View Full Version : Photos of Sardinian people... What are the main types among them?

09-29-2020, 12:00 PM

09-29-2020, 12:07 PM
The ones with edgy chins/jaws are Atlantids

The rounder ones are Alpine - like 3rd pic girl. She actually would pass in Poland.

The darkest ones are Med.

And some inbetweens like the first one- Atlantid + Subnordid

09-29-2020, 05:46 PM
They looks more Iberian than the Sicilians.

09-29-2020, 05:53 PM
They looks more Iberian than the Sicilians.

All blend fine on nations east of sardinia except the black haired/blue eyed woman..

09-29-2020, 05:59 PM
Once again a photoset of Sardinians with most having light or light-mixed eyes, despite being the least light-eyed people in Europe.

09-29-2020, 07:06 PM
Med low IQ shows greatly here. You have literal perfect-match modern EEFs who just happen to look like sandniggers that you could spam all day long to prove your resentment-filled ugly brown eyes come from said ancestral population but no, you really have to display that room-temperature IQ of yours and post the usual cherry-picked set of light-eyed sardos. Hilariously, the natural conclusion normal white people can draw from this is that your hirsute brown mafioso look does not derive from EEFs but from post-Alexandrian east med masses imported to work as latifundia slaves. Nice job, medi!


09-29-2020, 07:11 PM
Med low IQ shows greatly here. You have literal perfect-match modern EEFs who just happen to look like sandniggers that you could spam all day long to prove your resentment-filled ugly brown eyes come from said ancestral population but no, you really have to display that room-temperature IQ of yours and post the usual cherry-picked set of light-eyed sardos. Hilariously, the natural conclusion normal white people can draw from this is that your hirsute brown mafioso look does not derive from EEFs but from post-Alexandrian east med masses imported to work as latifundia slaves. Nice job, medi!

they look european to me

Most of them can't pass in the middle east nor north africa

brennus dux gallorum
09-29-2020, 07:12 PM
Atlantomed, gracile med and berid

09-29-2020, 07:15 PM
Cherrypicked chesnut haired and blue-eyed people.

brennus dux gallorum
09-29-2020, 07:27 PM
Med low IQ shows greatly here. You have literal perfect-match modern EEFs who just happen to look like sandniggers that you could spam all day long to prove your resentment-filled ugly brown eyes come from said ancestral population but no, you really have to display that room-temperature IQ of yours and post the usual cherry-picked set of light-eyed sardos. Hilariously, the natural conclusion normal white people can draw from this is that your hirsute brown mafioso look does not derive from EEFs but from post-Alexandrian east med masses imported to work as latifundia slaves. Nice job, medi!


They look like Cypriot Greeks

09-29-2020, 08:31 PM
As for the OP photoset, they just look Italian mostly. For savvas's set, fairly distinct from Italian and befitting their genetic status.

09-29-2020, 08:38 PM
They look like Cypriot Greeks

Cypriots look more Levantish, those Sardinians look just woggish

09-29-2020, 08:39 PM
Cherrypicked. Sardinians are one of the woggiest Europeans.

Chaos One
09-29-2020, 09:00 PM

Lol, guy on the left looks like Sadriddin, Tajik singer:


For the first time I should do the "I pass on this place in Europe" thing, but I'll hold my voice lol

09-29-2020, 09:11 PM
Cherrypicked. Sardinians are one of the woggiest Europeans.

That's true.

09-29-2020, 09:25 PM
Not noble, I can tell this.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/VCjjo2jofL4-dLdYOyZ9jIb7fWYN4xxUz51mM_ZcroqqRsWraScaLheRC9zHCm DbALoHnbs7zbPonfXeNSSq1h9XwuQPj4gQmjyR-ThqJI1fKdVeYsnbnuFbiopUDqnjFI_f7O6Sm1_I5rY

09-29-2020, 09:35 PM
Lol, guy on the left looks like Sadriddin, Tajik singer:

For the first time I should do the "I pass on this place in Europe" thing, but I'll hold my voice lol

this tadjik looks more mongoloid influenced and actually this sardinian can easily pass in the maghreb

09-29-2020, 10:43 PM
We gave them this flag when they were under the Corona de Aragón:


Some of them pass in Spain. Others, not so much. Some of the women resemble la Dama de Elche (2400 years old):


09-29-2020, 10:53 PM
95% of sardinians have dark eyes and only 2% of sardinians have blonde hair....sardinians are 1.6 milions

Chaos One
09-29-2020, 10:55 PM
this tadjik looks more mongoloid influenced and actually this sardinian can easily pass in the maghreb

Not only this sardinian. I would say now that I would pass better as Sardinian than North African by those pics (when I don't cherrypick my own photos lol)

09-29-2020, 10:57 PM
Not only this sardinian. I would say now that I would pass better as Sardinian than North African by those pics (when I don't cherrypick my own photos lol)

Honestly there is something about your looks that gives you a very south american vibe I don't think you can pass as typical in sardinia nor NA

maybe it's the mix of amerindian+ssa genes idk

09-29-2020, 10:58 PM
Not only this sardinian. I would say now that I would pass better as Sardinian than North African by those pics (when I don't cherrypick my own photos lol)

Sorry but no you dont pass better in Sardinia.

Chaos One
09-29-2020, 11:11 PM
Sorry but no you dont pass better in Sardinia.

Choose which one will be seen as Pardo in Brazil:


Chaos One
09-29-2020, 11:20 PM
Honestly there is something about your looks that gives you a very south american vibe I don't think you can pass as typical in sardinia nor NA

maybe it's the mix of amerindian+ssa genes idk

Still, most SA users here say I would pass better at some places than South America itself. I agree I don't pass as North African at all because I went there and people saw me as foreigner all the time, still would be weird to imagine that a bunch those guys on pics would be seen as mixed in Brazil, while most people here deny that I do have anykind of Asian or Native influences (even when I push hard to make it happen lol)

09-29-2020, 11:38 PM
Choose which one will be seen as Pardo in Brazil:


You have clearly Mongolid / Non - Caucasoid influences, this guy is just woggy. We dont know if all of those guys are pure Italians/ Sardinians anyway.

Chaos One
09-29-2020, 11:50 PM
You have clearly Mongolid / Non - Caucasoid influences, this guy is just woggy. We dont know if all of those guys are pure Italians/ Sardinians anyway.

Not my topic, so I'll not make it longer, but here is the point:

1 - If you go by the fact that I do have Asian traits, you're correct, so I do not pass;
2 - However, a huge number of users here say I don't have any asian traits (neither SSA btw), so by obvious means I should pass in a Caucasoid place. Hence, if I do say "Sardinia" instead of "Turkey/Iran" for some people...the point is that some people who know me well here on TA know that I do cherrypick my pictures to look more asian than anything else. Yeah, it's properly agenda, no joke here. Plus, I know I'm "exotic" since if you do look to my parents and sister I'm clearly different from them (all 3 pass in Europe), so whatever.

09-29-2020, 11:50 PM
Still, most SA users here say I would pass better at some places than South America itself. I agree I don't pass as North African at all because I went there and people saw me as foreigner all the time, still would be weird to imagine that a bunch those guys on pics would be seen as mixed in Brazil, while most people here deny that I do have anykind of Asian or Native influences (even when I push hard to make it happen lol)

which places ? Imo the best place still is SA and yes I do agree that there is some "mongoloid/native" influence on you but it's not enough to make you look like the typical central asian imo

Chaos One
09-29-2020, 11:52 PM
which places ? Imo the best place still is SA and yes I do agree that there is some "mongoloid/native" influence on you but it's not enough to make you look like the typical central asian imo

Turkey mostly, followed by Iran and Caucasus.

09-29-2020, 11:55 PM
Turkey mostly, followed by Iran and Caucasus.

iranian with turkic ancestors ..maybe that's possible but for turkey and caucasus I disagree

Chaos One
09-29-2020, 11:59 PM
iranian with turkic ancestors ..maybe that's possible but for turkey and caucasus I disagree

Iranian with Turkic ancestors = Southern Uzbekistan.

09-30-2020, 12:02 AM
Iranian with Turkic ancestors = Southern Uzbekistan.

haha not necessarily but I swear there is still a new world vibe on you (maybe you'll be seen as a local in central asia who knows)

Chaos One
09-30-2020, 12:03 AM
haha not necessarily but I swear there is still a new world vibe on you (maybe you'll be seen as a local in central asia who knows)

I was seen as a local, in fact. Both Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Even by police lol

However, I was seen as a local in Turkey too, and so goes on.

09-30-2020, 12:14 AM

This one passes amongst us really well.

09-30-2020, 03:20 AM
Cherrypicked. Sardinians are one of the woggiest Europeans.

Sardians range from very woggy looking people till blond and blue eyed ones

I have been there

Cristiano viejo
09-30-2020, 04:19 AM
Nice people Sardinians, I like them.

09-30-2020, 05:42 AM
they look european to me

Most of them can't pass in the middle east nor north africa

Who doesn't look European to you? :picard2: Meet this darker than average CM Italian (although he'd be more typical as French):

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzQ3NWY2ODgtNGRjNi00YTY5LTkxMzctMjQ3ZGRlZWMyY2 U3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg

Sardinian look derives entirely from Neolithic farmers with close to zero European CM or Aryan influence... The end result is very similar to Maghrebis (Tunisians in particular), but after 8000 years of divergence they became a bit different.

09-30-2020, 07:48 AM
Sardians range from very woggy looking people till blond and blue eyed ones

I have been there

Blonde people in Sardinia are very few...

This man is/was the typical sardinian...


09-30-2020, 11:15 AM
Blonde people in Sardinia are very few...

This man is/was the typical sardinian...


I donīt know much about muscle championships but I donīt know why Arnold has won so many times Mr. Olimpia if just by seeing this picture, the sardinian is more muscular and better worked than Arnold.

Still, most SA users here say I would pass better at some places than South America itself. I agree I don't pass as North African at all because I went there and people saw me as foreigner all the time, still would be weird to imagine that a bunch those guys on pics would be seen as mixed in Brazil, while most people here deny that I do have anykind of Asian or Native influences (even when I push hard to make it happen lol)

100% of the people in Spain would think that you are a latino from southAmerica. Most probably someone from Domican Republic or a quadroon from Colombia or something like that. Nobody will ever mistake you for a sardinian (for much barely White he looks). We (any European) perfectly know who is "one of us", even if he is a bit non-White. It is something subconscious.

Even North-Europeans know if someone from Southern Europe is really "European" or a mixed one from Venezuela or Colombia or a nafri (well,these are very easy to spot). As we SouthEuropeans know if some North-European is mongoloid-uralid (non-European) looking, despite maybe never been there.

09-30-2020, 11:46 AM
I see nothing extra exotic about them ,they look normal south euro..although for many of them I see balkanish features.

09-30-2020, 11:48 AM
Med low IQ shows greatly here. You have literal perfect-match modern EEFs who just happen to look like sandniggers that you could spam all day long to prove your resentment-filled ugly brown eyes come from said ancestral population but no, you really have to display that room-temperature IQ of yours and post the usual cherry-picked set of light-eyed sardos. Hilariously, the natural conclusion normal white people can draw from this is that your hirsute brown mafioso look does not derive from EEFs but from post-Alexandrian east med masses imported to work as latifundia slaves. Nice job, medi!


Um, they wouldn't pass in the MENA world as a whole, and despite their pigmentation, they look pretty Europeans to me, esp Southern Europeans.

09-30-2020, 11:49 AM
This one passes amongst us really well.

He fits pretty well in the Levant, yes.

09-30-2020, 11:55 AM
Who doesn't look European to you? :picard2: Meet this darker than average CM Italian (although he'd be more typical as French):

Sardinian look derives entirely from Neolithic farmers with close to zero European CM or Aryan influence... The end result is very similar to Maghrebis (Tunisians in particular), but after 8000 years of divergence they became a bit different.

Other members agree with me on this

I legit start to believe you don't really know how south europeans look like

and no sardinians are not entirely EEF they also have WHG (btw EEF peaks among other SEs too) and no sardinians don't look like tunisians at all (only a few exceptions)

09-30-2020, 12:19 PM
I donīt know much about muscle championships but I donīt know why Arnold has won so many times Mr. Olimpia if just by seeing this picture, the sardinian is more muscular and better worked than Arnold.

Arnold was taller and bigger... and he took the pose very well..

09-30-2020, 07:01 PM
Arnold was taller and bigger... and he took the pose very well..

Arnold was the Alpha bodybuilder and Joe Weider-like a true US businessman was more concerned on market value over fairness- so yes, Colombo, Frank Zane, Serge Nubret and Mike Mentzer etc. got robbed occasionally- especially the comeback year/last title Arnie was way off. At least Colombo got one win under his belt.

brennus dux gallorum
09-30-2020, 09:38 PM
Cypriots look more Levantish, those Sardinians look just woggish

Honestly i had a hard time to find the difference

09-30-2020, 09:46 PM
Honestly i had a hard time to find the difference


like the first dude left in the front with large eyes and prominent nose. sardinians on those set tend to have berid/alpine short noses, more infantil and arhaic features. but those differences are not extreme

brennus dux gallorum
09-30-2020, 10:17 PM

like the first dude left in the front with large eyes and prominent nose. sardinians on those set tend to have berid/alpine short noses, more infantil and arhaic features. but those differences are not extreme

But that was an outlier. Most of cypriots in the photo didnt look that different. Anyway, judging by your last sentence we re saying the same thing:)

10-03-2020, 06:07 AM
They look pretty exotic for European population, especially those of Savvas's pics, to my Asiatic eyes. Most of them wouldn't be seen as Euro but mistaken for some type of Arabs/Middle Eastern in Thailand.

Cristiano viejo
10-03-2020, 07:10 AM
Blonde people in Sardinia are very few...

This man is/was the typical sardinian...

Blonde people are very few in most of the European countries, not only in Sardinia.
And you are the person that was during a lot of time stating most of British are not that blond, remember?

10-03-2020, 09:12 PM

10-05-2020, 02:02 PM
More opinions?

10-07-2020, 01:27 PM
Blonde people are very few in most of the European countries, not only in Sardinia.
And you are the person that was during a lot of time stating most of British are not that blond, remember?

In England.. blonde people could be 25/30% ... in Italy not more than 10%.. and in Sardinia 2% and 70% of sardinian people have very dark hair
In Spain blonde people could be not more than 10%..

10-07-2020, 05:44 PM
I remember when I used to think this was the average Sardinian phenotype, because of the cherrypicked photos you get when you Google Sardinians and from what I've seen on anthro forums, and it somewhat making sense given they don't have "recent" MENA admixture. Basques are another ethnicity where I notice most examples don't actually represent the average look.

The ones with edgy chins/jaws are Atlantids

The rounder ones are Alpine - like 3rd pic girl. She actually would pass in Poland.

The darkest ones are Med.

And some inbetweens like the first one- Atlantid + Subnordid
There is not a single Sub-Nordid among the OP photos, and only one Atlantid(above pic, and even then it's a pred. Atlantid with a minor shift toward Atlanto-Med, not textbook example).

10-09-2020, 03:02 AM
Med low IQ shows greatly here. You have literal perfect-match modern EEFs who just happen to look like sandniggers that you could spam all day long to prove your resentment-filled ugly brown eyes come from said ancestral population but no, you really have to display that room-temperature IQ of yours and post the usual cherry-picked set of light-eyed sardos. Hilariously, the natural conclusion normal white people can draw from this is that your hirsute brown mafioso look does not derive from EEFs but from post-Alexandrian east med masses imported to work as latifundia slaves. Nice job, medi!

A lot of these Sardinians can easily pass as triracial Latinos or Brazilian pardos lol. Many can also be mistaken as MENA lmao. Damn Europeans, you do have shitskin ancestors if ancient EEFs look exactly like this.

These two girls look triracial Latina or parda

Left one legit looks le 40% face Amerindian Goblina lmao. The girl in the middle looks weird. The right one is the most Euro-looking but Im not sure if its a girl or a guy. Can be trans though.

The guy on the right with glasses looks Mestizo lol. Girl on the left and the taller girl with glasses shows Mongoloid admix.

Nerdy guy with the glass looks triracial Latino or some type of Arab.

Although it makes me wonder if some of them are immigrants or have foreign origin?

10-09-2020, 03:42 AM
A lot of these Sardinians can easily pass as triracial Latinos or Brazilian pardos lol. Many can also be mistaken as MENA lmao. Damn Europeans, you do have shitskin ancestors if ancient EEFs look exactly like this.

These two girls look triracial Latina or parda

Left one legit looks le 40% face Amerindian Goblina lmao. The girl in the middle looks weird. The right one is the most Euro-looking but Im not sure if its a girl or a guy. Can be trans though.

The guy on the right with glasses looks Mestizo lol. Girl on the left and the taller girl with glasses shows Mongoloid admix.

Nerdy guy with the glass looks triracial Latino or some type of Arab.

Although it makes me wonder if some of them are immigrants or have foreign origin?

The darker ones would be seen as morenos(as) here.

10-09-2020, 10:20 AM
A lot of these Sardinians can easily pass as triracial Latinos or Brazilian pardos lol. Many can also be mistaken as MENA lmao. Damn Europeans, you do have shitskin ancestors if ancient EEFs look exactly like this.

These two girls look triracial Latina or parda

Left one legit looks le 40% face Amerindian Goblina lmao. The girl in the middle looks weird. The right one is the most Euro-looking but Im not sure if its a girl or a guy. Can be trans though.

The guy on the right with glasses looks Mestizo lol. Girl on the left and the taller girl with glasses shows Mongoloid admix.

Nerdy guy with the glass looks triracial Latino or some type of Arab.

Although it makes me wonder if some of them are immigrants or have foreign origin?

but according to them I'm extremely atypical and wouldn't pass there while many of them literally are darker and looks way more latino than me This is why we should never trust any SE member here you can't be more biased than them

01-24-2022, 02:02 PM
I've been in Sardinia several times and Sardinians are white Europeans, who says they are the darkest ones is lying, they sounds like the usual rants of terroni with complex of inferiority who use to mock Sardinians because they don't share their MENA admixtures
These are average Sardinians, wearing their traditional cloths and not the unknown people at a disco or playing football, where you can find turists and immigrants from the rest of the world:


