View Full Version : People who discovered they are Amerindians: Classify and Place

10-04-2019, 08:19 PM
These are some Brazilians who discovered their ''Amerindian'' roots according to a Brazilian Newspaper. They all identify as Amerindian.






The first and fourth girl do look like Mestizas, the second is a Mulatta, the third guy is Triracial and the last guy is probably mostly White genetically (he can pass in Southern Europe imo).

10-04-2019, 08:53 PM

10-04-2019, 09:10 PM
Do Brazilian and other south american mestizos look markedly different from central American and Mexican mestizos?

10-04-2019, 09:14 PM
Do Brazilian and other south american mestizos look markedly different from central American and Mexican mestizos?

Overall, no. But in the case of Brazil there are very few ''true'' balanced Mestizos like Mexicans and Guatemalans in the country. Most people with Amerindian blood either have overwhelming European ancestry or are mixed with a considerable amount of SSA.

Amerindian blood is so out of place in Brazil that many people don't really know how they look like. This thread is a good example, you have both a predominantly black (the second) and predominantly white (the last one) person claiming to be ''Amerindians''.

10-04-2019, 09:18 PM
Xokleng (south Brazil) is a dark skinned amerindian:



Tupi-Guarani is lighter and with more Mongolian


There is a admixture of the two peoples

10-04-2019, 09:23 PM
Overall, no. But in the case of Brazil there are very few ''true'' balanced Mestizos like Mexicans and Guatemalans in the country. Most people with Amerindian blood either have overwhelming European ancestry or are mixed with a considerable amount of SSA.

Amerindian blood is so out of place in Brazil that many people don't really know how they look like. This thread is a good example, you have both a predominantly black (the second) and predominantly white (the last one) person claiming to be ''Amerindians''.

Why is that? How can you have so few Amerindians in such a large country with good weather? F. example large parts of Mexico are desert but Amerindian is one of the two largest ancestral components there.

10-04-2019, 09:29 PM
Why is that? How can you have so few Amerindians in such a large country with good weather? F. example large parts of Mexico are desert but Amerindian is one of the two largest ancestral components there.

In some parts of the country the Portuguese and later the Brazilian government acted to expel or exterminate the Amerindians. The levels of repopulation in Brazil are immense, most Brazilians have more European or African ancestry than Amerindian.

My grandfather, for example, comes from a town in Southeastern Brazil which was previously an Amerindian village that got burned by the government to install Italian and German colonists. The Amerindians living there either got killed or expelled. Nowadays the city holds the name of the Army's captain responsible for expelling the Amerindians. I'd even dare to say that almost no one in this town has any degree of Amerindian blood (it's a small populated town of 14.000 people).

In Northern Brazil you can find more people with Amerindian ancestry, but they usually have a high amount of European and SSA too. Isolated tribes of pure Amerindians are around 0,4% of the population.

10-04-2019, 09:45 PM
Do Brazilian and other south american mestizos look markedly different from central American and Mexican mestizos?

In Brazil (north) there is a pure Siberian halogroup descending (amazon-amerindian) are fair skin and mestizos are white in skin color, are short in stature and many are brachycephalic:


has another halogroup in Latin America probably from northeast India are darker skinned


Taino central american


10-04-2019, 09:48 PM
I guess their amerindians is very old

10-04-2019, 09:52 PM
Why is that? How can you have so few Amerindians in such a large country with good weather? F. example large parts of Mexico are desert but Amerindian is one of the two largest ancestral components there.

He is an uninformed think that Brazil is between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and has no amerindian here.

Many are mixed the population, In the north you find them in good quantity, some cities are 70 to 90% Amerindian.

10-04-2019, 09:54 PM
He is an uninformed think that Brazil is between Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and has no amerindian here.

Many are mixed the population, In the north you find them in good quantity, some cities are 70 to 90% Amerindian.

Get out of my threads, low IQ monkey.

10-04-2019, 10:22 PM
What a shame. None of them are real indigenous americans, but people with issues about their own ethnic identity. The first woman does show some amerindian influence around her eyes's area; second woman is a mulatta-leaning trirracial; the third and the fourth dudes are mostly euro-leaning mestizos. If you're looking for real brazilian amerindians, just search for "Surui", "Yanomami" or "Guaraní" on google.

Tooting Carmen
10-04-2019, 10:44 PM
Indo-Mestizo, Mulatta, Triracial, Triracial, exotic Southern European.

10-05-2019, 11:35 PM
So which is the most balanced triracial country?

10-05-2019, 11:45 PM
First one should have known by looking at herself that she was significantly Amerindian.