View Full Version : Napoleon "offend" immigrants

European blood
08-31-2011, 12:08 AM
French monarchs have disappeared from history lessons in secondary schools replaced by the kings of Mali and Ghana.

The Lord of the Franks Clovis I, King St. Louis IX, Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis XIV. Knowledge of all these monarchs, according to the Ministry of Education, is a young French completely unnecessary. The history curriculum for secondary schools (attending to them, young people aged 12 - 16 years) were expelled by the rulers of India, Africa or China.

As commented the conservative newspaper - it happened because of political correctness. More than a third, or about three million students of French secondary schools, the children of immigrants from Africa, Asia and Arab countries. According to the ministry, they could feel offended, learning about French absolutism, colonization, or the First Empire. These phenomena are related because of militarism and the struggle for influence of France in the world.

- It's a scandal - commented on the matter known French historian Dimitri Casali. On Thursday to hit bookstores his book "An alternative textbook history of France", which calculates the failure of the education department. According to him, young people finishing high school now, "know nothing about the history of the country in which they live."

In the first year of high school learn about the Roman Empire in the late third century, and then jump immediately to the era of Charlemagne, leaving the road six centuries of European and French history, including the barbarian invasions, the period of mass migration of tribes, Huns, Germans, on the lands of the Empire Rome. This process has radically changed the image of the European continent and marked the end of antiquity. "Without this knowledge it is impossible to understand the current shape of Europe" - says Casali.

In the second year of high school is even worse: not a word of Louis IX, and Francis I, Holy Walezjuszu who represent the beginnings of the French nation-state. The era of absolutism met a similar fate, almost one hundred years of history has to fit in just a few lessons, and teachers must choose to discuss only one of the rulers of the era, Henry IV, Louis XIII and Louis XIV.

Empire of Napoleon I gave way to the place of the French Revolution, considered to be "more educational." According to the historian of this choice is difficult to explain. "Poor Bonaparte is politically incorrect, because the symbol of militarism and a short period of French domination in Europe." This fate has divided the era of colonization, where the teaching is now focusing on slavery.

A great cultural achievements of France at the time, with such writers as Victor Hugo and Moliere, of course not a word. Instead, young people learn about the history of other continents and cultures. For example, empire of Ghana (VIII - XII century), the empire of Mali (XIII - XV century), the African king, Mansa Musa, or the Chinese Han Dynasty.

Even now, as statistics show, 37 percent. immigrant children do not feel French. A similar program of school - as noted by Casali - not conducive to their further integration and deepens the problem. "The effect of this teaching method is the total of the past historical and cultural amnesia. Our culture is the foundation of our identity "- underlines the historian.


08-31-2011, 12:19 AM
I remember back in primary and secondary school; World History meant European History, and that of the European descended nations...

08-31-2011, 12:56 AM

European blood
08-31-2011, 01:15 AM
I remember back in primary and secondary school; World History meant European History, and that of the European descended nations...

In the US nowadays they cover the following:

Ethiopia(the "first" civilization)
Ancient Egypt
Native American tribes(as in only 1-2 local tribes)
Columbus finding America
The missions
Revolutionary war
Black slavery
The smallest fragments of the Civil War (as in, Abe Lincoln and that's it)
Industrialization of US and the smallest bits of info on Europe.
Women getting the right to vote
Pearl Harbor
Some presidents thrown in here and there. And that's about it.

The public school systems don't teach anything about European history. Only WW2...

08-31-2011, 01:17 AM
In the US nowadays they cover the following:

Ethiopia(the "first" civilization)
Ancient Egypt
Native American tribes(as in only 1-2 local tribes)
Columbus finding America
The missions
Revolutionary war
Black slavery
The smallest fragments of the Civil War (as in, Abe Lincoln and that's it)
Industrialization of US and the smallest bits of info on Europe.
Women getting the right to vote
Pearl Harbor
Some presidents thrown in here and there. And that's about it.

The public school systems don't teach anything about European history. Only WW2...

Why do you care? You live in Portugal, LOL.

08-31-2011, 01:34 AM
I am glad I got solid history instruction as a kid in a French school. I'd like to have learned a little about Mali and China as well, though.

08-31-2011, 01:42 AM
It's ethnic cleansing, in no uncertain terms:mad:

European blood
08-31-2011, 02:32 AM
Why do you care? You live in Portugal, LOL.

We live in a globalized world so what is happening now in France or in the US will happen in Portugal and Europe in the future.

I think it is already happening, i read that revisionists are studying a way to make portuguese history less ethnocentric and more inclusive to foreign cultures.

08-31-2011, 02:59 AM
We live in a globalized world so what is happening now in France or in the US will happen in Portugal and Europe in the future.

I think it is already happening, i read that revisionists are studying a way to make portuguese history less ethnocentric and more inclusive to foreign cultures.
True, when I see now our history books they are getting more multikulti and PC.

08-31-2011, 07:23 AM
It would be better to scrap history lessons in the West than teach these Afrocentric fantasies.

08-31-2011, 08:35 AM
my primary school history was mostly about instilling national pride :)

08-31-2011, 08:46 AM
Only here profs. teach about ancient Italy, Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Unification with a little vision of the rest of Europe and and no mention of the rest of the world, in primary school?

08-31-2011, 09:11 AM

08-31-2011, 09:18 AM
Only here profs. teach about ancient Italy, Rome, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Unification with a little vision of the rest of Europe and and no mention of the rest of the world, in primary school?

Mine was similar: Rome, Reconquest, Italian Renaissance, Independence War ...and very little of the rest. But the fact is modern one is worse by far. I suppose they'd thinked all those items are, in their inner core, matters of Fascists, so they (i guess) replaced a lot with PC brainwashing(multiculturalism, feminazism...) and trivialities about the closest territory.

BTW I totally agree with French education instances: if they're not French, why to teach them the History of France? :D

08-31-2011, 09:39 AM

this is used by the british government as a cheap way to instill a false patriotism, in which anyone who opposes multiculturalism is a nazi, and un-english


08-31-2011, 09:50 AM
this is used by the british government as a cheap way to instill a false patriotism, in which anyone who opposes multiculturalism is a nazi, and un-english


This crap is world wide spread. I mean, in our free democratic countries, at least ;)

edit> my grandfather was an early resistant in french maquis guerilla against german occupying forces. Sometimes I wonder...If he could see what is world now, would he have chosen the same path ?

08-31-2011, 09:53 AM
This crap is world wide spread. I mean, in our free democratic countries, at least ;)

if only the nazis had known how un germanic and un european they would make europe! :D

08-31-2011, 09:58 AM
This crap is world wide spread. I mean, in our free democratic countries, at least ;)

edit> my grandfather was an early resistant in french maquis guerilla against german occupying forces. Sometimes I wonder...If he could see what is world now, would he have chosen the same path ?

08-31-2011, 10:02 AM
if only the nazis had known how un germanic and un european they would make europe! :D


some believe it was a Jewish plot from the beginning :p

Damião de Góis
08-31-2011, 11:26 AM
Why do you care? You live in Portugal, LOL.

Exactly, it seems strange seeing someone from here that concerned with US affairs. Unless he's from the US himself, which is entirely possible.

08-31-2011, 08:09 PM
This crap is world wide spread. I mean, in our free democratic countries, at least ;)

edit> my grandfather was an early resistant in french maquis guerilla against german occupying forces. Sometimes I wonder...If he could see what is world now, would he have chosen the same path ?

I've heard all the arguments but I've come full circle back to what I(and most other people) originally thought. The nazis caused this problem.

Anti-semitism and racial science were huge back then before those thugs rode those well meaning sentiments to power. Hitler was an opportunist. The only reason other countries just let the nazis take over is because they, rightly so, agreed with Europe for Europeans and they feared globalism. Who doesn't? There was always going to be a push for germanic etc racial freedom, it's just a tradjedy, hitler got to the top of it. :)

09-01-2011, 07:31 AM
I've heard all the arguments but I've come full circle back to what I(and most other people) originally thought. The nazis caused this problem.

Anti-semitism and racial science were huge back then before those thugs rode those well meaning sentiments to power. Hitler was an opportunist. The only reason other countries just let the nazis take over is because they, rightly so, agreed with Europe for Europeans and they feared globalism. Who doesn't? There was always going to be a push for germanic etc racial freedom, it's just a tradjedy, hitler got to the top of it. :)

They shew the world what a nation is about, and this will never be forgotten.
Then it is always easy to come afterwards and say "this was a mistake", "Vae Victis..."

There is no mistake, this is not science. This is about will.

Le rideau de l’Histoire peut tomber sur Hitler et Mussolini, comme il tomba sur Napoléon.
Les nains n’y changeront rien. La grande Révolution du XXe siècle est faite.

The curtain of History can now fall on Hitler and Mussolini, as it fell on Napoleon. Dwarves won't change it. The big Revolution of the 20th century is done.

Léon Degrelle. Hitler pour mille ans

European blood
09-01-2011, 06:59 PM
I've heard all the arguments but I've come full circle back to what I(and most other people) originally thought. The nazis caused this problem.

Churchill said it like it is.

Churchill, Winston (1874-1965), British Prime Minister: "Germany is becoming too strong. We must crush her." To American General Robert E. Wood, in November 1936. Quoted in: Peter H. Nicoll, Englands Krieg gegen Deutschland, p. 83.

Churchill, Winston: "Germany's unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world's trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit." Churchill to Lord Robert Boothby, as quoted in: Sidney Rogerson, Propaganda in the Next War (Foreword to the second edition 2001), originally published in 1938.

Churchill, Winston: "I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war; what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau." Quoted in: Juan Maler, Die Unvollendete, p. 27.

Churchill, Winston: "You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest." Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill - His Career in War and Peace, p. 145; quoted as per: Adrian Preissinger, Von Sachsenhausen bis Buchenwald, p. 23.

Anti-semitism and racial science were huge back then before those thugs rode those well meaning sentiments to power. Hitler was an opportunist.

France, England and the US fought the Nazis.

Didn't the americans, french and british win the war and saved the Jews?

Why do the Jewish media portrays white-americans, the french and british fighting for the survival of their people and culture as nazis then?

Because of their European ancestry?

Isn't that bigotry too?

Why do you have so many Holocaust museums so you can never forget in those countries?


Scapegoating the Nazis is like scapegoating the Jews.

The truth is you welcomed the Jews, you gave them civil rights, you gave them freedom and they backstabbed you with their infiltration in power and guilt brainwashing propaganda.

It is your own fault too.

White cowardice, kindness, gullibility and judeo-christianity let your countries become overrun by the Jews.

Now you can have the privilege of enjoying the same filth of the Weimar republic.



The only reason other countries just let the nazis take over is because they, rightly so, agreed with Europe for Europeans and they feared globalism. Who doesn't? There was always going to be a push for germanic etc racial freedom, it's just a tradjedy, hitler got to the top of it. :)

It wasn't Globalism like we know it today it was Communism, Bolshevism and Marxism–Leninism.





And what do you think about the Nazi party being the most voted party by the Germans in 1933?

Were the Germans naive, gullible and downright stupid back then?

Anti-semitism is the reaction to semitism ideology and it isn't exclusive to Germans.

The Nazis didn't start picking on the Jews.

The Jews aren't innocent in the whole picture, they declared war to Germany, boycotted german goods, they killed a German ambassateur, etc ...

Before the Nacional Socialist revolution it were the Germans that were starving in their own country and the Jews were thriving at their expense.

Of course that despite of all the greatness of the European achievements we have our own failures and flaws.

The problem is White-Europeans can't stand together so any group that thinks collectively like the Jews have a competitive advantage over us.

Even among Jew aware Europeans/Americans i observe selfishness, divisiveness, individualism, hedonism, greed, cowardice, backstabbing ...

White-europeans are their biggest enemy.

There is more to racial and ethnic differences than skin tone but the truth is it will be the day when the color of your uniform is the color of your skin.

09-01-2011, 11:21 PM
^I don't disagree with what you've said in your post. Unlike Churchill though, I'm not against the strength of the German people, I just think the nazis thuggishness and unnecssary hatred and cruelty towards homos and disabled people and their general thuggishness to their own people has put us in a postion today where we are not allowed to be proud of racial purity.

My point was that if the nazis didn't get voted in then someone less degenerate and stronger and worldwise would have eventually gotten in. Racial science was huge back then. Hitler was just a neapolian like oportunist

It's common knowledge that the old generals of germany didn't want to go to war, because they didn't think they could win. They were right. How about that? Experienced proffesionals being right and a clapped out artist driving a country into the abyss was wrong. What a suprise.

I know that the economy got better when the nazis originally got in. The fact is any idiot can say: Ok we aren't gonna take any shit from anyone any more. Economically, we are just going to look after ourselves and not play ball. This doesn't work. Intinially of course it will work, but the other countries will soon wake up when you stop scratching backs yet still accept back scratches. If their wasn't a war germany would have ended up like russia or zimbabwe.

I realise our true enemy is ourselves and the zionist. I was merely saying that Hitler was a detrimental appointment for all our peoples. I realise we are all culturally christian, but do we have to keep idolising stunning failures?