View Full Version : Classify Radosveta Teneva

The Blade
01-20-2021, 08:44 PM
Bulgarian ex-volleyballer. Atlanto-Med.
https://www.cev.eu/NewsImages/24221/Original/BorisHalatchev_RadosvetaTeneva_IvanPetkov_AtPressC lubBulgaria_01.JPG

01-20-2021, 08:48 PM
Atlanto-Med + local CM.

Tooting Carmen
01-20-2021, 08:51 PM
I see Turanid.

01-20-2021, 09:02 PM
Turanic, which make her dark looking.

01-20-2021, 09:06 PM
Nothing Turanic. Nobody would have said Turanic if she was French or Spanish.

The Blade
01-20-2021, 09:09 PM
Obviously some cannot tell a Mongoloid epicanthus from deep-set eyes, I have seen this before. In addition photos 8 and 11 aren't of best quality and I see why some would get mislead. Expression on number 9 gives a Berid influenced vibe but in reality she's just Atlanto-Mediterranean, as photos of higher quality show.

The Blade
01-20-2021, 09:11 PM
Nothing Turanic. Nobody would have said Turanic if she was French or Spanish.
I explained it below. Some people get mislead. However, there are indeed some who just want to spit some terms.

01-20-2021, 11:26 PM
Scythoid/ Steppe Pontid + Dinaric and Turanic

01-20-2021, 11:30 PM
Nothing Turanic. Nobody would have said Turanic if she was French or Spanish.

Typical OWD frase. She's not French or Spanish. Looks Central Asian.

01-20-2021, 11:38 PM
Turanid is a cooler type than Atlanto-Med so I would rather see wogs like this classified as Atlanto-Med than Turanid...

01-20-2021, 11:40 PM
Turanid is a cooler type than Atlanto-Med so I would rather see wogs like this classified as Atlanto-Med than Turanid...

Relationship status checks out.

01-21-2021, 12:24 AM
If I were Bulgarian for me such a phrase "If she/he was..." would sound very offensive because Bulgarians are not second-class people compared to other Europeans like some Bulgarian users trying to present them.

I don't think being a Bulgarian is so bad like they think.

The Blade
01-21-2021, 09:20 PM
Typical OWD frase. She's not French or Spanish. Looks Central Asian.
No one is a bigger OWD (or in fact should I say non-white obvious case) than a Gypo-Uralic Euro wannabe like you. Central Asian - in another world...

The Blade
01-21-2021, 09:24 PM
If I were Bulgarian for me such a phrase "If she/he was..." would sound very offensive because Bulgarians are not second-class people compared to other Europeans like some Bulgarian users trying to present them.

I don't think being a Bulgarian is so bad like they think.
Spare us the bullshit. We know you posted your Gypsy kin and plenty of Arabs presenting them as European (Bulgarian included) from your previous accounts.
Not everyone is a phenotypical and genetic outlier (like you and ethnicities you belong to) to display chauvinist behaviour like yours.
You are a very confused individual.

The Blade
01-21-2021, 09:26 PM
Turanid is a cooler type than Atlanto-Med so I would rather see wogs like this classified as Atlanto-Med than Turanid...
Great. Have your East Baltid Mongol paradise.

01-21-2021, 11:06 PM
Spare us the bullshit. We know you posted your Gypsy kin and plenty of Arabs presenting them as European (Bulgarian included) from your previous accounts.
Not everyone is a phenotypical and genetic outlier (like you and ethnicities you belong to) to display chauvinist behaviour like yours.
You are a very confused individual.

You are worst user here ever because you divide your people into normal and abnormal. According to you 90% Bulgarians are not "normal Bulgarians" because they don't look like other Europeans. I guess a "normal Bulgarian" to you are only Faelid and Nordocromagnid Bulgarians.

The Blade
01-21-2021, 11:13 PM
You are worst user here ever because you divide your people into normal and abnormal. According to you 90% Bulgarians are not "normal Bulgarians" because they don't look like other Europeans. I guess a "normal Bulgarian" to you are only Faelid and Nordocromagnid Bulgarians.
Fuck off, you Gypsy bitch! I post Bulgarians of all kinds and have pride in my compatriots for reasons other than phenotype. You are a non-white Gypsy shit with complexes from and hatred towards Bulgarians (apparently coming from your mother you said is a Gypsy), this is why you want to present us as if we have something to do with your Dravidian kin. I know the Gypsy strategy in life is 99% of the time playing the victim. You display that attitude on this forum very clearly.

The Blade
01-21-2021, 11:18 PM
You are worst user here ever because you divide your people into normal and abnormal. According to you 90% Bulgarians are not "normal Bulgarians" because they don't look like other Europeans. I guess a "normal Bulgarian" to you are only Faelid and Nordocromagnid Bulgarians.
Let me clarify one thing: Your ethnicity (Gypsies) is the only one in my state that destroyed entirely new homes built by municipalities in several Bulgarian regions few years ago. You do nothing all day, we build homes for you and you destroy them - very civilized behaviour...
No other minority in my country is capable of such shit.

01-21-2021, 11:39 PM
You are so butthurted because people said you have South-Asian admixture when you posted your photos for classification. And after that you invented your paleo-anthropology to proof that you are "Dalofaelid with Corded Nordid influences". Just lol.

The Blade
01-21-2021, 11:54 PM
You are so butthurted because people said you have South-Asian admixture when you posted your photos for classification. And after that you invented your paleo-anthropology to proof that you are "Dalofaelid with Corded Nordid influences". Just lol.
People classified me as Corded or North Pontid + CM or (sometimes) purely CM back then (in 2016, before forum breakdown) but I don't have a Pontic skull. Some here still know and remember how I look like, you small brain, but I don't intend to post photos of me or my family members, since I've got nothing to prove.
You are a laughable and delusional bitch. You hate Bulgarians for nothing and yet in the same time you wanna make us look like your people. Any normal person would want to strongly differentiate from an ethnicity he/she hates (regardless if he has reasons for it or not) but here you show your complexes and OWD - you want to be like us or at least to speak trash about us. You, stupid bitch, if you hate us so much, just don't deal with us. Your life would be much easier that way.

01-21-2021, 11:58 PM
People classified me as Corded or North Pontid + CM or (sometimes) purely CM back then (in 2016, before forum breakdown) but I don't have a Pontic skull.

Some people said you had South-Asian influence. But it doesn't matter you look like typical Bulgarian very far from "Dalofaelid with Corded Nordid influences".

The Blade
01-22-2021, 12:03 AM
Travv will die of anger when he sees that genetically we have nothing to do with his people (just like every normal European knows):
Our genetic markers consist of three main groups: Southern/Western European; Northern/Eastern European; Caucasian (I assume some of that can be labelled as Balkan, as it's common in the rest of the peninsula, too).

01-24-2021, 11:55 AM
Let me clarify one thing: Your ethnicity (Gypsies) is the only one in my state that destroyed entirely new homes built by municipalities in several Bulgarian regions few years ago. You do nothing all day, we build homes for you and you destroy them - very civilized behaviour...
No other minority in my country is capable of such shit.

I rememeber he admited his mother was a gypsy and he defended gypsies when he was under the username "Niko23".

01-24-2021, 11:58 AM
Scythoid/ Steppe Pontid + Dinaric and Turanic

Pontid - I would say yes.
Turanid - ok.
Dinarid? Wtf?

01-24-2021, 12:06 PM
Travv will die of anger when he sees that genetically we have nothing to do with his people (just like every normal European knows):
Our genetic markers consist of three main groups: Southern/Western European; Northern/Eastern European; Caucasian (I assume some of that can be labelled as Balkan, as it's common in the rest of the peninsula, too).

Travv isn't central asian he is chuvash.

01-24-2021, 12:12 PM
Travv isn't central asian he is chuvash.

He is not Chuvash, Central Asian or anything, he is a fake account of a banned user.
Some users claimed he was a Jew from Russia or something.

These are some of his previously banned accounts where he used to troll more aggressively:

He started to attack The Blade because oof some discussion about classifications, it was a long time before.
I think he started to troll Turks because i thumbed him down (he used to compare us to gypsies to troll Bulgarians and other balkanites).

01-24-2021, 12:20 PM
Travv isn't central asian he is chuvash.

Most Chuvash people belong to Sub-Uralid type. We look like Mari or Udmurts but have more Neolithic admixture ofc.

01-24-2021, 01:50 PM
Most Chuvash people belong to Sub-Uralid type. We look like Mari or Udmurts but have more Neolithic admixture ofc.

You are a self-hater, many Chuvash have a Pontic admixture, like Bulgarians.

Кроме нижне-дунайских групп весьма близкими к адыгейскому кластеру оказываются некоторые выборки чувашей и татар. Многие группы чувашей, татар и северо-западных башкир располагаются в непосредственной близости от зоны кластера, соответствующего каспийскому антропологическиму типу. Выборки башкир-таныпцев и наровчатовских мишарей даже разместились в периферии этого кластера. Этот результат можно истолковать как присутствие в составе многих тюркских групп Восточной Европы индо-средиземноморского антропологического компонента, который, конечно не может соответствовать каспийскому или какому-то иному индо-афганскому варианту, но является - все тем же понтийским. Факт присутствия понтийской расовой составляющей у многих групп чувашей, татар и башкир, наряду с небольшой южно-сибирской или уралоидной примесью неоднократно отмечался разными исследователями (Трофимова, 1949; Алексеева, 1955, 1965, 1873; Акимова, 1971, Дерябин, 1998).

Значительную близость к среднекубанскому варианту обнаруживают также степной антропологический тип, распространенный у южных чувашей, татар, и, особенно, у - татар-мишарей и северо-западных башкир. Аналогичное сходство демонстрирует и волжско-камско-степной тип, представленный у некоторых групп чувашей и татар. У последнего подразделения по сравнению со степным - в большей мере проявляется уралоидный компонент, но в каждом из этих двух случаев европеоидная основа, как это видно из графика, имеет преимущественно понтийский характер. Заметная понтийская составляющая проявляется и у волжско-камского антропологического типа, что также следует из графика, но здесь уралоидная примесь оказывается еще более существенной. Впрочем, несмотря на эту примесь для мари и удмуртов, так же как и для коми-пермяков, можно констатировать, в целом, европеоидный, а не уральский расовый статус (Дерябин, 1998, 1998а).

01-24-2021, 02:19 PM
You are a self-hater, many Chuvash have a Pontic admixture, like Bulgarians.

Yes, about 10% not more. And they don't look like Bulgarians but likely Caucausas.


People said she looks Caucausas not Bulgarian.
Stop your cheap trolling.