View Full Version : Can I pass as Mesopotamian?

07-03-2020, 01:38 AM
Im really curious abt this

07-03-2020, 01:45 AM
Nah no way

07-03-2020, 01:45 AM
I think you know the answer...

07-03-2020, 02:21 AM
DUde, you say yourself you look very indian in different ways(once like you look very non-human or some kind of shit, because apparently you look very indian)

Whats the point even with these kind of threads anymore?(yes, youre allowed to make those threads...its just...why? Like actually why? You know the answer to this threads question, but why this thread?)

07-03-2020, 03:14 AM
no i dont think so bro. in the gulf region, especially the southern areas of gulf you probably could.

07-03-2020, 03:28 AM
DUde, you say yourself you look very indian in different ways(once like you look very non-human or some kind of shit, because apparently you look very indian)

Whats the point even with these kind of threads anymore?(yes, youre allowed to make those threads...its just...why? Like actually why? You know the answer to this threads question, but why this thread?)

because many of them can also look like that

07-03-2020, 03:53 AM
no i dont think so bro. in the gulf region, especially the southern areas of gulf you probably could.

well many people in the south of the country can look indistinguishable to gulf arabs. Also dude I dont really get your passing criteria. You said I could pass in Mexico but not Iraq, Afghanistan, or even western Pakistan lol. But I look more more similar to people in the latter areas.

07-03-2020, 03:59 AM
I think you can pass as a Gulfer but it will be obvious you are heavily South Asian, more than those who have historic Indian ancestry

07-03-2020, 04:05 AM
I think you can pass as a Gulfer but it will be obvious you are heavily South Asian, more than those who have historic Indian ancestry

but these types are rare. It'd be more likely for them to just think I'm a migrant or tourist, no?

I assume it's the same in Iran.

07-03-2020, 04:23 AM
but these types are rare. It'd be more likely for them to just think I'm a migrant or tourist, no?

I assume it's the same in Iran.


07-03-2020, 04:33 AM

Yes to which question?

07-03-2020, 04:53 AM
Is a Mesopotamian an Iraqui? Im not sure what Mesopotamian means. I think you can pass as a atypical Iraqui Arab somewhere in Iraqu.

07-03-2020, 05:57 AM
well many people in the south of the country can look indistinguishable to gulf arabs. Also dude I dont really get your passing criteria. You said I could pass in Mexico but not Iraq, Afghanistan, or even western Pakistan lol. But I look more more similar to people in the latter areas.

honestly many latinos tbh look closer to desis than any middle eastern group imo (exception being gulf arabs). and western pakistan i think i did say you can ATYPICALLY pass there iirc but you can confirm with lameduck/mingle. not sure about afghanistan.

07-03-2020, 05:58 AM
honestly many latinos tbh look closer to desis than any middle eastern group imo (exception being gulf arabs). and western pakistan/afghan i think i did say you can ATYPICALLY pass there iirc but you can confirm with lameduck/mingle.

Not true at all. And not saying middle easterns look similar to us(which the dont) but they still look more similar than Latinos do.

07-03-2020, 06:01 AM
honestly many latinos tbh look closer to desis than any middle eastern group imo (exception being gulf arabs). and western pakistan i think i did say you can ATYPICALLY pass there iirc but you can confirm with lameduck/mingle. not sure about afghanistan.


And that fag above me is wrong.

07-03-2020, 06:05 AM
Mesoamerican maybe.

07-03-2020, 06:11 AM
Not true at all. And not saying middle easterns look similar to us(which the dont) but they still look more similar than Latinos do.

i guess it depends on the individual case but latinos are biracial with mixed features just like us, while menas are mostly caucasoid. the base populations among latinos and south asians are obviously different but sometimes the mixed west/east eurasian features can make us resemble latinos.

07-03-2020, 06:16 AM

And that fag above me is wrong.

Thanks for revealing your low IQ.

07-03-2020, 06:16 AM

And that fag above me is wrong.

wasnt necessary bro. he's a cool dude.

btw youre from singapore/malaysia right? are indians there mixed with local chinese or malays to an extent?

07-03-2020, 06:21 AM
i guess it depends on the individual case but latinos are biracial with mixed features just like us, while menas are mostly caucasoid. the base populations among latinos and south asians are obviously different but sometimes the mixed west/east eurasian features can make us resemble latinos.

Sure but mixed race people need not resemble one another. Imagine if someone said that Latinos should also resemble Ethiopians or Somalis on that basis. Rather Horners look more similar to peninsular Arabs and the reason for that is cause there's some ancient Near Eastern ancestry among Horners.

07-03-2020, 06:22 AM
Mesoamerican maybe.

You have not seen me. Are you in any position to comment here?

07-03-2020, 06:24 AM
Sure but mixed race people need not resemble one another. Imagine if someone said that Latinos should also resemble Ethiopians or Somalis on that basis. Rather Horners look more similar to peninsular Arabs and the reason for that is cause there's some ancient Near Eastern ancestry among Horners.

yeah thats why i said with the exception of gulf arabs where we have a good number of people who somewhat resemble them with similar skin tone and 'brown features', but the other middle eastern groups have lighter skin, very different skull shapes and features, etc.

with latinos in general we dont resemble them either but we have more people that resemble them than other middle eastern groups. especially towards eastern south asia, nepal, parts of northwest india, etc.

07-03-2020, 06:30 AM
wasnt necessary bro. he's a cool dude.

btw youre from singapore/malaysia right? are indians there mixed with local chinese or malays to an extent?

No. Most Indians are Tamils and Malayalees. The Tamils probably descend from Chettiars.

Indian Muslims might have some Malay blood.

Chinese-Indian mixtures are called Chindians.

07-03-2020, 06:40 AM
I see no picture.

07-03-2020, 07:01 AM
I see no picture.

ill send u it

07-03-2020, 08:49 AM
You have not seen me. Are you in any position to comment here?

Everybody has seen you here.

07-03-2020, 10:58 AM
You're asking the wrong crowd. Most people here are not familiar with S. Iraqis. I've lived in Iraq so I am but I haven't seen you but you know yourself better. Many S. Indians can easily pass in S. Iraq but some can't. If you can pass among anything along these lines of Iraqis then the simple answer is yes.


07-03-2020, 11:03 AM
You're asking the wrong crowd. Most people here are not familiar with S. Iraqis. I've lived in Iraq so I am but I haven't seen you but you know yourself better. Many S. Indians can easily pass in S. Iraq but some can't. If you can pass among anything along these lines of Iraqis then the simple answer is yes.


Folks you posted look very Arabian /semeitic for the most part

07-03-2020, 11:11 AM

He look likw some of the kids here, but similiar, not much the same. Hes a bit darker and has a straight nose, not an upwinding nose. I think he passes better as a really dark gypsie.

07-03-2020, 11:22 AM
Folks you posted look very Arabian /semeitic for the most part

Yeah that's why I said some can't pass. Maybe the best thing is for him to go to S. Iraq and see if most people speak to him in Arabic lol. Here's a few more


07-03-2020, 11:23 AM
You're asking the wrong crowd. Most people here are not familiar with S. Iraqis. I've lived in Iraq so I am but I haven't seen you but you know yourself better. Many S. Indians can easily pass in S. Iraq but some can't. If you can pass among anything along these lines of Iraqis then the simple answer is yes.


Folks you posted look very Arabian /semeitic for the most part

07-03-2020, 11:24 AM
If you look anything like the average Indian, then most likely not. Actually, not even as an Arab from the gulf, probably.
For example, the average Emirati looks quite distinguishable from even the average Pakistani immigrant there.
Let alone from an average Indian, who is more Dravidian influenced than the average Pakistani is.

07-03-2020, 11:24 AM

He look likw some of the kids here, but similiar, not much the same. Hes a bit darker and has a straight nose, not an upwinding nose. I think he passes better as a really dark gypsie.

That's why i said he knows himself better. I think he should look at videos from Basra and other places in S. Iraq on youtube and decide

07-03-2020, 11:35 AM
Yeah that's why I said some can't pass. Maybe the best thing is for him to go to S. Iraq and see if most people speak to him in Arabic lol. Here's a few more

He don't look anything like these fellas man . Borealis looks what he is imo

07-03-2020, 04:26 PM
Yes to which question?

Yes to both. Historically south Asian communities in both Iran and the Gulf are usually mixed with locals and are usually darker versions of locals phenotypically. If you were in Dubai or Iran people would assume you are a tourist

07-03-2020, 04:38 PM
Yes to both. Historically south Asian communities in both Iran and the Gulf are usually mixed with locals and are usually darker versions of locals phenotypically. If you were in Dubai or Iran people would assume you are a tourist

which historical community resides in Iran though?

07-03-2020, 05:23 PM
which historical community resides in Iran though?

Well, the same people (Mainly Gujaratis) who settled in Bahrain also were in Hormozgan and Bushehr, however they became assimilated for the most part. Its apparent in DNA results of those people, myself included

07-03-2020, 06:18 PM
Well, the same people (Mainly Gujaratis) who settled in Bahrain also were in Hormozgan and Bushehr, however they became assimilated for the most part. Its apparent in DNA results of those people, myself included

This is news to me.

07-03-2020, 06:19 PM
You're asking the wrong crowd. Most people here are not familiar with S. Iraqis. I've lived in Iraq so I am but I haven't seen you but you know yourself better. Many S. Indians can easily pass in S. Iraq but some can't. If you can pass among anything along these lines of Iraqis then the simple answer is yes.


You did see me. Check your PMs

07-03-2020, 09:27 PM
Well, the same people (Mainly Gujaratis) who settled in Bahrain also were in Hormozgan and Bushehr, however they became assimilated for the most part. Its apparent in DNA results of those people, myself included

First time I've heard that ...

07-03-2020, 09:47 PM
First time I've heard that ...

Well, go to GEDmatch and see those people get oracles like 50% Iranian+50% Gujarati Muslim or something

07-03-2020, 09:59 PM
Well, go to GEDmatch and see those people get oracles like 50% Iranian+50% Gujarati Muslim or something

probably just regular Bandaris

07-04-2020, 12:10 AM
I think you pass better as a darker turanid type, imo which I guess you could find in parts of Iraq.

07-04-2020, 01:25 AM
You did see me. Check your PMs

Ok you’re right i forgot. I would say very atypical in Iraq . I think Iraqis will scratch their heads a little to try to figure out whether you speak Arabic. You can pass much better in NW Pakistan even E Iran would be atypical.

07-04-2020, 01:58 AM
Ok you’re right i forgot. I would say very atypical in Iraq . I think Iraqis will scratch their heads a little to try to figure out whether you speak Arabic. You can pass much better in NW Pakistan even E Iran would be atypical.

There are a lot of psuedo Indid types in Arab Iraq though right? Im guessing the problem is they look like Caucasoid Indids as opposed to more Veddoid ones like myself?

07-04-2020, 02:05 AM
There are a lot of psuedo Indid types in Arab Iraq though right? Im guessing the problem is they look like Caucasoid Indids as opposed to more Veddoid ones like myself?

Exactly they have Iran-N and ASI just like E Iranians but not much of the E Eurasian like you so they look more like Sindhi Gujarathi Marathi and those areas. Youve got some of the C Asian/ E Indian going on

07-04-2020, 02:15 AM
Exactly they have Iran-N and ASI just like E Iranians but not much of the E Eurasian like you so they look more like Sindhi Gujarathi Marathi and those areas. Youve got some of the C Asian/ E Indian going on

Its not noticeable in real life

ive been mistaken as middle eastern plenty. Of course a lot of it is from people's ignorance but not all.

07-04-2020, 03:02 PM
Exactly they have Iran-N and ASI just like E Iranians but not much of the E Eurasian like you so they look more like Sindhi Gujarathi Marathi and those areas. Youve got some of the C Asian/ E Indian going on

He doesnt even seem to pass that well in NW pakistan. Never seen a pashtun like him. But i wouldnt be suprised he can though.
Though i can understand eastern iran(mainly south east) since a good amount of the have african in them and it gives them some kind of south asian look(seen some gulf arabs like that....like ones with 8-9% african and some slight south iranian alike ancestry)

ALso, iranians and iraqis dont get aasi, apart from some gypsies and south iranians(due to shahr e sokteh).

THe "aasi" in western iranians and iraqis is mainly from iranian neolithic, which isnt aasi, since aasi is south east eurasian from south asia, while the south east eurasian in iranian neolithics rather comes from central asia and both kind of south east eurasian diverged from one another.

07-04-2020, 03:06 PM
Well, go to GEDmatch and see those people get oracles like 50% Iranian+50% Gujarati Muslim or something

Youre most likely talking about all south iranians.

THey dont seem to get any modern day south asian ancestry. Their south asian shift rather seems to be caused of shahr e sokteh natives found in south eastern iran(probably also the reason why both pak and iranian balochs arent like kurds anymore), who could reach HIGH aasi

07-04-2020, 06:10 PM
Man it feels so bad hearing that contrary to what Ive been told all my life I actually pass worse in West Asia/Middle East region than other hindus do(due to me looking more veddoid).

I feel so deceived and misled by normietards.

07-04-2020, 06:57 PM
Man it feels so bad hearing that contrary to what Ive been told all my life I actually pass worse in West Asia/Middle East region than other hindus do(due to me looking more veddoid).

I feel so deceived and misled by normietards.

What do the other hindus look like?