View Full Version : Who looks more west asian, me or TheOldNorth?

12-09-2019, 06:46 AM
Bored so thought I might as well shitpost like everyone else atm.

12-09-2019, 06:48 AM
well how are we supposed to know without a picture?

12-09-2019, 06:49 AM
You do, asuvis.

Inb4 you still look more Romanian.

12-09-2019, 06:49 AM
well how are we supposed to know without a picture?

Homie I'm so famous every regular knows what I look like.

12-09-2019, 06:50 AM
You do, asuvis.

Inb4 you still look more Romanian.

Nooooo I truly am a popescu.

12-09-2019, 06:51 AM
[QUOTE=asuvis;6385579]Homie I'm so famous every regular knows what I look like.

only saw you on the 23&me+picture thread and now so I didn't remember

12-09-2019, 06:51 AM
only saw you on the 23&me+picture thread and now so I didn't remember

Don't qoute the pictures please though hehe

12-09-2019, 06:52 AM
Not the question, but Asuvis passes better as British/Irish than TheOldNorth.

12-09-2019, 06:52 AM
Don't qoute the pictures please though hehe

fixed it

12-09-2019, 06:53 AM
fixed it


12-09-2019, 06:53 AM
Not the question, but Asuvis passes better as British/Irish than TheOldNorth.

wow harsh considering I'm literally half british and irish

12-09-2019, 06:53 AM
Not the question, but Asuvis passes better as British/Irish than TheOldNorth.

STOP IT! Having one Cornish ancestor in the 1700's does not make me look british -11

12-09-2019, 06:54 AM
wow harsh considering I'm literally half british and irish
Just the way I see it.

12-09-2019, 06:54 AM
STOP IT! Having one Cornish ancestor in the 1700's does not make me look british -11

this makes me laugh in some self deprecating pain as I know I probably have at least one east european ancestor in the 1700s from my jewish side

12-09-2019, 06:55 AM
Just the way I see it.

damn aussies

12-09-2019, 06:55 AM
Just the way I see it.

Samnium thinks I look like an odd british chap, perhaps one who is part french

12-09-2019, 06:56 AM
this makes me laugh in some self deprecating pain as I know I probably have at least one east european ancestor in the 1700s from my jewish side

It's okay, I am literally the mtebid masterrace build where I pass from the shores of Wales to the mountains of Georgia.

12-09-2019, 06:59 AM
It's okay, I am literally the mtebid masterrace build where I pass from the shores of Wales to the mountains of Georgia.

explains it well, most say I'm west med+alpine, though I've never found that satisfactory, I feel like there's something missing

12-09-2019, 07:00 AM
Obviously you because you look very Caucasian to me.

12-09-2019, 07:04 AM
Obviously you because you look very Caucasian to me.

Def best answer, even 23andme reddit thought I looked Kavkaz lol.

12-09-2019, 07:05 AM
explains it well, most say I'm west med+alpine, though I've never found that satisfactory, I feel like there's something missing

Your short hair makes you less west asian looking for sure when I saw it, when I get my haircut though I just look more Caucasian and less Jewish.

12-09-2019, 07:06 AM
explains it well, most say I'm west med+alpine, though I've never found that satisfactory, I feel like there's something missing

Phenotypes are mostly pseudo-science that's why.

12-09-2019, 07:08 AM
You mate

12-09-2019, 07:08 AM
Phenotypes are mostly pseudo-science that's why.

Very true, I just like the whole mtebid joke and run with it. Honestly I can't tell shit for most people on the Taxonomy posts.

12-09-2019, 07:09 AM
You mate

I've talked to so many Assyrians from Australian, are you guys trying to restart the empire down there? Is it because it's hot asf?

12-09-2019, 07:13 AM
I've talked to so many Assyrians from Australian, are you guys trying to restart the empire down there? Is it because it's hot asf?

Cheers my bro, yes it reminds us of home. We will slowly but surely turn Australia to Aussyria.

12-09-2019, 07:19 AM
Phenotypes are mostly pseudo-science that's why.

Not really, I think it’s more complex then we make it out to be but there is real science involved in it and some real patterns

12-09-2019, 07:20 AM
Cheers my bro, yes it reminds us of home. We will slowly but surely turn Australia to Aussyria.

We Arabs already have a second Arabia in Australia since they are over 1 million camels living in the outback regions of Australia, rofl. This Aussie thinks this way too:


12-09-2019, 07:54 AM
Very true, I just like the whole mtebid joke and run with it. Honestly I can't tell shit for most people on the Taxonomy posts.

I take it also as a fun game or a joke.

12-09-2019, 07:58 AM
I hate that you put me in a position such that I must break one of your hearts..

Forgive me, TheOldNorth, but, asuvis, passes in West Asia with more lethal panache.

12-09-2019, 08:13 AM
Edited: wrong thread.

12-09-2019, 08:20 AM
Edit: wrong thread again.

I swear to Tengri sometimes I think all that Datura has compromised mein mind..


12-09-2019, 08:43 AM

12-09-2019, 09:13 AM

Republic of Azerbaijan or Iranian Azerbaijan?

12-09-2019, 09:15 AM
OldNorth, he passes as Jewish. Asuvius looks Romanian to me, not really Kavkaz.

12-09-2019, 09:17 AM
Republic of Azerbaijan or Iranian Azerbaijan?

Rep northern parts (Not Caspian side and Iran border where Turanid/Pamirid and Iranid are more present)

12-10-2019, 02:59 AM
Republic of Azerbaijan or Iranian Azerbaijan?

Republic of Azerbaijan.

12-10-2019, 05:20 AM
Republic of Azerbaijan.

Lol stop it