View Full Version : Whatchoo Smokin’?

03-19-2021, 09:40 PM
If you toke, what’s the days strain(s) and how do you review or describe it’s effect?

03-19-2021, 09:44 PM
Today, yours truly will be enjoying (once I'm able to just chill and relax) some of this:


Strain above is actually a bit of a high-activity strain, but I will be melding it with an Indica-hybrid I have a bit left of to see if I can maximize the best of both worlds.

03-19-2021, 10:02 PM

Lemon Pepper in Raw Black

03-19-2021, 10:48 PM

Lemon Pepper in Raw Black

Looks good enough to eat!

Daco Celtic
03-19-2021, 10:54 PM
Gorilla Glue hybrid. Relaxing, I ain't trying to see the devil.

03-19-2021, 10:56 PM
Gorilla Glue hybrid. Relaxing, I ain't trying to see the devil.

It’s not my favorite, but GG is solid good, I reckon. I’ll have it once in a good while.

I am a big fan of the quick-onset head rush that takes me to Neptune, ya dig?

Daco Celtic
03-19-2021, 11:04 PM
It’s not my favorite, but GG is solid good, I reckon. I’ll have it once in a good while.

I am a big fan of the quick-onset head rush that takes me to Neptune, ya dig?

I dig. I have to be careful what I smoke because I'm E-V13 and the wrong strain will make me act the fool.

03-19-2021, 11:13 PM
This is the stuff i ve used to sell years ago..it aint that good strain but it aint bad also..sold like half a kilo of that with something else :p..usually i smoked good strains like lemon haze,purple,kush,og kush,white widow etc..actually i even dont know what i ve smoked so far,since i tried so many stuffs..those were nice times..i ve stopped smoking.


03-19-2021, 11:37 PM
Gorilla Glue hybrid. Relaxing, I ain't trying to see the devil.

Last year I grew 4 plants, one of them too late, because it was a reserve plant and did not produce much: Somango, Northern Lights, Critical + and the reserve plant was cream Cookies.

I rarely smoke this, I plant to give it to 2 aquaitances, but I like growing plants, and this is an exciting crop.

This year I will try 2 CBD strains and 1 autoflower, and one purer "recreational", but not pure CBD plants (have not any effect), but in a proportion THC/CBD aprox. 1:1, (the following week probably I will prepare the seedbeds).

I have several strains weed, but for this year I´ve chose: Ultra Mass CBD , Amnesia CBD, Critical autofloering, and Purple Buds (because it has suposedly purple buds at the end of his season, and because it´s a early strain).

I can show you images of the last year crop (semi-guerrilla) but I am not sure if this forum is the appropiate for these issues.

03-19-2021, 11:44 PM
If you toke, what’s the days strain(s) and how do you review or describe it’s effect?

Answering your question, each person is a world in terms of tastes, both in flavors and effects.

I think the best thing is a plant like the ones I will plant this year, with a 1:1 THC / CBD ratio, and only around 9-10% of each active substance.

The Gorilla Glue that you say, if it is the same one that I know, must have an amount of THC, well over 25% and a CBD (corrected) near inexistent.

Edit:I meant" and a CBD near inexistent."

03-19-2021, 11:50 PM
Answering your question, each person is a world in terms of tastes, both in flavors and effects.

I think the best thing is a plant like the ones I will plant this year, with a 1:1 THC / CBD ratio, and only around 9-10% of each active substance.

The Gorilla Glue that you say, if it is the same one that I know, must have an amount of THC, well over 25% and a THC near inexistent.

Yeah, mostly THC-bombs around here.

03-19-2021, 11:52 PM
This was my Somango last year, September 15, about 3 weeks before harvest, hidden in a semi-abandoned corner of a piece of land that I own:


03-19-2021, 11:58 PM
And one of the branches just cut :thumb001:


03-20-2021, 12:05 AM
You can speak if you want...;)

03-20-2021, 03:06 PM
You can speak if you want...;)

Heh, I actually ended up smoking and falling asleep in my chair. The pics are appreciated, and practically pornographic to certain eyes. Gix, had no idea you were a walking green-thumb.

03-20-2021, 03:14 PM
Heh, I actually ended up smoking and falling asleep in my chair. The pics are appreciated, and practically pornographic to certain eyes. Gix, had no idea you were a walking green-thumb.

I rarely smoke that, very rarely actually, but but one of my sisters who is a "bohemian artist" does, so since I like to plant things, I prefer to provide her with good quality material and I avoid exposing her to certain undesirable environments to buy it herself.

Half of what I "produce" is to give to another closer aquaitance.

I like grow it, and not so much consuming it. Here it is very common for anyone to consume it regularly, and it is relatively accepted by society, at least by people under 50-55 years.

03-20-2021, 03:19 PM
I rarely smoke that, very rarely actually, but but one of my sisters who is a "bohemian artist" does, so since I like to plant things, I prefer to provide her with good quality material and I avoid exposing her to certain undesirable environments to buy it herself.

Half of what I "produce" is to give to another closer aquaitance.

I like grow it, and not so much consuming it. Here it is very common for anyone to consume it regularly, and it is relatively accepted by society, at least by people under 50-55 years.

It’s great you do the 1:1 thing, because honestly, that’s where marijuana shines as a medicinal plant...a lot of these high-powered THC bombs at dispensaries are fine and mentally interesting, and good at times for self-discovery. The CBD, CBGn, other similar components will be the cancer-fighters..

03-20-2021, 03:50 PM
It’s great you do the 1:1 thing, because honestly, that’s where marijuana shines as a medicinal plant...a lot of these high-powered THC bombs at dispensaries are fine and mentally interesting, and good at times for self-discovery. The CBD, CBGn, other similar components will be the cancer-fighters..

I know several people who use marijuana with high levels of THC for medicinal purposes, because marijuana that is considered medicinal with high levels of CBD and without any THC has absolutely no effect on them.

Each person and each brain is a world, and what works for me does not have to work for you.

All this is about knowing yourself well, and above all learning how to use this particular "product". It is something similar to weapons, it all depends on how and who uses them.

I don't think "recreational" use is morally reprehensible either, as long as you know what you're doing and when you're doing it.

It would be necessary to train people in the use of marijuana and what it can contribute to good, when it is used in the proper way.

But you know, "alcohol is ok, but marijuana is drug"...

03-20-2021, 05:24 PM
I don't smoke anything.

Used to smoke pot only from time to time before the pandemic at certain gatherings but those times are now gone.

03-20-2021, 05:26 PM
I smoke tobacco, Golden Virginia brand. Very little, 1-2 per day and some days not at all. It's a pleasure.

03-20-2021, 05:58 PM
I smoke tobacco, Golden Virginia brand. Very little, 1-2 per day and some days not at all. It's a pleasure.

Lucky Strike, isn´t it?

03-20-2021, 06:27 PM
I am out of weed and cannot be assed to buy more, it turns me into a potato anyway so I try to not do it too often. Alcohol has a safety feature in this sense where you feel like shit and will not do more (unless you're an alcoholic), weed you'll keep smoking forever, brain starts fogging up, stop thinking. I actually like being productive, so for me it is something to do in extreme moderation :p

My favorite strain is probably Durban Poison - very clear head high, you can function as you normally would while being at a seven or eight, but also really good for treating pain!

03-20-2021, 07:28 PM
I smoke tobacco, Golden Virginia brand. Very little, 1-2 per day and some days not at all. It's a pleasure.

Tobacco Is dangerous and create various types of cancer get yourself a Marihuana plant and plant It In your back yard I myself own some gel creams for muscle cramps .

03-20-2021, 07:36 PM
Lucky Strike, isn´t it?

Lucky is too heavy for me.


03-20-2021, 07:37 PM
Tobacco Is dangerous and create various types of cancer get yourself a Marihuana plant and plant It In your back yard I myself own some gel creams for muscle cramps .

I would not smoke weed. It damages brain and I tried it two times, had very bad experience. Most long time weed users are very dumb with slow reactions like chronic drunks.
Hand-rolling tobacco lacks chemicals industrial cigarettes have and tastes much better.

03-20-2021, 07:37 PM
I smoke Shisha but thats it

03-20-2021, 07:41 PM
Tobacco Is dangerous and create various types of cancer get yourself a Marihuana plant and plant It In your back yard I myself own some gel creams for muscle cramps .

Who doesnt mix with tobacco? You smoke blunts only or what? Makes you brain melt. And the burn process still isnt healthy.

The only way to """"HEALTHY"""" smoke (you will stuck fuck your brain and become a unproductive subhuman) is by vaporize the shit

03-20-2021, 07:50 PM
Who doesnt mix with tobacco? You smoke blunts only or what? Makes you brain melt. And the burn process still isnt healthy.

The only way to """"HEALTHY"""" smoke (you will stuck fuck your brain and become a unproductive subhuman) is by vaporize the shit

Yes, we can say marihuana has more pros then cons In Mexico will be fully legalized around this summer still illegal but no longer a felony when It comes to marihuana posesion they even sell them as lotion cream It feels so fucking good when you feel tired or sore and you put them on.

03-20-2021, 07:51 PM
Yes, we can say marihuana has more pros then cons In Mexico will be fully legalized around this summer still illegal but no longer a felony when It comes to marihuana posesion they even sell them as lotion cream It feels so fucking good when you feel tired or sore and you put them on.

Start sniffing cocaine, it makes you productive.

03-20-2021, 07:53 PM
Start sniffing cocaine, it makes you productive.

LOL , I love you teutone, I cant never get bored of your German humour.

03-20-2021, 08:12 PM
Lucky is too heavy for me.


too heavy for me...call me a bitch xD

I roll Pueblo Blue

I would not smoke weed. It damages brain and I tried it two times, had very bad experience. Most long time weed users are very dumb with slow reactions like chronic drunks.
Hand-rolling tobacco lacks chemicals industrial cigarettes have and tastes much better.

I think the big thing of weed related problems is pesticides:
so many things nowadays have pesticides. Why would the unsupervised righteous people that make black market weed not use pesticides? (of course, I'm not speaking of every single case of this type; also, everything that is too much is a mistake (by semantic definition), imo - weed, tobacco, turnips xD)

Which is why I think:


03-20-2021, 08:30 PM
I would not smoke weed. It damages brain and I tried it two times, had very bad experience. Most long time weed users are very dumb with slow reactions like chronic drunks.
Hand-rolling tobacco lacks chemicals industrial cigarettes have and tastes much better.

One can get a bit weed-logged after awhile, but taking a little time off/breaks can clear that up..

03-20-2021, 08:36 PM
One can get a bit weed-logged after awhile, but taking a little time off/breaks can clear that up..

People dont just understand the value of marihuana theres more pros then cons I mean theres plenty of studies out there not only good for the body/skin but also helps me concentrate and think of a lot things I could do better while Im inhaling I also know some people who are now crazy and paranoid and living In their own world because of their chronic obession with Cocaine.

Once you tried Cocaine I mean you are doomed for ever I mean Mexico cocaine Is 100% pure.

03-20-2021, 08:56 PM
IMO, it is only good for those in a healthy frame of mind and those with immense self-control. If life is giving you lemons, quit the weed and make lemonade until such a time all is good again.

03-20-2021, 09:01 PM
Whatchoo Smokin’?
Nice try, FBI.

03-20-2021, 10:12 PM
Nice try, FBI.

They got our DNA thaks to gedmatch and now a volontary confession!!!

03-20-2021, 10:47 PM
They got our DNA thaks to gedmatch and now a volontary confession!!!

You all know too much!

(Cue the sound of helicopters)