View Full Version : Does he look Anglo, Irish, or Dutch? And classify.

04-04-2021, 01:05 PM
I would say probably anglo but the extroverted facial expression makes him look anything else.



Dani Nieto, from Spain.

Grace O'Malley
04-04-2021, 01:12 PM
Not Irish because of bone structure. If he had more prominent cheekbones he would be more passable as Irish. More broad at the cheek area. I know that is something only anthrotards notice. :)


04-04-2021, 01:23 PM
Not Irish because of bone structure. If he had more prominent cheekbones he would be more passable as Irish. More broad at the cheek area. I know that is something only anthrotards notice. :)


I would have never thought about the Irish and the cheekbones, so that is another hint to identify my "cousins".

By the way, one of my "cousins" from Gedmatch is in fact an O´Brian. And some others O´ and Mac´ also match with me:


Grace O'Malley
04-04-2021, 01:28 PM
I would have never thought about the Irish and the cheekbones, so that is another hint to identify my "cousins".

By the way, one of my "cousins" from Gedmatch is in fact an O´Brian. And some others O´ and Mac´ also match with me:


Ciarán Hinds is another good example. If anyone wants to watch a great program the first season of The Terror is brilliant.


We'll find some Wild Geese in you yet Gota. :)

04-04-2021, 01:31 PM
Can pass better as North Italian or Swiss

04-04-2021, 02:04 PM
Ciarán Hinds is another good example. If anyone wants to watch a great program the first season of The Terror is brilliant.


We'll find some Wild Geese in you yet Gota. :)

I will have never thought that that man was Irish or northern Euro. He is probably one of those that you call "black" Irish. Although by pigmentation he would pass as average (even darker than average) Spaniard, his face is too long and makes us think that he is probably from other country:


Curious specimen.

04-04-2021, 02:09 PM
Looks like one of those light Albanians I think between the options Anglo

04-04-2021, 02:12 PM
We'll find some Wild Geese in you yet Gota. :)

I was Reading about the Wild Geese thing..., I did not know why you call me that, but now I understand after Reading this:

"Though the term "Wild Geese" is usually used for the men of the France's Irish Brigade, France was not the only destination of these "Wild Geese. " Many went to Spain, where Irishmen had actually been serving for many years in great numbers, forming a number of regiments in the Spanish army. Irishmen served in the Armies of Austria, Russian, Poland and the various German Kingdoms."

Anyways, if there is a real Irish connection is not because of this but much older since I don´t have any matches for the last 2000 years in FTDNA.

Grace O'Malley
04-04-2021, 02:16 PM
I will have never thought that that man was Irish or northern Euro. He is probably one of those that you call "black" Irish. Although by pigmentation he would pass as average (even darker than average) Spaniard, his face is too long and makes us think that he is probably from other country:


Curious specimen.

Great Irish actor. There is no such thing as Black Irish as someone like Ciaran Hinds would cluster very Northern European and someone like the man you posted would cluster with Spanish. I think people have problems with this (people that haven't looked at genetics). If you are a blond Spanish you don't owe your genetics to a Northern European because you will cluster with your countrymen and some dark Norwegian will cluster with his fellow Scandinavians. It isn't down to "foreign" blood. :) Anyway there are some very ambiguous Irish.

One of my favourites is Darren O'Dea.




Grace O'Malley
04-04-2021, 02:23 PM
I was Reading about the Wild Geese thing..., I did not know why you call me that, but now I understand after Reading this:

"Though the term "Wild Geese" is usually used for the men of the France's Irish Brigade, France was not the only destination of these "Wild Geese. " Many went to Spain, where Irishmen had actually been serving for many years in great numbers, forming a number of regiments in the Spanish army. Irishmen served in the Armies of Austria, Russian, Poland and the various German Kingdoms."

Anyways, if there is a real Irish connection is not because of this but much older since I don´t have any matches for the last 2000 years in FTDNA.

If it is that old it's more likely Bell Beaker and nothing to do with Irish. The Chief of the Clanoboy O'Neill is actually in Portugal and most likely has any Irish blood now.


Grace O'Malley
04-04-2021, 02:30 PM
You can see Ciaran in this. A really great program.


Grace O'Malley
04-04-2021, 02:57 PM
I was Reading about the Wild Geese thing..., I did not know why you call me that, but now I understand after Reading this:

"Though the term "Wild Geese" is usually used for the men of the France's Irish Brigade, France was not the only destination of these "Wild Geese. " Many went to Spain, where Irishmen had actually been serving for many years in great numbers, forming a number of regiments in the Spanish army. Irishmen served in the Armies of Austria, Russian, Poland and the various German Kingdoms."

Anyways, if there is a real Irish connection is not because of this but much older since I don´t have any matches for the last 2000 years in FTDNA.

They also served in the Swedish Army but many deserted to serve in the Polish army because they were Catholics but what is intriguing about Sweden is that there is M222 there that ties back to Irishmen in the 17th century so there is a Swedish cluster of M222 so I'm surprised there isn't something similar in Spain.

04-04-2021, 03:53 PM
If it is that old it's more likely Bell Beaker and nothing to do with Irish. The Chief of the Clanoboy O'Neill is actually in Portugal and most likely has any Irish blood now.


Also, what you say about being like that irish actor and although looking southern European his genes are totally northern Euro and viceversa is right.

04-04-2021, 05:43 PM
In my case is what I told you in PM. The terminal subhalopgroup in which Irish were like 70% of them, and you told me that they were mostly from Munster (that branch of the subhalopgroup), so either my paternal line diverged from them in France 2500 years ago, or some unknown relationship between Galicia and SW Ireland 2000 years ago. I have zero foreign blood in my for many centuries (did the family tree).

Also, what you say about being like that irish actor and although looking southern European his genes are totally northern Euro and viceversa is right. But this does not mean that there are some DNA segments that are shared during historical times, so this mean a real genetic connection or common ancestry (in 1 or several lines). My DNA is totally Spanish, mostly from my área, and I don´t even think I pass as Irish, I pass as Swedish (said by others). But since the terminal haplogroup for my paternal line is common with a 5% of Irish, I am sure that we share some DNA segments (obviously short now after thousands of year) but the trace can be searched. But this happens with most Europeans if we go back in time. Just because you are Irish I told you about it.

And I remember that there have been many famous Irish in the last 300 years in Spain. There is an O´donnell main Street in Madrid, and many O´Sullivan, ONeill and others participated in some stages of our History. Even some of them got high positions in the Spanish army or government.

Maybe it has something to do with this? British Celts migrated to the area you're from


04-04-2021, 08:52 PM
Maybe it has something to do with this? British Celts migrated to the area you're from


Well, that is really my area but we are talking about a very terminal subhalopgroup of DF27, in which Irish are a majority (over 70% of the results), and it is said that DF27 is either Spanish or French, so any option is posible but it is more probable that we diverged in France like 2500-3000 years ago. But since the Irish used to form clear clans, I am paternally related to some of those clans, at least by genes. But, the possibility that you show (I already knew about it) can´t be dismissed either. But, there are very few people that have done a DNA test in my area, so no bigger conclussions can be taken. Anyways I am mostly similar with most Spaniards autosomally (although quite different than the average by looks).

04-04-2021, 08:55 PM
Anglo primarily, but Irish also can have Anglo influence. Irish are not usually blonde, contrary to popular belief, and his face shape and expression seems English. They English always have that smug look no matter what , lol.