View Full Version : Does this Croatian actor pass as fully Turk?

05-13-2021, 11:46 AM
https://i.ibb.co/QJZvbzT/45186-v-popov.jpg (https://i.ibb.co/QJZvbzT/45186-v-popov.jpg
https://i.ibb.co/xFGB4hg/947132.jpg (https://ibb.co/hYH4qsd)
https://i.ibb.co/1TzV2qj/1036229.jpg (https://ibb.co/9WZXYTS)
https://i.ibb.co/g99t7yb/MV5-BYjdk-MTdi-Ym-Ut-MTgy-Ni00-NDEy-LThh-Mjkt-MTk0-NWQw-Nj-Ax-OGE1-Xk-Ey-Xk-Fqc-Gde-QXVy-Mzcy-MTEw-M.jpg (https://ibb.co/RbbQS2G)
https://i.ibb.co/4Nkf9GD/MV5-BYzk2-Nm-Ex-Yz-Et-ZGQw-MS00-Zm-Fl-LTkx-Zm-Mt-MWUz-Zm-M3-MTUw-NTJm-Xk-Ey-Xk-Fqc-Gde-QXVy-Mj-Qw-MD.jpg (https://ibb.co/ry9tTSL)
https://i.ibb.co/BKdn75g/ (https://imgbb.com/)
https://i.ibb.co/BKdn75g/stock-photo-janko-popovic-volaric-32684.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

05-13-2021, 11:53 AM

05-13-2021, 11:57 AM
Serb face.

05-13-2021, 11:57 AM
He pass

05-13-2021, 12:01 PM
2nd pic where he is smiles yes- other pics as a Soap Opra actor mainly

05-13-2021, 12:02 PM
Stearsolina, how common is his look?

05-13-2021, 12:04 PM
Stearsolina, how common is his look?

He looks Serb to us. My father always said he must be Serb when he sees him on TV due to his look. Make your own conclusion.

05-13-2021, 12:11 PM
He looks Serb to us. My father always said he must be Serb when he sees him on TV due to his look. Make your own conclusion.

he has killer looks. that means he looks great, not like a killer xD in Romania he would f*ck mothers and daughters - as Romanian men have very short faces, such a long middle face that many times Western Balkanites have are highly regarded, especially when together with harmonious and masculine features, as he has. I am curious if you find him or his type attractive (I find it as very good looking, in real life such types are not that common, at least here men look quite bad, short faces, round heads, big bellies after 30-35, shitty style)

05-13-2021, 12:40 PM
He looks Serb to us. My father always said he must be Serb when he sees him on TV due to his look. Make your own conclusion.

Serbs = hidden Turks?

= Paleo Atlantid!

05-13-2021, 01:02 PM
he has killer looks. that means he looks great, not like a killer xD in Romania he would f*ck mothers and daughters - as Romanian men have very short faces, such a long middle face that many times Western Balkanites have are highly regarded, especially when together with harmonious and masculine features, as he has. I am curious if you find him or his type attractive (I find it as very good looking, in real life such types are not that common, at least here men look quite bad, short faces, round heads, big bellies after 30-35, shitty style)

He's good looking yeah, but why do you always take a piss at Romanian men? You're half Romanian. I had issues with Romanians before because they trolled me/my ethnicity, but I don't anymore since Stears has Romanian like admixture. As does our son.

I'm growing to like Romania and Romanians.

05-13-2021, 01:03 PM
Serbs = hidden Turks?

= Paleo Atlantid!

He has eastern like looks which Croats like me associate with Serbs (strong Pontid and East Med traits, sometimes mixed with Gorid). It's not about swarth, Zlatko Dalic is lot swarthier than this guy and he looks very Croatian.

05-13-2021, 01:08 PM

05-13-2021, 01:18 PM
he has killer looks. that means he looks great, not like a killer xD in Romania he would f*ck mothers and daughters - as Romanian men have very short faces, such a long middle face that many times Western Balkanites have are highly regarded, especially when together with harmonious and masculine features, as he has. I am curious if you find him or his type attractive (I find it as very good looking, in real life such types are not that common, at least here men look quite bad, short faces, round heads, big bellies after 30-35, shitty style)


05-13-2021, 01:35 PM

his face and your body :love0033: (no homo)

05-13-2021, 01:49 PM
He's good looking yeah, but why do you always take a piss at Romanian men? You're half Romanian. I had issues with Romanians before because they trolled me/my ethnicity, but I don't anymore since Stears has Romanian like admixture. As does our son.

I'm growing to like Romania and Romanians.

I am fully Romanian as far as I am concerned, this doesn't mean I cannot tell things as they are, there are things I appreciate about the place and things I don't and regarding looks is not about appreciating it or not, it's pure observation.

(even Romanian women so very often say how they like almost any foreigner before Romanian men. in this particular case I was referring to this rare type for us, of tall long-faced men (Dinaric-like). compare that to average north Romanian Gorid or average south Romanian Alpinized Pontid. just an observation and I am not saying I look better than that so I am not putting any superiority into it. regarding Romanian topics, except blind nationalists, Romanians are very vocal of the things they don't like about any topic, even if it touches country. we didn't go through a break-up so no nationalistic stances had to be reinforced in the people, Romanians are quite "anti-Romanian" on average, the most common topic in Romania is how much we suck as a community and it is not as self-hate but like in we dislike how we cannot progress and move economically and especially socially to a better position because of a chunk of the population that is very low on social behaviour, and the good citizens unfortunately cannot outbalance that; on TA you get to see more nationalistic people, not relevant for the broader population, nationalists got like 3% of the votes in the elections)

05-13-2021, 01:51 PM
his face and your body :love0033:


05-13-2021, 02:15 PM
I am fully Romanian as far as I am concerned, this doesn't mean I cannot tell things as they are, there are things I appreciate about the place and things I don't and regarding looks is not about appreciating it or not, it's pure observation.

(even Romanian women so very often say how they like almost any foreigner before Romanian men. in this particular case I was referring to this rare type for us, of tall long-faced men (Dinaric-like). compare that to average north Romanian Gorid or average south Romanian Alpinized Pontid. just an observation and I am not saying I look better than that so I am not putting any superiority into it. regarding Romanian topics, except blind nationalists, Romanians are very vocal of the things they don't like about any topic, even if it touches country. we didn't go through a break-up so no nationalistic stances had to be reinforced in the people, Romanians are quite "anti-Romanian" on average, the most common topic in Romania is how much we suck as a community and it is not as self-hate but like in we dislike how we cannot progress and move economically and especially socially to a better position because of a chunk of the population that is very low on social behaviour, and the good citizens unfortunately cannot outbalance that; on TA you get to see more nationalistic people, not relevant for the broader population, nationalists got like 3% of the votes in the elections)

Sounds familiar. Croatia is full of self-haters too. I guess a result of many centuries of not having own state in this current form, similarly like Romanians.

05-13-2021, 02:23 PM
Sounds familiar. Croatia is full of self-haters too. I guess a result of many centuries of not having own state in this current form, similarly like Romanians.

this is also fueled by hate between the regions. because many of us are very attached to the home region while not identifying fully with the Bucharest-led state of Romania. I think local regionalism only starts in Romania and more and more people would like to see their region at least autonomous. this doesn't mean hate between the people, the common enemy for these are the central politicians, otherwise people of different regions feel they are together with other regions in the anti-centralist feelings (Romania is overly centralized and it is frustrating to Moldova, Transylvania, Banat and Szeklerland chiefly, like your average dude on the street would anytime vote autonomy, while southern regions are very attached to the idea of Romania, which is easy to them, them being truly Romanians/Vlachs all the way; there is also a dialect division and Bucharesters and Southerners always mocking the others doesn't help the unity)

Cristiano viejo
05-13-2021, 03:08 PM
He's good looking yeah, but why do you always take a piss at Romanian men? You're half Romanian. I had issues with Romanians before because they trolled me/my ethnicity, but I don't anymore since Stears has Romanian like admixture. As does our son.

I'm growing to like Romania and Romanians.

They already are not Med and swarthy anymore? xD

05-13-2021, 03:23 PM
he has killer looks. that means he looks great, not like a killer xD in Romania he would f*ck mothers and daughters - as Romanian men have very short faces, such a long middle face that many times Western Balkanites have are highly regarded, especially when together with harmonious and masculine features, as he has. I am curious if you find him or his type attractive (I find it as very good looking, in real life such types are not that common, at least here men look quite bad, short faces, round heads, big bellies after 30-35, shitty style)

We have medium faces. Long faces are more common in the south and south-west. This actor definitely passes as a southener but I'd not see him anywhere north of Buzau.

05-13-2021, 03:25 PM
They already are not Med and swarthy anymore? xD

we are, but that is like saying we have two eyes and one mouth... no one really taking anything special from this. except some rare Nordicist, no Romanian is troubled by the Mediterranean identity of the country. sort of more temperate, though, a third of the country can experience heavy winters

05-13-2021, 03:32 PM
he has killer looks. that means he looks great, not like a killer xD in Romania he would f*ck mothers and daughters - as Romanian men have very short faces, such a long middle face that many times Western Balkanites have are highly regarded, especially when together with harmonious and masculine features, as he has. I am curious if you find him or his type attractive (I find it as very good looking, in real life such types are not that common, at least here men look quite bad, short faces, round heads, big bellies after 30-35, shitty style)

He is an actor ,they are choosen based on how good looking they are. Average people on every country looks like what they are, to average people. This guys seems like a chad to me and is from your country mate.


05-13-2021, 03:47 PM
He is an actor ,they are choosen based on how good looking they are. Average people on every country looks like what they are, to average people. This guys seems like a chad to me and is from your country mate.

my type are more masculine, guys on which you can count for a hard one xD

like Bogdan Stelea


05-13-2021, 03:52 PM
He has eastern like looks which Croats like me associate with Serbs (strong Pontid and East Med traits, sometimes mixed with Gorid). It's not about swarth, Zlatko Dalic is lot swarthier than this guy and he looks very Croatian.

What about brothers Mamić?

05-13-2021, 03:56 PM
What about brothers Mamić?

Zoran looks Italian/Greek, Zdravko is more typical of the two.

05-13-2021, 03:58 PM
He is an actor ,they are choosen based on how good looking they are. Average people on every country looks like what they are, to average people. This guys seems like a chad to me and is from your country mate.


Idk, most Croatian celebs are ugly/average looking to me tbh. I see lot more attractive people everyday on streets, but maybe that's because my taste is not mainstream for my country.

05-13-2021, 04:00 PM
my type are more masculine, guys on which you can count for a hard one xD

like Bogdan Stelea


He looks like the type of guy who eat alpine dwarf for breakfast.:D

05-13-2021, 04:02 PM
They already are not Med and swarthy anymore? xD

They are swarthy, at least Romanians I saw in Transylvania were mostly dark and small. But that's not so bad. Women were very pretty.

05-13-2021, 04:18 PM
yes, Romanian women are pretty, contrariwise in E-berberia

05-13-2021, 04:18 PM
looks like Romanian actor Șerban Pavlu



08-29-2022, 06:41 AM