View Full Version : cranial measurements

01-18-2024, 09:33 PM
at the strictly anthrotard metric level, my cranial measurements (taken with an anthropological caliper) are close to which subtype?

Head Length 187
Head Breadh 152
Head Height 126
Bigonial 106
Total Facial Height 124

Minimum Frontal 124
Bizygomatic 143
Upper Facial Height 72
Nasal Height 50
Nasal Breadth 30

Cephalix index: 81,3 (brachycephalic)
Height/length index: 67,4 (hypnicephalic)
Height/breadth index: 82,9 (metriocephalic)
Facial index : 86,7 (mesoprosopic)
Upper facial index : 50,3 (euryene)
Nasal index : 60 (leptorrhine)
Estimated endocranial volume : 1368 (euencephalic)
Estimated brain weight : 1262 gr

01-18-2024, 10:22 PM

01-18-2024, 10:53 PM
at the strictly anthrotard metric level, my cranial measurements (taken with an anthropological caliper) are close to which subtype?

Head Length 187
Head Breadh 152
Head Height 126
Bigonial 106
Total Facial Height 124

Minimum Frontal 124
Bizygomatic 143
Upper Facial Height 72
Nasal Height 50
Nasal Breadth 30

Cephalix index: 81,3 (brachycephalic)
Height/length index: 67,4 (hypnicephalic)
Height/breadth index: 82,9 (metriocephalic)
Facial index : 86,7 (mesoprosopic)
Upper facial index : 50,3 (euryene)
Nasal index : 60 (leptorrhine)
Estimated endocranial volume : 1368 (euencephalic)
Estimated brain weight : 1262 gr

wow, humans faces have gotten so much narrower on average than our ancestors thousand years ago, your bizygomatic should be around 125 in reality, measurements with artificial fat/flesh is a very tentative suggestion and shouldint be taken with any face value, but its fun nontheless

01-18-2024, 11:03 PM
wow, humans faces have gotten so much narrower on average than our ancestors thousand years ago, your bizygomatic should be around 125 in reality, measurements with artificial fat/flesh is a very tentative suggestion and shouldint be taken with any face value, but its fun nontheless

So your answer is?
Which subgroup?

01-18-2024, 11:30 PM
So your answer is?
Which subgroup?

you fit in more with slavs and finno-uralic groups of europe, that is your racial type designation

01-19-2024, 01:17 AM
you fit in more with slavs and finno-uralic groups of europe, that is your racial type designation

My measurements are common among them?

I find it amusing, it's true that soft tissues are often not taken into account when it comes to racial classification, even though they can obviously have an big influence on the perceptual face. My measurements seem close to those populations, but my phenotype is more similar to a rench (Nort, Centre, South), Northern Italian, Basque, Catalan, maybe some Austrians and Swiss.

Some have classified me as Berid, others as Alpine, others Atlantid, others Atlanto-Mediterranean, others of an Alpinoid subtype, others Gracile-med (I'm not gracile in the sense that some elements of my face are robust, obviously, we are often more gracile than others depending on generations and individuals), others Pontid, even Neo-Danubian alpinoid, Borreby, etc... It's very random and depends on the individual (Finnish, Spanish, Croatian, Irish, English, for example my French acquaintances consider that I have a French phenotype).

But if I had to say who I most resemble: I am almost the spitting image of this paternal French cousin (from the north of France, Gouy-Saint-André), just imagine him with a slightly more oval jaw and some more robust features (jaw and brow ridge in particular), a slightly different chin.

01-19-2024, 02:10 AM
They are mostly within Alpine range, but a little too small-headed and low brachycephalic, which suggests Mediterranean and/or Nordic admixture.

01-19-2024, 02:12 AM
They are mostly within Alpine range, but a little too small-headed and low brachycephalic, which suggests Mediterranean and/or Nordic admixture.

What is the average "head" among alpine?

My Cephalix index: 81,3 (brachycephalic) was common in some area of France

01-23-2024, 02:36 AM