View Full Version : Classify 3 Moroccan women

06-07-2019, 07:56 PM






06-07-2019, 07:58 PM

06-07-2019, 08:00 PM
I know A LOT of Morrocans but I've never seen one with blond hair and light eyes. Even the ones who claim that they are half Spanish, are the same. She must be hella mixed.

06-07-2019, 08:56 PM
I know A LOT of Morrocans but I've never seen one with blond hair and light eyes. Even the ones who claim that they are half Spanish, are the same. She must be hella mixed.

Well, according to her bio she's Moroccan but she's indeed atypical very few Moroccan have light hair her natural hair seem brown as you can see on the roots on her head. She may use skin bleaching but I'm not sure about that.

06-07-2019, 09:32 PM
Well, according to her bio she's Moroccan but she's indeed atypical very few Moroccan have light hair her natural hair seem brown as you can see on the roots on her head. She may use skin bleaching but I'm not sure about that.

Moroccans don't do that

06-07-2019, 09:33 PM
She's probably pure blood Berber. It's not so uncommon among pure blood Berbers.

06-07-2019, 09:38 PM
I know A LOT of Morrocans but I've never seen one with blond hair and light eyes. Even the ones who claim that they are half Spanish, are the same. She must be hella mixed.

My uncle has blond hair and blue eyes, my granddad green eyes, my aunt grey eyes, my other uncle green eyes and they're all 100% Moroccan. So it's not that uncommon.

06-07-2019, 09:38 PM
She's probably pure blood Berber. It's not so uncommon among pure blood Berbers.

What is a pure blooded berber?

06-07-2019, 09:41 PM
What is a pure blooded berber?

One not mixed with Arabs and sub-saharan Africans

06-07-2019, 09:43 PM

06-07-2019, 09:44 PM
One not mixed with Arabs and sub-saharan Africans

According to autosomal? According to calculators? Every berber has by definition Sub Saharan DNA (Iberomaurusians had it and berbers are descents of the Iberomaurusians), so when you run an ancient calculator on a berber you'll find SSA by definition. Pure blooded berbers by your definition don't exist.

06-13-2019, 10:10 AM
According to autosomal? According to calculators? Every berber has by definition Sub Saharan DNA (Iberomaurusians had it and berbers are descents of the Iberomaurusians), so when you run an ancient calculator on a berber you'll find SSA by definition. Pure blooded berbers by your definition don't exist.


06-13-2019, 10:11 AM
According to autosomal? According to calculators? Every berber has by definition Sub Saharan DNA (Iberomaurusians had it and berbers are descents of the Iberomaurusians), so when you run an ancient calculator on a berber you'll find SSA by definition. Pure blooded berbers by your definition don't exist.

This is true.

These three woman clust together on a PCA.

06-13-2019, 10:16 AM
This is true.

These three woman clust together on a PCA.

Your name comes from XQC?

06-13-2019, 10:16 AM
First has the ideal body.

Crazy W.
06-13-2019, 10:24 AM
1) Mixed Caucasoid with SSA
2) Saharid-Orientalid
3) Berberid probably with European admixture

06-13-2019, 10:54 AM
Second chick is wifey material

06-13-2019, 12:47 PM
Second chick is wifey material

Gold digger. Only the last one

06-13-2019, 01:09 PM
I know A LOT of Morrocans but I've never seen one with blond hair and light eyes. Even the ones who claim that they are half Spanish, are the same. She must be hella mixed.

She's probably from the rif area so there is no chance she's hella mixed you'll find more blonds in this area than in southern spain. Blond berbers exist since at least ancient times Ancient egyptians already talked about blond haired berbers and that's what for example ancient greeks said : "Pausanias who records that a statue of Athena he observed in Attica had blue eyes which he ascribed to the Libyan origin of her myth. How strange it seems to us that one would look to Africa for an explanation for the blue-eyed goddess."

06-13-2019, 03:26 PM
She's probably from the rif area so there is no chance she's hella mixed you'll find more blonds in this area than in southern spain. Blond berbers exist since at least ancient times Ancient egyptians already talked about blond haired berbers and that's what for example ancient greeks said : "Pausanias who records that a statue of Athena he observed in Attica had blue eyes which he ascribed to the Libyan origin of her myth. How strange it seems to us that one would look to Africa for an explanation for the blue-eyed goddess."

Bro with all due respect, but this is not true. Yes you'll find blond hair and blue eyed people in N. morocco and in the riff area, but not by long more than southern spain.

The One
06-13-2019, 04:06 PM
3rd one is canarid I think, probably Berber, the first two idk, the first two could pass in South Asia imo

06-13-2019, 04:09 PM
Bro with all due respect, but this is not true. Yes you'll find blond hair and blue eyed people in N. morocco and in the riff area, but not by long more than southern spain.

If you understand french read this : "De ces observations, C.S. Coon conclut à la fréquence du blondisme dans le Rif, la moitié des habitants en présentant des traces dans la coloration soit de leurs cheveux, soit de leur barbe, soit de leurs yeux. Selon lui, 4 types principaux peuvent se reconnaître parmi les Rifains."

"Les cheveux qui sont ondulés ou bouclés se montrent un peu plus foncés que la peau puisque ils ont été trouvés noirs chez 43,7 % des sujets examinés et bruns foncés chez 25 % ; elle tend vers le roux chez 17 % d’entre eux."

"« Une variante plus petite de celui-ci est considérée par les Rifains eux-mêmes comme typique des Beni Urriaghel de la montagne ; de petite stature, de constitution large, avec des mains courtes et larges, une peau présentant des taches de rousseur, un barbe rousse, des yeux bleus, une face courte et large avec une mâchoire carrée et un nez camus. C’est la prédominance de ce dernier type, concentré dans le groupe montagneux entre les Beni Urriaghel et les Geznaya."

" Le pourcentage d’yeux clairs varie entre 10,3 et 20,7 % ; celui des cheveux clairs entre 5,9 et 24,0 %"

Source : https://journals.openedition.org/encyclopedieberbere/2897#tocto2n1

The % are clearly higher than in southern spain.

06-13-2019, 04:10 PM
3rd one is canarid I think, probably Berber, the first two idk, the first two could pass in South Asia imo

especially the first one , the second one looks more middle eastern to me