View Full Version : Classify American political scientist Norman Finkelstein

04-09-2024, 07:31 PM
Of Jewish descent. Where could he pass?




04-10-2024, 03:32 AM
His views about Israel and Jews are disgusting. He never condemns Hamas. Sickening person, but I do enjoy his debates lmao.

But wow, he was good looking in his heydays. Dinaro-med, maybe atlanto med. Looks pan southern European, from Spain to even Serbia.

04-10-2024, 03:37 AM
His views about Israel and Jews are disgusting. He never condemns Hamas. Sickening person, but I do enjoy his debates lmao.

But wow, he was good looking in his heydays. Dinaro-med, maybe atlanto med. Looks pan southern European, from Spain to even Serbia.I don't think people should condemn Hamas as an introduction for a nok-Zionist opinion. This unwritten rule many seem to apply is ridiculous.

04-10-2024, 03:44 AM
I don't think people should condemn Hamas as an introduction for a nok-Zionist opinion. This unwritten rule many seem to apply is ridiculous.
Not condemning Hamas is like not condemning ISIS. Who gives a shit about Zionism? Hamas will enjoy killing Europeans, Christians, etc too if they had the chance. The Jews are first on their list cos they're on their doorstep. Place Hamas in some Med island and the surrounding euros will be targets. ISIS targets were Christians in iraq/syria and moderate Muslims, but we condemned the fuck out of them, why, because Jews weren't their victims. People focus too much on Israel's violent retaliation and go "meh, I guess Hamas isn't so bad". Have some priorities! All Islamic terrorists groups must be eradicated.

04-10-2024, 03:51 AM
Not condemning Hamas is like not condemning ISIS. Who gives a shit about Zionism? Hamas will enjoy killing Europeans, Christians, etc too if they had the chance. The Jews are first on their list cos they're on their doorstep. Place Hamas in some Med island and the surrounding euros will be targets. ISIS targets were Christians in iraq/syria and moderate Muslims, but we condemned the fuck out of them, why, because Jews weren't their victims. People focus too much on Israel's violent retaliation and go "meh, I guess Hamas isn't so bad". Have some priorities! All Islamic terrorists groups must be eradicated.

Israel is a terrorist state that triggers other terrorism. Israel is created by terrorizing local population. Preformed by European and American Zionists who though it was their land because of their religion. I don't care if it is "the only democracy" in the region, it is created by very undemocratic means. Therefore Israel has no argument whatsoever of you look at its history.

04-10-2024, 04:05 AM
And also don't "Would you rather be on Hamas' side or on Israel's side" me.

04-10-2024, 04:20 AM
Israel is a terrorist state that triggers other terrorism. Israel is created by terrorizing local population. Preformed by European and American Zionists who though it was their land because of their religion. I don't care if it is "the only democracy" in the region, it is created by very undemocratic means. Therefore Israel has no argument whatsoever of you look at its history.
Who gives a shit. Most countries come to being out of bloodshed and death, especially MENA ones (actually our own USA, AUS and Canada had violent colonial pasts too)! :coffee: Most of MENA is a hellhole who treat their people like crap. Israel still stands out!

I don't give a fuck about American Christian Zionists who put their basis on religion. Jews as ethnic group were always in the land of Judea, before the Arabs. When they escaped to other Arab countries, the Arabs kicked them out. The Nazis violently tried to genocide them in Europe. Where else should they go, Uganda? They had to go back to their homeland. So glad that Israel exists, especially when it pisses off Muslims and terrorists!

You're either a far leftist liberal or a Muslim. What are you? Your views are very typical of their ilk!

04-10-2024, 04:22 AM
Who gives a shit. Most countries come to being out of bloodshed and death, especially MENA ones (actually our own USA, AUS and Canada had violent colonial pasts too)! :coffee: Most of MENA is a hellhole who treat their people like crap. Israel still stands out. I don't give a fuck about American Christian Zionists who put their basis on religion. Jews as ethnic group were always in the land of Judea, before the Arabs. When they escaped to other Arab countries, the Arabs kicked them out. Then where else should they go, Uganda? They had to go back to their homes. So glad that Israel exists, especially when it pisses off Muslims and terrorists!

You're either a far leftist liberal or a Muslim. What are you? Your views are very typical of their ilk!

Well then why care about the bloodshed from Palestinians who also want their own state?

04-13-2024, 02:28 AM
Well then why care about the bloodshed from Palestinians who also want their own state?
Except, there was never a Palestinian nation with the inhabitants being Palestinian of ethnicity. The region (which always had Jews and later Arabs) was called Palestine by the Romans to mock the Judeans/Jews living there - The Philistinians were European Sea Peoples who colonized that area. Romans said, "let's call this region Syria-Palestina", and it happened. Ironically, European colonialists named Palestine whilst occupying it and subjugating its peoples (who were Jews at that time)!

Not sure if you knew this fact up there, but many pro-Palestinian folks didn't and they get really shocked when people tell them the ironic history of the area. They think Palestine was a brown Arab nation that was swarmed by Ashkenazi colonialists. Except the Palestine region was always occupied by foreigners - Romans, Ottomans, Brits and now Israel/Jews...But people seem to get mad that Jews reclaimed their own land? Interesting....:bored:

How would you feel if say Italians took over Belgium, then after the native Belgians come back to reclaim it (even with some violent operations), people start calling Belgium a terrorist state? You wouldn't like it. Again, no country's history is fucking clean. You don't fight for your land with words. Of course people will die and atrocities can occur. It's a sad fact.

Palestinian Arabs can have their own state somewhere in the West Bank. But they denied the two-state solution like 4 times! They want a one-state solution and they want all Israel being "Palestine" ("from the river to the sea", duh!). Weirdoes don't know their history. It's like native Americans demanding the USA being called, well, the USA, or Aboriginals wanting Australia being called "Australia". Palestinian Arabs should use an Arab/Semitic title for their country (there is no P in Arabic btw). Personally, I think "Canaan" is more suited. It's anti-colonial and its name is native to the region (again, "Palestine" is a Greek/Roman colonial name for the occupied region).

04-13-2024, 04:15 AM
Except, there was never a Palestinian nation with the inhabitants being Palestinian of ethnicity. The region (which always had Jews and later Arabs) was called Palestine by the Romans to mock the Judeans/Jews living there - The Philistinians were European Sea Peoples who colonized that area. Romans said, "let's call this region Syria-Palestina", and it happened. Ironically, European colonialists named Palestine whilst occupying it and subjugating its peoples (who were Jews at that time)!

Not sure if you knew this fact up there, but many pro-Palestinian folks didn't and they get really shocked when people tell them the ironic history of the area. They think Palestine was a brown Arab nation that was swarmed by Ashkenazi colonialists. Except the Palestine region was always occupied by foreigners - Romans, Ottomans, Brits and now Israel/Jews...But people seem to get mad that Jews reclaimed their own land? Interesting....:bored:

How would you feel if say Italians took over Belgium, then after the native Belgians come back to reclaim it (even with some violent operations), people start calling Belgium a terrorist state? You wouldn't like it. Again, no country's history is fucking clean. You don't fight for your land with words. Of course people will die and atrocities can occur. It's a sad fact.

Palestinian Arabs can have their own state somewhere in the West Bank. But they denied the two-state solution like 4 times! They want a one-state solution and they want all Israel being "Palestine" ("from the river to the sea", duh!). Weirdoes don't know their history. It's like native Americans demanding the USA being called, well, the USA, or Aboriginals wanting Australia being called "Australia". Palestinian Arabs should use an Arab/Semitic title for their country (there is no P in Arabic btw). Personally, I think "Canaan" is more suited. It's anti-colonial and its name is native to the region (again, "Palestine" is a Greek/Roman colonial name for the occupied region).

These people were simply called something else. I am Belgian. Belgium didn't exist before 1830. Am I not indigenous? They are still more related to the original Jews than those modern Israelis. The fact that they are Jews doesn't give them right.

04-13-2024, 02:37 PM
Palestinian Arabs should use an Arab/Semitic title for their country (there is no P in Arabic btw).

Hahah, are you for real? Arabs call Palestine "Falastin". Shouldn't you know that as a resident of Dearborn?