View Full Version : Classify Greek-Jew Rabbi, Mordechai Frizis

05-21-2019, 08:26 AM


https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-r2SkDcqjpnI/Wc5YG8T-deI/AAAAAAAAM-M/HhPgPrMO3OwmGgO8SQX_VKiPdlEb9pRMgCLcBGAs/s1600/2017-09-29%2B17_26_28-%25CE%2599%25CF%2589%25CE%25AC%25CE%25BD%25CE%25BD %25CE%25B7%25CF%2582%2B%25CE%25A7%25CF%2581%25CF%2 585%25CF%2583%25CF%258C%25CF%2583%25CF%2584%25CE%2 5BF%25CE%25BC%25CE%25BF%25CF%2582%2B%2526%2B%25CE% 2591%25CE%25BD%25CF%2584%25CE%25B9%25CF%2583%25CE% 25B7%25CE%25BC%25CE%25B9%25CF%2584%25CE%25B9%25CF% 2583%25CE%25BC%25CF%258C%25CF%2582%2B-%2BYouTube.jpg


Looks much like Pericles.







05-21-2019, 08:53 AM
If you take a look at Druzes, Samaritans you'll see many guys who look like this. Phenos like these can exist in Greece, South Italy, med island due to Neolithic Levantine, Phoenician admixture.

05-21-2019, 12:45 PM
If you take a look at Druzes, Samaritans you'll see many guys who look like this. Phenos like these can exist in Greece, South Italy, med island due to Neolithic Levantine, Phoenician admixture.

This is your own interpretation. Funny trying to disconnect the Greek phenotype from this Greek-Jew. Particularly, by a Romaniote Jew, meaning by a Jew who belongs to a Jewish community that can be found in Greece since ancient classical times(300–250 BC) and have widely mixed with Greeks.

This is everything you need to know about Druzes and Samarites.


Mean Cephalic index 84, they are very brachycephals, Asiatic Alpines leaning towards the Armenoid-Iranian plateau, with an East Baltic strain rather than Nordic. Druzes predominantly are East Alpines and Iranian plateau and only in slight quantities Mediterraneans and East Baltics.



Asiatic Alpines


FIG. 2 (3 views). A Druze from Shuf, southern Syria. This man is in all respects an excellent Alpine. The Druze, followers of a secret religion based on the schismatic teachings of the Khalifa Hakim of the Mediaeval Fatimid Dynasty, claim to be descended from immigrants who moved from Yemen to Syria in the sixth century A.D. Although this tradition may be accurate, nevertheless the majority of the Druzes today are brachycephalic, and show a predominance of Alpine facial characters, which could only have had a local origin.


Samaritans belong to the Iranian plateau, with the "sugar-loaf" form or Armenoid type of the cranial contour being common.



Druzes and Samaritans are not Euro-Mediterraneans, like Greek, South Italians and Med Islanders who of course are are not "Levantine Neolithics" or "Phoenicians".

Earnest Hooton

2. Iranian Plateau ("Indo-Afghan," "Irano-Afghan")
Differs from the Upper Paleolithic type only as follows:

a. Nose form: always high, broad or mediumly wide in root
and bridge, usually convex with thin to medium, depressed
tip and recurved alae
b. Beard and body hair: usually heavy
c. Stature and body build: usually medium height(167 cm) and slight build

Distribution: mostly in Iraq and Iran


IRANID (Irano-Afghan (Coon))

Iranid (from The Races of Europe by Carleton S.
Coon ("Irano-Afghan race"))

The relatively tall, dolicho-mesocephalic, long-faced, high-headed and hook-nosed type prevalent in Iran, Afghanistan and adjacent territories. In the typology of von Eickstedt, it is an Orientalid subtype, which thereby relates it to the Arabid. Others regard it as an "East-Mediterranid"-Arabid blend, but the Iranid is morhologically more similar to Mediterranids and even Nordids (cf. Corded type) than to Arabids.


Long-faced Mediterraneans of the Western Asiatic Highlands: The Irano-Afghan Race





As for Jews.

European Jews are half Europeans genetically.

5 years ago, a full genome wide study estimated Ashkenazi Jews to have very substantial European ancestry. European ancestry they absorbed through assimilation after they were dispersed from the Levant in the ancient world.

However, the most recent comprehensive analysis reveals what others who had been able to connect the dots of previous genetic data had long speculated, most of this historical European ancestry in Ashkenazi Jews comes from Southern Europe. In particular Southeastern Europe [not Iberia or France].

So basically Ashkenazi Jews could be modeled as being 50% Middle Eastern and 50% European. The Middle Eastern ancestry was pretty much all Levantine, which is not surprising. Meanwhile 3/4s of the European ancestry looked to be South European, for 37.5% total South European admixture. The remaining admixture in the Ashkenazi was mostly East European.

But anyway, despite the small drawbacks of using admixture models based around modern populations, this article is very informative in the broader scope of things. Ashkenazi Jews have major European ancestry, and most of this is Southern European.

'European' ancestry in the Ashkenazi Jews is predominitely South European.

Besides that they already had absorbed Europeans, see the Philistines.

Fig. 33. Philistines. (Egyptian.)

The Philistines (Fig. 33) are represented as straight-nosed, European-looking Mediterraneans, with light skins;

Once in Palestine they gradually absorbed the earlier inhabitants, both racially and culturally


05-21-2019, 01:10 PM
Fully Romaniote?

05-21-2019, 01:21 PM
He does look Greek.

05-21-2019, 03:09 PM
Fully Romaniote?

Obviously yes, he states he is a Jews from Greece.

05-21-2019, 03:10 PM
He does look Greek.


Classic Mediterranean


05-21-2019, 04:15 PM

Classic Mediterranean


could easily be a mixed persian-hellene in ancient greece.

05-21-2019, 09:09 PM
You're too invested in making him look Greek.

1. Greeks and Jews are already fairly close. Phenotypes overlap too much.
2. He fits within any western Jewish group (Ashkenazi,Sephardi,Italki, Romaniote, and Syrian)

You're also wrong in your suggestion that just because they've lived in Greece since ancient times, that they must be overly Greek in ancestry. Romaniotes are one of the most Levantine diasporas. And is he fully Romaniote? Just being a "Greek Jew" doesn't mean he is fully Romaniote. He could have a Sephardic grandparent. Sephardim were the majority in Greece.

05-21-2019, 09:52 PM
could easily be a mixed persian-hellene in ancient greece.

European Jews are not Iranoids, neither Romaniotes are. European Jews are Europeans-Near Easterners, others having a European phenotype, others a Near Eastern.

All features of him are the same as of Pericles, he is a more pure Hellene racially than many Greeks. Perhaps only his eyes look somewhat alien.

05-21-2019, 10:39 PM
You're too invested in making him look Greek.

Comparison and matching between him and Pericles speaks on its own.

1. Greeks and Jews are already fairly close. Phenotypes overlap too much.

Nope. Jews have an Armenoid background that Greeks don't have. When Jews look like Greeks and Italians, yes, there is matching.

2. He fits within any western Jewish group (Ashkenazi,Sephardi,Italki, Romaniote, and Syrian)

We already said European Jews are half Europeans genetically, more South Europeans than East Europeans.

You're also wrong in your suggestion that just because they've lived in Greece since ancient times, that they must be overly Greek in ancestry.

I didn't say that, this is what I said: they have widely mixed with Greeks after of 2200-2300 years living in Greece.

Romaniotes are one of the most Levantine diasporas. And is he fully Romaniote? Just being a "Greek Jew" doesn't mean he is fully Romaniote. He could have a Sephardic grandparent. Sephardim were the majority in Greece.

He is Romaniote Jew with a Sephardic grandmother.

"Personally I am a Romaniote, although my grandmother was Sephardic. I came in Israel when I was 18 years old(I was born and grew up in Athens) and 8 years after I came back in Greece, where I became a Rabbi of Thessaloniki for 3 and a half years."

Προσωπικα ειμαι Ρωμανιωτης αν και η μια γιαγιά μου ηταν Σεφαραδιτισα. Ηρθα Ισραηλ στα 18 μου (γεννηθηκα και μεγαλωσα Αθήνα), και μετα απο 8 χρονια γυρισα Ελλαδα, οπου διετελεσα Ραββινος Θεσσαλονίκης για τρισιμισυ χρονια.


05-21-2019, 10:42 PM
His mother is a Greek convert in Judaism and his father a Romaniot Jew.

He looks Greek asf to me. I will never guess him as a jew LOL.

05-21-2019, 10:54 PM

Τιμή και δόξα στους Ήρωες του Ελληνισμού


His Grandfather.

05-21-2019, 11:02 PM

Μάχη Γιγάντων

05-21-2019, 11:44 PM

Μάχη Γιγάντων

"Αλλά όταν και εμείς τα λέμε αυτά, εδώ και πολλά χρόνια, ότι ο Ελληνικός λαός, έχει πολλά δίκια, ώστε να γυρίσει πίσω στις χαμένες πατρίδες και στο θέμα της Μικρά Ασίας και στο θέμα των Ποντίων και στο θέμα των Ελλήνων, των Βορειοηπειρωτών και στο θέμα της Μακεδονίας κ.ο.κ. ...εκεί τσιμουδιά."




Δεν το περίμενα ένας Εβραίος και μάλιστα Ραββνος να υποστηρίζει την Ελλάδα σε αρκετά θέματα. Αλλιώς μας τα λένε για τους Εβραίους όλοι. Βλέπεις είναι το Ελληνικό αίμα και το αίμα νερό δεν γίνεται.

05-22-2019, 12:19 AM
He doesnt look Jewish.
Most probably his forefathers mixed with locals

05-22-2019, 02:54 AM
Comparison and matching between him and Pericles speaks on its own.

Finding a Greek who looks like him would be a silly argument. So, instead, you showed he looks like an idealized statue of an ancient Greek statesman.

Nope. Jews have an Armenoid background that Greeks don't have. When Jews look like Greeks and Italians, yes, there is matching.
Most Jews don't look "Armenoid". And all the anthropology crap on this forum is pseudoscience. There are also Greeks with features you call Armenoid.

We already said European Jews are half Europeans genetically, more South Europeans than East Europeans.

Romaniote Jews are less than half European. They plot south of Sephardim.

I didn't say that, this is what I said: they have widely mixed with Greeks after of 2200-2300 years living in Greece.

It's misleading for that statement to mean anything else, as relative to the roughly half European Sephardim and Ashkenazim, Romaniotes are far less mixed.

He is Romaniote Jew with a Sephardic grandmother.

"Personally I am a Romaniote, although my grandmother was Sephardic. I came in Israel when I was 18 years old(I was born and grew up in Athens) and 8 years after I came back in Greece, where I became a Rabbi of Thessaloniki for 3 and a half years."

Προσωπικα ειμαι Ρωμανιωτης αν και η μια γιαγιά μου ηταν Σεφαραδιτισα. Ηρθα Ισραηλ στα 18 μου (γεννηθηκα και μεγαλωσα Αθήνα), και μετα απο 8 χρονια γυρισα Ελλαδα, οπου διετελεσα Ραββινος Θεσσαλονίκης για τρισιμισυ χρονια.


It's pointless to continue this, as the generic Mediterranean features you match with Pericles' statue could've came from his Sephardi side or from his mother, who is an ethnic Greek according to Parastratosels26.

05-22-2019, 06:45 AM
Finding a Greek who looks like him would be a silly argument. So, instead, you showed he looks like an idealized statue of an ancient Greek statesman.

What? What are you? Are you Greek? Do you have any idea of how Greeks looks like? Pelicles bust is not idealized, Pericles is not a God, it shows excatly how he looked like.

That's a typical look among Greeks.








It's the Classic Mediterranean.


Most Jews don't look "Armenoid". And all the anthropology crap on this forum is pseudoscience.

It turns out that Jews have a significant brachycephalic Armenoid component and a smaller Arabic. These are the two types whose traits are easily recognized as oriental in Europe. However, the Jews have mingled with the natives of each region, with a significant proportion of them belonging to non-Jewish indigenous racial types, whether we are talking about Europe, Africa, or Asia.

Armenoid Jew

Arabid Jew

Atlantid Jew


Most Jews still have Armenoid features, mostly in the background, others have such influenced noses, others the flying ears, others the close set eyes, many the triangular shaped heads etc. Their genotype is reflected to their phenotypes, European-Near Eastern.

There are also Greeks with features you call Armenoid.

Yes there are. So very few that most Anthropologists do not even mention them in anthropological studies concerning Greeks.

Romaniote Jews are less than half European. They plot south of Sephardim.

A lot of Romaniotes Jews I have see don't differ from Greeks. Can you post any study?

It's misleading for that statement to mean anything else, as relative to the roughly half European Sephardim and Ashkenazim, Romaniotes are far less mixed.

I don't think so but you can post a study about it.

It's pointless to continue this, as the generic Mediterranean features you match with Pericles' statue could've came from his Sephardi side or from his mother, who is an ethnic Greek according to Parastratosels26.

I don't think the phenotype of a Mediterranean Romaniote Jew came from just one Sephardi grandmother ancestor, especially when his mother is a Greek converted to the Judaic religion, as Parastratosels26 mentioned, after reading it in Facebook by a quote he wrote himself.

05-22-2019, 06:55 AM
What? What are you? Are you Greek? Do you have any idea of how Greeks looks like? Pelicles bust is not idealized, Pericles is not a God, it shows excatly how he looked like.

That's a typical look among Greeks.








It's the Classic Mediterranean.


It turns out that Jews have a significant brachycephalic Armenoid component and a smaller Arabic. These are the two types whose traits are easily recognized as oriental in Europe. However, the Jews have mingled with the natives of each region, with a significant proportion of them belonging to non-Jewish indigenous racial types, whether we are talking about Europe, Africa, or Asia.

Armenoid Jew

Arabid Jew

Atlantid Jew


Most Jews still have Armenoid features, mostly in the background, others have such influenced noses, others the flying ears, others the close set eyes, many the triangular shaped heads etc. Their genotype is reflected to their phenotypes, European-Near Eastern.

Yes there are. So very few that most Anthropologists do not even mention them in anthropological studies concerning Greeks.

Many Romaniotes Jews I have see don't differ from Greeks. Can you post any study?

I don't think so but you can post a study about it.

I don't think the phenotype of a Mediterranean Romaniote Jew came from just one Sephardi grandmother ancestor, especially when his mother is a Greek converted to the Judaic religion, as Parastratosels26 mentioned, after reading it in Facebook by a quote he himself made.

I'm not addressing the anthro pseudoscience. It's pure roleplay. There is no such thing as "Arabid" or "Armenoid" till it goes through some kinda peer review. Most of the Greeks and Jews you posted can pass as one another.

This is a plot of a Romaniote average (ignore the red dots, they're not Romaniote)


Romaniotes are also available on G25. Back when I played with it, I modeled them as Christian Lebanese + Mycenaean. They came out 60-something Christian Lebanese.

05-22-2019, 07:02 AM
Plenty of Ashkenazim can pass for Greek (myself, you have seen my face and can confirm this), Romaniotes are no different. Granted, they have more Greek blood but the existence of any "western" Jew who can pass for Greek is not surprising. This guy even moreso, given he is now over half Greek genetically if we combine both sides.

05-22-2019, 07:09 AM
I'm not addressing the anthro pseudoscience. It's pure roleplay. There is no such thing as "Arabid" or "Armenoid" till it goes through some kinda peer review. Most of the Greeks and Jews you posted can pass as one another.

There is not such a thing "pseudoscience=anthropology". We can even say that genetics do not always appear in phenotype and that Anthropology is more reliable than genetics. Of course there are Armenoid and Arabid types, be in denial all you want. And no, Greeks posted do not share similar features to those Jews posted.

This is a plot of a Romaniote average (ignore the red dots, they're not Romaniote)


Romaniotes are also available on G25. Back when I played with it, I modeled them as Christian Lebanese + Mycenaean. They came out 60-something Christian Lebanese.

This is just an image, I told you to post a study. Anyway, if what you said is correct, then Romaniotes being 40% Greeks/South Europeans is enouch to make them widely mixed with Greeks.

05-22-2019, 07:17 AM
I don't get it, is there a problem some Greek Jews to look Greek?

05-22-2019, 07:23 AM
I don't get it, is there a problem some Greek Jews to look Greek?

No, but claiming Greek Jews look completely like Greeks is a problem especially when you use this guy to represent them while his mother is an ethnic Greek. Some Greek Jews look Greek. Some other Jews, look Greek too.

05-22-2019, 07:52 AM
He does look Greek, but he also looks pretty Jewish (is that a crime?). I wouldn't faint if he claimed to be an Israeli Jew. What's the deal, really?

05-22-2019, 07:54 AM
He does look Greek, but he also looks pretty Jewish (is that a crime?). I wouldn't faint if he claimed to be an Israeli Jew. What's the deal, really?

I'd say the tefillin and kippah add to the affect.

05-22-2019, 08:01 AM
I'd say the tefillin and kippah add to the affect.
I don't know, but Israeli Jews seem pretty diverse.

They range from this:


To this:


So I don't see how the guy in subject will not fit in Israel or as a non-European Jew (and I know Israel has European Jews). My point is, the guy can fit as a Near Eastern native.

05-22-2019, 10:44 AM
No, but claiming Greek Jews look completely like Greeks is a problem especially when you use this guy to represent them while his mother is an ethnic Greek. Some Greek Jews look Greek. Some other Jews, look Greek too.

I didn't ever said Greek Jews look completely Greek and I never used him to represent the Greek Jews.

Romaniote Jews can look from this.


To this.

https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/11412147_845223095549969_5131970337194931334_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=101&_nc_ht=scontent.fath2-1.fna&oh=5d518ca4262983456574dad83cb515f9&oe=5D9F9C31
https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/11401531_845225585549720_5680632470743418168_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=102&_nc_ht=scontent.fath2-1.fna&oh=e6b7d5b24707c15a56ce6784e32c4a30&oe=5D5B7635
https://scontent.fath2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/10940450_845217862217159_5277677715887586601_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent.fath2-1.fna&oh=7a8ca8811a9dc28c858b9030ddb8f98a&oe=5D5C94B4


The Romaniote Jews, neither Ashkenazi nor Sephardic, emerged from the first Jewish communities of Europe. Records indicate the first Jewish presence in Greece dating back to 300 BCE. A ruined second-century BCE synagogue on the Aegean island of Delos is believed to be the oldest discovered in the Diaspora.

These Jews became known as the Romaniotes, speaking their own language, Yevanic, or Judeo-Greek, a version of Greek infused with Hebrew and written with the Hebrew script.

05-22-2019, 10:52 AM
Funny some Middle Easterners trying to pass Jews as Northern-Arabic, when most Jews almosrt always have a Near Eastern-Armenoid feature(mostly in the background, others have such influenced noses, others the flying ears, others the close set eyes, many the triangular shaped heads etc.) And no, a South-Eastern European Mediterranid cannot fit as a "native Near Easterner", because the native Near Easterner is an Armenoid. European Mediterranids, Iranids and Arabids are not natives in the Near East. Euro-Meds are natives in the Aegean Islands, Western Coastal Asia Minor, Mainland Greece, Balkans, the Iranids in the Middle East and the Arabids in the Arabian peninsula. The Near East is a region were the Armenoids meet Euro-Meds, Iranids and Arabids.

05-22-2019, 12:42 PM
https://images.haarets.co.il/image/fetch/w_857,h_482,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto/fl_any_format.preserve_transparency.progressive:no ne/https://www.haaretz.com/polopoly_fs/1.5623551.1515342301!/image/1018316866.jpg

I've seen the picture before. Highly unlikely they're fully Romaniote, given their age, the size of community, and the recency of the picture. These people could be anyone.

05-22-2019, 01:22 PM
I've seen the picture before. Highly unlikely they're fully Romaniote, given their age, the size of community, and the recency of the picture. These people could be anyone.

You are right on that, they are Greeks not Romaniote Jews. I found the photo here https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/greeces-last-romaniote-jews-1.5243995

and I didn't read the lines below it.

"Youth from Ioannina’s Greek community, in traditional dress, hold candles to be lit in memory of the more than 500 children who were deported to Auschwitz.Gavin Rabinowitz, via JTA"

Those are Romaniotes from Epirus



See this thread too

Classify/Pass Romaniotes (Greek Jews)

05-22-2019, 04:45 PM
Obviously yes, he states he is a Jews from Greece.

Most Greek Jews were Sephardim (descendants from South Italian, Sardinian and Iberian Jews)

Cristiano viejo
05-22-2019, 05:03 PM
Mordechai... such sinister name...

05-22-2019, 06:52 PM
You are right on that, they are Greeks not Romaniote Jews. I found the photo here https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/greeces-last-romaniote-jews-1.5243995

and I didn't read the lines below it.

"Youth from Ioannina’s Greek community, in traditional dress, hold candles to be lit in memory of the more than 500 children who were deported to Auschwitz.Gavin Rabinowitz, via JTA"

Those are Romaniotes from Epirus



See this thread too

Classify/Pass Romaniotes (Greek Jews)

I don't speak Greek and am skeptical of anyone below 70 claiming to be Romaniote. These people are unicorns.

05-22-2019, 06:53 PM
Most Greek Jews were Sephardim (descendants from South Italian, Sardinian and Iberian Jews)

Only his grandmother was a Sephardi Jew, his other Jewish ancestry is Romaniote Jewish(Greek Jews). Already said that.

05-22-2019, 07:18 PM
His grand-father was a very noble man but he is a scumbag.

05-22-2019, 07:24 PM
Mordechai... such sinister name...


He is a Jew Nationalist-Patriot as he says and he stands by the side of Greek Patriots(like his Hero grandfather) but he fights Nazism and Nazis.

He listen to Rock and Heavy Metal(probably the only Rabbi doing that) and supports the Jewish far right.


With members of JDL


His grandfather


Mordechai Frizis (Greek: Μαρδοχαίος Φριζής; 1 January 1893 – 5 December 1940) was a Greek military officer, who fought in World War I, distinguished himself in World War II, and was killed on 5 December 1940, fighting against the Julia Division.

Frizis was born in Chalcis, on the island of Euboea, to a Romaniote-Jewish family, one of 12 children born to Jacob and Iopi Frizis. After studying law at Athens University, he enlisted in the Greek Army in 1916, and went to officer training school. He fought in World War I on the Macedonian Front, and participated in the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, and becoming a Second Lieutenant in 1919. In 1922, as a newly promoted First Lieutenant, he took part in the Greco-Turkish War (1919–1922). He was taken prisoner, and as the only non-Christian Greek officer taken prisoner by the Turks during the campaign, was offered his freedom, but refused and elected to remain with his comrades, enduring eleven months of captivity.[1]

During World War II, Frizis, now a Colonel, participated in the Greco-Italian War, and succeeded in repelling an Italian attack on the bridge of the Thyamis River, followed up by a Greek counterattack. When the Italians countered with aerial bombing, his men dismounted and took cover in trenches, while he continued riding his horse throughout the battlefield and shouting "courage" to rally his men, but was severely wounded in the stomach, but continued trying to rally his men. When the Italian aircraft withdrew, it was discovered that he had died of his injuries.[1]


05-22-2019, 07:37 PM
I am sure he loves this scene.


05-22-2019, 07:49 PM

05-22-2019, 08:21 PM

Now that's a real Jew. :thumb001: