View Full Version : Guess this Indomestizo looking football dude?

05-21-2019, 02:52 PM








05-21-2019, 03:05 PM
Peru or thereabouts.

05-21-2019, 03:05 PM
Southeastern Asian

05-21-2019, 03:09 PM
Southeastern Asian

Really? I don't think he look SE Asian. He looks Caucasoid influenced compared to most SE Asians.

What SE Asian country are you thinking?

05-21-2019, 03:10 PM
Peru or thereabouts.

Interesting but nope. Does he look Peruvian? How much Amerindian does he look? Does he also look triracial-ish in some pics?

05-21-2019, 03:50 PM
Not amerindian at all.

Indonesia is the best option. But reminds me also Tongan.

I´m not familiarised with the Asia-Oceania phenotypes, but doesn´t pass at all in Latin America.

05-21-2019, 03:52 PM
Not amerindian at all.

Indonesia is the best option. But reminds me also Tongan.

I´m not familiarised with the Asia-Oceania phenotypes, but doesn´t pass at all in Latin America.

You could be right regarding him not looking Amerindian.

But he also does not look Indonesian. He looks too Caucasoid influenced to pass there. At most, he can pass as half White Euro half Indonesian but not full blooded.

He is a too skinny to be Tongan imo.

05-21-2019, 04:02 PM
he's from the subcontinent im assuming. northeast indian or nepali.

05-21-2019, 04:07 PM
he's from the subcontinent im assuming. northeast indian or nepali. leaning more towards nepali

Wow!! Spot on!! How did you assume that? His features look a bit distinct from Latinos? No not Nepali but fairly close.

Do you think he can pass in SE Asia? To me, he looks too Caucasoid admixed to pass.

In Thailand where I am living now, he might sort of blend in due to his brown-ish skin but facially he looks very atypical. He can only pass as "Luk Krueng" aka half White half Thai at most. But he would not pass as full blooded Thai/SE Asian to me.

05-21-2019, 04:31 PM
Wow!! Spot on!! How did you assume that? His features look a bit distinct from Latinos? No not Nepali but fairly close.

Do you think he can pass in SE Asia? To me, he looks too Caucasoid admixed to pass.

In Thailand where I am living now, he might sort of blend in due to his brown-ish skin but facially he looks very atypical. He can only pass as "Luk Krueng" aka half White half Thai at most. But he would not pass as full blooded Thai/SE Asian to me.

in the first pic he looks like those khasis, mizos, etc. thats why he gave me ne indian vibes. honestly in other pics he reminds me of mixed filipinos, indoneisans and even thais. but something was off and we had discussion about ne indians recently so there was some bias lol.

what state is he from in northeast?

05-21-2019, 04:48 PM
in the first pic he looks like those khasis, mizos, etc. thats why he gave me ne indian vibes. honestly in other pics he reminds me of mixed filipinos, indoneisans and even thais. but something was off and we had discussion about ne indians recently so there was some bias lol.

what state is he from in northeast?

Interesting. Am not that familiar with the NE Indian phenos of Khasi, Mizos (never met one in my life before lol)

Indeed, he does resemble some heavily Caucasoid/Euro admixed Flips, Indos and Thais. But he would not pass as a full blooded or mostly full blooded one. In my eyes, he will stand out from the crowd of locals who look much more Mongoloid than him. :)

Yep we did have some discussion especially about the Khasi.

There is some bias? Me did not notice that.

He is from Meghalaya. Based on his lastname, dude is a Khasi. How typical is his look among the Khasi tho? Phenotypically, he look pretty Caucasoid admixed.

05-21-2019, 05:12 PM
He actually looks peruvian

05-21-2019, 05:15 PM
He actually looks peruvian

Like how much Amerindian he look? 70-80%?

He cannot pass in Mexico right?

05-21-2019, 05:17 PM

05-21-2019, 05:18 PM
Like how much Amerindian he look? 70-80%?

He cannot pass in Mexico right?

Everyone passes in Mexico unless you look nordic Japanese or Australoid.

05-21-2019, 05:21 PM
Everyone passes in Mexico unless you look nordic Japanese or Australoid.

Sure. Also most South Asians and the vast majority of SE Asians including Pinoys would not pass.

05-21-2019, 05:24 PM
Sure. Also the vast majority of SE Asians including Pinoys would not pass.

Yes they would pass somewhere in southern Mexico. Mexico has lots of admixtures not only Iberian and amerindian but also middle eastern or central European etc so all that creates pseudo phenotypes.

There's no such thing as average mexican look look at me for example im mixed race and I can pass as many ambiguous ethnicities.

05-21-2019, 05:26 PM
Yes they would pass somewhere in southern Mexico. Mexico has lots of admixtures not only Iberian and amerindian but also middle eastern or central European etc so all that creates pseudo phenotypes.

There's no such thing as average mexican look look at me for example im mixed race and I can pass as many ambiguous ethnicities.

Fair point. But I thought you once mentioned to me that at the very most, only 5-10% of Flips and other SE Asians pass in Mexico?

05-21-2019, 05:32 PM
Fair point. But I thought you once mentioned to me that at the very most, only 5-10% of Flips and other SE Asians pass in Mexico?

Yeah some where around 5-10% but they still pass right? Yes anyone passes in Mexico as long you don't look like what I mentioned aboved as well pred SSA.

05-21-2019, 05:42 PM
Yeah some where around 5-10% but they still pass right? Yes anyone passes in Mexico as long you don't look like what I mentioned aboved as well pred SSA.

I am not sure. I think even many of those 5-10% of Flips and other brown Asians still would look rather atypical to pass among Amerindians or other racial mixtures.

For example, this guy, Bernabe Concepcion, is a boxer from the Philippines. He might be among those very atypical 5-10% who can sort of blend in. Some users like Carlitos and Rmuller told me he look very distant and would look out of place/not pass at all. While other ppl like Erronkari and Bravado, told me he could pass.

To my own eyes, he would not pass at all as he look very Asian despite his partial Caucasoid-like features. He could have distant Euro ancestry but most Flips have very little Caucasoid admix.

I don't know how typical his look is for the Phils but most Pinoys that I saw don't look like him.

https://as2.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/54/23/43/500_F_154234342_ZSFdBk6a1vleX2uIbTdb0k3e3q4ciqa8.j pg






05-22-2019, 01:00 AM

05-22-2019, 01:58 AM
Margid + gracile med.

05-22-2019, 03:28 AM
Margid + gracile med.

How typical woud his look be for Mexico? So looks around 70-75% Amerindian?

Btw he is not Latino but from India.

05-22-2019, 08:21 AM
He can pass in México, I think as indomestizo imo

05-22-2019, 05:04 PM
How typical woud his look be for Mexico? So looks around 70-75% Amerindian?

Btw he is not Latino but from India.

He can pass fairly easy amongst the predominantly amerindian sector of the population.

Not surprised. Some Indians (from India) can pass as indio-mestizos.

05-22-2019, 05:14 PM
He can pass fairly easy amongst the predominantly amerindian sector of the population.

Not surprised. Some Indians (from India) can pass as indio-mestizos.

Would his look be more common in Southern Mexico?

As Pueblid or Margid type Indomestizos?

He is from this ethnic group in Meghalaya which is in the Northeast part of India. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khasi_people

05-23-2019, 06:05 PM
Pass more in Mexico in this picture


05-23-2019, 06:51 PM
Pass more in Mexico in this picture


Does he look around 70-75% Amerindian? Also he looks Pueblid or Margid?