a seemingly never ending "gap" between us all and it will be purely a matter of culture, language, and ethnicity to some degree or another.

I think Eastern European cultures tend to be more oriented to collectivism as do more Southern countries in Europe to some degree or another with certain exceptions. A lot of more Northern and Western countries went through processes of individualizing their cultures during the Renaissance and later in the Enlightenment.

In my mind I perceive these historical events as being monumental in showing the creativity and originality that lies within the individuality and subject. That is man learns to cultivate, culture himself, and place boundaries around these sources of creativity and originality he can become a center of innovation and discovery, acknowledging both apriori facts and inventing posteriori abstractions to acquaint himself with the physical world itself.

Man learned that he was not the center of the universe but yet he was able to preserve his individuality and convert his potentiality into a three dimensional schemework of consciousness. I do not know what you mean by less expression, I suppose you mean less need for expressing themselves in a linguistic and semantic mode.

I think Polish people are perceived as not smart because their neighbors to their West such as the Germans, Dutch, French, and Scandinavians were extremely cultured societies with a high degree of intellectual intuition. The Polish did offer us such figures as Marie Curie, Chopin(Both were Half-French), and Copernicus(1/4rd-1/2th German) so the Polish are not idiots.

I think Russians get a bad rap because they do tend to be a bit free going on certain matters. Probably just as free going as any other Eastern European peoples, but they also were contributors to some extent within the spectrum of European culture and intellectual history.

I think the whole perception that Americans or Westerners are loney have to do with their inclination towards a collective mentality. This mentality can lead certain peoples to perceive cultures that are strongly oriented around individualist centers to be a bit self-alienating.

I think this is just because they are so used to living a life working in communion with others which is not necessarily a bad thing for them(Although I dislike this mentality). With America and the introduction of consumerism, crass materialism, and mass industrialism we have a problem with hyper individualism and an egalitarian form of communism which projects itself from the plutocracy.

I actually perceive more collectively minded people to be more lonely and self-alienated because they have cut themselves off from their individuality, that is the source of their creativity and abstraction capacity, which is conjunctive with the dynamic flow of creativity in the subject.

I have dealt with Russians before in real life and they love loyalty and trust to a unified cause. They do like to party a great deal, drink, and have a causal time talking.

Actually this one Russian guy was probably one of the best friends I had at college and we partied and drank regularly. They at times could be deemed as being irresponsible and reckless but that is just the way they live life.

I think the important thing is to realize that even though there will be misunderstandings and even conflicts due to this that the potential for interaction with different cultures should not be abandoned too suddenly.

I agree with you to some extent (we are all bound by our childhood to some extent, always, culturally)...but it doesn't explain why I hate legalistic contracts more than most Americans (actually probably the fact that I was born in semi-rural WV explains this, Southerners are much more "settle on a handshake" than urban people in other parts of the country). I also understand the subtlety of HOW something is said rather than what is said from my grandfather. I don't like exact punctuality, either. By the same token, this Croatian man bemoaned the nature of his culture...and decided the difference is because of Meyers-Briggs - him being an INTJ more drawn to modern American ExTJ culture, and me being an ISFP, drawn to the probably ExFP nature of Eastern Slavic cultures (people argue about Russia being ENFP or ESFP).

That's another thing - why my lifelong interest in Slavic culture? Something in my blood (perhaps on my father's side?) that I'm not aware of? I'm not ruling it out entirely, but I'm not aware of it consciously. We ate kielbasa and kraut and fried potatoes with onions, and lots of beets, because of our German hertiage...and those foods are "cross over" foods to some Slavic cultures.

I actually agreed with my friend from Yekaterinburg that people in big U.S. cities are lonely and crazy...again, this is more to do with being from a semi-rural area in West Virginia (and also having family and spending time in North Carolina) that being American.

Urban Americans are much more individualized and hardened than rural or suburban Southern Americans.

In fact, my Argentinian friend is always observing that I am "like them" in that I am from a more easy-going, collectivist, inclusive, helpful, trusting culture. That's the Genteel American South.

12-16-2011, 07:57 AM
I observed a Slav (Russian/Ukraine) in Paris that doesnt want communicate with the Russian diaspora in principle. I can understand him. He wants to dissolve in the French medium.

12-16-2011, 09:17 AM
Every time any Westerner finds out that I am from ex USSR they call me "Russian" and ask if it is true that it is always very,very,very cold in Russia,next thing they like to mention is the joke if you can meet bears in the streets and they are hoping for me to confirm or deny it :D

P.S. If anyone is wondering it is NO to both :)

12-16-2011, 09:19 AM
Another stereotype that is common is that their women are fat. I know I have my biases but I still would never mind befriending Polish people as I have in the past. I wish them the best of luck and hopefully they will return Silesia, Pomerania, and Posen to Germany here soon for a Christmas package. ;)
You know thats impossible? ;)

12-16-2011, 12:17 PM
I think when you have been brought up in a certain culture for a certain duration of time the impressions the language you use tend to stick with you. They affect the ways you perceive yourself and others within respect to multiple seemingly small aspects within the aspects of culture. We ineffably are glued to an extent to our modes of behavior and personality which our language shapes for us some extent or another.

That is in so far as it is "limited" to the variety of culture aspects which we utilize for theoretical and practical purposes in our day to day life. I prefer word order, approximate starting times, and exact punctuality because that is just who I am. Language in a sense creates who you are its fundamental to understanding the fundamental differences in humans which presents itself to us in the given differences of human beings
I think it would be nearly just as difficult to learn a more Western or Eastern
culture. Becuase part of understanding the culture is determined in a great sense by blood line. Something most of us can't compensate for in respect to other cultures. There is always going to a seemingly never ending "gap" between us all and it will be purely a matter of culture, language, and ethnicity to some degree or another.
I think Eastern European cultures tend to be more oriented to collectivism as do more Southern countries in Europe to some degree or another with certain exceptions. A lot of more Northern and Western countries went through processes of individualizing their cultures during the Renaissance and later in the Enlightenment.
In my mind I perceive these historical events as being monumental in showing
the creativity and originality that lies within the individuality and subject. That is man learns to cultivate, culture himself, and place boundaries around these sources of creativity and originality he can become a center of innovation and discovery, acknowledging both apriori facts and inventing posteriori abstractions to acquaint himself with the physical world itself.

Man learned that he was not the center of the universe but yet he was able to preserve his individuality and convert his potentiality into a three dimensional schemework of consciousness. I do not know what you mean by less expression, I suppose you mean less need for expressing themselves in a
linguistic and semantic mode.
I think Polish people are perceived as not smart because their neighbors to their West such as the Germans, Dutch, French, and Scandinavians were
extremely cultured societies with a high degree of intellectual intuition. The Polish did offer us such figures as Marie Curie, Chopin(Both were Half-French), and Copernicus(1/4rd-1/2th German) so the Polish are not idiots.
I think Russians get a bad rap because they do tend to be a bit free going on certain matters. Probably just as free going as any other Eastern European
peoples, but they also were contributors to some extent within the spectrum of European culture and intellectual history.

I think the whole perception that Americans or Westerners are loney have to
do with their inclination towards a collective mentality. This mentality can lead certain peoples to perceive cultures that are strongly oriented around individualist centers to be a bit self-alienating

I think this is just because they are so used to living a life working in communion with others which is not necessarily a bad thing for them(Although I dislike this mentality). With America and the introduction of consumerism,
crass materialism, and mass industrialism we have a problem with hyper individualism and an egalitarian form of communism which projects itself from the plutocracy.
I actually perceive more collectively minded people to be more lonely and self-alienated because they have cut themselves off from their individuality, that is the source of their creativity and abstraction capacity, which is conjunctive with the dynamic flow of creativity in the subject

I have dealt with Russians before in real life and they love loyalty and trust
to a unified cause. They do like to party a great deal, drink, and have a causal time talking.

Actually this one Russian guy was probably one of the best friends I had at college and we partied and drank regularly. They at times could be deemed as
being irresponsible and reckless but that is just the way they live life.

I think the important thing is to realize that even though there will be misunderstandings and even conflicts due to this that the potential for interaction with different cultures should not be abandoned too suddenly.Very good Geist.
Though, reading you sometimes makes me wonder if that's your real age on
your profile.

Speaking of individuality, there's certain richness of fate to spend mostly a whole lifetime alone without feeling much alone and observing the world around you as a complete free thinker, without having your thought shaped by
outhors since early age, being part of south/east and west and at times restling with the feeling that i belong to neither one, but something far mar special. (Not to flatter oneself, not creazy i promise:d)
Then later you come across philosphical works and reading some of the great minds and you're not that impressed, but with their writing forever greatful. there's a moment of beauty one experiences, discovering that you been on the right path all along insinctively on your own and sharing so many thoughts with strangers that lived in defferent times.
Some of lifes beautiful moments i should say, reading philosophical works later on in life.

12-16-2011, 01:29 PM
Russians have sexy spies ;)

12-16-2011, 01:59 PM
Stereotypes aren't always true, though. In this case, it definately isn't true of most Russians and Poles

Stereotypes about Russians are very often true, at least if looking at the Eastern-European immigrants in Estonia.

12-16-2011, 03:13 PM
But Russians aren't Nordic, they're darker Slavs, so why do they pretend to be Nordic? :confused:

This is empty-headed ravings and idiocy .

12-16-2011, 03:16 PM
But Russians aren't Nordic, they're darker Slavs, so why do they pretend to be Nordic? :confused:

Exactly. Russian immigrants in Estonia stick out among the Northern-European Estonians, because they can look quite dark and their overall appearance is Eastern-European.

12-16-2011, 03:22 PM
Exactly. Russian immigrants in Estonia stick out among the Northern-European Estonians, because they can look quite dark and their overall appearance is Eastern-European.

Aren't North-Western Russians just slavicized Finnic tribes?

12-16-2011, 03:25 PM
Aren't North-Western Russians just slavicized Finnic tribes?

North-Western Russians make like 6% of the entire Russian population and Russian immigrants in Estonia come from all corners of Russia. But yes, sometimes there's an occasion when a Russian (Finnic descended probably) looks pretty indistinguishable from Estonians, Swedes or other Northern-Europeans.

People who are from the shores of the Black Sea definitely don't have business in the far north, Bulgaria or Greece would fit them more. Just an example of some of the Russians I see here.

12-16-2011, 03:26 PM
Exactly. Russian immigrants in Estonia stick out among the Northern-European Estonians, because they can look quite dark and their overall appearance is Eastern-European.

Well, I'm lighter than some Estonian members here.

12-16-2011, 03:27 PM
Its very interesting to hear Finnish/Estonian opinions about Russians :)

12-16-2011, 03:29 PM
North-Western Russians make like 6% of the entire Russian population and Russian immigrants in Estonia come from all corners of Russia. But yes, sometimes there's an occasion when a Russian (Finnic descended probably) looks pretty indistinguishable from Estonians, Swedes or other Northern-Europeans.

People who are from the shores of the Black Sea definitely don't have business in the far north, Bulgaria or Greece would fit them more. Just an example of some of the Russians I see here.

Not 6% but 70 -80 % .

12-16-2011, 03:39 PM
Well, I'm lighter than some Estonian members here.

I'm the blondest guy in The Apricity, so what? We are talking about populations, not individuals.

Not 6% but 70 -80 % .

I was talking native North-Western Russians, who lived there before St. Petersburg was founded.

70-80% you must be joking? You do know that 13 million people live in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia and that district includes the Komi republic, the Nenets Autonomus Okrug etc., which have never been Finnic, but Finno-Ugric.

That's 8% of the Russian population. Now let's take away all the Russians who do not descend from the former Finnic areas of NW-Russia and then we'll take away the ones who migrated to St. Petersburg(which was built in the middle of Finnic lands) and we get around ~2%. 2% of Russians are of Finnic/Northern-European stock, I'm not talking about Finno-Ugrics, but specifically Finnic people (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_Finns).

Nordicist Russians make me lol.

12-16-2011, 03:49 PM
Every time any Westerner finds out that I am from ex USSR they call me "Russian" and ask if it is true that it is always very,very,very cold in Russia,next thing they like to mention is the joke if you can meet bears in the streets and they are hoping for me to confirm or deny it :D

P.S. If anyone is wondering it is NO to both :)

If you think you have a problem with that then we as Scandinavians are living in hell. I cant stand stupid North-americans asking me if anyone in my family has been eaten by a polarbear. Dont you people go to school in america? or is it smoking weed and just being american(beavis and)buttheads the standard for you?

No we dont have bears on the streets of Göteborg/Stockholm.
No i dont know what 'Swedish massage' is


12-16-2011, 03:55 PM
If you think you have a problem with that then we as Scandinavians are living in hell. I cant stand stupid North-americans asking me if anyone in my family has been eaten by a polarbear. Dont you people go to school in america? or is it smoking weed and just being american(beavis and)buttheads the standard for you?

No we dont have bears on the streets of Göteborg/Stockholm.
No i dont know what 'Swedish massage' is


Hahaha, I know what you are talking about.

Check out the official tourist information webpage of Estonia (http://www.visitestonia.com/en/about-estonia/quick-facts).

In the quick facts section, it is even mentioned: No, there are no polar bears in Estonia.

12-16-2011, 04:01 PM
Not 6% but 70 -80 % .
I bet the girl in your avatar isn't you. I hope you've asked your Estonian friend with permission.

12-16-2011, 04:16 PM
I'm the blondest guy in The Apricity, so what? We are talking about populations, not individuals.

I was talking native North-Western Russians, who lived there before St. Petersburg was founded.

70-80% you must be joking? You do know that 13 million people live in the Northwestern Federal District of Russia and that district includes the Komi republic, the Nenets Autonomus Okrug etc., which have never been Finnic, but Finno-Ugric.

That's 8% of the Russian population. Now let's take away all the Russians who do not descend from the former Finnic areas of NW-Russia and then we'll take away the ones who migrated to St. Petersburg(which was built in the middle of Finnic lands) and we get around ~2%. 2% of Russians are of Finnic/Northern-European stock, I'm not talking about Finno-Ugrics, but specifically Finnic people (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_Finns).

Nordicist Russians make me lol.
http://s013.radikal.ru/i324/1112/82/223da9271d02.jpg (http://www.radikal.ru)

All the ethnic Russian have their origin from the North-Western Russia.

12-16-2011, 04:34 PM
Karl- Could you show me very nordid-looking Estonians?

12-16-2011, 04:47 PM
Karl- Could you show me very nordid-looking Estonians?


Go search for porn yourself.

12-16-2011, 05:11 PM

If Estonia is finnic Thule-land that finding extremly nordid-looking people shouldn't be problem for you. ;)

12-16-2011, 05:17 PM
This thread is really stupid and off topic.

12-16-2011, 05:21 PM
If Estonia is finnic Thule-land that finding extremly nordid-looking people shouldn't be problem for you. ;)

Genetics has proved that Finnic people have the largest amount of Upper Paleolithic European genes. Also, genetics has proved, that Finnic people have the largest amount of all the light trait genes.

Estonians are very Northern-European, but what's your point?

I don't know what love story do Poles have with Nordids. But by your standards, the majority of Northern-Europeans aren't actually Northern-European, because only a minority are Nordids.

As you can read from several locations, Borealized Cro-Magnons are a majority in all Northern-European countries.

I don't know you fascination with one single Northern-European anthropological type.

You are the one who wants to see Nordids, use Google. I have other things to do.

This thread is really stupid and off topic.

Of course it is, if some people claim that 80% of Russians are blond Nordic Gods, while if I step out of the door, I see swarthy Russians walking on the streets of Tallinn among Northern-European Estonians.

12-16-2011, 05:24 PM
Well, I'm lighter than some Estonian members here.

russians are darker than Baltics and scandinavians.

12-16-2011, 05:27 PM
russians are darker than Baltics and scandinavians.

Estonians aren't Baltic, but Finnic.

12-16-2011, 05:38 PM
also finnics are lighter than russians.

12-16-2011, 05:43 PM
I don't know you fascination with one single Northern-European anthropological type.

I'm only interested. :) You don't answer for my simple question. I don't know Estonians but you must be very rude person.
Sometimes I think that you and Nero are this same person. :D

12-16-2011, 05:46 PM
I'm only interested. :) You don't answer for my simple question. I don't know Estonians but you must be very rude person.

I'm not rude, I'm just too lazy and not weird enough to start showing you pictures of Nordid Estonians.

12-16-2011, 06:05 PM

12-16-2011, 06:08 PM
Estonians look like Slavs?:eek: incredible.:D

...and Germans look like Greeks.

12-16-2011, 06:16 PM
...and Germans look like Greeks.
They look like Polish. Russian? Not so much.

12-16-2011, 06:17 PM
The main stereotype here is that Poles are thieves, and Russians are violent, violent criminals, many women prostitutes/bitches, both being alcoholics and oftentimes rather brutal.

12-16-2011, 06:18 PM
Oh well, look what the master dragged in.

12-16-2011, 06:20 PM
The main stereotype here is that Poles are thieves, and Russians are violent, violent criminals, many women prostitutes/bitches, both being alcoholics and oftentimes rather brutal.

Over here, Russians are thieves, burglars, robbers, violent, alcoholics, drug addicts and almost all prostitutes in Estonia are Russian.

It's rather sad that they aren't any better in Austria.

12-16-2011, 06:20 PM
The main stereotype here is that Poles are thieves, and Russians are violent, violent criminals, many women prostitutes/bitches, both being alcoholics and oftentimes rather brutal.
in other words: Untermenschen

12-16-2011, 06:25 PM
Over here, Russians are thieves, burglars, robbers, violent, alcoholics, drug addicts and almost all prostitutes in Estonia are Russian.

It's rather sad that they aren't any better in Austria.

I'm not saying there are no better ones in Germany and Austria, I came into contact with very refined and well educated Russian and Polish people in different areas, I'm just saying that these are the most widespread (rather negative) stereotypes and unfortunately, they are oftentimes true insofar, as a certain percentage of those immigrants just does those things and like always, such extremes stick out and are, for many not that well informed and open minded people the only things they get into contact with...

Stereotypes are rarely true and rarely false, most of the time the truth is somewhere in between.

By the way, the next best stereotype about them is, that they are lazy people, which can't do a good job and are always corrupt of course. Again something people can experience in real life, but is a generalised stereotype nevertheless.

12-16-2011, 06:25 PM
The main stereotype here is that Poles are thieves, and Russians are violent, violent criminals, many women prostitutes/bitches, both being alcoholics and oftentimes rather brutal.

There is basically the same stereotype where I live, but many Russians actually do become criminals in America.

12-16-2011, 06:26 PM
Over here, Russians are thieves, burglars, robbers, violent, alcoholics, drug addicts and almost all prostitutes in Estonia are Russian.

It's rather sad that they aren't any better in Austria.
Why they can't be normal?

in other words: Ubermensch

12-16-2011, 06:46 PM
Over here, Russians are thieves, burglars, robbers, violent, alcoholics, drug addicts and almost all prostitutes in Estonia are Russian.

It's rather sad that they aren't any better in Austria.

This is just lie. Russians in Estonia are working .Ethnic Estonians do not work or go to Europe to work.

12-16-2011, 07:04 PM
This is just lie. Russians in Estonia are working .Ethnic Estonians do not work or go to Europe to work.

That's nonsense. I met crap loads of "Orthodox" Latvians and Russian-speaking "Estonians" while abroad. I dont think there is any evidence that the native Estonians are more likely to migrate.

I'm not rude, I'm just too lazy and not weird enough to start showing you pictures of Nordid Estonians.

Yeah. Probably descended from Danes, Swedes and Baltic Germans.

Besides....if Chinese shit looks like Iphone that does not mean its a fucking Iphone, aye?

12-16-2011, 07:08 PM
This is just lie. Russians in Estonia are working .Ethnic Estonians do not work or go to Europe to work.

That's nonsense. I met crap loads of "Orthodox" Latvians and Russian-speaking "Estonians" while abroad. I dont think there is any evidence that the native Estonians are more likely to migrate.

Yes, Nero is talking nonsense. In reality, the majority of people who emigrate from Estonia are Russians. Also, the majority of unemployed people in Estonia are Russians (52%).

Yeah. Probably descended from Danes, Swedes and Baltic Germans.

A friend of mine whom I knew when I was younger, had Baltic-German ancestry. His nickname was Schwarz, because he was visibly darker than us.

12-16-2011, 07:16 PM
That's nonsense. I met crap loads of "Orthodox" Latvians and Russian-speaking "Estonians" while abroad. I dont think there is any evidence that the native Estonians are more likely to migrate.

Yeah. Probably descended from Danes, Swedes and Baltic Germans.

Besides....if Chinese shit looks like Iphone that does not mean its a fucking Iphone, aye?

I don't want anything to prove to you. But the economy of Estonia today is founded on labour of the Russians.

12-16-2011, 07:20 PM
Yes, Nero is talking nonsense. In reality, the majority of people who emigrate from Estonia are Russians. Also, the majority of unemployed people in Estonia are Russians (52%).

Russians do not have a passport to travel to Europe.

12-16-2011, 07:24 PM
Russians do not have a passport to travel to Europe.

It's true, a lot of estonian Russians haven't estonian citizenship.

12-16-2011, 08:09 PM
Russians are violent, violent criminals, many women prostitutes/bitches, both being alcoholics and oftentimes rather brutal.

It's what use to say my grandmother, who is German.

Marmie Dearest
12-16-2011, 09:09 PM
There is basically the same stereotype where I live, but many Russians actually do become criminals in America.

Do you live in some huge Russian American suburb in New Jersey?

Because the Russians I know are (as follows) a lawyer who served in the U.S. Marines who went to film school before doing both; a small business owner who went to graduate school and majored in philosophy; a math professor; a psychiatrist; and a Belorussian girl who is an engineer. I also saw wealthy Russians when I lived in Las Vegas (that I didn't know as friends, but just saw around) and my friend who visited from Yekaterinburg is not a criminal at all, a young university graduate who worked while he was here with a temporary Visa. :coffee:

The closest I met to a criminal was this ex-boxer thug who struck me as a potential rapist, and he was from the former USSR...but he was not Russian...from one of those other smaller countries.

12-16-2011, 09:11 PM
Slavs are an evillllllll.

My advice to you: Don't look at them.

12-16-2011, 09:43 PM
Russkies are stup1doe like N3r0

Stars Down To Earth
12-16-2011, 10:08 PM
Stereotypes about Poles over here tend to be "job-stealing immigrants", along with the usual "vodka drunkenski" stereotype about East Europeans. I think the Scottish and English perception of Poles used to be much more positive, before their entire underclass moved in hordes to the UK. Of course, Poles have also spray-painted entire areas with racist graffiti, which is a good deed in my eyes. :tongue I've met both decent Poles and total anti-social cunts, so I'm really undecided on them as a whole.

I also saw wealthy Russians when I lived in Las Vegas (that I didn't know as friends, but just saw around) and my friend who visited from Yekaterinburg is not a criminal at all, a young university graduate
Well, that's the thing - Russia is a very, very multi-ethnic country, and many "Russians" who end up in the States aren't ethnic Russians at all. (And even the ethnic Russians can vary from Nordics to dark Pontids). There's as much variation between Russian citizens as between Americans. In America, all the East Bloc criminal gangs are usually lumped together as "the Russian mafia" just because they often speak Russian to each other. In reality, Jewish people and racially weird types from the Black Sea are overrepresented among "Russians" in the USA.

Personally, I've always liked Russia and its culture. I grew up listening to Tchaikovsky, one of the best composers in history. (Oh, and on a more base level: how can anyone not like blonde Russian women, or the AK-74, or Mi-17, or Beryozka camo? And so on. :tongue)

12-16-2011, 11:16 PM
But the economy of Estonia today is founded on labour of the Russians.

Mhmh, I bet this drug addict Dmitri from Lasnamägi is actually a good hard working citizen. And thanks to people like Dmitri here we have a good growing economy. Thanks Dmitri.

Also Dmitri, if you're reading this, can I have my car back what you stole from me in Tallinn a few years back. Thanks.

Marmie Dearest
12-16-2011, 11:51 PM
Well, that's the thing - Russia is a very, very multi-ethnic country, and many "Russians" who end up in the States aren't ethnic Russians at all. (And even the ethnic Russians can vary from Nordics to dark Pontids). There's as much variation between Russian citizens as between Americans. In America, all the East Bloc criminal gangs are usually lumped together as "the Russian mafia" just because they often speak Russian to each other. In reality, Jewish people and racially weird types from the Black Sea are overrepresented among "Russians" in the USA.

I believe that all the Russians I know are ethnic Russians, from Russian Orthodox church, not Jews - except maybe the psychiatrist, who is a little bit darker woman, I never asked her religion, but it's very possible she is a Russian Jew. Then of course the Belorussian is Belorussian.

The Russians I know are probably all better educated Russians, first of all, and that may account for the lack of criminal element. I just don't hang around criminals.

I did know of this Eastern European guy that was a drug dealer when I lived in Las Vegas, but I don't know his exact ethnicity, nor did I really care, I didn't consider him a friend.

Personally, I've always liked Russia and its culture. I grew up listening to Tchaikovsky, one of the best composers in history. (Oh, and on a more base level: how can anyone not like blonde Russian women, or the AK-74, or Mi-17, or Beryozka camo? And so on. :tongue)

I find some Russian men attractive (though some can be quite ugly) and my interest in Russian history began in childhood, then extended to literature in my teens, and more expansively to other aspects of culture in adulthood.

12-17-2011, 08:54 AM
I find some Russian men attractive (though some can be quite ugly) and my interest in Russian history began in childhood, then extended to literature in my teens, and more expansively to other aspects of culture in adulthood.
What about handsome Polish men like me? :(

12-17-2011, 08:57 AM
Russkies are stup1doe like N3r0
i've noticed that Russians seem to have sort of inferiority complex, especially on this forum and Skadi forum.

Marmie Dearest
12-17-2011, 08:58 AM
What about handsome Polish men like me? :(

Oh are you quite handsome? Do tell! ;)

12-17-2011, 09:09 AM
Oh are you quite handsome? Do tell! ;)
I'm the guy on right:
I've been doing bodybuilding since I was about 15. You know, I love doing bodybuilding because the chance to totally reinvent myself. To go from a scrawny mouse into a big, strong man. ;)
''Come at me, baby'' :icon_lol:

I think what we, Poles and Russian, have in common is that we can be aggressive and temperamental, but even much pronounce among Poles.

12-17-2011, 09:27 AM
I'm the guy on right:
I've been doing bodybuilding since I was about 15. You know, I love doing bodybuilding because the chance to totally reinvent myself. To go from a scrawny mouse into a big, strong man. ;)
''Come at me, baby'' :icon_lol:

I think what we, Poles and Russian, have in common is that we can be aggressive and temperamental, but even much pronounce among Poles.

Plz stop embarassing the nation with these mutantidos....

12-17-2011, 09:31 AM
^Dude, I was joking, obviously. I thought you get used to my joke, but oh well... If I were him, would you consider me as swarthy? :P

12-17-2011, 09:32 AM
Plz stop embarassing the nation with these mutantidos....
Whatever, bro. :(

Marmie Dearest
12-17-2011, 09:35 AM
Plz stop embarassing the nation with these mutantidos....

That guy is pretty gross isn't he?

12-17-2011, 09:36 AM
^Dude, I was joking, obviously. I thought you get used to my joke, but oh well... If I were him, would you consider me as swarthy? :P

No. Only a little bit weird...

Jesus, you realise I was joking aswell, right? :rolleyes:

Too late. Ima execute u for that shit!

12-17-2011, 09:36 AM
Jesus, you realise I was joking aswell, right? :rolleyes:

12-17-2011, 09:37 AM
No. Only a little bit weird...
As an exotic as an average Carpathians? :p

12-17-2011, 09:40 AM
Too late. Ima execute u for that shit!
Say teh rabbit who carry a machine gun:

12-17-2011, 09:45 AM
So, you think I'm Hess?

12-17-2011, 09:48 AM
So, you think I'm Hess?

probably :p

You wrote that you are similar to Serb.

12-17-2011, 09:50 AM
probably :p
Wow, you really caught me, bro. :dielaughing:

12-17-2011, 09:51 AM


12-17-2011, 10:23 AM
I think that Nero is stereotypical russian savage. :D

12-17-2011, 11:42 AM
probably :p

You wrote that you are similar to Serb.
Just because he said he's ''Mordid'', which he actually is not. People can be anything they want, it's internet. Do you know what joke mean? If so, then you've got to accept that I'm not Hess. Yes, I did say I'm similar to Serbs. < What it got to do with that?

12-17-2011, 02:00 PM
I don't want anything to prove to you. But the economy of Estonia today is founded on labour of the Russians.

In all honesty, the Estonian economy is definitely NOT founded on drug addicts, criminals or people who scrub toilets and work at a supermarket.

The Estonian economy is founded on our pragmatic and hard-working mentality and our innovation, like Skype.

Russians do not have a passport to travel to Europe.

The majority of Russians have Estonian citizenship and the ones who don't, have a living permit (of Estonia, thus the entire EU).

You're a stereotypical Russian chauvinist who thinks that Russians abroad are actually doing anything good. Russians are the cause of almost all problems in Estonia, while you talk about them as Godlike people who are solely responsible for Estonia being one of the most successful countries in the EU. This is ridiculous.

12-17-2011, 02:39 PM



12-17-2011, 02:40 PM

and our innovation, like Skype.

Skype (play /ˈskaɪp/) is a proprietary voice over Internet Protocol service and software application originally created by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis,


Компания Skype была основана двумя предпринимателями — Никласом Зеннстрёмом (швед. Niklas Zennström) из Швеции и Янусом Фриисом (дат. Janus Friis) из Дании.

Из Швеции = from Sweden
Из Дании = from Denmark

12-17-2011, 02:46 PM


Из Швеции = from Sweden
Из Дании = from Denmark

Skype was created by 3 Estonians. I and many other Estonians were Skype Beta testers in 2003.

Skype is run by Estonians, without us, it wouldn't exist anymore.

Most of the development team and 44% of the overall employees of the division are situated in the offices of Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia.

The Skype main offices are all here, as it was invented in Tallinn, Estonia, by 3 Estonians who were partners with Niklas and Janus. They also got a large sum of money when Skype was sold.

If I give you 5000 euros to create a time machine and you'll do it, then did I create it?

12-17-2011, 02:51 PM
Skype was created by 3 Estonians. I and many other Estonians were Skype Beta testers in 2003.
wikipedia doesnt know about this. Beta testers and even secondary employers you can insert in your respected arse

12-17-2011, 02:52 PM
wikipedia doesnt know about this. Beta testers and even secondary employers you can insert in your respected arse

You're an idiot. Wikipedia knows about this, just learn to use the internet.

The Skype software was created by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn and they weren't "secondary employes". They did create Skype from scratch. Niklas and Janus were just owners of the company.

12-17-2011, 02:58 PM
You're an idiot.
no problem :) Mr. Nordic

12-17-2011, 03:11 PM
This is empty-headed ravings and idiocy .

What is? That Russians pretend to be Nordic or that they aren't Nordic?

12-17-2011, 03:22 PM
What is? That Russians pretend to be Nordic or that they aren't Nordic?
There are many Russians on the Russian anthropoforums who claims that there are many Nordid phenotype among Russians (influence of the Dr. Gebbels) but not Nordic (meaning Scans). Different things.

12-17-2011, 03:32 PM
Not sure if anybody has already posted this, but this would represent my stereotypical view of Russians:


12-17-2011, 03:36 PM
What is? That Russians pretend to be Nordic or that they aren't Nordic?

Some idiotic russians (Nero for example) thinks that Russians are nordid/blond same as Scandinavians. It's not true, all normal people know that northern germanic nations and Finns are much more nordid/blond than North-Western Russians.

12-17-2011, 03:47 PM



12-17-2011, 03:50 PM


LOL...Sergey isn't polish name. :eek:

12-17-2011, 04:03 PM
LOL...Sergey isn't polish name. :eek:

And doesn't look Polish neither. He's probably Norwegian playing as Polish role.

12-17-2011, 04:07 PM
And doesn't look Polish neither. He's probably Norwegian playing as Polish role.

Wow... How did you guess about it? :D

12-17-2011, 04:34 PM
Wow... How did you guess about it? :D

I'm just guessing.

12-17-2011, 05:04 PM
Wow... How did you guess about it? :D
He haven't got remarkable polish accent and I hardly have heard Poles speaking like him. And it's only one reason of few others remaining.

12-17-2011, 08:18 PM
Russians do not have a passport to travel to Europe.
This is a pretty retarded statement. First of all, Russians who have Estonian citizenship don't even need a passport to travel to Europe, simply an Estonian ID-card is enough.

If you mean the former USSR citizens (mostly ethnic Russians) living in Estonia, who of some today are without a citizenship of any country, they can apply for an alien's passport, with this they have the right to travel to Schengen countries without a visa.

So stop your BS.

It's true, a lot of estonian Russians haven't estonian citizenship.

So what? These people had no legal right to become Estonian citizens, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They are treated like every other immigrant in this country.

As a matter of fact in October 1st, 2011, there were still 95 204 people living legally in Estonia, who are the former USSR citizens and who don't have an Estonian or any other citizenship.

Stars Down To Earth
12-17-2011, 10:32 PM
So what? These people had no legal right to become Estonian citizens, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They are treated like every other immigrant in this country.
IMO, "coloniser" is a more apt word than "immigrant". They didn't migrate from a country far away to seek the Estonian Dream, they were dumped in the Baltic states by the Soviet government while these were a part of the Soviet Union.

I'm not sure how Estonia should deal with them. They obviously shouldn't be treated as any normal Estonians, if they refuse to speak the language and don't have citizenships and basically act like they're living in Russia's backyard (plus, the AIDS problem they're causing). On the other hand, there isn't really any way of kicking out these illegal Russians, without having serious problems with Russia. Estonia will have to handle the "Russian problem" carefully. I suppose the best solution would be to work out a deal with Putin to give them economic incentives to move back to Russia, and then assimilate those who can be assimilated (Northwestern Russians aren't that different from Balts or Finns, anyway).

12-17-2011, 10:46 PM
ColourBlind, not sure if you're trolling, but okay mate, whatever you say.

12-17-2011, 10:50 PM
ColourBlind, not sure if you're trolling, but okay mate, whatever you say.
I bet kilts don't look good on him.

Stars Down To Earth
12-17-2011, 11:12 PM
This must be the second time in a week that I'm accused of trolling by an Estonian. :D What was trollish about my post?

I bet kilts don't look good on him.
Andzcrzczej, you don't want to see those pics, do you? :tongue

12-17-2011, 11:17 PM
Andzcrzczej, you don't want to see those pics, do you? :tongue
*Kel* I do, I do, I do, I do ooh.

12-18-2011, 12:02 AM
I'm not sure how Estonia should deal with them.

Estonia deals with them like it deals with any immigrant. Apply for citizenship, (if you're acceptable) take the exams and become a citizen or if this is not acceptable to you, get the fuck back to Narva and be sad and write trollish comments on the internet how Estonians are fucking fascist monsters.

They obviously shouldn't be treated as any normal Estonians, if they refuse to speak the language and don't have citizenships and basically act like they're living in Russia's backyard (plus, the AIDS problem they're causing).


On the other hand, there isn't really any way of kicking out these illegal Russians, without having serious problems with Russia.

They are not illegal, nor are they Russia's problem anymore, since they turned down citizenship of Russian Federation, which they could of had if they wanted to. They are homeless.

Estonia will have to handle the "Russian problem" carefully. I suppose the best solution would be to work out a deal with Putin to give them economic incentives to move back to Russia

If I'm not mistaken, Putin already has asked Russians in the "Baltics" to return home. Most of them won't go, because they have a better life on the other side of the border.

12-18-2011, 12:18 AM
What was trollish about my post?

Everything. There are 2 options, you're either a troll or you're exceptionally ignorant.

Supreme American
12-18-2011, 02:36 AM
Are you joking? In Poland aren't any Patriot Missile. Most Poles don't want any foreign soldiers in our land! In my personal opinion Russians aren't enemies for Poles.

Sorry for my earlier words but polish newspapers and TV often informed about anti-slavic mentality most population of western world.

I can see why you were banned:

US Patriot missile battery arrives in Poland (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/poland/7760382/US-Patriot-missile-battery-arrives-in-Poland.html)

Supreme American
12-18-2011, 02:37 AM
Not sure if anybody has already posted this, but this would represent my stereotypical view of Russians:


I don't think it's a stereotypical view of Russians (perhaps the Russian mob). I think it's a cute commercial, though.

W. R.
12-19-2011, 08:32 PM
Slavic pyramid of priorities:


12-19-2011, 08:33 PM
Belarus je Poland.
