View Full Version : Classify/Pass Hispanic girl whose face was grazed by a bullet in Highland Park Chicago Shooting

07-09-2022, 12:12 AM
Do you think she is white or that she has some Amerindian? Her Euro/Amerindian proportions if you think she is mixed? Would she pass in your country?





Sorry for the blood, but I couldn't find any other pics of her. She looks pretty even with that bloody wound, though.

Tooting Carmen
07-09-2022, 12:29 AM
Looks vaguely part-Amerindian (the eyes and cheekbones).

07-09-2022, 12:31 AM
Harniza look chicana

07-09-2022, 01:04 AM
Looks vaguely part-Amerindian (the eyes and cheekbones).

I agree. It looks like obvious (I could be wrong) but slight/vague at the same time. She looks like a good example of Euro-mestiza.

I guess she could pass as Colombian, right? What about British?

Also, classify her Euro side, if you don't mind.

07-09-2022, 01:05 AM
Harniza look chicana

Do you think she could pass in the more mestizo areas from Panama?

07-09-2022, 01:15 AM
Do you think she could pass in the more mestizo areas from Panama?

Could pass in most areas except Darien, Los Santos, Herrera, Colon

Tooting Carmen
07-09-2022, 01:57 AM
I agree. It looks like obvious (I could be wrong) but slight/vague at the same time. She looks like a good example of Euro-mestiza.

I guess she could pass as Colombian, right? What about British?

Also, classify her Euro side, if you don't mind.

She could pass as Colombian. For a British girl she looks a bit off. Her Euro side looks Alpine-Brunn, maybe?

07-09-2022, 04:10 AM
Shit, like a two centimeters and she'd be gone almost instantly. Glad she survived with no permanent damage.

07-09-2022, 04:19 AM
Shit, like a two centimeters and she'd be gone almost instantly. Glad she survived with no permanent damage.

Yes, she was very lucky. She launched a GoFundMe campaign to collect money to pay her expenses for a surgeon and a psychological therapist to get over the stress after her traumatic experience, but at least she is alive, healthy, very young, and she will hopefully be OK.

How well do you think she could pass in Czech Republic? And how would you classify her?

07-09-2022, 04:34 AM
Yes, she was very lucky. She launched a GoFundMe campaign to collect money to pay her expenses for a surgeon and a psychological therapist to get over the stress after her traumatic experience, but at least she is alive, healthy, very young, and she will hopefully be OK.

How well do you think she could pass in Czech Republic? And how would you classify her?

Hopefully she will be. She has been both unlucky and lucky, so to say.

She would pass for a Czech easily, but I'm not into classifications that much though.

07-09-2022, 05:00 AM
That part of the country is loaded with chicanos...R-mula type weirdos..

07-09-2022, 05:06 AM
That part of the country is loaded with chicanos...R-mula type weirdos..

How much Euro/Amerindian do you think she is? And how would you classify her (besides her Euro/Amerindian proportions)?

Do you think she could pass as a very Euro shifted Dominican from Cibao or something?

07-09-2022, 05:42 AM
How much Euro/Amerindian do you think she is? And how would you classify her (besides her Euro/Amerindian proportions)?

Do you think she could pass as a very Euro shifted Dominican from Cibao or something?

Your average castiza...Alpinid med with some obvious amerind.

and yes as pred. euro dominican from the north (overlaps)

07-11-2022, 09:43 PM
Castiza, I think.

07-12-2022, 01:26 AM
Castiza, I think.

How well would she pass as Brazilian? and which regions of Brazil would she pass better?

07-12-2022, 02:25 AM
Obviously latina

Persian Otomi
07-12-2022, 08:17 AM
harniza but more photos would have been better

07-12-2022, 03:43 PM
Alpine + Amerindian

07-12-2022, 03:56 PM
Alpine + Amerindian

Would pass as Ecuadorian?

07-13-2022, 08:15 PM
Would pass as Ecuadorian?Yes, she can pass very easly

07-14-2022, 07:50 PM
How well would she pass as Brazilian? and which regions of Brazil would she pass better?

She pass very easily in all regions of Brazil, but I have the impression that her face is more common in the Centre-West and among colonial gaśchos.