View Full Version : Anyone here who also posted on reddit? Did you get wild answers as well?

09-04-2024, 05:41 PM
Balkans, eastern europe, turkey, south europe, central asia, roma, latin america, pashtun...I swear I even had quadroon comments������
It seems unbelieveable but it is true

09-04-2024, 05:43 PM
What's wild / unbelieveable about it? You got the same answers here, on TA.

09-04-2024, 05:45 PM
What's wild / unbelieveable about it? You got the same answers here, on TA.

How people perceive the same person so different.
Also here people mostly see me as balkan, also ukraine look pass. Idk if is because I revealed early my background tho

09-04-2024, 05:55 PM
Ekjee the Pashtun :clap2:

Next time, answer by a pic with your shirt "you suck"

Seriously most of the comments are still eastern/Balkan except a few trolls.

09-04-2024, 05:57 PM
Ekjee the Pashtun :clap2:

Next time, answer by a pic with your shirt "you suck"

Seriously most of the comments are still eastern/Balkan except a few trolls.

Did you see all links?������
Have more, but it is too much to handle

09-04-2024, 07:15 PM
The reddit is full of MENA and South Asian trolls or very resentful people who want to be European
I saw comments from people saying that 1/3 of Iranians look like Giorgia Meloni, or that the Assad family is an average Syrian family.

09-04-2024, 07:37 PM
The reddit is full of MENA and South Asian trolls or very resentful people who want to be European
I saw comments from people saying that 1/3 of Iranians look like Giorgia Meloni, or that the Assad family is an average Syrian family.

Yeah that is true but looking at those people history posts, they seemed like normal people. I usually block the trolls:))
Anyways I don t look like any of those...I just found it hillarious

09-04-2024, 07:44 PM
Did you see all links?������
Have more, but it is too much to handle

Seen enough.

Not to steer up things but thinking about ... Adrian Lima is barely 2/3 Euro


09-04-2024, 08:00 PM
I don't like Reddit, the last time I posted on r/phenotypes like 2 years ago I started to receive a lot of DM's from Indians asking if they looked European, and some tried to doxx me, so I deleted my account there.

09-04-2024, 08:01 PM
I don't like Reddit, the last time I posted on r/phenotypes like 2 years ago I started to receive a lot of DM's from Indians asking if they looked European, and some tried to doxx me, so I deleted my account there.

Never happened to me...sorry for that experience

09-04-2024, 08:02 PM
Seen enough.

Not to steer up things but thinking about ... Adrian Lima is barely 2/3 Euro


You can t tell me that she can t pass in southern europe or turkey.
Of course that comment was stupid tho

09-04-2024, 08:31 PM
You can t tell me that she can t pass in southern europe or turkey.
Of course that comment was stupid tho

What i noticed is they don't show her supposedly African and Japanese. So what are those 36.5% really.

09-04-2024, 08:34 PM
What i noticed is they don't show her supposedly African and Japanese. So what are those 36.5% really.

She probably had west asian and some native...I saw a very old pic with her having afro hair, but idk if it is her natural texture. Her childhood pics show her with wavy hair

09-04-2024, 08:38 PM
She probably had west asian and some native...I saw a very old pic with her having afro hair, but idk if it is her natural texture. Her childhood pics show her with wavy hair

You can tell on the picture of her report, there is a blank page covering above where the non European should be (looks like 23andme report). Isn't she supposed to have French/Swiss? Or it's so little it's in the broadly European category or NW/British even.

09-04-2024, 08:42 PM
You can tell on the picture of her report, there is a blank page covering above where the non European should be (looks like 23andme report). Isn't she supposed to have French/Swiss? Or it's so little it's in the broadly European category or NW/British even.

I really don t know what the truth is but no matter how tan she was when she lived in brasil, I don t see any noticeable black feature as some claim. Anyways since she call herself afro-latina, I think it should be respected.

09-04-2024, 08:48 PM
You can tell on the picture of her report, there is a blank page covering above where the non European should be (looks like 23andme report). Isn't she supposed to have French/Swiss? Or it's so little it's in the broadly European category or NW/British even.

Anyways I find it weird how living in a temperate climate lightened her skin so much.
I doubt she did any bleaching since she is so proud of her african side.

09-04-2024, 08:55 PM
Anyways I find it weird how living in a temperate climate lightened her skin so much.
I doubt she did any bleaching since she is so proud of her african side.

It's like she took the best of all her ancestries. There is a lottery winner every week and some win several times. Rare but genetic works the same and will happen once in a while.

09-04-2024, 09:21 PM
If you are European and tend to the darker end of the spectrum Reddit will assume you are either Bin Laden’s cousin or a random Indian guy. In my case, majority of people think Turkish. That's reasonable, although no one ever thinks that irl… Anywho, when it becomes deep MENA and India I'm just confused.

Source: trust me bro

09-04-2024, 09:50 PM
Lmao I have not asked for ethnicity classifications on reddit but when I posted a pic of myself (will not reveal which subreddits I posted on) I got a decent amount of thumbs down and was classified as unattractive and off-puttinh lol fun times :cool:

Also got told there wasn't any hope for me and wouldn't find love lol, and got DMed that they would only fuck me and that I wasn't dating material.

So idk I dont think the average Reddit user has the best character. For this reason I'm not sure how much I'd trust ethnicity classifications on there.

This sure makes me wonder what in hell they would say I look like in terms of phenotype xD.

But idk Reddit is full of odd agenda pushers and angry people lol.

09-04-2024, 09:57 PM
Reddit is bullshit and full of mad idiotic losers without lives, it's not even r/phenotypes, it's almost every community there

09-04-2024, 09:58 PM
I don't like Reddit, the last time I posted on r/phenotypes like 2 years ago I started to receive a lot of DM's from Indians asking if they looked European, and some tried to doxx me, so I deleted my account there.

Ouch that sucks ):. I had someone on Reddit message me once that they could make me feel better and want to help me and get to know me but, but I soon realized they actually only wanted to gather information of my life circumstances and material possessions to make me feel bad and inferior for being a woman later in the conversation.

09-05-2024, 04:50 PM
Lmaoo...got accused of whitewashing

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
09-05-2024, 05:08 PM
In my experience, Reddit is quite useful for niche topics. I'm in the forums about goodyear welted shoes, fujifilm cameras, jazz, pipes and financial literacy to name a few, very positive communities. If you hang out in controversial\weird niche sub-forums such as phenotypes you have to expect the responses to be equally as weird sometimes.

09-05-2024, 05:16 PM
In my experience, Reddit is quite useful for niche topics. I'm in the forums about goodyear welted shoes, fujifilm cameras, jazz, pipes and financial literacy to name a few, very positive communities. If you hang out in controversial\weird niche sub-forums such as phenotypes you have to expect the responses to be equally as weird sometimes.

Yeah but the thing is that usually people offer accurate, consensous answers there.
I mean from the others posts I saw. There are a few trolls there, but already got them blocked

09-05-2024, 05:19 PM
In my experience, Reddit is quite useful for niche topics. I'm in the forums about goodyear welted shoes, fujifilm cameras, jazz, pipes and financial literacy to name a few, very positive communities. If you hang out in controversial\weird niche sub-forums such as phenotypes you have to expect the responses to be equally as weird sometimes.

True, i never had problems with reddit, there are some neat subs with often a lot of knowledgable people on particular topics. For example a specific game or for hardware it's great :thumb001: On more social topics, trolls are expected (like here but worse cause OWD)

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
09-05-2024, 05:21 PM
Yeah but the thing is that usually people offer accurate, consensous answers there.
I mean from the others posts I saw. There are a few trolls there, but already got them blocked

Human phenotypes are not an exact science or a science at all. It's based purely on the subjective opinion and observation of most people who are basically looking at one or more photos of you without any metric data. I honestly don't think it's particularly positive for a person who seems to suffer from anxiety\neuroticism like you. You seem to be the kind of person who wonders or takes to heart what others say, judging by the multitude of threads about your appearance.