View Full Version : Germans warn of disintegration of Bosnia and blame Serbs and Russians

11-06-2021, 03:35 AM
https://www.die-tagespost.de/politik/aktuell/bosniens-serben-spielen-mit-dem-feuer-art-222620?fbclid=IwAR18Cu6IC_D6IyT8v5xFX09ltw3ZpPxQlP 4PCX6QI8ZpWQgbRXK_klM9vEg

"Serbs play with fire, Putin is their Godfather". "The Catholics are endangered".

11-07-2021, 08:52 AM
Step by step, Republika Srpska is getting closer to freedom and independence.

Bosnian Croats (Catholics) are ednagered by aggressive Bosnian Muslim policy in their own Muslim-Croat Federation.
But that is none of our bussiness.

Bosnian Serb have to achieve complete independence to avoid similar scenario of agressive Muslims, who are under stupid and dangerous misconception that entire Bosnia is theirs.

11-07-2021, 09:28 AM
Is Srpska manage to secede of the anomaly BiH then it will be the end of that fake mudslim experiment, which I will be happy for.

11-07-2021, 09:34 AM
Is Srpska manage to secede of the anomaly BiH then it will be the end of that fake mudslim experiment, which I will be happy for.

Entire Balkan is sick of these Muslims.

Less than 100 years ago, they were only 30% of total population of Bosnia, and now they claim entire Bosnia for themselves.

11-07-2021, 09:40 AM
Bosniens Serben spielen mit dem Feuer

what's new on here?


11-07-2021, 10:02 AM
I don't support it, there are many ethnically mixed area in Bosnia, and bosniaks, serbs, croats would want to get these areas, and the result will be another war, with tons of dead, migrant, destroyed settlements etc. It makes no sense.

11-07-2021, 10:10 AM
I don't support it, there are many ethnically mixed area in Bosnia, and bosniaks, serbs, croats would want to get these areas, and the result will be another war, with tons of dead, migrant, destroyed settlements etc. It makes no sense.

Only Muslims and Croats live together in some mixed zones.
Most of Serbs are physically and territorially separated from both of them.

Honest thoughts of a Bosnian Muslim on this forum:


11-07-2021, 10:14 AM
Only Muslims and Croats live together in some mixed zones.
Most of Serbs are physically and territorially separated from both of them.

Not really, east bosnia is very bosniak-serb mixed:


11-07-2021, 10:20 AM
Not really, east bosnia is very bosniak-serb mixed:


Most of that are deserted villages with 50-100 inhabitants each.
These "Muslim settlements" are mostly empty areas.

I follow vital demographic statistics of Republika Srpska each year, and ethnic structure among newborn population of Republika Srpska is 91-92% Serbs, 5-6% Muslims.

11-07-2021, 10:55 AM
In the case of new war it would be enough to Serbs took Sarajevo from "Bosniaks", and they would capitulate. Sarajevo is alpha and omega for "Bosniaks."

This is fom Serbian speakers.
"Bosniak" intellectual Fatmir Alispahić say that "Bosniaks" can't win eventual new war, a new war leads "Bosniaks" to extinction, Bakir Itetbegović who want a new war with Serbs is enemy of "Bosniaks" etc.


11-07-2021, 12:12 PM
Serbs are done. They aren't threat to anyone. Serbia/RS is demographically ruined, poor economy that would crack with new war. They had much bigger advantage in 90s and blew it.

That being said, other south Slav ethnicities are demographically dying as well.

Future of the Balkans belongs to Albanians and ony real possibility is great Albania. Other is a pipedream.

11-07-2021, 12:24 PM
Serbs are done. They aren't threat to anyone. Serbia is demographically ruined, poor economy that would crack with new war. They had much bigger advantage in 90s and blew it.

That being said, other south Slav ethnicities are demographically dying as well.

Future of the Balkans belongs to Albanians and ony real possibility is great Albania. Other is a pipedream.

Serbia still has enough power to defeat Bosniaks or Albanians when NATO left Kosovo. In the previous several years Serbian army has made significant progress.

Except own superiority towards the Bosniaks and Albanians Serbia is only natural partner of Russia and even China in the Balkans. Russia (military) and China (economically) will be world leaders in the next years and decades.

If i am on your place i would be worried for Croatians. Your people is less numerous than Serbs in the former Yugoslavia, in BiH you go towards disappearing, global domination of USA/NATO as only power doesn't exist today etc.

11-07-2021, 12:31 PM
Serbia still has enough power to defeat Bosniaks or Albanians when NATO left Kosovo. In the previous several years Serbian army has made significant progress.

Except own superiority towards the Bosniaks and Albanians Serbia is only natural partner of Russia and even China in the Balkans. Russia (military) and China (economically) will be world leaders in the next years and decades.

If i am on your place i would be worried for Croatians. Your people is less numerous than Serbs in the former Yugoslavia, in BiH you go towards disappearing, global domination of USA/NATO as only power doesn't exist today etc.

Yeah yeah, that's why Serbs work as seasonal workers in Croatia. Get real. Wars aren't for beggars.

11-07-2021, 02:26 PM
As Machiavelli once wrote:

«States that rise unexpectedly, then, like all other things in nature which are born and grow rapidly, cannot leave their foundations and correspondencies fixed in such a way that the first storm will not overthrow them.»

11-07-2021, 04:24 PM
Serbs are done. They aren't threat to anyone. Serbia/RS is demographically ruined, poor economy that would crack with new war. They had much bigger advantage in 90s and blew it.

That being said, other south Slav ethnicities are demographically dying as well.

Future of the Balkans belongs to Albanians and ony real possibility is great Albania. Other is a pipedream.


Keep dreaming.

Our demographics are negative, but all surrounding nations are worse than us.

Bosnian Croats and Muslims have far worse decline in birth rates than Bosnian Serbs in last decade.

And especialy strong decline is among Albanians.

Interesting statistics - total births in 2010 vs 2020 - decline in percentage:

Serbia -9,77%
Croatia -17,33%

Bosnian Serbs -8,97%
Bosnian Muslims -25,12%
Bosnian Croats -26,58%

Albanians in Albania -17,57%
Albanians in Kosovo -36,47%



11-07-2021, 04:43 PM
In the case of new war it would be enough to Serbs took Sarajevo from "Bosniaks", and they would capitulate. Sarajevo is alpha and omega for "Bosniaks."

This is fom Serbian speakers.
"Bosniak" intellectual Fatmir Alispahić say that "Bosniaks" can't win eventual new war, a new war leads "Bosniaks" to extinction, Bakir Itetbegović who want a new war with Serbs is enemy of "Bosniaks" etc.


It is Bosnian Muslim leaders who are speaking these days about war, and at the same time their population are afraid of the war, knowing how Serbia is armed.

We want freedom and independence of Republika Srpska, peaceful secesion and to get rid of all connections with Muslims and Croats.
Not to invade Muslim-Croat Federation.

11-07-2021, 05:00 PM

Keep dreaming.

Our demographics are negative, but all surrounding nations are worse than us.

Bosnian Croats and Muslims have far worse decline in birth rates than Bosnian Serbs in last decade.

And especialy strong decline is among Albanians.

Interesting statistics - total births in 2010 vs 2020 - decline in percentage:

Serbia -9,77%
Croatia -17,33%

Bosnian Serbs -8,97%
Bosnian Muslims -25,12%
Bosnian Croats -26,58%

Albanians in Albania -17,57%
Albanians in Kosovo -36,47%



Bosnian Serbs have oldest population in Bosnia as well as most sparsely populated land.
Albanians are only youthful native European population, significantly younger than Serbs and others on average, and their demography is still miles above yours.

I don't see great Bulgaria, Croatia or Serbia (or Romania) anytime soon, but great Albania yes.
And they are NATO members with improving standards, especially Albania proper.

And: Serbia has large Gypsy population, so take over-represented amount of birthrate for them.

11-07-2021, 05:05 PM
Bosnian Serbs have oldest population in Bosnia as well as most sparsely populated land.
Albanians are only youthful native European population, significantly younger than Serbs and other on average, and their demography is still miles above yours.

I don't see great Bulgaria, Croatia or Serbia (or Romania) anytime soon, but great Albania yes.

Percentage of Serbs among newborn population in Bosnia is rising in last decade. :)
Emigration of Bosnian Muslims and Croats are higher, and their drop in birth rates are higher than Serbian.

Albanian population is younger - but how many of them are in Switzerland, Germany etc, and still moving there.
It is indicative that all recently active Albanian forum members live abroad, not in Balkans. :coffee:

11-07-2021, 05:10 PM
Percentage of Serbs among newborn population in Bosnia is rising in last decade. :)
Emigration of Bosnian Muslims and Croats are higher, and their drop in birth rates are higher than Serbian.

Albanian population is younger - but how many of them are in Switzerland, Germany etc, and still moving there.
It is indicative that all recently active Albanian forum members live abroad, not in Balkans. :coffee:

Percentage of Serbs among newborn population in Bosnia is rising in last decade. :)
Emigration of Bosnian Muslims and Croats are higher, and their drop in birth rates are higher than Serbian.

Albanian population is younger - but how many of them are in Switzerland, Germany etc, and still moving there.
It is indicative that all recently active Albanian forum members live abroad, not in Balkans. :coffee:

I kind of doubt that thb. Bosnian Croats have lot of children on average, that's kind of stereotype about them. They do have high emigration numbers though (to Croatia and German speaking countries)
Not sure about Bosniaks. But Serbs probably emigrate less because of EU restrictions, that ended this year as far as I am aware.

I see Albanian element becoming dominant over Slavic one in future of the Balkans. Let's wait and see.

11-07-2021, 05:45 PM
I kind of doubt that thb. Bosnian Croats have lot of children on average, that's kind of stereotype about them. They do have high emigration numbers though (to Croatia and German speaking countries)
Not sure about Bosniaks. But Serbs probably emigrate less because of EU restrictions, that ended this year as far as I am aware.

I see Albanian element becoming dominant over Slavic one in future of the Balkans. Let's wait and see.

Of course that percentage of Serbs among newborn population in Bosnia is rising.

Here are the offical statistics.

Year / Total births in Muslim-Croat Federation / Total births in Republika Srpska / ratio

1996: 34,331 / 12,263 / 2.800
1997: 34,304 / 13,757 / 2.494
1998: 31,480 / 13,527 / 2.327
1999: 27,964 / 14,500 / 1.929
2000: 25,372 / 14,191 / 1.788
2001: 24,018 / 13,699 / 1.753
2002: 23,251 / 12,336 / 1.885
2003: 23,168 / 10,537 / 2.199
2004: 22,250 / 10,628 / 2.094
2005: 21,934 / 10,322 / 2.125
2006: 21,602 / 10,524 / 2.053
2007: 21,715 / 10,110 / 2.148
2008: 22,920 / 10,198 / 2.247
2009: 22,913 / 10,603 / 2.161
2010: 22,382 / 10,147 / 2.206
2011: 21,228 / 9,561 / 2.220
2012: 21,472 / 9,978 / 2.152
2013: 20,145 / 9,510 / 2.118
2014: 19,880 / 9,335 / 2.130
2015: 19,358 / 9,357 / 2.069
2016: 19,655 / 9,452 / 2.079
2017: 19,824 / 9,339 / 2.123
2018: 18,899 / 9,568 / 1.975
2019: 18,019 / 9,274 / 1.943
2020: 17,211 / 9,161 / 1.879

After the war, in 1996, Muslim-Croat Federation had 2.8 time more birth than Republika Srpska, last year only 1.88 time more.
Muslim-Croat decline is much higher than in Republika Srpska - their number are halved: 34,331 in 1996 and 17,211 in 2020.

I don't see Albanian element dominant in Balkans in future.
As you said, let's wait and see.

11-07-2021, 06:36 PM
It is Bosnian Muslim leaders who are speaking these days about war, and at the same time their population are afraid of the war, knowing how Serbia is armed.

We want freedom and independence of Republika Srpska, peaceful secesion and to get rid of all connections with Muslims and Croats.
Not to invade Muslim-Croat Federation.

I said in the case of new war, provoked by SDA and "Bosniak" circles around that partly supported by some external factors of course (Serbs don't want war, but peaceful dissolution of BiH). In the case of the (imposed) war Serbian army should took Sarajevo and war would be over. "Bosniaks" would agree to independence of Republika Srpska to we give them back Sarajevo. For "Bosniaks" Sarajevo is more important entire BiH outside of Sarajevo.
Same case would be with Croatians of BiH with occupation of western Mostar by some other army. That would be a strong psychological blow for them, and they would start to fleeing to Croatia from all other their areas in BiH.

11-07-2021, 07:17 PM
I said in the case of new war, provoked by SDA and "Bosniak" circles around that partly supported by some external factors of course (Serbs don't want war, but peaceful dissolution of BiH). In the case of the (imposed) war Serbian army should took Sarajevo and war would be over. "Bosniaks" would agree to independence of Republika Srpska to we give them back Sarajevo. For "Bosniaks" Sarajevo is more important entire BiH outside of Sarajevo.
Same case would be with Croatians of BiH with occupation of western Mostar by some other army. That would be a strong psychological blow for them, and they would start to fleeing to Croatia from all other their areas in BiH.

Your fantasies are amusing. Internet warrior trying to turn defeats into victories while reality is that Serbs are non factor. xD

11-07-2021, 07:38 PM
Your fantasies are amusing. Internet warrior trying to turn defeats into victories while reality is that Serbs are are non factor. xD

It's not my fault the fact that BiH is artificial, non-functional "state" in which one nation want unitarization against all agreement and domination on two other nations. BiH ("small Yugoslavia", but much poorer and weaker) it cannot survive in the long term. The key question is whether death of BiH will be peaceful or product of a new war and bloodshed. World would be little better place without absurd artificial creation BiH.
Don't forget, in Bosnian equation the weakest element are Croatians!

11-07-2021, 07:56 PM
Don't forget, in Bosnian equation the weakest element are Croatians!

She would rather drown all Bosnian Croats into Muslim caliphate, if that caliphate will harm to Republika Srpska, too.

But who cares about sour haters.

Step by step, Republika Srpska is getting closer to freedom and independence. It is natural, justly and unstoppable. :)


11-07-2021, 08:05 PM
Bosnia is completely disfunctional politically, this is why there are permanent political tensions, no real political will to have unity (you can see that ethnic parties are dominant against "non-ethnic" ones), and economically underdevelopped.

Best solutions is to split Bosnia between Serbia and Croatia. Bosniaks will be better off like that.

11-07-2021, 08:08 PM
She would rather drown all Bosnian Croats into Muslim caliphate, if that caliphate will harm to Republika Srpska, too.

Nope. It's just his comments that are hillarious. xD

11-07-2021, 08:09 PM
Bosnia is completely disfunctional politically, this is why there are permanent political tensions, no real political will to have unity (you can see that ethnic parties are dominant against "non-ethnic" ones), and economically underdevelopped.

Best solutions is to split Bosnia between Serbia and Croatia. Bosniaks will be better off like that.

They could have their own state in Muslim-Croat Federation where they are majority.
No Serbs have problem with that.

11-07-2021, 08:18 PM
She would rather drown all Bosnian Croats into Muslim caliphate, if that caliphate will harm to Republika Srpska, too.

But who cares about sour haters.

Step by step, Republika Srpska is getting closer to freedom and independence. It is natural, justly and unstoppable. :)


I noticed long time ago pro-"Bosniak" attitudes of Stearsolina. She loves "Bosniaks" more than BiH Croatians, it's connected with her Muslim paternal ancestors for sure. xD Other Croatian rat here Vrazijadivizija also loves "Bosniaks." They should go in western Mostar or Široki Brijeg and to explain to the local Croatians how "Bosniaks" are brothers of Croatians. :D Hate of Škutors towards the "Bosniaks" is stronger than hate of Bosnian Serbs towards the "Bosniaks."

Independence of Republika Srpska is inevitable sooner or later. Until independence and eventual unification with Serbia strengthen the Serbian factor in BiH in every sense. Serbs in RS have a right to decide their own destiny and it's outside of artificial creation BiH.

11-07-2021, 08:22 PM
I noticed long time ago pro-"Bosniak" attitudes of Stearsolina. She loves "Bosniaks" more than BiH Croatians.

Certainly not.

11-07-2021, 08:25 PM
I noticed long time ago pro-"Bosniak" attitudes of Stearsolina. She loves "Bosniaks" more than BiH Croatians, it's connected with her Muslim paternal ancestors for sure. xD Other Croatian rat here Vrazijadivizija also loves "Bosniaks." They should go in western Mostar or Široki Brijeg and to explain to the local Croatians how "Bosniaks" are brothers of Croatians. :D Hate of Škutors towards the "Bosniaks" is stronger than hate of Bosnian Serbs towards the "Bosniaks."

Independence of Republika Srpska is inevitable sooner or later. Until independence and eventual unification with Serbia strengthen the Serbian factor in BiH in every sense. Serbs in RS have a right to decide their own destiny and it's outside of artificial creation BiH.

I noticed that too.
But here is combination of her love toward Bosnian Muslims and hatred toward Serbs.
Same as with that rat, who is probably partly Bosniak.

I dont like Croats, but simply dont care if Croats will achieve independence from their Federation with Muslims, or will be drown into caliphate.
None of my bussines.

11-07-2021, 08:35 PM
I noticed that too.
But here is combination of her love toward Bosnian Muslims and hatred toward Serbs.
Same as with that rat, who is probably partly Bosniak.

I dont like Croats, but simply dont care if Croats will achieve independence from their Federation with Muslims, or will be drown into caliphate.
None of my bussines.

You have issues. I have no problem with Serbs as long as they are respectful towards other ethnic groups.
Islam isn't popular in 2021 Europe, including Croatia.

11-07-2021, 08:40 PM
I noticed that too.
But here is combination of her love toward Bosnian Muslims and hatred toward Serbs.
Same as with that rat, who is probably partly Bosniak.

I dont like Croats, but simply dont care if Croats will achieve independence from their Federation with Muslims, or will be drown into caliphate.
None of my bussines.

Official politics of Zagreb towards the BiH from Dayton to the present day is support of "Bosniaks" against Serbs even when that is harmful for Croatians of BiH. :crazy:

11-07-2021, 08:45 PM
Official politics of Zagreb towards the BiH from Dayton to the present day is support of "Bosniaks" against Serbs even when that is harmful for Croatians of BiH.

No, that has been 15 years ago, and not today. BiH Croats have more support than ever in recent from Croatia and result is change of voting laws soon that will prevent Croatian candidate for Presidency to get voted by Bosniaks.
Neither Plenković nor Milanović have good relations with Izetbegović or with Komšić. You're clueless.

11-07-2021, 08:51 PM
You have issues. I have no problem with Serbs as long as they are respectful towards other ethnic groups.
Islam isn't popular in 2021 Europe, including Croatia.

We are respectful.
We wish to Croats and Muslims live in independence of their own Federation (or whatever they reorganize that Federation), just like Serbs will do in their Republika Srpska.

If you think "respectful" is meaning that Serbs give up of their rights is Bosnia, than you are completly mistaken.

11-07-2021, 08:57 PM
We are respectful.
We wish to Croats and Muslims live in independence of their own Federation (or whatever they reorganize that Federation), just like Serbs will do in their Republika Srpska.

If you think "respectful" is meaning that Serbs give up of their rights is Bosnia, than you are completly mistaken.

I don't really have problem with RS breaking off. It can help BiH Croats to do the same. But Bosniaks do. And they have support of both US and muslim world.
So I think Bosnia will remain.

11-07-2021, 09:25 PM
I don't really have problem with RS breaking off. It can help BiH Croats to do the same. But Bosniaks do. And they have support of both US and muslim world.
So I think Bosnia will remain.

Support of USA for existence of BiH as artificial state it will not last forever. USA already has tons of more important priorities than BiH. There is no more global domination of USA as in the time of Dayton or 15-20 years ago. Internal problems of USA will be bigger and bigger with years and Russia and China stronger and stronger, and all that will not allow to USA remain a world's hegemon. "Bosniaks" and Kosovo Albanians believe that global domination of USA will be until the end of humanity. In same fantasy lived Afghan collaborators, but USA withdrew from Afghanistan and left them to the Taliban. After the American shame departure from Afghanistan Kosovo Albanians are in a panic. :D

11-07-2021, 10:08 PM
After the American shame departure from Afghanistan Kosovo Albanians and are in a panic. :D


11-07-2021, 10:30 PM
The EU faced in the last 10 years multiple crisis : economic collapse of Greece in 2008, Ukraine EUROMAIDAN, migrants crisis in 2015, Brexit, COVID, Hungarian-Polish rebellion

This all resulted in stopping, almost ending, any "hope" for greater European integration in the Balkans for decades.

+ at the same time, the global geopolitical recomposition, with the emergence of Russia, Turkey, China as global powers, that can block Euro-US-NATO imperialism

=> A weaker EU, US/NATO, and stronger Russia, makes the Balkan in a much better position, in the international context, to defend Serbian interests than in the past.

We can make no mistake that Serbian army could have crushed UCK in less than a month in Kosovo if NATO didn't intervene. Same in Bosnia, if the NATO through Dayton agreements didn't occur.

11-08-2021, 02:56 PM
All three nations will be more satisfied and relation between them will be more relaxed after peaceful dissolution of Bosnia.
Yugoslavia couldn't work, Bosnia can even less.

11-08-2021, 03:14 PM
There wont be any war in the Bosnia,neither there will be any seperation cuz its pointless and nobody supports it except dumb and usless people who still dont get that this is modern Europe world and their causes are seen as stupidity.
Only sub human insecure mongrols like these two ugly Servs like to dream about it :rotfl:

They should go in western Mostar or Široki Brijeg and to explain to the local Croatians how "Bosniaks" are brothers of Croatians. :D
And what would happen :D? i couldnt give a little care about what they think about Bosniaks and vice versa..its already proven how Bosniaks of North/Central Bosnia are brothers to us..Ehh Milane Laskovicu na forume :D..This is what Servs like..to spread their rat infestation in the Balkans and claim everything as their own..Your population which assimilated Gypsys Vlachs and others in Bosnia is worthless and you will not get ur shitty subhuman RS.

May the brotherhood of the Bosniaks and Croats live forever..Your heads would be bashed again just like during 90s if you tried anything.
Now ill visit u Varda little bit on forum hr..:rotfl:

11-08-2021, 03:18 PM
Orbán visited bosnian serbs 2 days ago:


11-08-2021, 03:26 PM
Orbán visited bosnian serbs 2 days ago:


In the coming period, Republika Srpska will gain friends and allies throughout Europe.

Freedom-loving Christian nations of Europe will recognize the desire of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina for a peaceful life in freedom and independence.

We very much appreciate Mr. Orban and his visit to Banja Luka.

11-08-2021, 03:37 PM
Orbán visited bosnian serbs 2 days ago:


In the coming period, Republika Srpska will gain friends and allies throughout Europe.

Freedom-loving Christian nations of Europe will recognize the desire of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina for a peaceful life in freedom and independence.

We very much appreciate Mr. Orban and his visit to Banja Luka.


Dodik: Orban's visit is proof that Republika Srpska has friends in the world


11-08-2021, 04:08 PM
In the coming period, Republika Srpska will gain friends and allies throughout Europe.

Freedom-loving Christian nations of Europe will recognize the desire of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina for a peaceful life in freedom and independence.

We very much appreciate Mr. Orban and his visit to Banja Luka.

In the hungarian media, Orbán said the real purpose of this visit is supporting serbs to join to EU, and he wants more hungarian companies in Bosnia, Serbia. This is just the old story, what the hungarian elite always did in the history: getting political influence in the Balkans. But it seems Orbán forgot something, that Hungary is an insignificant mini country nowadays, and not greatpower like 120 years ago.
Orbán reminds me of Miklós Horthy, István Tisza so these old ultra conservative hungarian politicians. Orbán is the only leader who governs from the old royal castle in Budapest, just Habsburgs and Horthy did it who was royal steward, in the castle in his office he has a big Great Hungary map, he supports the hungarian and rusyn separatist movements in Subcarpathia. He has very large political influence in Slovakia, in the 100. anniversary of Trianon Igor Matovic the ex slovak president said a such pro-hungarian speech, that hungarian nationalists could not believe their ears. He also started to modernize the hungarian army with the newest german technology and weapons.

11-08-2021, 04:20 PM
There wont be any war in the Bosnia,neither there will be any seperation cuz its pointless and nobody supports it except dumb and usless people who still dont get that this is modern Europe world and their causes are seen as stupidity.
Only sub human insecure mongrols like these two ugly Servs like to dream about it :rotfl:

And what would happen :D? i couldnt give a little care about what they think about Bosniaks and vice versa..its already proven how Bosniaks of North/Central Bosnia are brothers to us..Ehh Milane Laskovicu na forume :D..This is what Servs like..to spread their rat infestation in the Balkans and claim everything as their own..Your population which assimilated Gypsys Vlachs and others in Bosnia is worthless and you will not get ur shitty subhuman RS.

May the brotherhood of the Bosniaks and Croats live forever..Your heads would be bashed again just like during 90s if you tried anything.
Now ill visit u Varda little bit on forum hr..:rotfl:

Serbs assimilated Gypsies only in your dreams fucking retard.

South_Asian among Serbs is only voice with 0.55 on average, and came from steppe admixture. Croatians score 0.49 South_Asian on average which is almost identical.

Most of the Europeans score higher South_Asian than Serbs
German 0.94
French 0.63
Flemish 0.96
Belgian 0.92
Polish_Silesia 1.25
South_Polish 1.02
Russian_average 1.32
Bosniak 0.79
Bosniak_Bosnia 0.98
Spanish 0.58
Sorb_Lusatia 1.15
Czech 1.18
Swedish 1.41
Irish 1.37
Hungarian 0.9

Source https://vahaduo.genetics.ovh/k13-vahaduo.htm

11-08-2021, 04:22 PM
Serbs assimilated only in your dreams fucking retard.

South_Asian among Serbs is only voice with 0.55 on average, and came from steppe admixture. Croatians score 0.49 South_Asian on average which is almost identical.

Most of the European score higher South_Asian than Serbs
German 0.94
French 0.63
Flemish 0.96
Belgian 0.92
Polish_Silesia 1.25
South_Polish 1.02
Russian_average 1.32
Bosniak 0.79
Bosniak_Bosnia 0.98
Spanish 0.58
Sorb_Lusatia 1.15
Czech 1.18
Swedish 1.41
Irish 1.37
Hungarian 0.9

Source https://vahaduo.genetics.ovh/k13-vahaduo.htm

Keep crying at the truth you insecure little boy..no RS for wannabe Dalmatian Vardy :( :rofl:

11-08-2021, 04:25 PM

11-08-2021, 04:30 PM

U dont need to show me something that comes from a insecure twerp like yourself..its enough to look at Serbs looks and acts..no wonder you guys hate Bosniaks so much..they took all the Euro stuff you couldnt..so you have to take genetics in order to comfort yourself as an assimilated Vlach Gypsy :D

11-08-2021, 04:34 PM
U dont need to show me something that comes from a insecure twerp like yourself..its enough to look at Serbs looks and acts..no wonder you guys hate Bosniaks so much..they took all the Euro stuff you couldnt..so you have to take genetics in order to comfort yourself as an assimilated Vlach Gypsy :D

You are son of the fucking whore raped by Bosniks and Serbs, deal with it boy! Bosniaks score higher South_Asian than Serbs.

11-08-2021, 04:36 PM
Too much hate, it is obvious there is no life together. Never ever.

All three nations will be more satisfied and relation between them will be more relaxed after peaceful dissolution of Bosnia.
Yugoslavia couldn't work, Bosnia can even less.

11-08-2021, 04:39 PM
You are soon of the fucking whore raped by Bosniks and Serbs, deal with it boy! Bosniaks score higher South_Asian than Serbs.

Hahahahaha how does it feel to pretend to be someone,is it hard having lust for other people property,language,history? no wonder everyone looks at your people as stinky uneducated rats in Bosnia..people who had no school or anything..Bosnian Serbs will always remain under Bosnia as poor people with poor Houses/Education as a true Vlachs(Stočari) and Gypsys and we ll enjoy it..
Look how miserable Dodik looks like..begging everyone to put some money in his pocket from this while Assimilated uneducated Vlachs are suffering. :rofl:

11-08-2021, 04:42 PM
Hahahahaha how does it feel to pretend to be someone,is it hard having lust for other people property,language,history? no wonder everyone looks at your people as stinky uneducated rats in Bosnia..people who had no school or anything..Bosnian Serbs will always remain under Bosnia as poor people with poor Houses/Education as a true Vlachs(Stočari) and Gypsys and we ll enjoy it..
Look how miserable Dodik looks like..begging everyone to put some money in his pocket from this while Assimilated uneducated Vlachs are suffering. :rofl:

Dodik look like a model for you and your father.
Your retarded face is totally lack of beard due to mongoloid genes (or you are 12 years old).

11-08-2021, 04:43 PM
Hahahahaha how does it feel to pretend to be someone,is it hard having lust for other people property,language,history? no wonder everyone looks at your people as stinky uneducated rats in Bosnia..people who had no school or anything..Bosnian Serbs will always remain under Bosnia as poor people with poor Houses/Education as a true Vlachs(Stočari) and Gypsys and we ll enjoy it..
Look how miserable Dodik looks like..begging everyone to put some money in his pocket from this while Assimilated uneducated Vlachs are suffering. :rofl:

This ugly ustaša rat is good prove why Republika Srpska step by step going toward freedom and independence.

And then let see clashing between CroRats and Mudslim over their Federation like two angry dogs. :popcorn:

11-08-2021, 04:45 PM
Dodik look like a model for you and your father.
Your retarded face is totally lack of beard due to mongoloid genes (or you are 12 years old).

Maybe because i actually shower and take care of my body unlike you :rofl: so that means mongoloids are more cleaner and beautiful than Serbs assimilated Vlacho Gipsys :D good ..i doubt u have money for water tho..you re probably same as Dodik..begging for stuff on ur weak pathetic knees :D
You silly ugly short insecure ratty.

11-08-2021, 04:47 PM
Varda look i found you with ur glorius beard :rofl:

11-08-2021, 04:51 PM
Varda look i found you with ur glorius beard :rofl:

In the lack of arguments you posted Gypsy meme who has nothing to do with Serbs, same as Chinese or Nigerian who took šajkača cap or Serbian flag.

Fuck of from this thread already idiot! This thread is not about Croatia or Herceg Bosna.

11-08-2021, 04:53 PM
Russians tried to take over Montenegro few years back and noone talked about it. Glad communists got kicked back to their ass and remained where they are.

11-08-2021, 04:53 PM
In lack of arguments you posted Gypsy meme who has nothing to do with Serbs, same as Chinese or Nigerian who took šajkača cap or Serbian flag.

Fuck of from this thread already idiot! This thread is not about Croatia or Herceg Bosna.

No no no Vardy..also u might wanna create new fake acc on forum hr :D look at ur father u subby..thats all your immigrant Vlacho Gypsy Dalmatians :"D

11-08-2021, 07:04 PM
No no no Vardy..also u might wanna create new fake acc on forum hr :D look at ur father u subby..thats all your immigrant Vlacho Gypsy Dalmatians :"D

Ur cringe nazi linguistically serbianized magyar

11-08-2021, 07:18 PM
Ur cringe nazi linguistically serbianized magyar
How can i even hate you my dear offended Roman..id love to take u seriusly atleast somehow but it isint possible,topkek

11-08-2021, 07:30 PM
How can i even hate you my dear offended Roman..id love to take u seriusly atleast somehow but it isint possible,topkek

11-08-2021, 07:46 PM

I agree with forum member Hurrem Sultana. She wrote this almost 10 years ago.

There is no future together by force.
Republika Srpska going its own way, Muslim-Croat Federation their own way.

Let's make this dissolution civilized and peaceful.

11-14-2021, 12:58 AM
May the brotherhood of the Bosniaks and Croats live forever..

Street clash between Croats and Muslims in Mostar yesterday :popcorn:


11-14-2021, 09:52 AM
Street clash between Croats and Muslims in Mostar yesterday :popcorn:


Hahahaa, Bosniak-Croatian mutt (Bosniak bastard) Vrazijadivizija na haparatima! xD

11-14-2021, 09:57 AM
Germans should fuck off and leave the Balkans to Russians and NATO, they have nothing to do in the Balkans except tourism.

11-14-2021, 10:26 AM
Germans should fuck off and leave the Balkans to Russians and NATO, they have nothing to do in the Balkans except tourism.

This is western logic in last 30 years:

"Yugoslavia with Serbs as most numerous people should disintegrate, to other nations get freedom. Who care for Serb interests.

But Bosnia-Herzegovina with Muslims as most numerous people must survive, who care for freedom of Bosnian Serbs.

Albanian minority in Serbia has right to secede from Serbia, but Serbs of Republika Srpska, one of three nations in Bosnia, can not from Bosnia."

Western hypocrites. :puke:

11-14-2021, 11:54 AM
Street clash between Croats and Muslims in Mostar yesterday :popcorn:

Hahahaa, Bosniak-Croatian mutt (Bosniak bastard) Vrazijadivizija na haparatima! xD


What does a Ultras video has to do with Bosniak Croat hate,"Hooligans Balkan" :rofl_002: lmao..its Ultras football :D There are Croat Ultras attacking Croats,Serb attacking Serbs and Bosniaks attack Bosniaks lmao
This is as good as showing me video of Dinamo and Hajduk clashing and calling Croat self hate :icon_lol:
Calling me Bosniak Croat mutt cuz i dont support vlacho gipsys in Bosnia for their seperation,good :icon_lol: keep dreaming weak subbies. No RS :"D you silly mongrels.


11-14-2021, 12:08 PM
Is dissolution really feasible?

11-14-2021, 02:15 PM
Is dissolution really feasible?

It will happen sooner or later.

It is failed attempt of "state" of three separated societies that hate each other.
As soon as Western countries who support this Frankenstein, have more their own problems, they will care less about Balkans, and this will be resolved.

11-14-2021, 02:50 PM
More about Croat and Bosnian Muslim love in their Federation :eek:

Croats in the vicinity of Tuzla have been deliberately cut off from electricity by the Muslim authorities for Christmas

As Nikola Paradžik, a local, told Dnevnik.ba, it is hardly a coincidence, considering that this has been happening for many years.

"It is impossible that it is a coincidence, it is not only this year but every year and always for the big Christian holidays or when the Croatian national team plays a game. A woman from the village yesterday asked in the premises of Electric company BiH what it is about, and they told her to moving to Germany, it is disgusting and devastating and not dignified on the human side "


11-18-2021, 12:16 PM
It will happen sooner or later.

It is failed attempt of "state" of three separated societies that hate each other.
As soon as Western countries who support this Frankenstein, have more their own problems, they will care less about Balkans, and this will be resolved.

I started reading more about their history, it's a divided and artificial nation, exactly as you said an "attempt of "state" of three separated societies that hate each other".

Can Srpska join Serbia?

11-18-2021, 01:05 PM
Imagine the sheer butthurt of losing a whole country to Albanian militiamen and them getting away with it as most of the world recognized their indipendence and now the inability to do anything substantial about fellow countrymen in foreign land except for actionless speech, must feel bad

11-18-2021, 03:32 PM
I started reading more about their history, it's a divided and artificial nation, exactly as you said an "attempt of "state" of three separated societies that hate each other".

Can Srpska join Serbia?

The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ended with the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995. In that agreement, almost all state competencies are at the level of two entities - Republika Srpska and the Muslim-Croat Federation. So, those two entities have greater autonomy than any autonomous region in Europe - Scotland in Britain, Catalonia in Spain, etc.

Meanwhile, under the influence of the policies of some Western countries, a number of competencies have been forcibly transferred to the common level. This caused blockades and a crisis.

The people of Republika Srpska want a return to the original Dayton Agreement, and the return of all competencies that Republika Srpska had.

Republika Srpska has the support of Russia, China, and some neighboring countries, such as Hungary.

If the return to the original Dayton Agreement is not achieved, the people of Republika Srpska have the right to self-determination with the goal of full state independence, and eventualy joining Serbia.

11-18-2021, 03:40 PM

Your beloved Bosniaks wish you a merry Christmas. :muslim:

More about Croat and Bosnian Muslim love in their Federation :eek:

Croats in the vicinity of Tuzla have been deliberately cut off from electricity by the Muslim authorities for Christmas

As Nikola Paradžik, a local, told Dnevnik.ba, it is hardly a coincidence, considering that this has been happening for many years.

"It is impossible that it is a coincidence, it is not only this year but every year and always for the big Christian holidays or when the Croatian national team plays a game. A woman from the village yesterday asked in the premises of Electric company BiH what it is about, and they told her to moving to Germany, it is disgusting and devastating and not dignified on the human side "


11-18-2021, 04:25 PM
And what would happen :D? i couldnt give a little care about what they think about Bosniaks and vice versa..its already proven how Bosniaks of North/Central Bosnia are brothers to us..

:confused: They are perhaps brothers to you and to a number of stupid Croats of Sarajevo. You don't need to speak for the rest of us.

11-21-2021, 12:10 PM
Today is the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Agreement, which ended the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


11-21-2021, 12:22 PM
Today is the 26th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Agreement, which ended the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Why are you so obsessed with this ? Does papa
Cro need to do some cleaning again?

12-09-2021, 10:31 AM
How Europe Might Get A New Country - Republika Srpska :)


12-14-2021, 02:17 PM
More about Croat and Bosnian Muslim love in their Federation :eek:

Croats in the vicinity of Tuzla have been deliberately cut off from electricity by the Muslim authorities for Christmas

As Nikola Paradžik, a local, told Dnevnik.ba, it is hardly a coincidence, considering that this has been happening for many years.

"It is impossible that it is a coincidence, it is not only this year but every year and always for the big Christian holidays or when the Croatian national team plays a game. A woman from the village yesterday asked in the premises of Electric company BiH what it is about, and they told her to moving to Germany, it is disgusting and devastating and not dignified on the human side "


This is what happen when someone put Christmas decoration on the door of own apartment in Sarajevo among Muslims:

Several threatening and insulting messages appeared on the door of the apartment of a Catholic family in Sarajevo today, because they hung decorations on the door before the upcoming holidays, it was confirmed from the Operative Center of the KS Ministry of the Interior.

A Christmas wreath is highlighted on the door, and below it is written with a black marker: "Do you want me to paint you with a Kalashnikov, I have it?". with rifle illustrations and Emir's signature.





12-14-2021, 02:29 PM
Bosnia - land of hatred. The sooner it disintegrate, the better for all.

12-30-2021, 08:04 AM
The plane transporting passengers from Denmark to Tuzla in Bosnia, had to land at the airport in Belgrade due to technical problems.

Crazy Muslim lunatic is threatening to open the door of the plane and cursing the Serbs, because he does not want to step into Serbia.


At the end he is cursing a Holy Cross.

12-30-2021, 09:56 AM
This is what happen when someone put Christmas decoration on the door of own apartment in Sarajevo among Muslims:


Few days ago, large billboard in centre of city of Zenica.

"Christmas tree and New Year is not part of islam and Bosniak tradition"


12-30-2021, 10:01 AM
Germany a nation that cant control its own borders, has the guts to comment on other nations territorial integrity.

12-30-2021, 10:36 AM
Scandalous message of Swedish footballer of Bosnian Muslim origin, Zlatan Ibrahimović, posted on 25th December.


12-30-2021, 11:31 AM
Scandalous message of Swedish footballer of Bosnian Muslim origin, Zlatan Ibrahimović, posted on 25th December.


Ibrahimović is half Croatian (his mother is Croatian), and he dislike Croatians and Catholics. What to expect from full "Bosniaks"...

12-30-2021, 11:36 AM
The plane transporting passengers from Denmark to Tuzla in Bosnia, had to land at the airport in Belgrade due to technical problems.

Crazy Muslim lunatic is threatening to open the door of the plane and cursing the Serbs, because he does not want to step into Serbia.


At the end he is cursing a Holy Cross.
"Bosniak" nation is full of such lunatics.

"Bosniaks" are a mistake of history.

12-30-2021, 12:16 PM
The plane transporting passengers from Denmark to Tuzla in Bosnia, had to land at the airport in Belgrade due to technical problems.

Crazy Muslim lunatic is threatening to open the door of the plane and cursing the Serbs, because he does not want to step into Serbia.


At the end he is cursing a Holy Cross.

New information. That man from the plain Sulejman Imamović 58 years old citizen of Denmark was member of Bosnian Muslims army 1086 days (almost the whole war 1992-95). He probably committed war crimes against Serbs, and he was furious when the plain was diverted to Belgrade because he was afraid of being arrested.

12-30-2021, 04:58 PM
New information. That man from the plain Sulejman Imamović 58 years old citizen of Denmark was member of Bosnian Muslims army 1086 days (almost the whole war 1992-95). He probably committed war crimes against Serbs, and he was furious when the plain was diverted to Belgrade because he was afraid of being arrested.

War criminal and terrorist.

01-02-2022, 07:07 AM
Bosnia will remain as it is, it is an election year so nationalist parties are making sure their retarded electorate is full of fear or hatred before voting.

02-26-2022, 12:22 AM
The independence of Republika Srpska is inevitable.

Sooner that happens, it is better for all in the Balkans.

04-17-2022, 12:10 PM
Flags in Gradiška border crossing - entering Bosnia&Herzegovina from Croatia. :wave


04-17-2022, 05:02 PM
How do you personally — and Serbs in general — view the Inner-Entity Boundary Line dividing Bosnia and Herzegovina? I’m aware the priority for you is to be independent and thinking outside the established Dayton border of Republika Srbska would make that even more difficult to achieve. But if we ignore that, what would you say? To me, the current situation seems like border gore: primarily the western exclave (not sure who would get Brčko) and the corridor to Goražde. Is there a certain historic precedence of division of Bosnia you think would be a good solution? Or division based (only) on ethnicity/religion?

04-17-2022, 05:04 PM

04-17-2022, 05:29 PM
How do you personally — and Serbs in general — view the Inner-Entity Boundary Line dividing Bosnia and Herzegovina? I’m aware the priority for you is to be independent and thinking outside the established Dayton border of Republika Srbska would make that even more difficult to achieve. But if we ignore that, what would you say? To me, the current situation seems like border gore: primarily the western exclave (not sure who would get Brčko) and the corridor to Goražde. Is there a certain historic precedence of division of Bosnia you think would be a good solution? Or division based (only) on ethnicity/religion?

The town of Brčko has ethnic Serb majority, as do all settlements in Brčko district along the main road, which connects the western and eastern parts of Republika Srpska.

06-08-2022, 04:07 PM
Bosnia is a colony where some "high represtentative" - this time some anonimous German - favors Muslims over Serbs and Croats. :picard1:

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s High Representative Christian Schmidt used his powers to break a political deadlock and impose a decision to allocate finances from state reserves to hold October’s general elections.


Have you ever seen someone from Balkans, how interfere into political situations in Berlin, Munich, London and Paris?

Why these Westerners cant simply fuck off from the Balkans???

Fuck off and mind your own yards, full of Afro-Asian immigrants. :coffee:

06-08-2022, 04:16 PM
Malo ste si previse teritorija uzeli pod Republiku Srpsku, dobro da i Mostar niste ukljucili. Hercegovina ne pripada Srbiji, ni jedan cm˛.

06-08-2022, 04:19 PM
Malo ste si previse teritorija uzeli pod Republiku Srpsku, dobro da i Mostar niste ukljucili. Hercegovina ne pripada Srbiji, ni jedan cm˛.

Netačno, Republika Srpska je zapravo manja nego što je srpski etnički prostor u BiH, koji pokriva oko 55% teritorije.

Umesto što se baviš Republikom Srpskom, bolje se bavi time kako Muslimani bez milosti gaze Hrvate, i to uz pomoć vaših zapadnih saveznika i prijatelja.

06-08-2022, 04:22 PM
Netačno, Republika Srpska je zapravo manja nego što je srpski etnički prostor u BiH, koji pokriva oko 55% teritorije.

Umesto što se baviš Republikom Srpskom, bolje se bavi time kako Muslimani bez milosti gaze Hrvate, i to uz pomoć vaših zapadnih saveznika i prijatelja.

A kad sam ja rekla da nam zapad pomaze i da Muslimani ne gaze Hrvate? Samo sad to nije tema.

Republikom Srpskom se ne bih ni u ludilu bavila, da se ona ne bavi teritorijem na kojem zive Hrvati. Ne budi blesav.

06-08-2022, 04:26 PM
A kad sam ja rekla da nam zapad pomaze i da Muslimani ne gaze Hrvate?

Republikom Srpskom se ne bih ni u ludilu bavila, da se ona ne bavi teritorijem na kojem zive Hrvati. Ne budi blesav.

Kojim se teritorijama Republika Srpska bavi, gde žive Hrvati?

Ajde bre ženo, vidiš šta se dešava, licemerni Zapad podržava Muslimančine protiv oba naroda, a sad tu nešto bezveze pričaš.

06-08-2022, 04:31 PM
Kojim se teritorijama Republika Srpska bavi, gde žive Hrvati?

Ajde bre ženo, vidiš šta se dešava, licemerni Zapad podržava Muslimančine protiv oba naroda, a sad tu nešto bezveze pričaš.

Bas si prava srpska seljacina. Mami si reci "bre zeno", ako ti ne odvali samar.

Vama Srbima su valja i Francuzi Srbi.

Ako smatras da zapad podrzava muslimane protiv oba naroda, zasto onda vi Srbi morate dodatno zakuhavati i zivjeti u velikosrpskim bajkama. Malo bi i obale, ne?

Ne obracaj mi se vise.

06-08-2022, 04:41 PM
Bosnia is a colony where some "high represtentative" - this time some anonimous German - favors Muslims over Serbs and Croats. :picard1:


Have you ever seen someone from Balkans, how interfere into political situations in Berlin, Munich, London and Paris?

Why these Westerners cant simply fuck off from the Balkans???

Fuck off and mind your own yards, full of Afro-Asian immigrants. :coffee:

The last time when Austria tried to take Bosnia away from the Serbs, it caused the First World War and the disappearance of both the Austrian and German empires.

06-08-2022, 04:56 PM
We should build the border wall between Croatia (with Hercegovina and Bosanska Posavina) and Serbia.

Remember Srebrenica....

06-08-2022, 05:27 PM
@ Sylvanas, Duško is little crazy, don't mind him....

meanwhile support for our people in Herzegovina


and Bosnia


this one is powerful too



06-08-2022, 05:33 PM
@ Sylvanas, Duško is little crazy, don't mind him....

You are crazy if not see how your Western allies support Muslims against Croats.
The West has not accepted any Croatian proposal for a new election law.

There are elections in Bosnia in autumn, and Muslims will politically remove all Croats representatives from federal level.
It is game over for Croats in Bosnia.

But I dont give a shit about Bosnian Croats, I dont want the same destiny for my Serbs. That is why write this.

06-08-2022, 05:40 PM
You are crazy if not see how your Western allies support Muslims against Croats.
The West has not accepted any Croatian proposal for a new election law.

There are elections in Bosnia in autumn, and Muslims will politically remove all Croats representatives from federal level.
It is game over for Croats in Bosnia.

Lol. Than the final breakdown starts. The elections will be either completely boycoted which is not likely, or Herzeg-Bosnia will be proclaimed.

I am sorry, but Croats are staying where they are :D

But I dont give a shit about Bosnian Croats, I dont want the same destiny for my Serbs. That is why write this.

I am sorry, but you won't be dividing BiH with Bosniaks :p

06-08-2022, 05:54 PM
Lol. Than the final breakdown starts. The elections will be either completely boycoted which is not likely, or Herzeg-Bosnia will be proclaimed.

I am sorry, but Croats are staying where they are :D

I am sorry, but you won't be dividing BiH with Bosniaks :p

It would be great that final breakdown of Bosnia starts with elections, but I doubt.

Especially I doubt that you will boycot elections, or even proclaim Herzeg-Bosnia.
Most likely, you will listen what islamophilic Western politicians order you.

You stay where you are, but as a minority population, without political representatives and power in higher levels.
That is the wish of West.

06-08-2022, 05:54 PM

06-08-2022, 06:02 PM
It would be great that final breakdown of Bosnia starts with elections, but I doubt.

Especially I doubt that you will boycot elections, or even proclaim Herzeg-Bosnia.
Most likely, you will listen what islamophilic Western politicians order you.

You stay where you are, but as a minority population, without political representatives and power in higher levels.
That is the wish of West.

It's not. This is not Croatia of early 2000s, with Mesić and Pusić who were pro-Sarajevo themselves.
Bosniaks are nobodies in political arena of today.

Milanović already threatened Sweden and Finland NATO entry, which he is expected to give up from in exchange for quiet behind the scenes concessions.

Public opinion changed entirely as well. 15 years ago, everyone shit against Herzegovians, today everyone supports them.

Croatia is simply stronger than it was back than and it won't back down.

Bosnia will either federalize or collapse. There is no third options, or a citizen state as Bosiaks dream about.

06-08-2022, 11:01 PM
(...) you will listen what islamophilic Western politicians order you.

You stay where you are, but as a minority population, without political representatives and power in higher levels.
That is the wish of West.

I'll tell you something that may enduringly enlight:

Actually the West doesn't give a shit for BiH. Also, that they are islamophilic is a wrong interpretation of the motivs. The West is afraid of every development that gives weight to ethnicity, because this can destroy their own erronously and artificially designed societies. They sense that this is very fragile and they are afraid of the consequences in their countries if their ideology gets proved wrong somewhere else. This is the only driver of any "West" action and positioning in the Balkans. Strategically and economically the Balkans is irrelevant to the West.

In turn I'm thankful for every experience and example that may be suitable to wake up my indentity-ignorant compatriot Germans from their political hypnosis. Their current ideology does not just harm Germany but all neighbours as well.

06-09-2022, 03:54 PM
It's not. This is not Croatia of early 2000s, with Mesić and Pusić who were pro-Sarajevo themselves.
Bosniaks are nobodies in political arena of today.

Milanović already threatened Sweden and Finland NATO entry, which he is expected to give up from in exchange for quiet behind the scenes concessions.

Public opinion changed entirely as well. 15 years ago, everyone shit against Herzegovians, today everyone supports them.

Croatia is simply stronger than it was back than and it won't back down.

Bosnia will either federalize or collapse. There is no third options, or a citizen state as Bosiaks dream about.

You are very naive if you think Croatia can do anything about this issue about elections in Bosnia.
Croatia already tried to lobby in EU and as you said to threatened Sweden and Finland NATO entry with trying to solve election law in Bosnia, and now this German "high representative" made pro-Muslim decision about elections.

We will see what will happen in autumn.

Bosnia is bloody agony of three nations, and these foreigners who advocate Muslim side, make agony even worse. :picard1:

06-09-2022, 04:00 PM
I'll tell you something that may enduringly enlight:

Actually the West doesn't give a shit for BiH. Also, that they are islamophilic is a wrong interpretation of the motivs. The West is afraid of every development that gives weight to ethnicity, because this can destroy their own erronously and artificially designed societies. They sense that this is very fragile and they are afraid of the consequences in their countries if their ideology gets proved wrong somewhere else. This is the only driver of any "West" action and positioning in the Balkans. Strategically and economically the Balkans is irrelevant to the West.

In turn I'm thankful for every experience and example that may be suitable to wake up my indentity-ignorant compatriot Germans from their political hypnosis. Their current ideology does not just harm Germany but all neighbours as well.

But ethnicity was important (Albanian) when West had issue with territorial integrity of Serbia.
How that?

All phrasing that we hear from western politicians about "Bosnia is land of all its citizens, no matter ethnicity and religion, and simple majority should rule" is very dangerous.
It is the same speech that Bosnian Muslims use, knowing that benefite them, as most numerous nation in Bosnia.

06-09-2022, 07:30 PM
But ethnicity was important (Albanian) when West had issue with territorial integrity of Serbia.
How that?

A good question.

That's, however, unrelated to what I said. As for Germany it was another trigger. The media had covered and mislabeld the whole thing as a "genocide" and that put the German government, at that time social democrats and greens, under pressure and even the otherwise pacifistic greens agreed to war - completely crazy. They were driven by the German mass media and then tried to act as popular as possible. I can guarantee that none of these two parties do have any agenda on the Balkans. But as for other countries in the West I'm not sure and also who directed the German mass media this way is open to me. The British are always conspiring agaist the strongest, but do they have any agenda on the Balkans? Was it a wish of NATO structures to perform a little completely not dangerous war as a training and a keeping together the NATO members?

Germany is traditionally pro Croatia, but in 1999 all things in connection to Croatia were settled. And nobody, not even Croatia, cares much for Croats in BiH.

I admit I'm somewhat cluesless as for what was the driver for that intervention.

I actually think it was the cockiness of NATO at that time, when Russia played no role anymore. It was a new generation of politicians in Germany and most elder politicians that were foussed on the cold war and peace keeping thought: wtf. are you doing, start a war?? I also can not say who was the driver for the international recognition of Kosovo in 2008. If you look here, the USA, England and France made it shortly before Germany:


In the end all "gang members" of the NATO felt obligated to do it for standing together. But you know that it did not go so well with Germany and the NATO "leading" nations before and after this Kosovo war. Germany refused to take part in the second Iraq war (in the first it payed 16 billion dollars to the US as contribution) and after the Kosovo war Germany refused to take part in the NATO war against Libya (even Norway bombed Libya under the prime minister Stoltenberg, which latter likely just wanted to intruduce himself as a suitable NATO general secretary which he then also became).

All phrasing that we hear from western politicians about "Bosnia is land of all its citizens, no matter ethnicity and religion, and simple majority should rule" is very dangerous.
It is the same speech that Bosnian Muslims use, knowing that benefite them, as most numerous nation in Bosnia.

I agree.

06-09-2022, 07:41 PM
Naah....It's like talking to a wall.

People believe what they want, fuck the truth.

Deleted my essay. Cast pearls before swine...is stupid