View Full Version : Guess Udmurt or Finnish

01-29-2020, 11:29 AM
Original thread concept not copied from Laag.


Look at this difference in facial width (I think the other girl is Spanish or something):


01-29-2020, 11:37 AM

01-29-2020, 12:05 PM
East Finn or Udmurt. A lot of Asian admixture.

01-29-2020, 12:07 PM
Udmurt Aryan Girl

01-29-2020, 12:26 PM
Australoid influenced European

01-29-2020, 12:29 PM
East Finn or Udmurt. A lot of Asian admixture.

I made these morphs of Finnish hockey players (https://sliiga.fi/fi/pelaajat/2019-2020/) grouped based on whether the municipality where the player was listed as being born is part of the Western Finnish or Eastern Finnish dialect area. (I excluded players who were listed as being born in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, or Tampere.) The differences between the morphs are not exactly as dramatic as the differences between the Tavastid and Savolaxid morphs at humanphenotypes.net.


In the image below, the last 3 morphs are of players from regions that are predominantly part of the Eastern Finnish dialect area, but the first 8 morphs are of players from regions that are predominantly part of the Western Finnish dialect area.


(Eastern Finns and Western Finns are of course already fairly mixed, and a lot of Eastern Finns live in Western Finland and vice versa. I'd like to see morphs like this of Finns grouped by their actual genetic background.)

01-29-2020, 12:34 PM
Australoid influenced European

Yeah, Kylälahtic herrenrasse.

01-29-2020, 12:45 PM
Ultimate neoteny.

01-29-2020, 12:48 PM
Could be both but I will go with Finnish because those photos of Udmurt girls that you posted before were clearly made in the early 10's in poor quality and somewhere in the Russian outback and vice versa the photos of those Finnish girls that you posted here were already modern and clearly not in the Russian landscape.

01-29-2020, 01:08 PM
Could be both but I will go with Finnish because those photos of Udmurt girls that you posted before were clearly made in the early 10's in poor quality and somewhere in the Russian outback and vice versa the photos of those Finnish girls that you posted here were already modern and clearly not in the Russian landscape.

Actually this girl was born in 1988, and these photos are from around 2009-2013.

I wish there would be photos of Finno-Permic babes from 1000 AD or something. People are only getting more fake each year.

01-29-2020, 01:53 PM
Actually this girl was born in 1988, and these photos are from around 2009-2013.

I wish there would be photos of Finno-Permic babes from 1000 AD or something. People are only getting more fake each year.

Due to the fact that the Uralische peoples lived in isolated places in Europe they have changed little since the Paleolithic and therefore all Uralische girls still look natural compared to other European women.

01-29-2020, 02:17 PM
Could be Finnish, very close Bothnian-Savolaxian mongrels ;). But in this context I say Udmurt.

01-29-2020, 04:29 PM

01-29-2020, 06:04 PM
Bump for White girls. Too much azeris in last hour.

01-29-2020, 07:30 PM
She's Finnish. I don't know if she has Eastern Finnish ancestry. She has a German surname which only a few Finns have, but which is the name of one of the Finnish noble families. The patriarch of the family arrived to Finland from Estonia in the 1700s, and he was knighted for his service in the Great Northern War. He is mentioned in the book "Fältskärns berättelser" (1884) by Zacharis Topelius.

I tried making a morph of photos I found by searching for people who look like this girl on Yandex's reverse image search:


That's such a perfect look...

01-30-2020, 04:34 AM
She's Finnish. I don't know if she has Eastern Finnish ancestry. She has a German surname which only a few Finns have, but which is the name of one of the Finnish noble families. The patriarch of the family arrived to Finland from Estonia in the 1700s, and he was knighted for his service in the Great Northern War. He is mentioned in the book "Fältskärns berättelser" (1884) by Zacharis Topelius.

I tried making a morph of photos I found by searching for people who look like this girl on Yandex's reverse image search:


That's such a perfect look...

So beautiful and feminine. Real Uralische Beauty.

01-30-2020, 04:40 AM
Guys on here have some strange taste. Fat faces are not attractive.

01-30-2020, 06:30 AM
Guys on here have some strange taste. Fat faces are not attractive.

If I was forced to get a gf, I don't think I could accept anyone whose cheekbone volume wouldn't be at least 1.5σ above average.

I ruined my brain about 7 years ago when I wrote scripts for scraping Facebook and later VKontakte and Instagram. I developed a method which allowed me to go through photos of about 10,000 people per hour so that I selected the persons who I thought were the best. I became highly aware that most people look more or less deformed in a similar way, so that for example their facial skeleton is too narrow or gracile, their nose is too leptorrhine, convex, or downturned, and they have dull-looking eyes with eyelids that are too prominent; or basically most whites look deformed in the way that they are phenotypically shifted towards MENAs. The white girls who look the least like that usually look more or less like this girl, or like what Laag calls "Uralische" (even though actually in German, the word "uralische" is not capitalized). I know it's not just subjective, even though it's something that is difficult to convey to another person. I think other people would come to a similar conclusion if they would just be exposed to a massive amount of data like I was.

Try to go through mugshot-style photos of at least a hundred Northern European girls who are matched for characteristics like age and ethnicity. Good sources of such photos are https://www.svenskfotboll.se/serier-cuper/tabell-och-resultat/obos-damallsvenskan-2020/82420/ (Swedish) and https://www.balticcasting.com/en/database/item/women/ (Latvian). Then if you simply select photos of the girls whose eyes look the most lively and the least dull, and if you try to make a morph of the photos, I think the morph will end up being shifted in the Uralische direction, so that for example it will have chubbier than average cheeks, its face will be wider than average, and it will have chinkier than average eye shape.

Davy Jones's Locker
01-30-2020, 07:15 PM
East Baltic.