View Full Version : Classify these Nenets women

11-16-2021, 03:04 PM
They look unmistakably Nenets to me. Can't imagine them pass as other ethnicities.

Pater Patota
11-16-2021, 03:56 PM
First picture; both of the girls pass in North East China&Korea peninsula easily.Mo, they’re Tungid-North Sinid.

Second picture, these two women only can pass in Sibiria, I don’t see any sinid influence on them.

11-16-2021, 04:01 PM
they all pass in Castilla and Plovdiv imho

11-16-2021, 04:04 PM
The real northern euros

11-16-2021, 04:08 PM
with blonde hair and mixed American ancestry they get classified as borrealized Brunns and Borrebies,i m sure.

11-16-2021, 04:53 PM
Uralid but more gracilized than the morph.

11-16-2021, 05:16 PM
First picture; both of the girls pass in North East China&Korea peninsula easily.Mo, they’re Tungid-North Sinid.

Second picture, these two women only can pass in Sibiria, I don’t see any sinid influence on them.

The girl on the left in fisrt and second pic is the same girl.

11-16-2021, 07:25 PM
The woman on the left in the first photo looks more Nenet imo while the one on the right definitely not. She is Sinid even Tungid looking but the left one is more Uralid than her. In the second photo both look Nenets

Nenets overall look more Uralid to me although some have more mongoloid effect

11-16-2021, 09:49 PM
The woman on the left in the first photo looks more Nenet imo while the one on the right definitely not. She is Sinid even Tungid looking but the left one is more Uralid than her.

I think the one on the right looks more Nenets because she has a lower nasal bridge and lighter skin. Aksyanova says that Nenetses belong to the North Ural subtype of the Uralid race, and that one of its characteristics is a high percentage of a concave nasal bridge (http://heritage-institute.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/IntegraciyaZarheologicheskih_i_ehtnograficheskih_i ssledovanij_Tom_1.pdf):

The Nenets across the entire ethnic range from the White sea to Taimyr are characterized, in comparison with the Enetses and especially with the Nganasans, by a significant weakening of Mongoloid features and a decrease in many head and face sizes, primarily latitudinal; their body length is small – up to 160 cm on average in men. Despite the high level of mongoloidness on the West Siberian scale, the physical type of the Nenets includes very characteristic Ural features, namely, soft hair, reduced pigmentation of hair and eyes, a less flattened face, a high percentage of the concave shape of the back of the nose with an extremely rare convex shape, a relatively wide nose in the wings. This makes it possible to include this complex in the contact Uralic, or West Siberian according to Bagashev, race as one of the most Mongoloid and, obviously, autochthonous variants in the Far North. I suggested calling it the "North Ural" type of the Ural race.

For example with these Nenets girls, you can easily tell that they are not fully Mongoloid, or that they at least represent a different variety of Mongoloid race than East Asians, but they still have a really wide and low nasal bridge, and particularly the girl on the left has the kind of an ultra-wide nasal bridge that Capoids have:


They look unmistakably Nenets to me. Can't imagine them pass as other ethnicities.

Yeah, they look too Mongoloid for Khanty, but they still share the distinct Uralic look. I guess they could be Enets, but it's one of the most mysterious Uralic peoples that everyone forgets about.

11-17-2021, 10:43 AM
I think the one on the right looks more Nenets because she has a lower nasal bridge and lighter skin. Aksyanova says that Nenetses belong to the North Ural subtype of the Uralid race, and that one of its characteristics is a high percentage of a concave nasal bridge

Yeah I would call them North Uralid too and I believe this is the right terminology

and thank you for the source, I saved it for myself as I am writing ethnography on Avars too :)

For example with these Nenets girls, you can easily tell that they are not fully Mongoloid, or that they at least represent a different variety of Mongoloid race than East Asians, but they still have a really wide and low nasal bridge, and particularly the girl on the left has the kind of an ultra-wide nasal bridge that Capoids have:


The girl on the left looks more mongoloid than I would expect for a Nenet, my, she has Mongol vibe. While the girl on the right is definitely Nenet and interestingly her eye-eyebrow shape and high cheekbones are very similar to my grandmother. I also have some bloodline to Urals and western Siberia according to my PuntDNAL K13 Global mixed results and autosomal DNA:



11-17-2021, 11:28 AM
First picture; both of the girls pass in North East China&Korea peninsula easily.Mo, they’re Tungid-North Sinid.

Second picture, these two women only can pass in Sibiria, I don’t see any sinid influence on them.

They don't look Korean to me.

11-17-2021, 03:45 PM
they all pass in Castilla and Plovdiv imho

Bulgaria 7 mil, Spain 47 mil + 661 mil Spaniards from LA.

Nenets - 45 thousand.

noble people always in minority

Too noble pass there.

11-18-2021, 10:16 PM
I think the one on the right looks more Nenets because she has a lower nasal bridge and lighter skin.

This article in yandex dzen is called "Why are the peoples of the Far North darker-skinned than the northern Europeans?"


And people living in Far North in comments said that most native people there have pale-red skin and that most of them are lighter than a average European.

Even people who is far from anthropology understand more than the locals unbiased "experts". Lel.

Nenets girl.


Khanty girl.


11-19-2021, 12:25 AM
This article in yandex dzen is called "Why are the peoples of the Far North darker-skinned than the northern Europeans?"


I thought that the first photo in the article looked Andid, but it was actually from Peru based on TinEye.

But actually light skin is a degenerate trait that is caused by the human domestiction syndrome, and true Nentsy are Black Finns. From "The Races of Europe" by Ripley (1899) (https://archive.org/details/raceseurope00ripluoft/page/-151/mode/2up):

The same utter confusion of racial - that is to say, of somatological - relations, incident to a linguistic division of the Finns, appears at once in any like attempt to classify the Turkish-speaking branch of the Asiatic peoples. For the Chouvaches, just across the Volga from the Cheremiss,* not in any important respect to be distinguished from them physically, as our map shows, have by chance adopted the language and religion of the neighbouring Tatars. It is as absurd to class them with the latter as Turks by race, as to jumble the broad-headed and brunet Samoyeds, who are quite like the Lapps, with the Zyrians just south of them;† or to confuse the Tatars as a class with the Kirghez.

† Keane calls the Samoyeds Finns, Ethnology, p. 305, To be sure they speak Finnic, but are really Mongols. Mainof is clearest, perhaps, in classing them as "black Finns."


In these morphs of players from Swedish soccer leagues, the more Uralisch morph also has darker skin, but the woggier morph looks more pale:
