View Full Version : Guess etnicity and where in europe can they pass

04-28-2023, 08:23 PM
https://iili.io/H8ZzNiF.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)

04-28-2023, 08:28 PM

04-28-2023, 08:39 PM

Occiput in Starlight
04-28-2023, 09:18 PM

04-28-2023, 09:27 PM

04-28-2023, 09:28 PM

Occiput in Starlight
04-28-2023, 09:28 PM
This group could fit almost anywhere in Europe.

The difficulty of this passification request is high.

Were I to guess twice, I would gamble on Northern Europe (east of Italy).

Occiput in Starlight
04-28-2023, 09:28 PM

04-28-2023, 09:32 PM

Occiput in Starlight
04-28-2023, 09:32 PM
If they aren't Poles I will not be disappointed. Rather, I will be further exhilarated.

04-28-2023, 09:34 PM
No not the -Slovenes but to make it easier go eastward

Occiput in Starlight
04-28-2023, 09:36 PM

Great thread.

Final guess:


Whatever happens next, I wish you well.

04-28-2023, 09:37 PM
No not the French bro.

Occiput in Starlight
04-28-2023, 09:39 PM
No not the -Slovenes but to make it easier go eastward

I should have acted upon my Northeastern European theory.

I now gracefully bow out of this thread, like a master bullfighter at the height of his powers.

04-28-2023, 10:17 PM
Russians or Balkan slavs? They pass anywhere between France and Russia save some med areas. Your flag shows Serbia, so I might also guess Serbia specifically, but that feels like cheating.

04-29-2023, 12:41 AM
Užička Republika

04-29-2023, 02:26 PM
Russians or Balkan slavs? They pass anywhere between France and Russia save some med areas. Your flag shows Serbia, so I might also guess Serbia specifically, but that feels like cheating.

You are right .They are Serbs from a band in a small town of Šumadija ,central Serbia and their music style is some sort of underground hardcore/metal crossover .I think its their older line-up .Here are two pictures of kids from the same town and a vintage photo of villagers from nearby area
https://iili.io/H8pNQZG.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8pOfMx.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)

04-29-2023, 03:18 PM
Užička Republika
No they are not from the užička republika .They are from an area more northeastern direction towards the heart of Serbia .Regarding communists (because its connected to Užička republika aforementioned )taking over the power in Serbia who brought Josip Broz tito (about his true origin is little known )to power a Predecessor of the antichrist for Serbs imo(one of the main reason is treason by Winston Churchill against which even George Orwell protested ,search the net)in which they had almost no greater presence prior to late 43 .My symphaties definitely goes to Yugoslav army in the fatherland section Serbia primarily.The two main reasons i despise the communist ...First one is when they took the power in Serbia they exterminated almost entirely Serbian intellectual elite , (parts of aristocracy confiscating their properties ) well respect and honourable man from all social classes in Serbia and of course they were all against communist .Secondly Josip Broz titos communist OZNA tortured and almost killed my paternal grandfather for being respectable Serbian patriot and anti-communist in his birthplace in a nearby village school .The second Serb tortured with him died from his wounds .In addition to that they confiscated against the law more then 100 acres of fertile land in Banat (north of Serbia )from my mothers grandfather .A land which they cultivated for centuries
Here are some pictures of Yugoslav army in the fatherland section Serbia
from Rasina district (few non ethnic Serbs among them but glory to them anyways )
taken near the Strmac monastery
https://iili.io/H8p4aKg.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
and some group pictures
https://iili.io/H8pPV6X.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8pidAv.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8piXWB.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8piOUg.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8y5jgR.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8y541f.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8y0bLP.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8y1IYG.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/HS9e5zX.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8yx1Gp.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
https://iili.io/H8piysS.png (https://freeimage.host/)
few gypsies in lower right corner but they have my respect
https://iili.io/H8psaXp.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
wedding party from Užice area taken during 30s years of 20th century
https://iili.io/H8pLMMB.jpg (https://freeimage.host/)
This video is for my Serb compatriots


Best regards