View Full Version : What about Deadwind stars, both South Finns.

12-17-2020, 07:52 PM


https://img.ilcdn.fi/_Fn8eEkSUEdZk0scp7ctGF8tpYk=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/c182c060b7a7097702254cbfa8f3fad3d88dc2abe02523e8b3 6c645dcdda3203.jpg

12-17-2020, 07:56 PM
Ülev'oids with smaller heads


12-18-2020, 07:21 AM

Nordocromagnids but can't pass in Plovdiv. Mystery...:scratch:

12-18-2020, 11:34 AM
Nordocromagnids but can't pass in Plovdiv. Mystery...:scratch:

but they can pass in Bodrum (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodrum)

in the summer time

12-18-2020, 03:31 PM
Where could Pirunpelto (Devil'd field) stars pass?


Golden Lining
12-18-2020, 03:36 PM
Nah, look like "Neo-Danubians" to me.

12-18-2020, 03:56 PM
These are my favorites, Sunnuntailounas (Sunday lunch, comedy). Of cource five, but if someone rings bells...https://www.epressi.com/media/userfiles/139330/1601282023/sunnuntailounas_ryhma-1.jpg

12-18-2020, 05:14 PM
Man between North Pontic and Atlantid (lol calling him Neo Danubian, a guy that teaches us what phenotypes and how much Ci has impact on pheno- such a hypocrit)
Woman Aisto + Ladogan

Golden Lining
12-18-2020, 05:49 PM
Man between North Pontic and Atlantid (lol calling him Neo Danubian, a guy that teaches us what phenotypes and how much Ci has impact on pheno- such a hypocrit)
Woman Aisto + Ladogan

LOOOLL. Aisto + Ladogan (both categories do not belong in any way together) is nothing else but "Neo-Danubian" and since "North Ponitc"is already between Nordic, Osteuropid(Ladogan) and Med you have basically also said the same. :picard2:

12-18-2020, 05:56 PM
I disagreed for the man- i dont think Neo Danubian is similar to North Pontid. Pontid examples of Coon and his Neo Danubians also do not look much a like.

Golden Lining
12-18-2020, 06:02 PM
I disagreed for the man- i dont think Neo Danubian is similar to North Pontid. Pontid examples of Coon and his Neo Danubians also do not look much a like.

"Pontic" is Med, but "North Pontic" has affinities with the North and the East (it's certainly not just between Nordic and Pontic, what some idiots still claim).

Coon is always problematic, because most of his categories aren't "types" but rather show a spectrum that roughly fits ancient populations or mixtures of similar ancient populations.