View Full Version : Herzegovinian Serbs

07-07-2019, 03:14 PM

07-07-2019, 03:19 PM
Most are alpine/gorid with dinaric admix.

07-07-2019, 03:20 PM
They look like a mix of typical western Yugos and central Europeans. Weird how some Herzegovinians are light as fuck, I even know a few from Trebinje who pass better as Slovaks than Montenegrins lol.

07-07-2019, 03:36 PM
They look like a mix of typical western Yugos and central Europeans. Weird how some Herzegovinians are light as fuck, I even know a few from Trebinje who pass better as Slovaks than Montenegrins lol.

Herzegovinians can be quite light and quite swarthy.

Look at swarthy guy who is most right and blonde/pale girl (third on left side). This is photo from music school from Trebinje.

07-07-2019, 04:09 PM
Giants. I'm sure now that Herzegovinians must be the tallest Europeans.

And i was thinking about that guy above on the far right^ Atypical? Would you say none-Serb ancestry in there?

As for their looks. Some Dinarids that look more Balkan. But some that fit in Poland, Slovakia etc.

07-07-2019, 04:18 PM
Giants. I'm sure now that Herzegovinians must be the tallest Europeans.

And i was thinking about that guy above on the far right^ Atypical? Would you say none-Serb ancestry in there?

As for their looks. Some Dinarids that look more Balkan. But some that fit in Poland, Slovakia etc.

Herzehovinians are the tallest Europeans, maybe even the tallest on the world https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/04/12/move-over-dutch-men-herzegovinians-may-be-tallest-world-11122

Swarthy guy far right on my last photo is probably just atypical, but who knows maybe he has non-Serbian ancestors...

07-07-2019, 05:24 PM

07-07-2019, 05:27 PM
Herzehovinians are the tallest Europeans, maybe even the tallest on the world https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/04/12/move-over-dutch-men-herzegovinians-may-be-tallest-world-11122

Dalmatians are tallest, but only central part.


Tallest men in the world live in area of Makarska –Imotski –Široki Brijeg –Čapljina - Metković.

07-07-2019, 05:29 PM
Good looking women

07-07-2019, 05:30 PM
because of their hight is kinda difficult to place them anywhere else :D but they just look serbian to me...individually then can be placed in many other countries but in large groups hmmm...i don't know..croatia? maybe moldova and some parts of romania but again...they're way too tall :D

edit: west bulgaria too maybe..some of them..but again..way too tall ))

07-07-2019, 05:37 PM
Herzehovinians are the tallest Europeans, maybe even the tallest on the world

I've heard that certain Nilotic tribes are the tallest in the world. Average heights around 190-194cm for men.

07-07-2019, 07:27 PM
Dalmatians are tallest, but only central part.


Tallest men in the world live in area of Makarska –Imotski –Široki Brijeg –Čapljina - Metković.

Southern Dalmatians are mostly Herzegovinians who moved from Herzegovina to the southern Dalmatia when Herzegovina was under the Ottomans and Dalmatia under the Venetian republic.
I2a-Din has a peak in Herzegovina and southern Dalmatia. This is obvious related with tallness.

07-07-2019, 07:33 PM
Dinarids, Pontids, Norids, Alpinids, Gorids, Baltids and North Pontids mostly.

07-07-2019, 07:35 PM
Southern Dalmatians are mostly Herzegovinians who moved from Herzegovina to the southern Dalmatia when Herzegovina was under the Ottomans and Dalmatia under the Venetian republic.
I2a-Din has a peak in Herzegovina and southern Dalmatia. This is obvious related with tallness.

Southern Dalmatia is shorter than central Dalmatia. It is still tall, but not that tall.

07-07-2019, 07:39 PM
Southern Dalmatia is shorter than central Dalmatia. It is still tall, but not that tall.

Could these folks pass as Croatians and from which region the best?

07-07-2019, 07:43 PM
I've heard that certain Nilotic tribes are the tallest in the world. Average heights around 190-194cm for men.

They descend from Nilotić clan from old Herzegovina

07-07-2019, 07:44 PM
Could these folks pass as Croatians and from which region the best?

Yes, in western Herzegovina the best :D

07-07-2019, 07:49 PM
Yes, in western Herzegovina the best :D

Logically. :)

I see quite similirity in features of these males with western Herzegovinians from your thread.

07-07-2019, 08:51 PM

07-07-2019, 08:52 PM
Pribi, they look lot more Slavic than stereotyped. Herzegovina is unfairly darkwashed and vlachwashed on anthroboards.

07-07-2019, 08:58 PM
Pribi, they look lot more Slavic than stereotyped. Herzegovina is unfairly darkwashed and vlachwashed on anthroboards.

They don't look so Slavic except this students from Gacko https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gacko


Serbian generations born after 2000 tend to look more Slavic than their ancestors for some reason. :confused:

07-07-2019, 09:00 PM
^^^same thing here, because of infantilisation of faces (rough features go away, although old slavs for sure didn't have baby faces like modern north slavs, but more robust)
They look more Slavic than Albanian.

typical slavic ? No! South slavic that is distinct enough - yes!

07-07-2019, 09:06 PM
^^^same thing here, because of infantilisation of faces (rough features go away, although old slavs for sure didn't have baby faces like modern north slavs, but more robust)
They look more Slavic than Albanian.

typical slavic ? No! South slavic that is disticnt enough - yes!

Yea, younger generation have softer features on average. But they are also lighter pigmented than their ancestors. I heard from few older people when they were in school there was 2-3 blonde children in classes, and in classes of their grandchildren there is half blonde children.

07-07-2019, 09:08 PM
Yea, younger generation have softer features on average. But they are also lighter pigmented than their ancestors. I heard from few older people when they were in school there was 2-3 blonde children in classes, and in classes of their grandchildren there is half blonde children.

It's true, in class pictures of my mother were more wog people than today in same city.

07-07-2019, 09:08 PM
^^^same thing here, because of infantilisation of faces (rough features go away, although old slavs for sure didn't have baby faces like modern north slavs, but more robust)
They look more Slavic than Albanian.

typical slavic ? No! South slavic that is disticnt enough - yes!

Yeah this is the reason, that's not necessary a good thing. Bulgarians aged 14-19 looks also Slavic, but as they age they develop more Balkanic features

07-07-2019, 09:11 PM
It's true, in class pictures of my mother were more wog people than today in same city.

What happened? lol

07-07-2019, 09:13 PM
What happened? lol

No idea.
To me all those Yugoslav generations were Vlach shifted. I see more northern types today, they are pretty common (nordids, baltids).

But features also change as we age.
Look my avatar pic. I think I looked extremely Finnish as small child (not just platinum hair, but facial features).

Now I don't look anything like Finn.

07-07-2019, 09:18 PM
No idea.
To me all those Yugoslav generations were Vlach shifted. I see more northern types today, they are pretty common (nordids, baltids).

But features also change as we age.
Look my avatar pic. I think I looked extremely Finnish as small child (not just platinum hair, but facial features).

Now I don't look anything like Finn.

Yes, you look like a Finn baby on avatar. :)

07-07-2019, 09:26 PM
^^^same thing here, because of infantilisation of faces (rough features go away, although old slavs for sure didn't have baby faces like modern north slavs, but more robust)
They look more Slavic than Albanian.

typical slavic ? No! South slavic that is distinct enough - yes!

This is how people from Gacko looked in the past.



07-07-2019, 09:26 PM

These girls can pass in my area.

07-07-2019, 09:36 PM
These girls can pass in my area.

They are from town Gacko which I mentioned in previous posts.

Gacko is on 940 m above sea level surrounder with mountains of 2000-2400 m such as Lebršninik and Maglić

In such geogrhaphy people should be very Dinaric looking, but for some reason Dinarics disappear even in the hart of Dinaric region.

07-07-2019, 09:39 PM
They are from town Gacko which I mentioned in previous posts.

Gacko is on 940 m above sea level surrounder with mountains of 2000-2400 m such as Lebršninik and Maglić

In such geogrhaphy people should be very Dinaric looking, but for some reason Dinarics disappear even in the hart of Dinaric region.

You seem to be happy about that. Less Dinaric more Slavic. Dinarics are the backbone of your nation

07-07-2019, 09:41 PM
They are from town Gacko which I mentioned in previous posts.

Gacko is on 940 m above sea level surrounder with mountains of 2000-2400 m such as Lebršninik and Maglić

In such geogrhaphy people should be very Dinaric looking, but for some reason Dinarics disappear even in the hart of Dinaric region.

They look Eastern. These square-headed Gorid faces are very common in Moldova in general.

07-07-2019, 09:47 PM
You seem to be happy about that. Less Dinaric more Slavic. Dinarics are the backbone of your nation

Carpathian Slavs are often Dinarics. Dinaric type exist among west Slavs. Russians are only Slavic people who are lack of Dinarics.

I am not against Dinarics. My paternal great-grandfather was Dinaric, and my father is Dinaric. I only notice disappearence of Dinaric type in former Yugoslavia.

07-07-2019, 09:50 PM
They look Eastern. These square-headed Gorid faces are very common in Moldova in general.

Moldavians and southwest Slavs are close autosomally. :)

07-07-2019, 10:04 PM
Cheap labour force for southern Croatia, waiters, hookers etc.
But they will be replaced with Philipinos next year when Germany opens it's borders and all of 55 000 of them move out.

07-07-2019, 10:04 PM
Cheap labour force for southern Croatia, waiters, hookers etc.
But they will be replaced with Philipinos next year when Germany opens it's borders and all of 55 000 of them move out.

Troll post.

07-07-2019, 10:40 PM
Troll post.

It is pretty much correct though.

07-08-2019, 10:39 AM
It is pretty much correct though.

Never heard for Serbian prostitutes here. They are mostly from eastern europe and that doesn't mean those countries are less worth.
Speaking for cheap work force, do you laugh to Slavonian youth who slave in those resorts for shit salary too ?

07-08-2019, 12:56 PM
Never heard for Serbian prostitutes here. They are mostly from eastern europe and that doesn't mean those countries are less worth.
Speaking for cheap work force, do you laugh to Slavonian youth who slave in those resorts for shit salary too ?

Are you f**ing serious?
Like 80-90% of prostitutes in Dalmatia are Serbian.
*correction-this article is from 2015, there are no Montenegrins anymore, those people prosper under their government

07-08-2019, 01:01 PM
Are you f**ing serious?
Like 80-90% of prostitutes in Dalmatia are Serbian.
*correction-this article is from 2015, there are no Montenegrins anymore, those people prosper under their government

I zaista na jednoj internetskoj stranici, kojoj je opis Katalog zabave za poslovne putnike, nalazi se šest djevojaka. Među njima je i Tereza, mlada studentica koja studira u Dubrovniku. Ona poziva one koji su na poslovnom putu i koji se osjećaju usamljeno da je nazovu. Cijena njenih usluga je 6 tisuća kuna za jedan sat ili 15 tisuća kuna za cijeli dan. U navedenoj 'ponudi' se nalazi i Mirela iz Srbije. Ona je tu preko sezone i njena cijena je 1500 kuna, a cijeli dan ona može biti samo vaša za nešto više od 7 tisuća kuna.

Real Serbian names, no doubt about it :picard1:
For real though, the article is nothing but rumours and clickbait. It has about as much merit as the claims made by Informer a few years back about Kolinda staring in porn.

07-08-2019, 01:04 PM
I zaista na jednoj internetskoj stranici, kojoj je opis Katalog zabave za poslovne putnike, nalazi se šest djevojaka. Među njima je i Tereza, mlada studentica koja studira u Dubrovniku. Ona poziva one koji su na poslovnom putu i koji se osjećaju usamljeno da je nazovu. Cijena njenih usluga je 6 tisuća kuna za jedan sat ili 15 tisuća kuna za cijeli dan. U navedenoj 'ponudi' se nalazi i Mirela iz Srbije. Ona je tu preko sezone i njena cijena je 1500 kuna, a cijeli dan ona može biti samo vaša za nešto više od 7 tisuća kuna.

Real Serbian names, no doubt about it :picard1:
For real though, the article is nothing but rumours and clickbait. It has about as much merit as the claims made by Informer a few years back about Kolinda staring in porn.

Those are not their real names smartass:D
Ofc the article is real, this is general knowlege here.

07-08-2019, 01:08 PM
There are no prostitutes of any kind on my small Island, such degeneracy don't exist in out village.
But in Rijeka and Opatija I heard for various countries (Ukraine etc), not for Serbia. Probably there are some, but certanly not main recruiting place.

Another thing that is kept quiet is that many girls who are students tell their parents to work as hostesses in the summers, but they are actually elite escorts of yacts usually with Italians.
There were several such examples in my Uni (Law School), and their parents never found out, they neively think they earned money for high end clothes and car by working in Zrće as host girls, haha.

07-08-2019, 01:14 PM
Those are not their real names smartass:D
Ofc the article is real, this is general knowlege here.

Right. It's general knowlege, which is why one can read so much about it:


Laughable. If I believed every drooling troll on the Internet such as yourself, that would mean there are at least 10 000 women from Serbia selling their services in every country from Great Britain all the way to India.
Serbia would have to have a population at least equal to that of Russia with half of the adult females working in the prostitution buisness to satisfy your perverted claims.

07-08-2019, 01:23 PM
Right. It's general knowlege, which is why one can read so much about it:


Laughable. If I believed every drooling troll on the Internet such as yourself, that would mean there are at least 10 000 women from Serbia selling their services in every country from Great Britain all the way to India.
Serbia would have to have a population at least equal to that of Russia with half of the adult females working in the prostitution buisness to satisfy your perverted claims.

What did you ment to prove with this screenshot? Who said anything about Great Britain?
Yes, Serbian girls are most common escorts in Dalmatia, everyone knows this. Also those who are not escorts but for example waitresses end up doing all kind of nasty stuff for their employes.

07-08-2019, 01:28 PM
What did you ment to prove with this screenshot? Who said anything about Great Britain?
Yes, Serbian girls are most common escorts in Dalmatia, everyone knows this. Also those who are not escorts but for example waitresses end up doing all kind of nasty stuff for their employes.


07-08-2019, 01:32 PM

Several tens of thousands Serbs visit Croatia more than vice versa+seasonal wokers in Croatia.
But this thread is not about Serbia, it is about Serbs from Eastern Herzegovina. Most of them are in Trebinje/Bileća/Ljubinje area and they are cheap labour force for the Croats.
Do you deny this?

07-08-2019, 01:33 PM
Back to topic:

For me these particular Serbs from Herzegovina are virtually indistinguishable from Bosniaks - but it is hardly surprising. They seem very tall.

A lots of Dinaric influence and Dinaric phenotypes. But they are not noticeably darker than neighbouring Croats from Croatia.

07-08-2019, 02:02 PM
Back to topic:

For me these particular Serbs from Herzegovina are virtually indistinguishable from Bosniaks - but it is hardly surprising.

A lots of Dinaric influence and Dinaric phenotypes. But they are not noticeably darker than neighbouring Croats from Croatia.

A lot of Bosniaks originated from eastern Herzegovina (Serbian part of Herzegovina). Many Serbiam convertits on Islam from Herzegovina moved to the Bosnia in 16th and 17th century where Ottoman gave lands to them.

Y dna of Herzegovinian Serbs - sample 440
I2a-Din - 45.32% (I2-PH908 32.5%)
R1a - 15.45% (Z280 10.98%, M458 4.47%)
E1b - 12.5%
I1 - 6.59%
R1b - 5% (western 3.18%, eastern 1.82%)
N2-P189.2 - 4.55%
J2a - 4.09%
G2a-L497 - 2.27%
J1 - 1.36%
L-M349 - 1.36%
J2b-M205 - 0.9%
I2-M223 - 0.23%
J2b-M241 - 0.23%
Q - 0.23%

Bosniaks (from Bosnia) - sample 273
I2 - 43.4%
R1a - 15%
E1b - 11.2%
I1 - 7.9%
J2a - 6.4%
R1b-U106 - 1.9%
G2 - 1.5%
J2b-M205 - 1.5%
N2 - 1.5%
R1b-U152 - 1.5%
I2-M223 - 1.1%
J1 - 1.1%
R1b-L23 - 1.1%
R1b-M269+ - 1.1%
G/G1 - 0.7%
L1 - 0.7%
T - 0.7%
R1b-PF7562 - 0.7%

Very similar!

This statistic for Bosnian Muslims originally posted Bosniensis https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?253441-Bosnian-Muslim-Y-DNA-results-(273-samples)

07-08-2019, 02:11 PM
Cheap labour force for southern Croatia, waiters, hookers etc.
But they will be replaced with Philipinos next year when Germany opens it's borders and all of 55 000 of them move out.

small people mentality. instead of looking up they always look behind hoping to find someone smaller than them