View Full Version : Classify an ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman (Kiryas Joel, NY)

07-18-2019, 07:47 AM
"I have ate childraen. Eezus very goot."



08-13-2019, 02:55 AM
Lil Bump.

08-13-2019, 03:07 AM
"I have ate childraen. Eezus very goot."



:suspicious: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel

So it all started because of poor English skills?

08-13-2019, 03:15 AM
Kiryas Joel is a colony in the US. The people in surrounding areas can't stand them, from what I hear.

08-13-2019, 03:17 AM
There are tons of non-profits supporting them. They take welfare and have had scandals of welfare fraud. They shit out like 12 kids each. They aren't assimilating into American culture.

Nice neighbors to have.

According to 2008 census figures, the village has the highest poverty rate in the nation. More than two-thirds of residents live below the federal poverty line and 40% receive food stamps.[5]


08-13-2019, 03:18 AM
Kiryas Joel is a colony in the US. The people in surrounding areas can't stand them, from what I hear.

Because Muricans are huge Anti-Semites.

Now imagine in early 20th century ca. 90% of Jews in Eastern Europe were ultra-Orthodox and only 10% were secularized / assimilated.

08-13-2019, 03:20 AM
Because Muricans are huge Anti-Semites.

Muricans worship Jews. We think they're just the best.

08-13-2019, 03:21 AM
I was at work today among a group of seven White Americans. The conversation of some shitty documentary about Africa came up. Someone mentioned that the host was appropriate because she was African. Everyone got silent.

Americans are fucking scared to death of being considered even slightly "anti" anything.

It's hilarious.

08-13-2019, 03:21 AM
Muricans worship Jews. We think they're just the best.

So why didn't you vote for Bernie Sanders?

08-13-2019, 03:23 AM
So why didn't you vote for Bernie?

He wasn't really an option. Hillary torpedo'd his candidacy.

I'm an outright racist though. Not like most Americans. So asking my opinion is kinda silly. lol

08-13-2019, 04:23 AM
Because Muricans are huge Anti-Semites.

Now imagine in early 20th century ca. 90% of Jews in Eastern Europe were ultra-Orthodox and only 10% were secularized / assimilated.

1. The Chassidic group in that neighborhood is Satmar. They're known to be the craziest and they're not from Poland. They're from Hungary/Northern Romania.
2. Did Jews request gender separation and clothing protocols from gentiles in early 20th century Europe?
3. Where were the Jews 90% ultra-orthodox in the early 20th century? This is the time of the Russian revolution. Based on the photos I've seen from the Russian Empire, only the elderly were ultra-Orthodox during this time period. Those in their 20's-40's were dressed like everyone else. Maybe higher %s were in some cities of Poland, but 90% still sounds outlandish for major cities. It's plausible this was the case for some villages. I would've agreed with you regarding the % a century earlier. Regardless, the previous point remains - I don't recall any such request in old Europe. This is a new world phenomenon and it's almost always Satmar. The few times I've had the opportunity to discuss this with the ultra-Orthodox, they end up conceding that this is by no means traditional. And it's unfortunate, because this dynamic creates a rift between secular Jews and the ultra-orthodox. This behavior is the result of recent rulings by their Rebbes as a response to modernity. Since booty shorts and outdoor dry humping wasn't a thing in early 20th century Eastern Europe, no such Rabbinical rulings existed.

08-13-2019, 05:54 AM
I was at work today among a group of seven White Americans. The conversation of some shitty documentary about Africa came up. Someone mentioned that the host was appropriate because she was African. Everyone got silent.

Americans are fucking scared to death of being considered even slightly "anti" anything.

It's hilarious.

I'm an outright racist though. Not like most Americans. So asking my opinion is kinda silly. lol
Oh gosh, hope I am not interrupting your non-classification talk in a classification section but bitch better have my classification now.

I want my classifications (suggestions fine too), big guys, and I want them right motherfucking now or I show you silly and hilarious. ;)


08-13-2019, 06:04 AM
Oh gosh, hope I am not interrupting your non-classification talk in a classification section but bitch better have my classification now.

I want my classifications (suggestions fine too), big guys, and I want them right motherfucking now or I show you silly and hilarious. ;)


Norid + Orientalid. Common look.