View Full Version : Classify Leader of Ranvir Sena Brahmeshwar Singh

02-02-2012, 05:00 PM

02-02-2012, 07:25 PM
North Indid with an Indid influence, and he looks like he comes from a high caste.

02-03-2012, 01:51 AM
North Indid with an Indid influence, and he looks like he comes from a high caste.

He is a Brahmin.
Whats the difference between NorthIndid and plain Indid? Also can you write me PM with a classification for myself? You seem to be quiet good.:)

02-03-2012, 02:44 AM
He is a Brahmin.
Whats the difference between NorthIndid and plain Indid? Also can you write me PM with a classification for myself? You seem to be quiet good.:)

Here are some decent examples, and for the one with the girls in it only the one on the left. He might have something Indid-Brachid involved, and he is not of a classical Nord-Indid type because of the Indid/Indid-Brachid influences. I am sure when he was younger though they showed more, and the difference between Nord Indid and Indid is that Nord Indid tends to be more depigmented and Caucasoid like overall.

P.S. He looks more North Indid like in this picture, and compare him with the Weddoid/Indid type to his left, the Indidcized Weddoid to his right, and the Indid with Melanesid influences behind him.

02-03-2012, 03:01 AM
Here are some decent examples, and for the one with the girls in it only the one on the left. He might have something Indid-Brachid involved, and he is not of a classical Nord-Indid type because of the Indid/Indid-Brachid influences. I am sure when he was younger though they showed more, and the difference between Nord Indid and Indid is that Nord Indid tends to be more depigmented and Caucasoid like overall.

P.S. He looks more North Indid like in this picture, and compare him with the Weddoid/Indid type to his left, the Indidcized Weddoid to his right, and the Indid with Melanesid influences behind him.

In this picture he looks very nordindid, i think?


"[ T ]o mark the 50th Republic Day, an outlawed army of upper caste landlords massacred at least 23 Dalits in the badlands of Bihar."
-- Times of India, Jan 28, 1999

02-03-2012, 03:05 AM

02-03-2012, 03:07 AM
that Nord Indid tends to be more depigmented and Caucasoid like overall.

I think the Indobrachid has an alpinoid/dinaroid element while the nordindid is more akin to nordoid form? caucasoid are both, but you are right that nordindid tends to be more depigmented especially among kashmiri pandits but has an brown hue among punjabis.

02-03-2012, 03:12 AM

25. Racial Element B.

On this basic substratum there appears to have superimposed:—

In the western littoral and Bengal (B) a brachycephalic element of medium stature with flattened occiput but having also high head and not infrequently receding forehead. Like the former the face is short and orthognathous but somewhat broader. The nose is long and quite often arched and convex. The skin colour varies from a pale white to light brown among the Nagas Brahmin, to tawny brown among the Kannada non-Brahmins. The colour of the eye is usually dark brown but a small per cent shows light eyes. The hair colour is black with a small proportion showing a dark brown tint. The hair is generally straight and the pilous system well developed. The Nagar Brahmin of Guzrat, the Kayastha of Bengal and the Kannada non-Brahmin are representatives of this type.


26. Racial Element C.

(C) Another long-headed strain with comparatively lower but longer head and tall stature and possessing a long face and prominent narrow long nose. It its purest form it is found in the North-west Himalayan tribes like the Kaffirs and the Pathan where the skin colour is predominantly of a rosy white tint and an appreciable number have grey-blue eyes and chestnut hair. In the plains of Northern India, among the Sikhs of the Punjab and the Brahmin of the U.P. the skin colour changes to a light transparent brown. Here also there is a small proportion of people having light eyes and brownish hair. Among this type also the hair is usually straight and the pilous system well developed.


02-03-2012, 03:14 AM
I think the Indobrachid has an alpinoid/dinaroid element while the nordindid is more akin to nordoid form? caucasoid are both, but you are right that nordindid tends to be more depigmented especially among kashmiri pandits but has an brown hue among punjabis.

Indid Brachid is like some sort of robust Alpinoid/Alpinoid-Cro-Magnon component with a strong Dinarid influence if you are converting this into how we understand European races. Indids tend to not have that Nordid look, tend to be more heavily pigmented, and overall classical Indian look compared to Nord-Indids, who I am sure can pass in other countries in some people's eyes.

03-29-2012, 10:25 AM
To shed some light on the Background of the Guy and to bump the thread. Im not glorifying the Ranvir Sena, i have no reason to.

Source http://satp.org/satporgtp/countries/india/terroristoutfits/Ranvir_Sena.htm
The Ranvir Sena came into existence primarily to counter the influence of various left-wing extremist, Naxalite, groups and the Communist Party of India, Marxist-Leninist [CPI-ML] (Liberation) in central Bihar. It was founded in September 1994 in Belaur village of Udwantnagar block, Bhojpur district following the merger of private caste armies like Savarna Liberation Army and the Sunlight Sena.


Major Incidents


July 23: A self-styled commander of the Ranvir Sena was arrested from Bihar's Gaya district. Mahesh Sharma, wanted in connection with several cases, including the massacre of 15 people belonging to a backward caste at Miapur village in Gaya district in year 2000, was arrested from his native Turki village in Gaya. Superintendent of Police Amit Jain informed that a .315 bore rifle and 59 rounds of ammunition were seized from Sharma, who was wanted in several criminal cases in the Gaya, Jehanabad and Aurangabad districts.

February 21: The Patna High Court granted bail to Brahmeshwar Mukhiya, the commander-in-chief of Ranvir Sena, who had been behind bars in Patna's Beur Jail since his arrest in August of 2002. He had allegedly confessed of masterminding several massacres in Bihar, including his involvement in the Lakhshmanpur-Bathe killing in 1997. Officials, however, said that Mukhiya would remain in Beur Jail for his involvement in many other cases.


November 14: The Ranvir Sena declared that it would expand its network and that it would be using trained former army personnel to counter the Maoists. In a strategy meeting held in an unspecified village in the Patna district, the Ranvir Sena chose leader Trayambakeshwar as the new chief and declared, "Now Sena strategy, activities and plans would be guided by the new chief."

July 15: Awadesh Sharma, a member of the banned outfit Ranvir Sena who is charged with killing 12 people in Bihar in 1999, was arrested. Sharma, an ‘area commander’ who had been absconding, was arrested in Gaya district. Sharma is accused of killing 12 people - seven from backward castes and five Dalits - in an armed attack on the Zahirbigha and Khagribigha hamlets of Sandani village in the Gaya district in April 1999.

February 15: The prime accused in the Miyanpur caste massacre in 2000, Ambuj Sharma, belonging to the outlawed Ranvir Sena outfit, is arrested. In Miyanpur village of Aurangabad district, at least 34 backward caste Dalits and Yadavs were killed by the Ranvir Sena on June 16, 2000.


November 25: Police raids Sendwa village under Parasbigha police station limits in Bihar's Jehanabad district on receiving information that some activists of the banned Ranvir Sena, which has threatened to avenge the killing and abduction of its cadre during the November 13-attack by the CPI-Maoist in Jehanabad, had assembled at the village and opened fire to terrorise the people. During the raid, eight Ranvir Sena activists are arrested and a cache of arms and ammunition is seized from them.

November 17: Cadres of the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) and Ranvir Sena exchanged fire at Benibigha village in the Arwal district. However, no casualties were reported in the incident.

November 14: The CPI-Maoist kills nine Ranvir Sena hostages they had abducted from the Jehanabad district jail a day earlier. Three bodies, believed to be of the abducted Ranvir Sena cadres, are recovered from the rail tracks near the jail. Five others are killed in the adjoining Gaya district. The body of Visweshwar Rai, a prominent Sena member, is found in a Jehanabad village.

November 13: Approximately thousand cadres of the CPI-Maoist launches near simultaneous attacks on the jail, police lines and a paramilitary camp at Jehanabad in the State of Bihar, killing two persons and injuring five others. Approximately 12 activists of the Ranvir Sena are abducted. Pamphlets left by the Maoists at the jail said 'Operation Jailbreak' was deliberately made to coincide with the ‘great November 13 Russian revolution’ and its aim was to "rescue our comrades and to award death penalty to select Ranvir Sena activists" lodged in the jail.

March 9: Two activists of the Communist Party of India-Marxist Leninist (Liberation) are killed and four others, including three women, are wounded by suspected Ranvir Sena cadres in the Bhojpur district of Bihar.


December 7: Security in Patna around the Chief Minister Rabri Devi’s residence is raised following the discovery of a banner allegedly created and discarded by Ranvir Sena issuing threats to the Chief Minister to be prepared to face dire consequences if she chose to context the Legislative Assembly elections in 2005.

July 29: The Ranvir Sena threatens to kill the Jehanabad Jail Superintendent and his family members for continuing to discriminate against the upper caste prisoners who, they said, were being singled out by the jail officials for mistreatment and humiliation.

April 26: Armed activists of the Ranvir Sena kill three cadres of the banned People’s War Group (PWG) near the Karpi police station area of Arwal district in Bihar.

March 28: The outlawed Ranvir Sena kills three villagers at Bishunbigha and its adjacent villages in the Jehanabad district of Bihar.

January 3: Members of the Ranvir Sena shot dead five people and injure two others at Bariari village in the Arwal district of Bihar.


November 17: Ranvir Sena threatens United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) with dire consequences if it instigates violence against Biharis residing in Assam.

November 15: An All India Progressive Women's Association (AIPWA) activist is shot dead by suspected Ranvir Sena cadres in the Patna district of Bihar.

February 11: Ranvir Sena cadres kill one person and injure two others at Newdhi village in the Gaya district of Bihar.


November 3: Two persons are killed by suspected activists of the Ranvir Sena in Dighi, Gaya district.
Ranvir Sena ‘area commander’, a key accused in the Bathanitola massacre, is arrested in Dulamchak village, Bhojpur district.

October 2: Ranvir Sena kills an activist of the CPI-ML (Liberation) in Noama village, Jehanabad district.

October 24-25: An estimated six persons, including a woman, are killed in a clash between activists of the Ranvir Sena and Communist Party of India––Marxist-Leninist [CPI-ML] (Liberation) in Kurmuri village, under Sikarhata police station-limits, Bhojpur district.

October 8: Activists of the Ranvir Sena kill a woman supporter of the CPI-ML (Liberation) and her three-year old daughter in Nuan village, under Shakurabad police station-limits, Jehanabad district.

September 23: Five left-wing extremists—Naxalites—of the People’s War Group (PWG) are killed allegedly by activists of the Ranvir Sena, in Majidpur village, Jehanabad district.

September 19: Police arrest 18 activists of the Ranvir Sena in Kurmuri village, Bhojpur district.

September 7: Shamsher Bahadur Singh is appointed new chief of the Ranvir Sena.

August 29: The Special Task Force (STF) of Bihar police arrest Brahmeshwar Singh, head of the Ranvir Sena, and four of his associates from a hotel in Patna. Official sources maintain that Singh is the main accused in several criminal cases, including in approximately 20 cases of massacre perpetrated by the Ranvir Sena in central Bihar.

August 24: Three Ranvir Sena activists are overpowered and lynched by local residents at a place under Nawada police station limits, Bhojpur district, while they were attempting to escape after killing a person.

July 7: Six activists of the Ranvir Sena are arrested from Khairja village, under Kinjer police station limits, Arwal district. Police sources say the arrested activists include Satish Sharma, wanted for the June 16, 2000-massacre in Miapur, Aurangabad district, in which 35 persons were killed.

June 11: Suspected activists of the Ranvir Sena kill two persons and injure an old woman in Sarta village, under Kinjer police station limits, Arwal district.

May 5: Ranvir Sena kills six Rajasthani dalit labourers in Bhojpur district.

April 27: Ranvir Sena kills two children at Ara, Bhojpur district.

March 16: Three persons are killed by the Ranvir Sena in Buddhubigha village, Arwal district.


November 28, 2001: Two persons, believed to be left-wing extremists-Naxalites-of the People's War Group (PWG), are killed and two others injured by activists of the Ranvir Sena in Jhunathi More village, Jehanabad district.

September 13, 2001 Seven persons seriously injured in an attack by the Ranvir Sena at a village near the Paraiya railway station, Gaya district.

July 9, 2001 Police arrest four activists of the Ranvir Sena from Shahpur village, Rohtas district, and recover some arms and ammunition from their possession.


September 10: Ranvir Sena kills six persons at Dumariyan, Bhojpur district.

June 16: Ranvir Sena massacres 35 persons at Miapur village, Aurangabad district.


April 21: Ranvir Sena massacres 12 persons at Sendani village, Gaya district.

February 10: 11 persons are massacred by the Ranvir Sena in Narayanpur village, Jehanabad district.

January 25: 23 persons belonging to dalit and backward caste communities are massacred by the Ranvir Sena in Shankarbigha village, Jehanabad district, central Bihar.


December 1: Ranvir Sena massacres 58 persons at Lakshsmanpur-Bathe village, Jehanabad district.

November 22: Ranvir Sena kills six persons at Katesar Nala, Jehanabad district.

November 3: Ranvir Sena cadres kill eight persons at Khadasin, Jehanabad district.

April 10: 10 persons massacred at Ekwari village, Bhojpur district, by the Ranvir Sena.

March 23: Ranvir Sena massacres 10 persons at Habispur village, Patna district.


December 22: Six persons are killed by the Ranvir Sena at Ekbari, Bhojpur district.

December 12: The Ranvir Sena kills five persons at Khanet, Bhojpur district.

November 26: Ranvir Sena kills four persons at Purhara, Bhojpur district.

July 11: Ranvir Sena massacres 22 persons at Bathani-tola, Bhojpur district.

May 19: Three persons killed by Ranvir Sena at Nadhi, Bhojpur district.

May 5: Ranvir Sena kills five persons at Nadhi, Bhojpur district.

April 22: Ranvir Sena killed three persons at Nanpur, Bhojpur district.

February 7: Ranvir Sena cadres kill four persons at Pathalpura Bhojpur district.


July 25: Ranvir Sena kills six persons at Sarthua, Bhojpur district.

April 4: Ranvir Sena kills three persons at Khoparia, Bhojpur district.

Tyrone Jackson
04-22-2015, 06:59 PM
To shed some light on the Background of the Guy and to bump the thread. Im not glorifying the Ranvir Sena, i have no reason to.

Source http://satp.org/satporgtp/countries/india/terroristoutfits/Ranvir_Sena.htm
The Ranvir Sena came into existence primarily to counter the influence of various left-wing extremist, Naxalite, groups and the Communist Party of India, Marxist-Leninist [CPI-ML] (Liberation) in central Bihar. It was founded in September 1994 in Belaur village of Udwantnagar block, Bhojpur district following the merger of private caste armies like Savarna Liberation Army and the Sunlight Sena.

Sorry to bump old thread but this is mainly false propaganda

04-23-2015, 05:07 PM