View Full Version : Classify rising right wing star Elina Lepomäki

09-19-2020, 02:31 PM



09-19-2020, 02:33 PM

09-19-2020, 02:34 PM

Tooting Carmen
09-19-2020, 02:35 PM
Nordid cum Baltid

09-19-2020, 02:37 PM
Noble (Baltid + Nordid) , she has a strong Germanic look too imo.

09-19-2020, 02:42 PM
She is not a right winger. She is a Cuckoomus euro nationalist, and Bilderberg lapdog. Basically communist treasonist.

Noble Cuman
09-19-2020, 03:00 PM

09-19-2020, 03:17 PM
She is not a right winger. She is a Cuckoomus euro nationalist, and Bilderberg lapdog. Basically communist treasonist.

Interesting. Yeah, doesn't represent True Finns.

09-19-2020, 03:34 PM

09-19-2020, 03:41 PM
Borreby+Nordid imo

09-20-2020, 06:42 PM
Interesting. Yeah, doesn't represent True Finns.

Cuckoomus and Elina do what EU tells them to do. Obviously it is useful for EU to have these fake right wing parties that steal votes from the realmccoys.

09-20-2020, 06:54 PM
Baltid with Norid

09-21-2020, 06:15 AM
looks Central European, not Nordic, too rounded features plus some Dinaric

09-21-2020, 06:21 AM
looks Central European, not Nordic, too rounded features plus some Dinaric

She's a Finnish politician, bro. She is definitely Nordic, but not Dinaric or Central European, lol.

Finnish Swede
09-21-2020, 06:52 AM
Interesting. Yeah, doesn't represent True Finns.

Tell about it ... she not ''real Finn'' (who is drunken all the time) and harass women ... like Teuvo from True Finns.
Teuvo's minister briefcase as leaving to EU / Brussels ... 24 Karhu beer cans.


What comes to Lepomäki, she is smarter than most of politicians in National Coalition Party or over all in Finland (today).

09-21-2020, 07:12 AM
Aisto Nordid+ slight Noric

Whats her political opinions?

fortress europe
09-21-2020, 07:16 AM

09-21-2020, 07:16 AM
She's a Finnish politician, bro. She is definitely Nordic, but not Dinaric or Central European, lol.

She is simple East Baltid.

Finnish Swede
09-21-2020, 08:17 AM
Few photos more ... as classifications have varied:




09-21-2020, 08:33 AM
She's a Finnish politician, bro. She is definitely Nordic, but not Dinaric or Central European, lol.

She is Baltid mostly but with that nasal lenght- especially the nostrills- there is a Dinaric element. Easily passes as Czech and Slovak. In fact you easily find East Baltid looking people, therefor more north- eastern shifted than her in those countries as well.

Finnish Swede
09-21-2020, 08:57 AM
Whats her political opinions?

No needs to go on those any deeper in TA.

Here it only means is she openly against immigration policy (yes or no) ... 50% changes to choose right ... half of chimpanzees would be fine) as all the rest ideas/thoughts of leaders/politicians are meaningless (or do they even have those or knowledge to create those ... just hollow heads).

09-21-2020, 12:18 PM
She is simple East Baltid.

She is nordid+borreby.

09-21-2020, 01:24 PM
She is nordid+borreby.

No, she is baltid. Most finns are baltid, and there are millions of central europeans who look like she.

09-21-2020, 01:29 PM
Germanic scandinavians (Nordid, long face):


Finns (Baltid, round face):


This is the difference between them.

09-21-2020, 02:13 PM
This is the difference between them.
Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg. Typical Germanic Scandinavian Nordid with a long face.

09-21-2020, 03:45 PM
Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg. Typical Germanic Scandinavian Nordid with a long face.

You just cherrypicked one woman. Here are the facts:

Sweden = 70% Hallstatt Nordic (Carleton Coon described Sweden as a refuge area for the classic Nordic race), 10% Borreby (most common in the southwest coastal region), 10% Fälish (most common in Dalarna [Kopparberg] and the southwest coastal region), 5% Trønder (most common near the central Norwegian border), 5% East Baltic = 100% Nordish (95% central and 5% periphery types)

Norway = 45% Trønder (most common in the west), 30% Hallstatt Nordic (most common in the southeast area around Oslo), 10% Borreby (most common in the southwest), 7% Fälish (most common in the south), 5% East Baltic (most common in the far north), 3% Palaeo-Atlantid (found in western coastal areas) = 100% Nordish (92% central and 8% periphery types)

Finland and the Baltic States = 50% East Baltic, 15% Hallstatt Nordic (most common in the Swedish-settled areas of Finland), 30% Neo-Danubian (most common in southeast Lithuania and northeast Finland), 5% Ladogan = 95% Nordish (15% central and 80% periphery types)

Tronder and Hallstatt Nordid is the real Nordid phanotype, it's rare in Finland. The finnish Neo Danubian is very common in Central Europe:

Hungary = 35% Neo-Danubian (most common in the northeast), 25% Turanid (of Magyar derivation), 20% Dinaric (most common in the southwest), 15% Alpine (most common in the south), 2% Nordic, 2% Noric, 1% East Mediterranean = 39% Nordish (2% central and 37% periphery types)

Poland = 55% Neo-Danubian, 10% Ladogan, 10% Alpine, 10% Dinaric, 5% Hallstatt Nordic, 5% Noric, 5% East Baltic = 70% Nordish (5% central and 65% periphery types)

The Czech Republic and Slovakia = 40% Alpine and 15% Noric (most common in Bohemia), 25% Dinaric (most common in Moravia), 20% Neo-Danubian (most common in Slovakia) = 35% Periphery Nordish


09-21-2020, 05:36 PM
You just cherrypicked one woman. Here are the facts:

Sweden = 70% Hallstatt Nordic (Carleton Coon described Sweden as a refuge area for the classic Nordic race), 10% Borreby (most common in the southwest coastal region), 10% Fälish (most common in Dalarna [Kopparberg] and the southwest coastal region), 5% Trønder (most common near the central Norwegian border), 5% East Baltic = 100% Nordish (95% central and 5% periphery types)

Norway = 45% Trønder (most common in the west), 30% Hallstatt Nordic (most common in the southeast area around Oslo), 10% Borreby (most common in the southwest), 7% Fälish (most common in the south), 5% East Baltic (most common in the far north), 3% Palaeo-Atlantid (found in western coastal areas) = 100% Nordish (92% central and 8% periphery types)

Finland and the Baltic States = 50% East Baltic, 15% Hallstatt Nordic (most common in the Swedish-settled areas of Finland), 30% Neo-Danubian (most common in southeast Lithuania and northeast Finland), 5% Ladogan = 95% Nordish (15% central and 80% periphery types)

Tronder and Hallstatt Nordid is the real Nordid phanotype, it's rare in Finland. The finnish Neo Danubian is very common in Central Europe:

Hungary = 35% Neo-Danubian (most common in the northeast), 25% Turanid (of Magyar derivation), 20% Dinaric (most common in the southwest), 15% Alpine (most common in the south), 2% Nordic, 2% Noric, 1% East Mediterranean = 39% Nordish (2% central and 37% periphery types)

Poland = 55% Neo-Danubian, 10% Ladogan, 10% Alpine, 10% Dinaric, 5% Hallstatt Nordic, 5% Noric, 5% East Baltic = 70% Nordish (5% central and 65% periphery types)

The Czech Republic and Slovakia = 40% Alpine and 15% Noric (most common in Bohemia), 25% Dinaric (most common in Moravia), 20% Neo-Danubian (most common in Slovakia) = 35% Periphery Nordish


I don't disagree with your classifications much as far as reaching to the realms of esoterism, but goddamn, you seriously take these racial maps seriously, especially when there is not single mention of Kylälahtic nowhere to be found

09-21-2020, 05:39 PM
Tell about it ... she not ''real Finn'' (who is drunken all the time) and harass women ... like Teuvo from True Finns.
Teuvo's minister briefcase as leaving to EU / Brussels ... 24 Karhu beer cans.


What comes to Lepomäki, she is smarter than most of politicians in National Coalition Party or over all in Finland (today).

What the duck is your problem?

09-21-2020, 05:48 PM
Sweden = 70% Hallstatt Nordic

Seriously? Where do you see a high concentration of Hallstatt Nordic in Sweden? Most of the faces look Baltic in their mass. Hallstatt is very rare even in Nordic countries.

09-21-2020, 05:48 PM
What the duck is your problem?

Is it normal that in Finnistan the "supposed" nationalist females are like Greta Thunberg on crack cocaine?

Finnish Swede
09-21-2020, 06:30 PM
What the duck is your problem?

H(j)umor Harkonnen, H(j)umor :) Do not take all so seriously.

Did you see Teuvo in Hjallis TV-show? He has new girl friend from Columbia (sorry I do not read Seiska, old news probably?) ... even as they have no common language.

09-21-2020, 06:37 PM
Is it normal that in Finnistan the "supposed" nationalist females are like Greta Thunberg on crack cocaine?


09-21-2020, 06:38 PM
Is it normal that in Finnistan the "supposed" nationalist females are like Greta Thunberg on crack cocaine?


09-21-2020, 07:01 PM
Seriously? Where do you see a high concentration of Hallstatt Nordic in Sweden? Most of the faces look Baltic in their mass. Hallstatt is very rare even in Nordic countries.

Yeah, those lists- whoever made those are completely BS.

09-21-2020, 07:19 PM
H(j)umor Harkonnen, H(j)umor :) Do not take all so seriously.

Did you see Teuvo in Hjallis TV-show? He has new girl friend from Columbia (sorry I do not read Seiska, old news probably?) ... even as they have no common language.

They share the language of TROO LOVE. She is a very lucky girl to have Teuvo

Finnish Swede
09-21-2020, 08:13 PM
They share the language of TROO LOVE. She is a very lucky girl to have Teuvo

I need to raise Teuvo for one thing ... he made very quickly and nicely birdhause just using chainsaw and piece of Birch like these:


09-21-2020, 11:45 PM
Nordid+East Europid (Tronder+Neo Danubian, specifically) but looks more Nordid.

09-21-2020, 11:49 PM
Yeah, those lists- whoever made those are completely BS.

Basically this whole classification is a complete bullshit, simple pseudoscience from 19. and early 20. century when genetic tests didn't exist. I remember when i posted a dark haired balkanite as swedish and most users said he is nordid just because i posted him as "swedish" lol this is how classifications works in general....

09-22-2020, 12:01 AM
Basically this whole classification is a complete bullshit, simple pseudoscience from 19. and early 20. century when genetic tests didn't exist. I remember when i posted a dark haired balkanite as swedish and most users said he is nordid just because i posted him as "swedish" lol this is how classifications works in general....

Yeah, i agree with that. It makes limited sense out of many reasons. People with similar facial features will get classified completely different because of different ethnical background.

Finnish Swede
09-22-2020, 06:17 AM
Basically this whole classification is a complete bullshit, simple pseudoscience from 19. and early 20. century when genetic tests didn't exist. I remember when i posted a dark haired balkanite as swedish and most users said he is nordid just because i posted him as "swedish" lol this is how classifications works in general....

Yeah, i agree with that. It makes limited sense out of many reasons. People with similar facial features will get classified completely different because of different ethnical background.

Well, that could be fixed pretty easily? Let create all classification threads without telling ethnicity of person(s).

Personally I still see more ''harm'' with threads where clearly A-typical looking person has been called to belong ethnicity A or ethnicity B ... without checking his/hers background very well. Like has his/hers all ancestors been that for several generations back.

Above rises up another interesting question: When one person belongs to one ethnicity? What is needed for that?

That is interesting question even from my own side. I will move to Sweden soon (and no idea will I return back or not). So for now on.
I already have Sweden's citizenship, my father is Swede, I talk the language (own dialect ... will slightly change as time goes), I look like one ... so then I might be seen/called Swedish :)? Lets speculate that I would live my rest of life there (next 50 - 60 years)? Or is the answer never, as I have not born there and not spend my earlier years there? Not that this matter would mean very much (no matter what I'm still same person and have same rights in Finland & in Sweden).