View Full Version : Classify Turkish Hotel Manager (Blonde)

05-10-2020, 02:20 PM
Unfortunately only photo.


05-10-2020, 02:26 PM

05-10-2020, 02:28 PM
Looks very European. Could pass in The Netherlands

05-10-2020, 02:30 PM
Could pass in The NetherlandsThat brown eyes would shine at first glance tho :)

05-10-2020, 02:33 PM

05-10-2020, 02:35 PM
Subnordid. Could pass as Dutch, no,?

05-10-2020, 02:36 PM
doesn't look turkish

05-10-2020, 02:48 PM
Could pass as Dutch, no,?

Yes but it's tricky. I've never seen a dutch with this face, hair and eye color combo.

05-10-2020, 02:49 PM
Yes but it's tricky. I've never seen a dutch with this face, hair and eye color combo.

I see. For some reason she gives me also US vibe

05-10-2020, 02:51 PM
doesn't look turkish

That photo from tripadvisor where tourists post their travel photos and she actually looks like a tourist. So I think she is German or Dutch West Alpinid/Subnordid.

05-10-2020, 02:55 PM
That photo from tripadvisor where tourists post their travel photos and she actually looks like a tourist. So I think she is German or Dutch West Alpinid/Subnordid.

Yea doesn't look like the "manager" at all.

just another thread to try to convince people average turks are more northern looking than europeans xD

05-10-2020, 02:57 PM
Nordid. Neither typical nor atypical, can pass as Balkan Turk or Bosniak easily.

05-10-2020, 03:00 PM
Nordid. Neither typical nor atypical, can pass as Balkan Turk or Bosniak easily.

She can definitely not pass as Bosniak "easily". She looks Germanic as fuck.

05-10-2020, 03:02 PM
Nordid. Neither typical nor atypical, can pass as Balkan Turk or Bosniak easily.


05-10-2020, 03:06 PM
looks dutch

05-10-2020, 03:09 PM
That photo from tripadvisor where tourists post their travel photos. So I think she is German or Dutch West Alpinid/Subnordid.

She's from a scottish guy's (1bike1world) hotel visit in ankara. This guy's video shared in turkey landscapes thread https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?45599-Urban-life-and-the-landscapes-from-Turkey&p=6435482&viewfull=1#post6435482
And i've checked his other videos, cus he's cool and has a cat ;)

This is the video including ankara visit.


This is his tripadvisor comment with shared photos.


I made a search on the hotel but i was not able to find hotel staff names. So i just posted the only photo of her that i could find.

just another thread to try to convince people average turks are more northern looking than europeans xD

No i don't have such habits, she was just unusual looking woman and i wanted to get some help here, as usual. I would rather make turks look more east asian if i could do, but again, i don't have such habits.

I will personally report you to moderation with a pm for this post.

05-10-2020, 03:13 PM
She can definitely not pass as Bosniak "easily". She looks Germanic as fuck.

That's just my opinion. She looks like a friend of mine's mother who is Bosniak, probably that's why I thought in this way. I am not sure how typical she is among Bosniaks though.

05-10-2020, 03:15 PM
That's just my opinion. She looks like a friend of mine's mother who is Bosniak, probably that's why I thought in this way. I am not sure how typical she is among Bosniaks though.

Almanci never saw a real turk.

05-10-2020, 03:16 PM
Almanci never saw a real turk.

Senin sorunun ne?

05-10-2020, 03:16 PM
She's from a scottish guy's (1bike1world) hotel visit in ankara. This guy's video shared in turkey landscapes thread https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?45599-Urban-life-and-the-landscapes-from-Turkey&p=6435482&viewfull=1#post6435482
And i've checked his other videos, cus he's cool and has a cat ;)

This is the video including ankara visit.


This is his tripadvisor comment with shared photos.


I made a search on the hotel but i was not able to find hotel staff names. So i just posted the only photo of her that i could find.

No i don't have such habits, she was just unusual looking woman and i wanted to get some help here, as usual. I would rather make turks look more east asian if i could do, but again, i don't have such habits.

I will personally report you to moderation with a pm for this post.

Report me all you want, its obvious shes a tourist by looks and its even from tripadvisor, look at the 3 women, 1 stand out like a sore pimple in the ass.

You dont do those stuff?

Yesterday you posted an arab as french

TCA = Turkish culinary academy , its from a cooking class with foreigners.

Reporting you providing mods with links

05-10-2020, 03:17 PM
This is the staff at the hotel.


05-10-2020, 03:18 PM
My problem is i am using german word while i am speaking turkish and scream RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!

05-10-2020, 03:21 PM
Yesterday you posted an arab as frenchI post armeno-kurds, orientals as turks without problem. I was not aware of how horrible thing that is, since i care about nationalities.

05-10-2020, 03:23 PM
I post armeno-kurds, orientals as turks without problem. I was not aware of how horrible thing that is, since i care about nationalities.

You don't care about nationalities but yet you falsly claim ethnicity of the people you post?


05-10-2020, 03:24 PM

05-10-2020, 03:40 PM
You don't care about nationalities but yet you falsly claim ethnicity of the people you post?


When did i claim her ethnicity? I said just turkish, which is a nationality.



05-10-2020, 03:44 PM
What's so unusual at her pigmentation? to me she looks classical NW euro, could pass in UK/Netherlands easily.
It's not uncommon to find blonde haired brown eyed people in NW Europe.

She looks atlanto-nordid/north atlantid, the nordid component being hallstatt.

05-10-2020, 03:44 PM
When did i claim her ethnicity? I said just turkish, which is a nationality.



Excuses, its a tourist.

You were very specific saying its the hotel manager and that shes turkish.

Show any proof that shes turkish or even working at the hotel or let alone the manager, im waiting.

05-10-2020, 03:44 PM
She's from a scottish guy's (1bike1world) hotel visit in ankara. This guy's video shared in turkey landscapes thread https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?45599-Urban-life-and-the-landscapes-from-Turkey&p=6435482&viewfull=1#post6435482
And i've checked his other videos, cus he's cool and has a cat ;)

This is the video including ankara visit.


This is his tripadvisor comment with shared photos.


I made a search on the hotel but i was not able to find hotel staff names. So i just posted the only photo of her that i could find.

No i don't have such habits, she was just unusual looking woman and i wanted to get some help here, as usual. I would rather make turks look more east asian if i could do, but again, i don't have such habits.

I will personally report you to moderation with a pm for this post.

Maintenance could be right she doesn't look manager at all not in terms of her western phenotype but her appearance her appearance screams she's a tourist. By the way two beautiful Turkish ladies look better than her.

05-10-2020, 03:47 PM
Maintenance could be right she doesn't look manager at all not in terms of her western phenotype but her appearance her appearance screams she's a tourist. By the way two beautiful Turkish ladies look better than her.

Yea, i don't understand why so many turks keep trying to portray themselves as NW euro when there nothing wrong with the REAL look of turkish people.

I mean there is sock after sock created by turks using fake pictures of blonde people claiming its them, its so dumb.

05-10-2020, 03:54 PM

05-10-2020, 04:02 PM
Doesn't look Turkish, and hotel staff is definetly not the place to look for such phenotypes.

05-10-2020, 04:03 PM
Cute kitty <3

05-10-2020, 04:09 PM
nordo-baltid range

05-10-2020, 05:25 PM
Dyed hair

05-10-2020, 05:44 PM
Excuses, its a tourist.

You were very specific saying its the hotel manager and that shes turkish.

Show any proof that shes turkish or even working at the hotel or let alone the manager, im waiting.

I assume you have never been in a hotel. Because this scene is usual hotel scene as every single person can clearly see who is worker and who is the boss. A class looking woman in front of two cooks is enough evidence to predict she is the manager.

Seriously, i didn't expect such a primitive lowlife attack on me for this thread, so i didn'tt search well before asking help with her. That can be counted as a mistake. But a youtuber invited in a private "behind the curtain" area in a hotel, two cook ladies and a receptionist man, i strongly think that the other class looking lady is some kind of boss and she has permission to invite the dude to that place.

In turkey we don't have many blondes and nordids, as everyone know. One more or one less does not make me feel better or worse. I don't earn or lose anything. I just wanted some help with this brown eyed cutie.

"Behind the curtain" personnel area that photos taken:


05-10-2020, 05:49 PM
blaa bla can't prove your claims

"primative low life attack"

asking for any proof of your claims is considered a primative low life attack?

Seems more like you have 0 proof since there is none.

Pater Patota
05-10-2020, 05:55 PM
She would be atypical for Balkan Peninsula and East Euro, she looks pretty Western Euro.

05-10-2020, 05:57 PM
Seems more like you have 0 proof since there is none.I barely have her one photo, as stated above. What do you expect ?

05-10-2020, 05:59 PM
I barely have her one photo, as stated above. What do you expect ?

You claim shes turkish, you claim she work at a hotel, you claim that shes a hotel manager

0 proof cuz its a tourist, they teach cooking for tourists there yet you play some victim when asked for any proof of your claims since you seem to know so much about her that you even know her position and work.

05-10-2020, 06:03 PM
Report me all you want, its obvious shes a tourist by looks and its even from tripadvisor, look at the 3 women, 1 stand out like a sore pimple in the ass.

You dont do those stuff?

Yesterday you posted an arab as french

TCA = Turkish culinary academy , its from a cooking class with foreigners.

Reporting you providing mods with links

Turks aren't even Caucasoid let alone European. They are a mixed race people. Average Turkish woman:

Passes in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan or somewhere there.

05-10-2020, 06:04 PM
You claim shes turkish, you claim she work at a hotel, you claim that shes a hotel manager

0 proof cuz its a tourist, they teach cooking for tourists there yet you play some victim when asked for any proof of your claims since you seem to know so much about her that you even know her position and work.

I don't see a place for a random tourist in a hotel personnel area. That cook academy should have it's own facilities and i highly doubt that they use regular hotel kitchens to train their students. Also, as i said before she's not looking like a tourist shes diretly looking like a manager.

Yet, i don't claim she's turkish anymore, please calm down. Ok she'a a random woman in november 2019 in a private place in a hotel in ankara.

05-10-2020, 06:08 PM
owd levels skyrocketing

05-10-2020, 06:24 PM
She looks like an English-American tourist. Exceptionally atypical...

05-10-2020, 06:28 PM
She looks like an English-American tourist. Exceptionally atypical...

That's because she is a tourist. Hotel staff including managers normally wear name tags or uniforms. She doesn't have any of these on.

Plus she has one of these carry around bags on her shoulder, something a manager would never wear at his/her job.

05-10-2020, 06:30 PM
She looks like an English-American tourist. Exceptionally atypical...


Dean's filename for her photo is "staff" so as turkish woman how would you classify her?

05-10-2020, 06:45 PM

Dean's filename for her photo is "staff" so as turkish woman how would you classify her?

She's not turkish. Probably English American: Kelto-Saxon look... The two girls in photo that are are typical Armenoids

05-10-2020, 07:47 PM
I spent a lot of my time just for you guys and found her. I won't disclose but her name is full turkish.

Photo with her husband. (Same smile)

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/83779593_2498228123765950_3768624464234689460_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=110&_nc_ohc=sz82WlrnqbgAX-LKmWI&oh=1bf5fbb14c8c6723ef23d6e269dc6c93&oe=5EE1C5A2

05-10-2020, 07:49 PM
I spent a lot of my time just for you guys and found her. I won't disclose but her name is full turkish.

Photo with her husband. (Same smile)

They don't look like the same person. In first picture she looks much more "british"

05-10-2020, 07:52 PM
They don't look like the same person. In first picture she looks much more "british"

Head angle different. Also exact same smile. Anyway, i don't care anymore she can be even foreigner or tourist but she's pretty.

05-10-2020, 08:10 PM
lmfao this is sad

05-10-2020, 08:13 PM
lmfao this is sad

Get rekt!! :p

You have to give me reputation to compensate this.

05-10-2020, 08:15 PM
Get rekt!! :p

You have to give me reputation to compensate this.

rekt how?
its not the same person dumbass rofl

05-10-2020, 08:20 PM
rekt how?
its not the same person dumbass rofl

I found her "around that hotel" somehow. Maybe she's "almost" same person around the same hotel, but that would be strange. Anyway that's it, i'm not spending my time anymore on her.

05-10-2020, 08:25 PM
I found her "around that hotel" somehow. Maybe she's "almost" same person around the same hotel, but that would be strange. Anyway that's it, i'm not spending my time anymore on her.

i can literally google "blonde woman smiling" and find people who look more like her.

owd to the max

would be even funnier if someone checked the last girl and found out its another European xD

05-10-2020, 08:28 PM
I spent a lot of my time just for you guys and found her. I won't disclose but her name is full turkish.

Photo with her husband. (Same smile)

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/83779593_2498228123765950_3768624464234689460_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=110&_nc_ohc=sz82WlrnqbgAX-LKmWI&oh=1bf5fbb14c8c6723ef23d6e269dc6c93&oe=5EE1C5A2


troll thread *1000

05-10-2020, 08:32 PM
troll thread *1000

No, it was innocent thread but greeked. :mad:

05-10-2020, 08:34 PM
No, it was innocent thread but greeked. :mad:

just exposing owd autists

05-10-2020, 08:48 PM
just exposing owd autists

Considering a non-turkish looking woman as a turkish citizen is making me owd an even autist? I've seen turks looking much more nw european than her in my life. Let alone, she can be partly nw euro or american, or maybe fully but naturalized citizen? It's possible. I didn't claim any ethnicity. I didn't claim she came here from central asia on horse. You see a high-class looking woman in from of two workers in a private personnel area, with a tag as "staff" and you think this is the manager, and you become autist? I don't accept this, sorry. Neither blondes nor nordids aren't "never seen" things in turkey, so i'm not trying to register new records. I also shared my story about how did i find her. I think everything is clear and legit. I've shared many individuals up to date, with very different looks. I shared 'not-white' looking turks occasionally, when i needed help with classification. I don't have thousands of posts, one can check my threads very quickly.

The greek reaction that i got at this case is i believe not fair.

05-10-2020, 08:56 PM
Yes it makes you owd as you keep posting another blonde claiming its her when its not.
And you just go deeper and deeper making yourself look owd af.

This forum doesn't need any more turks trying to make europeans look non euro while posting fake turks or extreme cherrypicked turks.

05-10-2020, 09:00 PM
This forum doesn't need any more turks trying to make europeans look non euro while posting fake turks or extreme cherrypicked turks.

Chill, buddy. Just chill. I watched i video, made a search on places that i saw (i have plans to visit them after this times) and saw a woman with brown eyed nordid look, wanted to get some help, ok? That's my short but horrible story, i don't hide anything under cover.

05-10-2020, 09:05 PM
Chill, buddy. Just chill. I watched i video, made a search on places that i saw (i have plans to visit them after this times) and saw a woman with brown eyed nordid look, wanted to get some help, ok? That's my short but horrible story, i don't hide anything under cover.

yet you had to make up a story about her being turkish, hotel manager, then look after pics of a different woman and claim its the same.

if you dont see this as some owd shit, then you mught actually have some form of mild autism.

instead of "classify blonde woman" you make up a stupid fake story and post a pic of another woman claiming its the same and its a turk ethnic turk.

with your desperate attempts she probably isnt turkish either lmfao

05-10-2020, 09:07 PM
Never seen someone lie so much and go so far to try to whitewash their ethnicity, truly sad

05-10-2020, 09:08 PM
with your desperate attempts she probably isnt turkish either lmfaoYes, i'm desperate now.

05-11-2020, 04:51 AM
I spent a lot of my time just for you guys and found her. I won't disclose but her name is full turkish.

Photo with her husband. (Same smile)

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/83779593_2498228123765950_3768624464234689460_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=110&_nc_ohc=sz82WlrnqbgAX-LKmWI&oh=1bf5fbb14c8c6723ef23d6e269dc6c93&oe=5EE1C5A2

lol this woman looks totally different to the woman in the OP. The only common thing is the blonde hair but that does not say much.

1st woman looks English/Irish/Dutch/WASP American. The features are clearly northern/western.

2nd woman can marginally pass as south euro , better passes as levantine or turkish with dyed hair. Might also pass as latina.

Hint: Check the eyebrows in both women they are totally opposite, first one has light and sparse eyebrows and the second one dark and pronounced.

OP Just admit you f@cked up with this one, it is obvious to all reasonable posters around here.

05-11-2020, 04:59 AM

05-11-2020, 05:13 AM

05-11-2020, 05:34 AM
This thread was a complete bruh moment

05-11-2020, 08:49 AM
This thread was a complete bruh moment

Unfortunately agree but consider that i was gored by greek, i wasn't expecting such thing.


05-11-2020, 08:51 AM
She doesn't look Turkish at all, but I suppose she could pass?

05-11-2020, 08:58 AM
Passable but very atypical. She looks Danish to me.

My first guess was Netherlands. Turkey has blondes, but she's too west shifted. But I suppose you can find all sorts in Turkey these days

05-11-2020, 09:02 AM
My first guess was Netherlands. Turkey has blondes, but she's too west shifted. But I suppose you can find all sorts in Turkey these days

There are also tons of foreign born citizens, 50/50 mixeds, etc, i didn't claim any ethnicity i just said hotel manager cus she looks as one. Why he was so angry on me i really don't know, how many things a sole blonde can change on the mother earth, why we're not allowed to have her.

05-11-2020, 09:04 AM
There are also tons of foreign born citizens, 50/50 mixeds, etc, i didn't claim any ethnicity i just said hotel manager cus she looks as one. Why he was so angry on me i really don't know, how many things a sole blonde can change on the mother earth, why we're not allowed to have her.

There have been some people here who have been trying to 'whitewash' Turks, he may have thought that this was another of those moments

05-11-2020, 09:08 AM
There have been some people here who have been trying to 'whitewash' Turks, he may have thought that this was another of those moments

Yea, and its very clear this is one of those as she even post a different person claiming its a turk and the same person.

so dumb, and even dumber is playing some victim role when shes been lying in her every post.

05-11-2020, 09:10 AM
There have been some people here who have been trying to 'whitewash' Turks, he may have thought that this was another of those moments

I'm here for quite some time, he knows me well. He definitely knows that i ask for people to get opinions, regional differences/admixtures, since we have members from many different areas. He also accused me to show french "darker and arab" by my thread about a french woman. That'a real lmfao case, because arab/lebanese individuals are a gift for french, as we all know france is an african country. Idon't know, is this real greek mentality? I hope it's not.

05-11-2020, 09:10 AM
Yea, and its very clear this is one of those as she even post a different person claiming its a turk and the same person.

so dumb, and even dumber is playing some victim role when shes been lying in her every post.

I'm sure there are Turks who look like her, but hotel managers don't look like that (not her phenotype) that's why I think she's a tourist.

The TripAdvisor post also confirms this

05-11-2020, 09:13 AM
I'm here for quite some time, he knows me well. He definitely knows that i ask for people to get opinions, regional differences/admixtures, since we have members from many different areas. He also accused me to show french "darker and arab" by my thread about a french woman. That'a real lmfao case, because arab/lebanese individuals are a gift for french, as we all know france is an african country. Idon't know, is this real greek mentality? I hope it's not.

There's a lot of friction between our two communities

05-11-2020, 09:13 AM
so dumb, and even dumber is playing some victim role when shes been lying in her every post.

Disgusting greek, i don't have any income here. I don't make money or something. I don't try to show some kind of people different or something. I would happily ask help about very bad looking turks here, as i did many times before. Fuck off with your retarded reactions. I can't stand anymore.

05-11-2020, 09:14 AM
>he knows me well

What? xD

05-11-2020, 09:18 AM
Disgusting greek, i don't have any income here. I don't make money or something. I don't try to show some kind of people different or something. I would happily ask help about very bad looking turks here, as i did many times before. Fuck off with your retarded reactions. I can't stand anymore.

Nice insults, So mad that you can't prove any of your claims? exposed much?

0 proof of the OP pic being turkish, works there or the manager
0 proof the other blonde you claimed is her is even turkish either xD

you just keep lying, its so obvious.

You think people gonna like if i created a thread with an ugly yemenite and claim its a turk then lie how he is and even make up stories about the guy which is false and have no proof to back it up?

05-11-2020, 09:21 AM
Nobody is saying you can't post pics of blonde turks... but imagine how the Turks here would react if I constantly posted pics of blonde and Scandinavian looking Greeks.

05-11-2020, 09:22 AM
Nobody is saying you can't post pics of blonde turks... but imagine how the Turks here would react if I constantly posted pics of blonde and Scandinavian looking Greeks.

Yea, and most turkish users even complain when average turks are posted claiming its arabs or kurds lol

Posting NW euros and claiming they are turks is just stupid.

Atleast post real blonde turks if you have to and back it up instead of posting NW euros and claim they are turks.

05-11-2020, 09:25 AM
Yea, and most turkish users even complain when average turks are posted claiming its arabs or kurds lol

Yes, I recall a thread where a picture of a turk was posted, and the turks here were quick to call him a Kurd (their excuse for woggy looking turks).

I mean, you should just be proud of who you are, blonde Turk, brown turk, blonde greek, etc etc

05-11-2020, 09:28 AM
Yes, I recall a thread where a picture of a turk was posted, and the turks here were quick to call him a Kurd (their excuse for woggy looking turks).

I mean, you should just be proud of who you are, blonde Turk, brown turk, blonde greek, etc etc

Yea sadly many turks on TA have some form of self hate.

05-11-2020, 09:28 AM
0 proof of the OP pic being turkish, works there or the manager
0 proof the other blonde you claimed is her is even turkish either xDDean, who is the owner of the photo noted that "hotel staff petting my cat" no mention to any tourist or something. Place was also a private personnel area in the hotel, and she was looking like the boss at the scene, and i needed a few words to describe her, that's it. I was not aware of taking "or mistaking, which is possible" her as turkish would cause such a huge anger.

For the other lady i hope this photo is enough to make you fuck off

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/33401759_835048216703667_4789350999938564096_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=KqbxZKDDbMcAX_3DYib&oh=75e97945e159b6d946c1a689b8f8f470&oe=5EE13427

05-11-2020, 09:30 AM
Yea sadly many turks on TA have some form of self hate.

I have nothing against Turks.

But what I have found interesting is that Turks here are more than happy to insult us and call us 'Gayreeks', yet when it comes to posting photos of Turks for classifications, they always post photos of assimilated Greeks from the west coast.

05-11-2020, 09:31 AM
Atleast post real blonde turks if you have to and back it up instead of posting NW euros and claim they are turks.

For example: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?315226-Classify-amp-Pass-Turkish-blonde-from-izmir

I see many blonde turks, but i don't post them if i don't need help. I only ask for better opinions.

05-11-2020, 09:34 AM
But what I have found interesting is that Turks here are more than happy to insult us and call us 'Gayreeks', yet when it comes to posting photos of Turks for classifications, they always post photos of assimilated Greeks from the west coast.

1- We have an owd nazi gang, that's for sure. But i'm not one of them, i even resisted them occasionally.
2- When you posted your photos, we all said you past better in turkey or georgia than greece, if you remember. Let's say, you're not the best looking guy ever, but we accepted you because that's the reality.

05-11-2020, 09:35 AM
Dean, who is the owner of the photo noted that "hotel staff petting my cat" no mention to any tourist or something. Place was also a private personnel area in the hotel, and she was looking like the boss at the scene, and i needed a few words to describe her, that's it. I was not aware of taking "or mistaking, which is possible" her as turkish would cause such a huge anger.

For the other lady i hope this photo is enough to make you fuck off

https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/33401759_835048216703667_4789350999938564096_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=KqbxZKDDbMcAX_3DYib&oh=75e97945e159b6d946c1a689b8f8f470&oe=5EE13427

Yea i can see that the staff is turkish, but where does it say shes staff or manager, nowhere.

And why don't you post the instagram of that woman instead of a trip photo?

is it hard for you to actually post anything of value?

05-11-2020, 09:37 AM
And why don't you post the instagram of that woman instead of a trip photo?Because i'm not doing that on your order, easy simple. I'm not sharing anyone's personal adress to win against you.

05-11-2020, 09:38 AM
1- We have an owd nazi gang, that's for sure. But i'm not one of them, i even resisted them occasionally.
2- When you posted your photos, we all said you past better in turkey or georgia than greece, if you remember. Let's say, you're not the best looking guy ever, but we accepted you because that's the reality.

The georgian looking turks I would resemble are laz, who are not ethnic turk. Ethnic turks are not the most common ethnicity is north east turkey

05-11-2020, 09:38 AM
I have nothing against Turks.

But what I have found interesting is that Turks here are more than happy to insult us and call us 'Gayreeks', yet when it comes to posting photos of Turks for classifications, they always post photos of assimilated Greeks from the west coast.

Yea, there is a reason why no turk has done a dna test or showed it when they have tested.

05-11-2020, 09:39 AM
Because i'm not doing that on your order, easy simple. I'm not sharing anyone's personal adress to win against you.

Showing an instagram is not posting a personal adress.

you are really autistic.

05-11-2020, 09:39 AM
The georgian looking turks I would resemble are laz, who are not ethnic turk. Ethnic turks are not the most common ethnicity is north east turkey

Laz, georgian, convert armenian etc. This doesn't change anything, since they're turkish citizens and they're what we have in that region.

05-11-2020, 09:40 AM
Showing an instagram is not posting a personal adress.

you are really autistic.

Yes I was confused by this too lol. People don't post their address on their IG lmao

05-11-2020, 09:41 AM
Laz, georgian, convert armenian etc. This doesn't change anything, since they're turkish citizens and they're what we have in that region.

Yes, I understand this.

But what I don't understand is that you are quick to label woggy Turkish citizens as Kurds.

I mean, surely they too are Turkish citizens, right?

05-11-2020, 09:45 AM
Yes, I understand this.

But what I don't understand is that you are quick to label woggy Turkish citizens as Kurds.

I mean, surely they too are Turkish citizens, right?

All real Turks are blond and blue eyed with pale skin

Every one with dark hairs and olive tan in Turkey is a Kurd

05-11-2020, 09:48 AM
But what I don't understand is that you are quick to label woggy Turkish citizens as Kurds.

I mean, surely they too are Turkish citizens, right?Although i have never done such thing, our nazi gang do, i know. Kurds can be considered different in turkey, since some of them are trying very hard to create an independent kurdish state and some of them don't accept turkish identity.

05-11-2020, 09:51 AM
Although i have never done such thing, our nazi gang do, i know. Kurds can be considered different in turkey, since some of them are trying very hard to create an independent kurdish state and some of them don't accept turkish identity.

That's funny considering most Kurds voted for Erdogan

05-11-2020, 09:52 AM
All real Turks are blond and blue eyed with pale skin

Every one with dark hairs and olive tan in Turkey is a Kurd

95% of Turkey is kurdish? Wow, seems like the kurds have gotten the Kurdistan they've always wanted, lmao

05-11-2020, 09:52 AM
That's funny considering most Kurds voted for Erdogan

They're freedom warriors
They are brave fighters against muslim terrorists
They're the ally of human civilization

05-11-2020, 09:59 AM
Which "woggy citizen" has been labeled as Kurd?

The only which i recall is the basketball player Enes Kanter, and he is indeed a Kurd.

It was before I joined here, I'll see if I can find then and post them here

05-11-2020, 01:51 PM
Although i have never done such thing, our nazi gang do, i know. Kurds can be considered different in turkey, since some of them are trying very hard to create an independent kurdish state and some of them don't accept turkish identity.

They dont need accept turkish identity, lazes dont do that too. They just should be happy that they arent a failed state like the others around the south of turkey...

05-11-2020, 04:04 PM
she doesn't look English or Dutch :picard2: there's something 'off' about her look

05-11-2020, 04:22 PM
It's Britney, bitch.