View Full Version : Classify gypsy woman from Brazil

12-25-2020, 04:33 AM

12-25-2020, 04:36 AM
She looks like a Juliana Paes

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12-25-2020, 05:19 AM
southasiatic, by definition

12-25-2020, 05:23 AM
southasiatic, per definition

that definition should be revised. because gypsies are not southasiatic, they are also not white but that doesnt mean if they are not white they are southasiatic. in my opinion they are brown euroasians, that means they have ancestry or genetics from multiple parts of euroasia, turkey, iran, middle east is also in asia, or euroasia, so is india, pakistan, etc. they are multiracial not southasiatic. and they are their own thing. they have nothing to do with southasiatics just like jews are not palestinians, lebanese or syrians. or afghans are not indians. i dont like this incorrect definition. if you ask me what i am, im multiracial with multiple ancestries, not southasiatic. they can also qualify as brown race, but there are multiple brown shades and races, not only southasiatics.

12-25-2020, 05:25 AM
that definition should be revised. because gypsies are not southasiatic, they are also not white but that doesnt mean if they are not white they are southasiatic. in my opinion they are brown euroasians, that means they have ancestry or genetics from multiple parts of euroasia, turkey, iran, middle east is also in asia, or euroasia, so is india, pakistan, etc. they are multiracial not southasiatic. and they are their own thing. they have nothing to do with southasiatics just like jews are not palestinians, lebanese or syrians. or afghans are not indians. i dont like this incorrect definition. if you ask me what i am, im multiracial with multiple ancestries, not southasiatic. they can also qualify as brown race, but there are multiple brown shades and races, not only southasiatics.

How would you define her then?

12-25-2020, 05:27 AM
How would you define her then?

just as gypsie. like there are turks, afghans, mexicans, or whatever. she can also be considered brown or black race, but there are multiple brown or black races. in serbia gypsies are seen as a "black race". "crna rasa".

12-25-2020, 05:33 AM
btw i know gypsies who say "a gypsy is indo-aryan race or indian" and some indians say the same, but that is multiply wrong. because gypsies are not indo-aryans but AASI originally, and they are only a 1/3 of that now.

12-25-2020, 05:37 AM
just as gypsie. like there are turks, afghans, mexicans, or whatever. she can also be considered brown or black race, but there are multiple brown or black races. in serbia gypsies are seen as a "black race". "crna rasa".

I can see also iberian elements on her, she's not a pure gypsy.
Gypsies arrived to Europe in one only wave from India. India lies in South Asia, then it'd be not too wrong to say she's southasiatic, on a whole.
The fact of being of a southasiatic origin, Mortimer, is not a shame at all.
Frohe Weihnachten.

12-25-2020, 05:37 AM
btw i know gypsies who say "a gypsy is indo-aryan race or indian" and some indians say the same, but that is multiply wrong. because gypsies are not indo-aryans but AASI originally, and they are only a 1/3 of that now.

She probably has at least as much East Med & Balkan ancestry as she does SA.

12-25-2020, 05:42 AM
I can see also iberian elements on her, she's not a pure gypsy.
Gypsies arrived to Europe in one only wave from India. India lies in South Asia, then it'd be not too wrong to say she's southasiatic, on a whole.
The fact of being of a southasiatic origin, Mortimer, is not a shame at all.
Frohe Weihnachten.

They have their origins in india, but that they are indian is as wrong as that dominicans are spanish, because spanish arrived but mixed with blacks and natives. Now they are not spanish. Or in the same sense spanish as are the spanish from spain. And dominicans I think are more spanish then gypsies are southasiatic, because dominacans are probably anywhere 50-60% spanish and gypsies are 25-35% southasiatic (I count only pure gypsies) mixed gypsies are less. Some indians in india declared them children of india, and indian diaspora, some gypsies agree with that and it is not a shame, but it is just wrong. And also that there are pure and mixed gypsies is also a wrong definition because gypsies are not a pure race, there is no roma gypsie who is only pure southasian or pure european or pure middle eastern or pure anything. You can be pure if you have 4 gypsy grandparents though. They are roma, but if you need to place them in a larger broader context I would say euroasian, not southasiatic, and they also have ancestries from central and westasia as well as from europe. So euroasian fits, and to make a difference between mongoloid euroasians and gypsies you could call them black or brown euroasians. In my opinion this is just correct, and the other thing is wrong, ev enthough there is no shame in it, and some gypsies even agree with it.

12-25-2020, 05:43 AM
She probably has at least as much East Med & Balkan ancestry as she does SA.

more. if she is a iberian gypsie she is not more then 17-25% sa, a balkan gypsie maybe 30-35%. did you saw results of iberian gypsies?

12-25-2020, 05:48 AM
They also live outside southasia or are a decentralised ethnic group who lives all over the world, they also live that way since thousand years, outside southasia. their ethnic identity or who they are known as was formed outside southasia, the first chronicels mentioning someone like gypsies are written outside southasia.

12-25-2020, 05:52 AM
more. if she is a iberian gypsie she is not more then 17-25% sa, a balkan gypsie maybe 30-35%. did you saw results of iberian gypsies?

I live surrounded by gypsies, Mortimer, since I was a child. I am from Andalusia, where the most concentration of gypsies in Spain is.
I can recognise who is a gypsy and even their degree of mixture, 'cause you can find here every kind of mixtures.
I don't need to look up stats and figures to try to define a phenotype. I am not an expert, you are not an expert, almost nobody here are expert.
I would say also maybe she's not even a gypsy. Someone displayed a picture there, told she's a gypsy and demanded a "classification".
My classification is: Southasiatic.
You don't agree with it, then just write another one different.

12-25-2020, 05:55 AM
I live surrounded by gypsies, Mortimer, since I was a child. I am from Andalusia, where the most concentration of gypsies in Spain is.
I can recognise who is a gypsy and even their degree of mixture, 'cause you can find here every kind of mixtures.
I don't need to look up stats and figures to try to define a phenotype. I am not an expert, you are not an expert, almost nobody here are expert.
I would say also maybe she's not even a gypsy. Someone displayed a picture there, told she's a gypsy and demanded a "classification".
My classification is: Southasiatic.
You don't agree with it, then just write another one different.

What you see is something which fools you, because you see that, but if they did a genetic test it would be different. I know that you say southasiatic, and you are not alone, even Im called southasiatic by some, just in another thread someone said I have no voice in european affairs only in india. Eventhough Im 10% indian and I do not think that I would fit really in india. I think you can be 5% indian if you are known gypsy you would be called southasiatic. I know that you say that and that it is that way. But I disagree and correct it. Also southasiatic is no race or thing, because there is no such race, there are 4 races, actually only, and all 4 races are genetically and phenotypically present in the area of southasia, and 1000 ethnic groups, 1000 langues 5 castes, all world religions etc. You wouldnt call a bosnian a serb but to you all southasiatic is just one thing. That is eurocentric and I disagree with it. And those definitions need to be more careful and revised. I know it is like that, but I say it needs to change.

12-25-2020, 05:57 AM
There is also no degree of different mixtures, only if someone has clearly a non-gypsy parent or grandparent. People with 4 grandparents who are gypsies from the same region like Andalusia is completely wrong to speak of various degrees of admixture, that appears only to you like that, which is nonsense.

12-25-2020, 06:01 AM
There is also no degree of different mixtures, only if someone has clearly a non-gypsy parent or grandparent. People with 4 grandparents who are gypsies from the same region like Andalusia is completely wrong to speak of various degrees of admixture, that appears only to you like that, which is nonsense.

Southasiatic, Mortimer, southasiatic.
That's my classification.
PS: See Bollywood.

12-25-2020, 06:03 AM
Southasiatic, Mortimer, southasiatic.
That's my classification.
PS: See Bollywood.

You would correct people about spaniards. Eventough my opinion is not the only gypsie opinion, i know a roma who runs a blog for roma nationalists, he calls himself represantive of indian diaspora, and he said to be a gypsy you need to be indo-aryan. But I just know it is totally wrong, because gypsies are not indo-aryans, indo-aryans are brahmins, who are R1a, Gypsies are H1. There it is where his false claim starts. And he if he did a genetic test would see he is not more then 30% from india.

12-25-2020, 06:11 AM
Looks kinda Indic to me

12-25-2020, 06:14 AM
Looks kinda Indic to me

Can she pass as middle eastern somewhere or even east med greek? Be honest. Im sure she can pass as many things, you say indic because she is gypsy. To me it is clear that gypsies have a dark skin or pure gypsies which makes them stand out, but to me they are not clearly southasian and i said there is no clear southasian because there are 4 races in anthropology and all 4 races are present in southasia, in some mountain regions of southasia the inhabitants even have light skin even light hair and eyes.

12-25-2020, 06:18 AM
You would correct people about spaniards. Eventough my opinion is not the only gypsie opinion, i know a roma who runs a blog for roma nationalists, he calls himself represantive of indian diaspora, and he said to be a gypsy you need to be indo-aryan. But I just know it is totally wrong, because gypsies are not indo-aryans, indo-aryans are brahmins, who are R1a, Gypsies are H1. There it is where his false claim starts. And he if he did a genetic test would see he is not more then 30% from india.

Mortimer, look, probably my classification is not an expert one and unaccurately. I am not an expert, you're not an expert, almost nobody here is an expert, as said before.
However, my approximation to classify her is "southasiatic". Am I wrong? probably.
You've made your apportations and I find them ok. Np at all.
Somebody classified her, as "Indid", yes, I can agree with him.
You say it's difficult and unaccurate to classify gypsies as "aryans" and "southasiatic", ok, I could agree with you.
But my classification is "southasiatic"
Dont take it as something personal or whatever.

12-25-2020, 06:21 AM
Mortimer, look, probably my classification is not an expert one and unaccurately. I am not an expert, you're not an expert, almost nobody here is an expert, as said before.
However, my approximation to classify her is "southasiatic". Am I wrong? probably.
You've made your apportations and I find them ok. Np at all.
Somebody classified her, as "Indid", yes, I can agree with him.
You say it's difficult and unaccurate to classify gypsies as "aryans" and "southasiatic", ok, I could agree with you.
But my classification is "southasiatic"
Dont take it as something personal or whatever.

I dont take it as personal. I just know this opinion, which is widespread and wanted to say that, because on facebook even a friend of mine said it is so strange how gypsy music doesnt sound indian, and why i dont eat curry or im not culturally indian. I felt there is a lack of correct information out there about who the roma people really are, and they are not southasiatic. You could easy mistake them though and there is a overlap because india is diverse enough. But IM sure some real spaniards could also in fringe regions of india or middle east. To me that is not clear only by look.

12-25-2020, 06:22 AM
Can she pass as middle eastern somewhere or even east med greek? Be honest. Im sure she can pass as many things, you say

Yes maybe....

indic because she is gypsy.

In countries like Brazil alot of Gypsies wouldn't look much distinct at all but i realy think she has a South Asian vibe

She looks like North Indian to me

To me it is clear that gypsies have a dark skin or pure gypsies which makes them stand out, but to me they are not clearly southasian and i said there is no clear southasian because there are 4 races in anthropology and all 4 races are present in southasia, in some mountain regions of southasia the inhabitants even have light skin even light hair and eyes.

Gypsies in general no, they don't look all 100% South Asian but this woman does to me

I don't think she is dark for South Asian standards by the way she looks like North Indian to me

12-25-2020, 06:23 AM
Yes maybe....

In countries like Brazil alot of Gypsies wouldn't look much distinct at all but i realy think she as a South Asian vibe

She looks like North Indian to me

Gypsies in general no, they don't look all 100% South Asian but this woman does to me

I don't think she is dark for South Asian standards by the way she looks like North Indian to me

i think even northindians can sometimes pass as greeks. all the people lameduck posts do. but ok, i think that cannot be made clear in euroasia only by look. just like many arabs pass as italians. even some pakis and indians do. im sure.

12-25-2020, 06:27 AM
I dont take it as personal. I just know this opinion, which is widespread and wanted to say that, because on facebook even a friend of mine said it is so strange how gypsy music doesnt sound indian, and why i dont eat curry or im not culturally indian. I felt there is a lack of correct information out there about who the roma people really are, and they are not southasiatic. You could easy mistake them though and there is a overlap because india is diverse enough. But IM sure some real spaniards could also in fringe regions of india or middle east. To me that is not clear only by look.

Yes, it's quite possible. I got no problem with that. I won't pursuit you telling and displaying you classifications on genetics and such, and thousands and thousands of pictures, or cherrypicked pictures. Its your opinion and I accept it.
As said no experts here. If we review the history of the peninsula, I have forgotten the count about the number of people have entered in here during the history and the prehistory. Even the gypsies in a recent age.

12-25-2020, 06:31 AM
Yes, it's quite possible. I got no problem with that. I won't pursuit you telling and displaying you classifications on genetics and such, and thousands and thousands of pictures, or cherrypicked pictures. Its your opinion and I accept it.
As said no experts here. If we review the history of the peninsula, I have forgotten the count about the number of people have entered in here during the history and the prehistory. Even the gypsies in a recent age.

"Recent"=about 500 years ago.

12-25-2020, 06:34 AM
"Recent"=about 500 years ago.

That's recent, even very recent, in History, Fraisod.