View Full Version : Classify eight Ukrainian gingers, and which of them can pass in the British Isles?

11-20-2023, 05:47 PM

11-20-2023, 05:55 PM
Pontids, subnordics, baltids, i think only pics 2 and 6 look more or less British

11-20-2023, 06:04 PM
Pontids, subnordics, baltids, i think only pics 2 and 6 look more or less British
Yeah I agree with those two, what about four what would you think he was if you saw him?

11-20-2023, 06:10 PM

She resembles Sophia Turner a lot. She might pass in British Isles.

11-20-2023, 06:16 PM
Yeah I agree with those two, what about four what would you think he was if you saw him?

Polish perhaps

11-20-2023, 06:24 PM
Polish perhaps
I think so too.

11-20-2023, 09:15 PM
2, 5, 6 can pass in UK

11-21-2023, 02:58 PM
2, 5, 6 can pass in UK
Interesting, 5 looks vaguely similar to CM types in England but to me, he seems way too East Slavic.

11-21-2023, 03:09 PM
Interesting, 5 looks vaguely similar to CM types in England but to me, he seems way too East Slavic.

Slightly different eye shape and color, slightly narrower chin and forehead than a British equivalent

Tooting Carmen
11-21-2023, 03:20 PM
These ones look the most foreign to the British Isles:

The others pass to varying degrees.

11-21-2023, 03:29 PM
6 passes well, 5 looks like some Scots, 2 passes without looking especially British, 4 might pass better with a different haircut.

11-21-2023, 03:45 PM
6 passes well, 5 looks like some Scots, 2 passes without looking especially British, 4 might pass better with a different haircut.
I think 6 is a good example of why many Ukrainian north-Pontids could fit in Britain easily because I would say people with such looks are pretty common in both England and Ukraine. It also probably shows why terms like Pontid and Atlanto-Med or North-Pontid and Atlantid can be very biased. I guess most people on here are aware that classification is pretty pseudo-scientific anyways, so I don't know if I have to reiterate that much.

11-21-2023, 03:56 PM
I think 6 is a good example of why many Ukrainian north-Pontids could fit in Britain easily because I would say people with such looks are pretty common in both England and Ukraine. It also probably shows why terms like Pontid and Atlanto-Med or North-Pontid and Atlantid can be very biased. I guess most people on here are aware that classification is pretty pseudo-scientific anyways, so I don't know if I have to reiterate that much.
I basically ignore it these days. Anytime I see the word Atlantid my eyes glaze over.

11-21-2023, 04:22 PM
in the end it's not the pigmentation but the facial features that make a look, visible on here as well. they look very diverse in spite of having red or reddish hair: Pontid, Gorid, Norid...

11-21-2023, 05:18 PM
These ones look the most foreign to the British Isles:

The others pass to varying degrees.

Those two stood out to me too, they look Kavkaz.

11-21-2023, 06:48 PM
First looks pure Steppe type. That's how old "Indo-Europeans" looked like... This type exists in Rus' people, followed by North-West Caucasians (Chechens in particular) and some Balkanites (especially Romanians).

11-21-2023, 07:21 PM
Those two stood out to me too, they look Kavkaz.
Interesting people living in Britain seemed to say the opposite about the second one.

11-21-2023, 07:22 PM
First looks pure Steppe type. That's how old "Indo-Europeans" looked like... This type exists in Rus' people, followed by North-West Caucasians (Chechens in particular) and some Balkanites (especially Romanians).
Who looks Chechen to you, by the way?

Also, haven't we confirmed that Indo-Europeans were diverse and many of them were not at all light-featured?

11-21-2023, 07:28 PM
At first glance they all pass but the first guy looks like he has some Dagestani influence or something, like a Ufc fighter.

11-21-2023, 07:31 PM
At first glance they all pass but the first guy looks like he has some Dagestani influence or something, like a Ufc fighter.
Interesting. I wonder how common it is for gingers in the British Isles to have brown eyes?

11-21-2023, 07:40 PM
Interesting. I wonder how common it is for gingers in the British Isles to have brown eyes?

Not that uncommon, most gingers have blue eyes like Ed Sheeran/Greg Rutherford etc or but some have brown eyes, years ago at school a girl in my class had had ginger and brown eyes, not that uncommon

11-21-2023, 07:44 PM
It's common to see light brown eyed gingers, what i notice about gingers here and those one sees in Spain and sometimes France is that here they are nearly always very pale and freckled while in those countries they can often have a less freckled skin with maybe a light beige undertone.

11-22-2023, 12:44 AM
I can really only see 2, 3, 6, and maybe 5 and 8 being able to pass in Britain and Ireland. The rest look too Slavic to look British. The darker boy in 8 could pass however

11-22-2023, 05:48 AM
Interesting. I wonder how common it is for gingers in the British Isles to have brown eyes?

In England based on Beddoe’s observations the frequency of light eyes among redheads is higher than the general population (~64%) but not as high as with blond hair. Distinctive red hair has to be fairly light and lighter hair and eyes are correlated. Darker eyes (brown to hazel) and red hair or even blond is still far from uncommon and you can see here:
https://i.ibb.co/w6KcRr9/Beddoec-Correlation.png (https://imgbb.com/)

In dark pigmented populations redheads may be much lighter eyed than the general population. Livi's Italian recruits with red hair were very significantly lighter than average. 50.2% of the recruits with red hair had light or intermediate eyes against 30.9% of the overall series. In Italy brown-black hair (Fischer-Saller U-Y) that is too dark to show a notable reddish tint is the strong majority. The red individuals would have to have at least medium brown hair. In Northern/Central Europe by contrast the most people are at least as light haired as dark auburn if not lighter auburn hair. The rule appears to be that the lighter haired a population the less difference in eye color from the overall population among is redheads and more obviously with blonds.

https://i.ibb.co/7R6Dv2K/C01-FB69-D-63-FF-41-FA-853-C-C0-E5-C3-B3-B939.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

This should make it clear that in a population as light haired as British redheads could not be so much lighter eyed as to make darker eyes especially uncommon.

Bassam Karzeddin
11-22-2023, 08:04 AM
1st one looks like a chechen , could pass in rus
2 still looks slavic to me. Ukrainian distinctly
3 looks polish
4 polish darker guy could pass for italian or turkish
5 could be british but also something like romanian
6 could pass , but still has some centralwest look to me maybe american like a lighter haired josh hutcherson
7 sophie turner already looks slavic due to dinarid component, 7 looks slavic to me distinctly polish or ukr. Cant pass also not very beautiful
8 right one looks like a germanized pole still has some central euro look. Could be even czech
Left one looks central asian or jewish. I dont think he passes.like some pamirid types

11-22-2023, 08:21 AM

11-23-2023, 03:52 AM
Also, haven't we confirmed that Indo-Europeans were diverse and many of them were not at all light-featured?

They weren't "diverse": earliest skulls we have found, dating to the period of migration, looked like the first guy. Very long faced, but rugged at the same time: today people looking like that are blonde, with a big minority of amber eyed individuals. I also see a resemblance to Iranid phenotype: maybe the ENF (majority) contribution to Aryan phenotype was Iranid-like and lightness came from the Uralic-like component?

11-24-2023, 09:32 PM
Interesting, 5 looks vaguely similar to CM types in England but to me, he seems way too East Slavic.

Maybe he reminds me of Boris Johnson a bit