View Full Version : Classify 4 very dark students who live in Alicante

03-17-2023, 08:20 PM

03-17-2023, 08:32 PM
The Angel Tomas Foundation of the Salesians in Alicante has launched a new project for the reception of migrants that began this December. The Alraso project, which is the name of the resource, is funded by the Alicante City Council, which has granted FISAT €10,139.70 for this new action.

With a photo that looks so bad and also of the Salesians and with all the immigration we have, the truth is that it's a bit of a bad equation.

03-17-2023, 08:53 PM
With a photo that looks so bad and also of the Salesians and with all the immigration we have, the truth is that it's a bit of a bad equation.

So how many immigrants does Spain have now? is it 50%?, 60% because in that picture i only see Spanish looking people like these from Teruel and yes at least 2 are not Spanish:

03-18-2023, 01:18 AM
With a photo that looks so bad and also of the Salesians and with all the immigration we have, the truth is that it's a bit of a bad equation.
They are not even that dark. Only apricians will say that. They look like normal spaniards to me. Or do north african immigrants look like that to you?

03-18-2023, 01:23 AM
They are not even that dark. Only apricians will say that. They look like normal spaniards to me. Or do north african immigrants look like that to you?

I am not from the American continent, I did not see them dark, if they are Spanish as the headline announced I know they will be within the averages, the dark very dark in the headlines for Spaniards are things of Oliver, I go directly to the structure or sociological aspects and in the Salesians there must already be many immigrant children so I ask for more quality photos.

03-18-2023, 01:26 AM
I am not from the American continent, I did not see them dark, if they are Spanish as the headline announced I know they will be within the averages, the dark very dark in the headlines for Spaniards are things of Oliver, I go directly to the structure or sociological aspects and in the Salesians there must already be many immigrant children so I ask for more quality photos.

These kids don't even look like immigrants, the girls are very Spanish looking, the boy wearing white is very Spanish looking, one of the other boys has light brown hair and orangey skin, the other is very med metrically and has a European complexion.

03-18-2023, 01:29 AM
I am not from the American continent, I did not see them dark, if they are Spanish as the headline announced I know they will be within the averages, the dark very dark in the headlines for Spaniards are things of Oliver, I go directly to the structure or sociological aspects and in the Salesians there must already be many immigrant children so I ask for more quality photos.
Speaking of the American continent, here in the United States they will easily be seen as white students.

03-18-2023, 01:37 AM
Speaking of the American continent, here in the United States they will easily be seen as white students.

I more or less know what the perception in the United States may be on the subject, but it is good to know it; although I do not plan to adopt it or apply it in my classifications, neither that of South America or Mexico which must be similar but even crazier, I will do it from my super millennial and epic point of view.