View Full Version : Classify typical southern English girl

09-18-2022, 11:15 AM
The blonde one

09-18-2022, 11:17 AM

09-18-2022, 12:15 PM
Subnordid, the other one looks very asiatic. Typical square faced zipperhead if you take away that reddish pigmentation, she'd automatically turn in the classifications as Turanid of some sort.

09-18-2022, 12:48 PM

09-18-2022, 12:52 PM
Subnordid, the other one looks very asiatic. Typical square faced zipperhead if you take away that reddish pigmentation, she'd automatically turn in the classifications as Turanid of some sort.

Thanks, the girl on the right is alpinised, basically a caucasian.

09-18-2022, 12:52 PM
Subnordid, the other one looks very asiatic. Typical square faced zipperhead if you take away that reddish pigmentation, she'd automatically turn in the classifications as Turanid of some sort.
Only for retards like you, she is 100% caucasoid.

09-18-2022, 12:54 PM
Thanks, the girl on the right is alpinised, basically a caucasian.

Again, what is the metrics definition of an alpine? Alpine metrics are indistinguishable from a mongoloid with short face. What sets them apart from the asians?
some faceblind retards can't cope with this fact and say they look 100% caucasoid lol.

09-18-2022, 01:00 PM
Again, what is the metrics definition of an alpine? Alpine metrics are indistinguishable from a mongoloid with short face. What sets them apart from the asians?
some faceblind retards can't cope with this fact and say they look 100% caucasoid lol.

Their facial skeleton is less defined by large bones and cheekbones and the facial tissue is different, this girl from Kyrgystan is clearly Mongoloid influenced, alpines and brunns have finer facial features and less facial flatness.

09-18-2022, 01:06 PM
Their facial skeleton is less defined by large bones and cheekbones and the facial tissue is different, this girl from Kyrgystan is clearly Mongoloid influenced, alpines and brunns have finer facial features and less facial flatness.

She is much less Mongoloid than most Kyrgyz though, who are typically predominantly mongoloid. Not a good example of a mongoloid.

This is a better example of full-blown Turkic mongoloid:


09-18-2022, 01:08 PM
Their facial skeleton is less defined by large bones and cheekbones and the facial tissue is different, this girl from Kyrgystan is clearly Mongoloid influenced, alpines and brunns have finer facial features and less facial flatness.

no she isn't/ She is still in the Gorid scheme. Therefor, your alpine "caucasian" type. In fact there are many euros with this kind of look. If she wore another clothes you'd immideatly classify her as some sort of alpine-baltid lmao.

Also, in the pic provided you don't have sideprofile to check this facial flatness characteristic.
But I bet that redheaded turanid s forehead is flat along with her nose and other thing from the profile. just like the turanid girl you posted. If she had bluer eyes and more red hair she'd look like OP. why cope with this fact?

redheaded girl looks exactly like this metrically, even the same face shape:


Paint her head red, put blue eyes and you get the same result. Minus the forehead, forehead is more from another admix, differing, but still looks central asian alpin.

Anyway, I asked for metrics, you didn't provide them. Put side to side mongoloid metrics to alpine metrics, let's see and compare. BUt until then, you have nothing factually/
You are just regurgitating old anthropology which is even outdated today lol.


"is an obsolete racial classification of human beings based on a now-disproven theory of biological race."

09-18-2022, 01:08 PM
She is much less Mongoloid than most Kyrgyz though, who are typically predominantly mongoloid. Not a good example of a mongoloid.

This is a better example of full-blown Turkic mongoloid:


I specifically chose her to show someone with mongoloid influence as opposed to a full blown mongoloid from Korea etc.

09-18-2022, 01:10 PM
She is much less Mongoloid than most Kyrgyz though, who are typically predominantly mongoloid. Not a good example of a mongoloid.

This is a better example of full-blown Turkic mongoloid:


hehehe, mongoloids have their neoteny too. Posting a slightly caucasoid mongoloid or a unreduced mongoloid type will not change the fact alpines have high similarity with other mong types.

Even a facial recognition software would tell you dat. Take away the kinda different eye area, but keep the same facial baseplate/shape, and you still have an asian.

09-18-2022, 01:14 PM
hehehe, mongoloids have their neoteny too. Posting a slightly caucasoid mongoloid or a unreduced mongoloid type will not change the fact alpines have high similarity with other mong types.

Even a facial recognition software would tell you dat. Take away the kinda different eye area, but keep the same facial baseplate/shape, and you still have an asian.
There is no similarity between Alpines and mongoloids, you're just a cognitively impaired dumb fuck.

09-18-2022, 01:16 PM
There is no similarity between Alpines and mongoloids, you're just a cognitively impaired dumb fuck.

Tell that to the softwares using pure math and algorithms, you brain retardead huezillian idiot who thinks he's germanick. Srsly, why are you still here? YOu aren't proving anything on a daily basis, you are just posting random things about anthropology, or quoting outdated crap, you aren't useful at all. You also aren't listening to my point, that alpine facial shape == mongoloid facial shape (replace shape with metrics is basically the same thing for people who actually are into measuring other individuals, and have done that irl)

09-18-2022, 01:21 PM
There is no similarity between Alpines and mongoloids, you're just a cognitively impaired dumb fuck.

There is but a very small similarity, an alpine walks into a Chinese supermarket, they will still be recognised by the staff as a foreigner, a European(even if they come from Xingang province) the resemblance is probably from the time before the real mongoloids branched off from the rest of humanity and specialised.

09-18-2022, 01:23 PM
There is but a very small similarity, an alpine walks into a Chinese supermarket, they will still be recognised by the staff as a foreigner, a European(even if they come from Xingang province) the resemblance is probably from the time before the real mongoloids branched off from the rest of humanity and specialised.

This is why we say they look more like central asians. Rather than full mongoloids, who have very different soft facial features. I never said that, but metrically they're still ssimilar to east asians, but beofre that, soft facial traits look akin to central asians.

YOu should rephrase that and say, an alpine walks into a Kyrgiz supermarker, he would still be recognized by the staff as their own countryman.

09-18-2022, 01:25 PM
Tell that to the softwares using pure math and algorithms, you brain retardead huezillian idiot who thinks he's germanick. Srsly, why are you still here? YOu aren't proving anything on a daily basis, you are just posting random things about anthropology, or quoting outdated crap, you aren't useful at all. You also aren't listening to my point, that alpine facial shape == mongoloid facial shape (replace shape with metrics is basically the same thing for people who actually are into measuring other individuals, and have done that irl)

How does it feel to be that dumb?

09-18-2022, 01:26 PM
This is why we say they look more like central asians. Rather than full mongoloids, who have very different soft facial features. I never said that, but metrically they're still ssimilar to east asians, but beofre that, soft facial traits look akin to central asians.

YOu should rephrase that and say, an alpine walks into a Kyrgiz supermarker, he would still be recognized by the staff as their own countryman.

Similarity i agree but still very key differences, i dont know a lot about Kyrgystan, if there are alpines there then yes they will be seen as a fellow countryman.

09-18-2022, 01:26 PM
Also, an alpine won't be recognized as centralasian unless he has that "wog" nordid mixture which gets called as exotic(it did, by many anti-nordid users, even by your retarded favelanigger token nigger) for your shitty "european" standards daily on this site. That "wog" mixtur is actually whiter by tenfold than alpine or any of the reduced UP mixes, except pure Brunns and CMs.

Mix a Nordid with another afro--asian and get a clear half white looking individual, 50% white.
Mix an alpine with another noneuropean african asian, and you still get a 100% mutt looking, 100% nonwhite.

09-18-2022, 01:28 PM
Similarity i agree but still very key differences, i dont know a lot about Kyrgystan, if there are alpines there then yes they will be seen as a fellow countryman.
Yes, there are a lot of "alpines" from east/central europe to west central asia. They're usually under another name: TURANID/.
Well, see?! You've said that yourself. Case closed. It wasn't that hard. But most people don't figure out they're basically playing with semantics, synonyms of the same metrics set.
I wonder why you guys didn't figure this out. lol.

09-18-2022, 01:31 PM
Similarity i agree but still very key differences, i dont know a lot about Kyrgystan, if there are alpines there then yes they will be seen as a fellow countryman.
"i dont know a lot about Kyrgystan", yeah I can see. Alpines are non-existent in Kyrgystan, the Kyrgyz are predominantly mongoloid with some Nordic admixture. Pure caucasoids don't exist among natives in Kyrgystan.

09-18-2022, 01:32 PM
"i dont know a lot about Kyrgystan", yeah I can see. Alpines are non-existent in Kyrgystan, the Kyrgyz are predominantly mongoloid with some Nordic admixture. Pure caucasoids don't exist among natives in Kyrgystan.

How does it feel being a token nigger?

lol https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Token%20Nigger

09-18-2022, 01:33 PM
"i dont know a lot about Kyrgystan", yeah I can see. Alpines are non-existent in Kyrgystan, the Kyrgyz are predominantly mongoloid with some Nordic admixture. Pure caucasoids don't exist among natives in Kyrgystan.

That is peculiar as they exist in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan and parts of the far west of China, i wonder if they simply never made it to Kyrgystan.

09-18-2022, 01:35 PM
That is peculiar as they exist in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan and parts of the far west of China, i wonder if they simply never made it to Kyrgystan.

You realize the countries you quote are filled by many of your turanid individuals. YOu can add to that list also volga urals and other iced shitholes from arctica. World is actually filled with alpinids. It is only the europeans who have elevated med or nordid mixture which makes them look white. and for which a brazilian like token would kill to have those "wog" traits. You simply don't see the gradient do you?

09-18-2022, 01:36 PM
That is peculiar as they exist in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan and parts of the far west of China, i wonder if they simply never made it to Kyrgystan.
The Kyrgyz are descended from Turkic invaders from Mongolia with some Scythian admixture. The Tajiks are descended from sedentary East Iranians of central Asia. Wholly different populations.

09-18-2022, 01:41 PM
The Kyrgyz are descended from Turkic invaders from Mongolia with some Scythian admixture. The Tajiks are descended from sedentary East Iranians of central Asia. Wholly different populations.

Man.. you just gotta love how much this thread slid from the original. Like pottery. Thanks to a brazilian token negro :^) so what are you? zambo or what? you never gave full details about your ethnicity. you think you are bolivian highlander, but we all know you are some sort of brazilian with minor GeRman1ck who thinks he's all knowing if he posts some random quotes about anthropology regularly with no relation with the subject in Op threads. You aren't doing anything. I at least know how to innovate this outdated shitty anthropology "information" but you, you aren't innovating anything.

My tip for you, brace yourself. Alpines aren't different to mongoloids. After you see how deformed alpines(compared to REAL CAUCASOID INDIVIDUALS, MED NORDID) are you will actually get to catch my drift.

09-18-2022, 01:48 PM
You realize the countries you quote are filled by many of your turanid individuals. YOu can add to that list also volga urals and other iced shitholes from arctica. World is actually filled with alpinids. It is only the europeans who have elevated med or nordid mixture which makes them look white. and for which a brazilian like token would kill to have those "wog" traits. You simply don't see the gradient do you?

I don't think you understand facial metrics brother

09-18-2022, 01:51 PM
I don't think you understand facial metrics brother

I think I do, better than all of you lmao. Try to classify by facial metrics only, let's see how smart you are classifying by numbers. I don't think you actually could.
There was no thread dedicated to this, because you amateurs only classify by facial expression and soft facial features, not by seeing the pic distortion or actual face shape. You don't really know this, otherwise there would have been other people who would notice that armenoid guy who has the face metrics similarity to the corded or brunn guys.

09-18-2022, 05:31 PM
You realize the countries you quote are filled by many of your turanid individuals. YOu can add to that list also volga urals and other iced shitholes from arctica. World is actually filled with alpinids. It is only the europeans who have elevated med or nordid mixture which makes them look white. and for which a brazilian like token would kill to have those "wog" traits. You simply don't see the gradient do you?

White means Nordid strictly speaking.

Alpine and Mediterranean are both not white.

09-18-2022, 05:33 PM
White means Nordid strictly speaking.

Alpine and Mediterranean are both not white.

A lot of British people think that tbh, Alpines are seen here as not being properly white.

09-18-2022, 05:36 PM
You realize the countries you quote are filled by many of your turanid individuals. YOu can add to that list also volga urals and other iced shitholes from arctica. World is actually filled with alpinids. It is only the europeans who have elevated med or nordid mixture which makes them look white. and for which a brazilian like token would kill to have those "wog" traits. You simply don't see the gradient do you?

Since when Nordid is a wog type?

Scandinavia has less Mediterranean admixture that traditionally Alpine regions of Europe.

09-18-2022, 05:37 PM
A lot of British people think that tbh, Alpines are seen here as not being properly white.

rachel weisz is also part of your alpine "very caucasoid" race, but she doesn't look very western or british. Gee, i wonder why.

Also why bother siding up with the brazilian token negro? He even said to you that you should drop off the anthropology, so why you even support him?

09-18-2022, 05:38 PM
Since when Nordid is a wog type?

Scandinavia has less Mediterranean admixture that traditionally Alpine regions of Europe.

I was citing famous "antrhopologists" from this site: kominta kinte, harkonen, imbamnenz, token, xenophobicprussian. All of them said nordids are less european or white than some shitty vuralic nenets, from bumfuck nowhere bashkortostan.

09-18-2022, 05:40 PM
I was citing famous "antrhopologists" from this site: kominta kinte, harkonen, imbamnenz, token, xenophobicprussian. All of them said nordids are less european or white than some shitty vuralic nenets, from bumfuck nowhere bashkortostan.

These people are not active anymore and the theory that Nordid is a wog type is not popular anymore.

09-18-2022, 05:42 PM
These people are not active anymore and the theory that Nordid is a wog type is not popular anymore.

But their posts are still here.
So I am just going to leave this here too. Someone should have tell those fake anthropologists the truth.

09-18-2022, 06:56 PM
Since when Nordid is a wog type?

Scandinavia has less Mediterranean admixture that traditionally Alpine regions of Europe.

So, South Germany and France are wog for you?

09-18-2022, 07:00 PM
So, South Germany and France are wog for you?

France is visibly NW admixed than south germany