View Full Version : Rotunda of Mosta and "The Bomb Miracle"

01-06-2024, 11:29 PM
Rotunda of Mosta is the best known chruch in Malta thanks to a few interesting facts.

First one, this church has one of the largest unsupported domes. The internal diameter of the dome has almost 40 meters.


Another one is vibrant history of the building.

The church we can watch nowadays was built in 1833-1860. What makes the process of building a bit unusual is that the new church was built around the old one, which means the new church did not need to be consecrated since the site had remained a place of worship throughout the course of construction.

27 years of hard work has paid off with this enourmous neoclassical building and the interior.





Now the third fact - "The bomb mircale". You can still see the effect of it in the dome.

In April 9th 1942 the Luftwaffe dropped three bombs on the church.
One of them pierced the dome and entered the church, where a congregation of 300 people was awaiting early evening Mass. The bomb did not explode, then it got defused and was dumped into the sea by Bomb Disposal Unit.

This event was interpreted as a miracle by the inhabitants, and a similar bomb is now displayed in the sacristy at the back of the church, under the words Il-Miraklu tal-Bomba, 9 ta' April 1942 (meaning "The Bomb Miracle, 9 April 1942")


The church itself is very nice to see and many tourists decide to visit it, but Mosta and many different spots in Malta suffer from numerous building sites which makes all sightseeing a bit of nightmare.


There was already one miracle, is there a way for a miracle to whole country so it won't look like a warzone and not be filled with illegal migrants? Only God knows