View Full Version : Classify Evenk girl from Krasnoyarsk Krai

07-30-2021, 02:51 AM

From Evenkiysky District (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evenkiysky_District) of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Its area is 763,200 km², which is over twice the area of Germany, but its population is about 16,000. It was formerly known as Evenk Autonomous Okrug or Evenkia.


The Evenkiysky District is located south of the Nganasan area of the Taimyr Peninsula. On G25, Evenks are the closest modern population to Nganasans:

$ curl 'https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1wZr-UOve0KUKo_Qbgeo27m-CQncZWb8y' -Lso mas
$ dist()(awk -F, 'NR==FNR{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)a[i]=$i;next}$1{s=0;for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)s+=($i-a[i])^2;print s^.5,$1}' "$2" "$1"|sort -n|awk '{printf"%."x"f %s\n",$1,$2}' "x=${3-3}"|sed s,^0,,)
$ dist mas <(grep Nganassan mas)|head -n8
.000 Nganassan
.085 Evenk
.088 Even
.092 Yukagir_Tundra
.145 Dolgan
.147 Todzin
.149 Koryak
.163 Itelmen

This girl from the same town also looks very VUR (I guess they are mixed Evenks):


It makes sense that Evenk mestizos would look similar to VURians, because they all have similar KRA001-like Central Siberian ancestry.

07-30-2021, 03:58 AM
Does she know what bitcoin is?

07-30-2021, 04:14 AM
Does she know what bitcoin is?

Are you trying to buy an Evenk wife? I think you need to convert your BTC to squirrel skins first.

A hundred years ago Kai Donner wrote that the price of a Selkup girl ranged from 200 to 500 squirrel skins depending on the supply of squirrels (https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/49142):

Tytön hinta vaihtelee ja on suorastaan riippuvainen oravien runsaudesta. Kuta enemmän niitä on metsässä, sitä kalliimmaksi tulee morsian, ja hyvinä vuosina vaimon hinta voi kohota 500 oravannahkaan sekä muutamaan litraan viinaa kaupanpäälliseksi. Huonoina vuosina saattaa tapahtua, että tytön hankintaan tarvitaan vain 200 nahkaa, kenties vielä vähemmänkin.


The price of a girl varies and is directly proportional to the supply of squirrels. The more squirrels there are in the woods, the more expensive a bride becomes, and on a good year the price of a wife can rise to 500 squirrel skins and a couple of liters of booze for good measure. On a bad year it can happen that only 200 skins are needed to acquire a girl, or perhaps even less.

07-30-2021, 06:09 AM
Say, since you`re the expert here: I`ve currently got 347 high quality squirrel skins (the red ones) in storage. What tier of woman could I expect in return, at the current market situation? Should I save up a bit more?

07-30-2021, 07:08 AM
Say, since you`re the expert here: I`ve currently got 347 high quality squirrel skins (the red ones) in storage. What tier of woman could I expect in return, at the current market situation? Should I save up a bit more?

There's shitloads of squirrels recently, so with that level of assets, unfortunately you will only get a girl with 3 mm supratarsal crease height, or a morally corrupt post-Instagram era girl.

I found one settlement on Evenkiysky District whose nearest settlement shown by Google Maps is about 250 km away:


The settlement had three girls of marriagable age on VK, but one was already married, and the other two looked all evil like some products of the post-Instagram post-TikTok era:


So at this point there's a much larger supply of squirrels than of girls who have not been corrupted.

07-30-2021, 10:25 AM
Strongly Siberian/ Mong looking