View Full Version : Classify a Spanish Youtuber Wog.

07-05-2019, 10:10 PM
Djmariio, he is ethnic spaniard.

07-05-2019, 10:15 PM
pan-Med. I even see such types in Romania. he passes from Portugal, Spain and Italy to Greece, Romania and Lebanon, I guess.


07-05-2019, 10:17 PM

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-05-2019, 10:19 PM
People mistake being physically unattractive with being non-European, I noticed. That's horribly racist.

07-05-2019, 10:25 PM
People mistake being physically unattractive with being non-White, I noticed.

07-05-2019, 10:27 PM
pan-Med. I even see such types in Romania. he passes from Portugal, Spain and Italy to Greece, Romania and Lebanon, I guess.


The correct term would be Trans-med

07-05-2019, 10:28 PM

He is right, an ugly olive skinned Med/Berid might be perceived as "North African", I have seen this happening many times.

07-05-2019, 10:34 PM
He is right, an ugly olive skinned Med/Berid might be perceived as "North African", I have seen this happening many times.

Berid is a phenotype that can be found in North Africans and also pure Med, but the latter is more rare due to semitic mixtures.
Around half of the North Africans also have olive skin.
And of course there are ugly whites.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmc9Mpt0mo7VnTTnHUMAtTOwpuGc40S ZUDNC8kivaOFy2JK9FX

07-05-2019, 10:36 PM
Berid is a phenotype that can be found in North Africans and also pure Med, but the latter is more rare due to semitic mixtures.
Around half of the North Africans also have olive skin.
And of course there are ugly whites.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmc9Mpt0mo7VnTTnHUMAtTOwpuGc40S ZUDNC8kivaOFy2JK9FX

Yes, but what I meant by "North African looking" = non-Euro looking.

07-05-2019, 10:40 PM

07-05-2019, 10:41 PM

07-05-2019, 10:43 PM
Yes, but what I meant by "North African looking" = non-Euro looking.

If it refers to pure med as a North African phenotype, then it is wrong as it exists on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea, but in North Africa it is a minority, and in some europeans regions such as France and northern Italy as well, but because it is mixed with other European ethnic groups, if it refers to the African aspect as the Semitic style of Mohamed Salah, then it is extremely rare to find it in Europe.

07-05-2019, 11:09 PM
He is right, an ugly olive skinned Med/Berid might be perceived as "North African", I have seen this happening many times.

Me too, but besides the chance of racism against ugly people there's a legit reason, the huge amount of ugly people among north aficans. :D

I'm not being racist here, I think, only factual.

And about the 'youtuber' I find him fitting among the wide range of phenotypes in Spain. He's not even that ugly.

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-05-2019, 11:43 PM
He's not even that ugly.


07-05-2019, 11:47 PM
Me too, but besides the chance of racism against ugly people there's a legit reason, the huge amount of ugly people among north aficans. :D

I'm not being racist here, I think, only factual.

And about the 'youtuber' I find him fitting among the wide range of phenotypes in Spain. He's not even that ugly.

There are ugly people everywhere, both in Spain and in northern Europe, but I do not understand why an ugly dark person is understood as not white?

07-05-2019, 11:53 PM

07-06-2019, 12:32 AM

07-06-2019, 12:35 AM
Med/Berid, only that he has sunburned

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07-06-2019, 04:13 AM
Me too, but besides the chance of racism against ugly people there's a legit reason, the huge amount of ugly people among north aficans. :D

I'm not being racist here, I think, only factual.

And about the 'youtuber' I find him fitting among the wide range of phenotypes in Spain. He's not even that ugly.

not only that he is not ugly at all, but he has a masculine face that appeals to women. the CM element is obvious along with the Mediterranean one. I wouldn't think at all of Maghrebis, this guy looks distinctively Western European and distinctively Iberian.

07-06-2019, 05:59 AM
not only that he is not ugly at all, but he has a masculine face that appeals to women. the CM element is obvious along with the Mediterranean one. I wouldn't think at all of Maghrebis, this guy looks distinctively Western European and distinctively Iberian.

Actually, the people of this forum associate the aspect of Western Europe with someone from the northwest.

Carlito's Way
07-06-2019, 06:01 AM
med berid

Vid Flumina
07-06-2019, 06:46 AM
he looks mixed with australoid

07-06-2019, 10:51 AM
He looks Berid with Paleo-Sardinian.

Could he be a Gitano (Spanish gypsy)? At least with partial ancestry?

07-06-2019, 11:04 AM








... to the infinite and beyond.

There are ugly people everywhere, both in Spain and in northern Europe, but I do not understand why an ugly dark person is understood as not white?





maybe because the big majority of ugly dark persons are not white.

07-06-2019, 02:25 PM







... to the infinite and beyond.





maybe because the big majority of ugly dark persons are not white.Non-whites are the majority of the world population and most are darker than whites...
Ruggery was talking about dark ugly whites being perceived as "ethnic"... it's because whites are idealized on these forums, true, whites are the better looking race, but tons of them are ugly and the majority are average.

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07-06-2019, 02:45 PM
What do you mean by Soanish youtuber wog? Whats a youtuber wog?

07-06-2019, 03:20 PM








https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/d169f2725b1c16b908686e7d37131118/5D9D58AE/t51.2885-15/e35/40195804_267061493918649_1112368299991613834_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com

https://scontent-frt3-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/3bf617498e073630d6645e289fc8c110/5D9B744C/t51.2885-15/e35/23161582_447675755629685_6177444126032658432_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-frt3-2.cdninstagram.com&ig_cache_key=MTY0MDgwNjA0MTk2MjkxODA3Mg%3D%3D.2

https://instagram.fdad2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/0f82c1833421e63e08cb8d2c86f6d573/5D5806F2/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/52708807_2112622335472464_7591498851508436777_n.jp g?_nc_ht=instagram.fdad2-1.fna.fbcdn.net

Perhaps it is quite bronze, hence its somewhat archaic image.

07-06-2019, 04:27 PM
Mario Alfonso Garrido Mostoles, Madrid.

Alfonso is a Surname of Spanish Origin of Sex Both
Alfonso Other Meaning of Alfonso
German Alfonso is a German Origin Name of Male Sex

That he is always willing to
fight. Of Germanic origin.

August 1 (San Alfonso).

celebres people:
"Alfonso" (name of several kings of Spain).
Alfons Mucha (Czech painter and cartoonist).
His origins:
This last name is of patronymic origin, derived from the proper name of Adefonsus, so the different families that use it have no relation to each other. The oldest solar of the A. with ancestral home in the said valley by the year 672. Are therefore the A of Burgos the oldest of these lineages. From Burgos they passed to Santander. They follow him in antiquity the A. of Asturias, with ancestral house in Oviedo that soon would extend by all the region and, next those of Galicia. The A. de Castilla descend by legitimate line of King Don Alfonso IX of Castile who had the following natural children. Fernando A. Dean of Santiago, the Adelantado Rodrigo A. and Pedro A. XIII Master of the Order of Santiago. The A. of Aragon and Navarre that later passed to the Señorio de Vizcaya descend illegitimately from Don Alfonso I. 'the Battler', King of Aragon who had a bastard son, called Sancho A. The Valencians have trunk to the knight Fernando A. who accompanied the Cid in the conquest of Valencia, staying later in that kingdom. In La Rioja, Andalucia and Extremadura there were also several houses of the A. emanating from the manors of Burgos and Santander.

Garrido (last name)
Coat of arms of the medieval surname Garrido.
Garrido is a medieval Castilian word, which is equivalent to the adjectives of beautiful, gallardo, lush, etc ... so it appears in the "General Chronicle", written by order of King Alfonso XI, in which you can read that, Don Tello Alonso lost in a battle up to two hundred knights "garridos".

Undoubtedly, the Garrido lineage is one of the oldest in Spain. Antonio de Barahona, renowned genealogist already quotes him, as well as many other authors, in particular Franckenau in "Bibliotheca Hispánica". Barahona has a reputation as a serious genealogist, so that his writings can be given absolute credibility. Coat of arms: On a gold background, a reddish band with a dragon head at each end of green, and accompanied by two black wolves, one on each side, surrounded by a red band and eight golden blades.


In the battle of Salado, which was in the year 1340, he found a gentleman named God Help with seven children of his, and that carrying their bloody weapons, passed in front of the King Don Alfonso XI, who upon seeing them told the father : "Garridos sons you lead", (actually hardened, coming from war) referring to the bravery of the seven children and that from there they were the last name. It is also said that the aforementioned king, to honor them, granted them the order of the Band and that since then this surname has been known in the history of Spain, being many gentlemen who have worn it.

Esteban Garrido, cape of arms of King Alfonso XI, made numerous deeds, among which it is necessary to emphasize that finding himself alone and surrounded by Moors attacking him, it was not his end, because instead of being frightened, giving his death for sure, He filled himself with courage and attacked them, killing two of them and making his way, keeping at bay those who tried to surround him again, so that the Moors, frightened by such bravery, chose to leave him, fleeing disorderly.

During the reign of the Catholic Monarchs Sancho Sanchez Garrido flourished, for the services performed to the monarchs, was a knight of the Golden Spur.Participated in the Conquest of Granada, to the point that his exploits and value samples given in the previous battles to the occupation of this city were so important, that once Granada was occupied, the Catholic Monarchs rewarded the knight's fidelity by including him in the repartimiento of lands, with which he came into possession of rich lands, while, by privilege real, he and his successors were free to pay some taxes.

Once discovered America by Christopher Columbus, there were many of this lineage that passed to the Indies, where they were present from the first day of its discovery. Núñez Garrido was with Hernán Cortés in the conquest of Mexico, participating in all the battles and battles that took place until the total conquest of the country. Once this happened, he decided to settle in Mexico, where he founded a family and left many descendants.

Alvar Garrido, was a companion of Diego de Almagro and took part in the conquest of Peru, later, enemistado with Almagro, went to the side of the Pizarro, although it seems that he had no responsibility in the death of his former boss.

With Valdivia was Juan de Dios Garrido, who took part in the conquest of Chile. This conqueror settled in Santiago, where he also proceeded to found a family.

Distribution in Spain
In Spain: 41523 people share the surname Garrido, being the surname Garrido the 86th most common surname in Spain.

Jaén Garrido is the 32nd surname 1218 pers.
La Rioja Garrido is the 38th last name 870 pers.
Valladolid Garrido is the 39th surname 1036 pers.
Córdoba Garrido is the 47th. Surname 1396 pers.
Álava Garrido is the 47th surname 1214 pers.
Cádiz Garrido is the 55th surname 1894 pers.
Granada Garrido is the 66th. Last name 1048 pers.
Málaga Garrido is the 72nd. Last name 1890 pers.
Barcelona Garrido is the 72nd. Surname 7504 pers.
Alicante Garrido is the 78th. Surname 1722 pers.
Madrid Garrido is the 78th. Surname 9202 pers.
Valencia Garrido is the 105th last name 2 058 pers.
Sevilla Garrido is the 107th. Last name 1562 pers.
Cantabria Garrido is the 110th. Surname 702 pers.
Pontevedra Garrido is the 112th last name 706 pers.
Tarragona Garrido is the 117th. Surname 694 pers.
Balearic Islands Garrido is the 149th last name 884 pers.
Orense Garrido is the 153.º surname 362 pers.
Vizcaya Garrido is the 182nd. Surname 706 pers.
Guipúzcoa Garrido is the 181.º surname 532 pers.
Almería Garrido is the 188th. Surname 542 pers.
Asturias Garrido is the 184.º surname 1050 pers.
Salamanca Garrido is the 194th surname 358 pers.
Guadalajara Garrido is the 206.º surname 366 pers.
Ciudad Real Garrido is the 238th. Surname 366 pers.
Canarias Garrido is 336.º surname 540 pers.
Gerona Garrido is the 331.º surname 360 ​​pers.
León Garrido is the 324th surname 370 pers.
Navarra Garrido is the 374.º surname 352 pers.
Las Palmas Garrido is the 617th. Surname 360 ​​pers.
La Coruña Garrido is the 656th last name 368 pers.
Murcia Garrido is the 1 049.º surname 360 ​​pers.

07-06-2019, 04:36 PM
Móstoles. Madrid.

Main article: History of Móstoles
Although the development of Móstoles as a great city is very recent (last third of the twentieth century), the area has remained inhabited (although it is unknown if with continuity) since ancient times.

The lower course of the Soto stream is rich in archaeological finds; In addition to fossil remains of primitive animals, there have been indications of the presence of prehistoric humans, such as weapons and flint utensils from the Paleolithic era.

Old age
The foundation of Móstoles as a stable settlement could date from the time of Roman domination, or even be earlier, judging by the appearance of Celtiberian bronze fibulas in the aforementioned area.

During the Roman imperial era there could be an urban nucleus in the current center of the town, where a necropolis, a ceramic kiln and other remains have been documented. The Archaeological Charter of the municipality includes other remains found in prospections in the vegas of the Soto and La Reguera streams. The first mostoleños with known name could be Fortunata and Flavianus and could have lived in the second half of the s. II d. C. The tombstone commissioned by the former in honor of her late husband appeared in 2002 in the Arroyo del Soto area, and although it was found out of its original context, it is most likely that its first location was very close.11 The archaeologist and professor of local history Jesús Rodríguez Morales believes that, in addition to a settlement since Roman times, Móstoles must have been a crossroads of important land routes.

Middle Ages
During the Visigothic and Islamic domination, Móstoles or its surroundings remained populated. The tests correspond mainly with ceramic remains of these times, found at various points, and especially in the urban center, where they have also found up to seven underground water trips that probably date from the Islamic era.

The first safe documentary reference of Móstoles dates from the Middle Ages. A document of the year 1144, which states that King Alfonso VII donated the village of Freguecedos (later Fregacedos, located on the site of the current urbanization Loranca in Fuenlabrada) to the bishop of Segovia, mentions "Turrem de Monsteles" as a nearby town.

Contemporary age

Bando of the mayors of Móstoles (1808)
On May 2, 1808, the so-called Bando de los alcaldes de Móstoles was drafted, which is popularly considered a declaration of war against the French that began the War of Independence.

The city of Móstoles grew quickly and disorderly to provide accommodation for migrants who came to Madrid from rural areas of Extremadura, Leon, the two Castile and Galicia, among other regions.



07-06-2019, 05:37 PM




maybe because the big majority of ugly dark persons are not white.
What stupidity you say :picard2:, you speak as if there were no ugly Spaniards.

07-06-2019, 05:53 PM
What do you mean by Soanish youtuber wog? Whats a youtuber wog?

It is a term used for Europeans that are dark and some Menas/asians.
Formerly it was a term used only for southern euros in a derogatory way.

07-06-2019, 09:00 PM
What stupidity you say :picard2:, you speak as if there were no ugly Spaniards.

There are of course, but not in the amount that north africans have and also not so dark as them.

If you are so smart I have a task for you. Find pictures of crowds of spaniards or other euros that can compare in ugliness and darkness with the moroccan pictures I posted.

07-07-2019, 02:43 AM

07-07-2019, 04:03 AM
There are of course, but not in the amount that north africans have and also not so dark as them.

If you are so smart I have a task for you. Find pictures of crowds of spaniards or other euros that can compare in ugliness and darkness with the moroccan pictures I posted.

In terms of ugliness, I do not know, anyway, beauty is something related to the eyes of the viewer (not all have the same concept of beauty) in terms of darkness, maybe find some images in people of Andalusia with a tone of close skin.
I think Septentrion had some photos.

07-07-2019, 05:13 AM
I'd say he is predominantly Paleo Sardinian, much more than Berid. He even looks like the PS male template.


Colonel Frank Grimes
07-09-2019, 06:16 AM

May was a killer back in the day. A 1st round draft pick who never reached his potential as a player but was a hell of a fighter. He was nicknamed Mayday. Show some respect! Few if any ever handled Baumgartner so easily (that being said there is a question of balance when you're skating backwards while someone is coming straight at you; you can't steady yourself to take impact.)


btw, soccer is for fags.

07-09-2019, 06:20 AM
There are of course, but not in the amount that north africans have and also not so dark as them.

If you are so smart I have a task for you. Find pictures of crowds of spaniards or other euros that can compare in ugliness and darkness with the moroccan pictures I posted.

Cherrypicked pictures...it's like if I was posting spanish gypsies to represent spaniards it's unfair. Do not post descendents of slaves and do not speak of NA you clearly know nothing about it with your disgusting racist stereotypes.

07-09-2019, 07:55 AM

07-09-2019, 05:01 PM
May was a killer back in the day. A 1st round draft pick who never reached his potential as a player but was a hell of a fighter. He was nicknamed Mayday. Show some respect! Few if any ever handled Baumgartner so easily (that being said there is a question of balance when you're skating backwards while someone is coming straight at you; you can't steady yourself to take impact.)



btw, soccer is for fags.

and for blacks. :thumb001:


07-09-2019, 05:11 PM
Cherrypicked pictures...it's like if I was posting spanish gypsies to represent spaniards it's unfair. Do not post descendents of slaves and do not speak of NA you clearly know nothing about it with your disgusting racist stereotypes.

Blame my internet searcher then (bing). I searched for 'moroccan crowds' and took the first images...

I'm afraid that every negative opinion about certain kind of people is regarded as racist nowadays, but nevertheless you can say for example 'all americans are idiots' all the time and that's not racist or even bigoted. Unfair :(

Cristiano viejo
07-09-2019, 05:53 PM
Quite wog, really.

07-09-2019, 06:54 PM
It is a very typical Spaniard, that other assholes do not want to accept him as someone typical of his country, it is already regrettable

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Cristiano viejo
07-09-2019, 07:21 PM
It is a very typical Spaniard, that other assholes do not want to accept him as someone typical of his country, it is already regrettable

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It is not typical. He looks like what he is, and his features are quite Spanish, but he is not typical.

09-11-2019, 03:13 PM
People mistake being physically unattractive with being non-European, I noticed. That's horribly racist.

Which “people” are you referring to?? I don’t find him ugly or non-Euro looking, he is just a normal woggy guy to me.

09-11-2019, 04:57 PM
And yes, if you're WOG and ugly many people perceive you as non-European looking, which doesn't happen with ugly Northern Europeans with type 1 or 2 skintone, well, unless they have ambiguos/borderline features.

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09-11-2019, 05:01 PM
People mistake being physically unattractive with being non-European, I noticed. That's horribly racist.

This is true. But I don't think he's unattractive at all.

Knight Slayer
09-11-2019, 05:02 PM

Cristiano viejo
09-11-2019, 05:15 PM
And yes, if you're WOG and ugly many people perceive you as non-European looking, which doesn't happen with ugly Northern Europeans with type 1 or 2 skintone, well, unless they have ambiguos/borderline features.

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North Europeans with ambiguous/borderline features are wog too. An example, without going further

notice how his skin tone is 1 or 2 :thumb001:

09-11-2019, 05:19 PM
North Europeans with ambiguous/borderline features are wog too. An example, without going further

notice how his skin tone is 1 or 2 :thumb001:

Putin is Russian/Eastern

Cristiano viejo
09-11-2019, 05:21 PM
Putin is Russian/Eastern

Russians are North Europeans too.

09-11-2019, 05:25 PM
He doesn't look north african or trans-med at all but has a common iberian face OP wtf are you talking about?

09-11-2019, 05:25 PM
Russians are North Europeans too.

Nop, The Russians are eastern europeans Northern Europe ends in the Baltic countries.

09-11-2019, 05:26 PM
He doesn't look north african or trans-med at all but has a common iberian face OP wtf are you talking about?

Wog does not necessarily mean north Africans or Mena.

09-11-2019, 05:27 PM
Wog does not necessarily mean north Africans or Mena.

Reread your first answers you said he's trans-med

Cristiano viejo
09-11-2019, 05:29 PM
Nop, The Russians are eastern europeans Northern Europe ends in the Baltic countries.
that is stupid, spain for example is western and at the same time souther. same with russia, it is northern and eastern.

09-11-2019, 05:30 PM
Reread your first answers you said he's trans-med

I have seen people like he one classified as Trans-med, and that phenotype is not typical of southern Europe or northern Africa, but a kind of Pan-Mediterranean.

09-11-2019, 05:32 PM
that is stupid, spain for example is western and at the same time souther. same with russia, it is northern and eastern.


Cristiano viejo
09-11-2019, 05:35 PM

so northern russia, which is more northern located than estonia, uk, denmark, etc is not part of north europe?? ok, whataver makes you happy.

09-11-2019, 05:38 PM
so northern russia, which is more northern located than estonia, uk, denmark, etc is not part of north europe?? ok, whataver makes you happy.

It is possible that the only areas of Russia that are part of Northern Europe are the border areas with Finland and the Baltic countries but nothing more.

09-11-2019, 06:03 PM
I have seen people like he one classified as Trans-med, and that phenotype is not typical of southern Europe or northern Africa, but a kind of Pan-Mediterranean.

He's still not transmed i'm 100% sure

09-11-2019, 06:20 PM
He's still not transmed i'm 100% sure
It's fine as you say.
There are no marrocans like him?

09-11-2019, 06:25 PM
It's fine as you say.
There are no marrocans like him?

Nope never saw one like him

09-11-2019, 07:25 PM
He doesn't look north african or trans-med at all but has a common iberian face OP wtf are you talking about?But could he pass as an Euro looking North African? The truth is that most dark Iberians look what they are... dark Iberians, not TYPICAL North Africans

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09-11-2019, 07:40 PM
But could he pass as an Euro looking North African? The truth is that most dark Iberians look what they are... dark Iberians, not TYPICAL North Africans

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Indeed they think every "dark" south europeans can pass in north africa which is false and no he can't euro-looking maghrebis don't look like that in general

09-11-2019, 07:48 PM
Indeed they think every "dark" south europeans can pass in north africa which is false and no he can't euro-looking maghrebis don't look like that in general

Do you think the European-looking Maghrebis look like the queen of Morocco?

09-11-2019, 07:53 PM

09-11-2019, 07:53 PM
Do you think the European-looking Maghrebis look like the queen of Morocco?

She doesn't look european to me she's only red haired which is rare in morocco if you want a euro looking moroccan type karim zaza ( in my regions there are a lot of blondes too but they still don't look european they have north african traits)

09-11-2019, 08:08 PM
Berid + Atlantid.

09-11-2019, 09:42 PM
He's still not transmed i'm 100% sure

Trans-Med is a phenotype between Gracile-Med and Atlanto-Med, nothing to do with being able to fit in all of the Mediterranean.

09-11-2019, 10:45 PM
Trans-Med is a phenotype between Gracile-Med and Atlanto-Med, nothing to do with being able to fit in all of the Mediterranean.

I know... Wtf i think you misunderstood he's simply not transmed

09-11-2019, 10:53 PM
She doesn't look european to me she's only red haired which is rare in morocco if you want a euro looking moroccan type karim zaza ( in my regions there are a lot of blondes too but they still don't look european they have north african traits)

Are blondes and blue-eyed people rare in morocco? I think they are not so rare in the Berbers.

09-11-2019, 11:12 PM
I know... Wtf i think you misunderstood he's simply not transmed

He's not. He's an ''Atlantized Berid'' if that makes any sense.

09-11-2019, 11:14 PM
He's not. He's an ''Atlantized Berid'' if that makes any sense.

Berid Atlantid? Does that taxonomy exist?

09-11-2019, 11:15 PM
Atlanto-Med + minor Berberid

09-12-2019, 01:50 AM
Are blondes and blue-eyed people rare in morocco? I think they are not so rare in the Berbers.

They are mainly found among riffian berbers but they can be found in a lower proportion all over the territory but yes rare ( i'm strictly talking about morocco here).

09-12-2019, 01:53 AM
Atlanto Med / Berid.

09-12-2019, 02:17 AM

Rafael Passoni
02-16-2021, 09:24 AM
Looks Javier Bardem.