View Full Version : Classify AU-Pair from Armenia

02-07-2012, 02:57 AM

02-07-2012, 03:07 AM
She is wearing a pair of Blue Magic Tops (eye contacts) but she looks Alpinid overall.

02-07-2012, 03:09 AM
Alpinoid Mediterranid.

02-07-2012, 03:24 AM
She is wearing a pair of Blue Magic Tops (eye contacts) but she looks Alpinid overall.

And why would she wear eye contacts on her official page looking for au-pair job? To decieve future boss? lol No, I have seen her other photos and she is natural.

02-07-2012, 03:31 AM
And why would she wear eye contacts on her official page looking for au-pair job? To decieve future boss? lol No, I have seen her other photos and she is natural.

Whatever, she is cute anyway. :p

02-07-2012, 05:06 AM
And why would she wear eye contacts on her official page looking for au-pair job? To decieve future boss? lol No, I have seen her other photos and she is natural.

In all fairness, I also thought that she was wearing coloured contact lenses.

Ether way, I would say Alpinid+Pontid or East Med.

02-07-2012, 09:32 AM
Alpinid + Pontid/Eastern Med.

She could fit easily into The Levant, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Sicily.

02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
Alpinid + Pontid/Eastern Med.

She could fit easily into The Levant, Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Sicily.


Every time you see the word Armenia you easily fit them in these places...

No, her looks fits easily in other countries mostly...

02-07-2012, 09:52 AM
I think she could fit in Balkans too.

02-07-2012, 10:21 AM
Pontid i'd say

02-07-2012, 02:47 PM
In all fairness, I also thought that she was wearing coloured contact lenses.

That, or she used photoshop.

02-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Mmy opinion: she is Alpinid and Pontid, looks Eastern Euro aside from Armenian.

Padre Organtino
02-07-2012, 09:18 PM
Mmy opinion: she is Alpinid and Pontid, looks Eastern Euro aside from Armenian.

Aside from Armenia she can pass as native in South-East Europe and Levant. Eastern Europe is not an option IMO.

02-07-2012, 09:22 PM
Aside from Armenia she can pass as native in South-East Europe and Levant. Eastern Europe is not an option IMO.

No, I have already said my opinion.

Padre Organtino
02-07-2012, 09:27 PM
No, I have already said my opinion.

You seem to be not very objective when it comes to Armenians. And aside from me Cleermont has the same opinion (now you can't accuse him of being Armenia hater).


02-07-2012, 09:29 PM
Alpinid + some Med. Another proof that Alp-Med mix gives beautiful women.

02-07-2012, 09:31 PM
You seem to be not very objective when it comes to Armenians. And aside from me Cleermont has the same opinion (now you can't accuse him of being Armenia hater).


Cleemont is always fitting people based on the country they are from. Last time he fit a Turkish girl into Western Europe because OP posted her as Danish girl but I felt she looked Turkish and posted it. This girl aside from Armenia clearly fits into Eastern Europe.

02-07-2012, 09:36 PM
Cleemont is always fitting people based on the country they are from. Last time he fit a Turkish girl into Western Europe because OP posted her as Danish girl but I felt she looked Turkish and posted it. This girl aside from Armenia clearly fits into Eastern Europe.
Where in Eastern Europe exactly? Poland?

Padre Organtino
02-07-2012, 09:36 PM
Cleemont is always fitting people based on the country they are from. Last time he fit a Turkish girl into Western Europe because OP posted her as Danish girl but I felt she looked Turkish and posted it. This girl aside from Armenia clearly fits into Eastern Europe.

Huh? She most probably looked North Euro. This girl does not look Eastern European, for god's sake. Take a look at any random Polish, Russian, Slovak, Ukranian crowd - you won't see her face.

02-07-2012, 11:12 PM
Aside from Armenia she can pass as native in South-East Europe and Levant. Eastern Europe is not an option IMO.

Are you kidding me? Levant? Come on Padre. She would stand out like a sore thumb in the Levant. Maybe Lebanon, but even there she would stand out from the crowd.

I believe Southern to Eastern Europe she would fit in reasonably well.

02-08-2012, 12:57 AM
Are you kidding me? Levant? Come on Padre. She would stand out like a sore thumb in the Levant. Maybe Lebanon, but even there she would stand out from the crowd.

I believe Southern to Eastern Europe she would fit in reasonably well.

I agree that she could fit in lebanon. I said it before, you get all kinds there. Israel as well.

I agree with parts of eastern europe (imo southern russia, ukraine, romania, and could fit as an atypical pole).

She would be more typical of south eastern europe though.

02-08-2012, 01:01 AM

Every time you see the word Armenia you easily fit them in these places...

No, her looks fits easily in other countries mostly...

what's wrong with the last four? :lol:

Cyprus, Malta, Greece, and Sicily are great European countries and anyone should consider it an honor to be able to fit in them :thumb001:

As for her, I would say pred. Alpine with some Med.

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:04 AM
Are you kidding me? Levant? Come on Padre. She would stand out like a sore thumb in the Levant. Maybe Lebanon, but even there she would stand out from the crowd.

I believe Southern to Eastern Europe she would fit in reasonably well.

I meant Lebanon first of all


Here's a Lebanese singer who looks more Euro than her btw.

I don't know if the colour f her eyes is natural or not (looks a bit strange but might be a wrong impression) but her facial features are found in East Mediterranean and not in Eastern Europe. She could pass in Sicily, Greece, Malta etc but not in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland or any other Eastern/Central European country. I know very well how people look there and she does not resemble them.

02-08-2012, 01:05 AM
what's wrong with the last four? :lol:

Cyprus, Malta, Greece, and Sicily are great European countries and anyone should consider it an honor to be able to fit in them :thumb001:

As for her, I would say pred. Alpine with some Med.

Why should something be wrong with any European country? ;)

They are great along with all other European countries :thumb001:

But I don't post pics for the same people always fit all phenotypically diverse Armenians into the same category ;)

02-08-2012, 01:09 AM
Why should something be wrong with any European country? ;)

They are great along with all other European countries :thumb001:

But I don't post pics for the same people always fit all phenotypically diverse Armenians into the same category ;)

she could probably "pass" in some Eastern European countries :shrug:

She wouldn't be typical, but IMO she could pass an exotic Romanian, Ukrainian, and maybe even Hungarian.

Here's a hungarian girl with a similar style

02-08-2012, 01:11 AM
she could probably "pass" in some Eastern European countries :shrug:

She wouldn't be typical, but IMO she could pass an exotic Romanian, Ukrainian, and maybe even Hungarian.

Here's a hungarian girl with a similar style

Similar? I don't really similarity :swl

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:12 AM
she could probably "pass" in some Eastern European countries :shrug:

She wouldn't be typical, but IMO she could pass an exotic Romanian, Ukrainian, and maybe even Hungarian.

Here's a hungarian girl with a similar style

That girls does not look much like her except for pigmentation.

She would pass in Bulgaria, Romania (as somewhat exotic) and in South of Croatia. That's as much North as she could go. So in the end SE Europe as I've said. AR users have very strange ideas on phenotypes of Euro populations if they really see a resemblance with an Ukranian person or a Pole.

02-08-2012, 01:12 AM
Similar? I don't really similarity :swl

Do you have any more pictures of the armenian girl? In that one pic I could see her fitting in parts of Romania, but it is naturally hard to go off of just one pic :)

02-08-2012, 01:14 AM
Similar? I don't really similarity :swl

well, they're of the same Sub Race- that's what I meant by a similar "style". The Hungarian Girl may have some minor Turanid, but they are both pretty much Alpine-Meds

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:15 AM
well, they're of the same Sub Race- that's what I meant by a similar "style". The Hungarian Girl may have some minor Turanid, but they are both pretty much Alpine-Meds

This girl is rather East Med/Alpine IMO.

02-08-2012, 01:16 AM
I meant Lebanon first of all


Here's a Lebanese singer who looks more Euro than her btw.

I don't know if the colour f her eyes is natural or not (looks a bit strange but might be a wrong impression) but her facial features are found in East Mediterranean and not in Eastern Europe. She could pass in Sicily, Greece, Malta etc but not in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland or any other Eastern/Central European country. I know very well how people look there and she does not resemble them.

Very pretty girl. Lebanese people look very different from other Arabs but this Lebanese girl is not representative of their people, she also looks more Euro.So to find one or several similar girl in a country whose majority look differently and fit someone there is wrong. And besides this girl lacks that Arab vibe which most of them have. Btw, some Armenians from ME even having Euro features give out some Arab vibe.Similarly some Armenians with clear cut Armenian feautures give out some North vibe because they were born and raised there.
But my Armenian girl being from Armenia is not common type in Lebanon and lacks Arab vibe and to fit her there is wrong.

02-08-2012, 01:19 AM
This girl is rather East Med/Alpine IMO.

maybe, it's hard to tell with just one pic. A few more pics of her would clarify the situation, I think

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:19 AM
Very pretty girl. Lebanese people look very different from other Arabs but this Lebanese girl is not representative of their people, she also looks more Euro.So to find one or several similar girl in a country whose majority look differently and fit someone there is wrong. And besides this girl lacks that Arab vibe which most of them have. Btw, some Armenians from ME even having Euro features give out some Arab vibe.Similarly some Armenians with clear cut Armenian feautures give out some North vibe because they were born and raised there.
But my Armenian girl being from Armenia is not common type in Lebanon and lacks Arab vibe and to fit her there is wrong.

It's far more correct than saying she would fit in Slovakia and Belorussia. I have seen quite a few Armenians who wuld be able to credible pass as Southern Euros but I have seen none that looked Eastern Euro (at least IRL but I saw such photos on anthroboards).

02-08-2012, 01:20 AM
Do you have any more pictures of the armenian girl? In that one pic I could see her fitting in parts of Romania, but it is naturally hard to go off of just one pic :)

I saved only one pic, never thought of classifying, thought more about the fact that many pretty girls leave Armenia looking for a job outside then never come back which is very worrying for our small nation and country.

02-08-2012, 01:23 AM
I meant Lebanon first of all


Here's a Lebanese singer who looks more Euro than her btw.

I don't know if the colour f her eyes is natural or not (looks a bit strange but might be a wrong impression) but her facial features are found in East Mediterranean and not in Eastern Europe. She could pass in Sicily, Greece, Malta etc but not in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland or any other Eastern/Central European country. I know very well how people look there and she does not resemble them.

Majida El Roumi Baradhy (Arabic: ماجدة الرومي برادعي), born to musician Halim El Roumi (born Hanna El Roumi Baradhy) and wife Marie Loutfi who were a Melkite Greek Catholic couple from Tyre, a city in South Lebanon. They got married and lived in Kfarshima, they had three girls Maha, Mona, and Majida, and a boy Awad.

First, fitting in in the Levant is meaningless, as your example has shown you that Levantine populations may have non-Levantine ancestry. Second, you are again claiming that your observations trump my opinion, correct? Well, please then, by your own conjecture of how observation is greater than opinion, I have lived in the Middle-East and I am telling you that she would stick out like a sore thumb in the Levant.

Also, Majida El Roumi does not look "more European". There is no such as thing as looking "European". Please, if you are not anthropologist then don't use terms that are ambiguous as you confuse people.

Here are better pictures:





http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHuVTXSLDgs9kzNaPmF2sLerhw_ZhLn e4USSwUs07I-c2F-pc1gjAPR6bs

IMHO, Magda Al Roumni does not look "more European" than the posted Armenian girl. I don't see how can even make that comparison. Please, be specific, what is it about Magda Al Roumni that you find is "more European"? Please us anthropologic terms.

Compare to her:


02-08-2012, 01:25 AM
]It's far more correct[/B] than saying she would fit in Slovakia and Belorussia. I have seen quite a few Armenians who wuld be able to credible pass as Southern Euros but I have seen none that looked Eastern Euro (at least IRL but I saw such photos on anthroboards).

Absolutely no, Armenian girl has one of typical (along with others) phenotypes of Armenia while Lebanese girl is not common for Lebanon and to single out her to try to fit is not correct at all. The same way you can find atypical looking Euro from any country and showing similarity with any ME country claim they could fit there as a common type.

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:32 AM
Oh shit, I knew I shouldn't have post here. Can you be less angry and more specific? Lebanese chick looks more gracile and in general the more West you go the more gracile Meds become (this is of course a huge simplification but still). Hence she would fit in more South Euro countries than the one you posted. Now I don't inderstand how he fitting/not fitting in Levant contradicts the fact that she does not look East European?

I wouldn't say that this girl's phenotype is very typical for Armenia though I've seen some Armenians that resembled her.

02-08-2012, 01:34 AM
First, fitting in in the Levant is meaningless, as your example has shown you that Levantine populations may have non-Levantine ancestry. Second, you are again claiming that your observations trump my opinion, correct? Well, please then, by your own conjecture of how observation is greater than opinion, I have lived in the Middle-East and I am telling you that she would stick out like a sore thumb in the Levant.

Also, Majida El Roumi does not look "more European". There is no such as thing as looking "European". Please, if you are not anthropologist then don't use terms that are ambiguous as you confuse people.

Here are better pictures:





http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHuVTXSLDgs9kzNaPmF2sLerhw_ZhLn e4USSwUs07I-c2F-pc1gjAPR6bs

IMHO, Magda Al Roumni does not look "more European" than the posted Armenian girl. I don't see how can even make that comparison. Please, be specific, what is it about Magda Al Roumni that you find is "more European"? Please us anthropologic terms.

Compare to her:


Is this Lebanese girl full Greek or half Greek?

Padre is cheating with his photos to fit Armenian girl in Lebanon :cool:

02-08-2012, 01:39 AM
Oh shit, I knew I shouldn't have post here. Can you be less angry and more specific? Lebanese chick looks more gracile and in general the more West you go the more gracile Meds become (this is of course a huge simplification but still). Hence she would fit in more South Euro countries than the one you posted. Now I don't inderstand how he fitting/not fitting in Levant contradicts the fact that she does not look East European?

I wouldn't say that this girl's phenotype is very typical for Armenia though I've seen some Armenians that resembled her.

Her type is not more or less, it is one of typical types among Armenian girls.

And yes, you should stop trolling on our threads because you cheat and post Greek photos from Lebanon to drag Armenians to ME, all your posts on Armenian threads are provocative and cause fights.

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:41 AM
Her type is not more or less, it is one of typical types among Armenian girls.

And yes, you should stop trolling on our threads because you cheat and post Greek photos from Lebanon to drag Armenians to ME, all your posts on Armenian threads are provocative and cause fights.

I repeat: she does not fit in Eastern Europe. That was my original message that you have failed to disprove. For the millionth time instead of admitting you were wrong you blame others of "trolling" and etc. Very mature and European:coffee:

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:46 AM
Yeah and "Greek Catholic" means that they blong to this Church and not that they are ethnic Greeks or have recent Greek ancestry (and genetic studies show that Christian and Muslim Lebanese are pretty close)


02-08-2012, 01:47 AM
Oh shit, I knew I shouldn't have post here. Can you be less angry and more specific? Lebanese chick looks more gracile and in general the more West you go the more gracile Meds become (this is of course a huge simplification but still). Hence she would fit in more South Euro countries than the one you posted. Now I don't inderstand how he fitting/not fitting in Levant contradicts the fact that she does not look East European?

I wouldn't say that this girl's phenotype is very typical for Armenia though I've seen some Armenians that resembled her.

Calm down. First, you are claiming she looks more "European", please be specific, as "European" is ambiguous for classification. Second, you are claiming you are the master of classifying if anyone would fit in Eastern European based on your travels there. I am telling you that since you have not been to the Levant, but I have, then, by your own logic, I would clearly have more authority here; therefore, rest assured, the Armenian girl in question would stick out like as sore-thumb in the Levant. That is all.

02-08-2012, 01:47 AM
I repeat: she does not fit in Eastern Europe. That was my original message that you have failed to disprove. For the millionth time instead of admitting you were wrong you blame others of "trolling" and etc. Very mature and European:coffee:

She fits in Eastern and Southern Europe.

And she does not fit in lebanon/Levant like your original message was. To "prove" your lies you cheated and posted Greek picture .

So far I have counted 4 people on TA playing dirty games with pics:

BozkurtKarabash posting a Turk as an Armenian.
Bosnian posting Russians as Chechens.
Groznenka posting Germasn as Chechen.
Padre posting Greek as Lebanese.

I believe for deliberate lies an misleading such users should be banned for 3 days for the first time.

Maybe I have to make separate thread about it, because I don't want to follow all users and check credibility of the pics they post. I want to communicate with people who are honest...

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:49 AM
She fits in Eastern and Southern Europe.

And she does not fit in lebanon/Levant like your original message was. To "prove" your lies you cheated and posted Greek picture .

So far I have counted 4 people on TA playing dirty games with pics:

BozkurtKarabash posting a Turk as an Armenian.
Bosnian posting Russians as Chechens.
Groznenka posting Germasn as Chechen.
Padre posting Greek as Lebanese.

I believe for deliberate lies an misleading such users should be banned for 3 days for the first time.

Maybe I have to make separate thread about it, because I don't want to follow all users and check credibility of the pics they post. I want to communicate with people who are honest...

Damn, you're really dumb as hell. That woman is not Greek. Greek Catholic means their rite and not ethnicity. And if anyone needs to be banned it is you - a person who spams forum with cherry picked photos of Armenians.

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 01:51 AM
Calm down. First, you are claiming she looks more "European", please be specific, as "European" is ambiguous for classification. Second, you are claiming you are the master of classifying if anyone would fit in Eastern European based on your travels there. I am telling you that since you have not been to the Levant, but I have, then, by your own logic, I would clearly have more authority here; therefore, rest assured, the Armenian girl in question would stick out like as sore-thumb in the Levant. That is all.

Unlike you I can actually classify people and guessify them well. I have not seen you post any single credible classification here. So, yes, I have greater authority on the subject. And for billionth time - I don't care about Levant - she does not fit in Eastern Europe.

02-08-2012, 01:55 AM
Yeah and "Greek Catholic" means that they blong to this Church and not that they are ethnic Greeks or have recent Greek ancestry (and genetic studies show that Christian and Muslim Lebanese are pretty close)


Yes, I know that, but nevertheless, it highlights that populations from the Levant can not be used as proxy for anything meaningful because they are Levantine by name only. You could post a picture of a Lebanese with Armenian ancestry to prove that Armenians would fit into the Levant, but clearly, this is a deception or at least, a premature conjecture. Clearly, she does not have native ancestry. Furthermore, all the wikipedia article validates is my conclusion that claiming someone could "fit in" the Levant is meaningless. You could take an Armenian and yes, he would "fit in" Bourj Hammoud, Lebannon or Haleb, Syria; both filled to capacity with Armenians who are descendants of Genocide survivors.

02-08-2012, 01:58 AM
Damn, you're really dumb as hell. That woman is not Greek. Greek Catholic means their rite and not ethnicity. And if anyone needs to be banned it is you - a person who spams forum with cherry picked photos of Armenians.

You are dumb and a lier. Christians from Lebabon don't adhere to Greek Church, they have their ancient ones, and her father is Greek who adhers to Greek Catholic church. You get caught and you play with words.

You also cheated when out of her many pics chose one where she looked less ME while Pbachman showed in all other pics she looks nothing like Armenian girl.
You should be banned for your continuous lies on all Armenian threads.

Most Lebanese look like this and Armenian girl again looks nothing like them


02-08-2012, 01:59 AM
Unlike you I can actually classify people and guessify them well. I have not seen you post any single credible classification here. So, yes, I have greater authority on the subject. And for billionth time - I don't care about Levant - she does not fit in Eastern Europe.

First, when did I claim that I am master of "classification"? Never! Second, the only reason I don't classify anyone is because it is not my field. Go check my post history, I have never classified anyone. WHEN HAVE I CLASSIFIED ANYONE THAT HAS LEAD TO A LOSS OF CREDIBILITY? You are making up things. Please stop. Just admit you are wrong or don't reply, as you don't have to be an expert at classification to realize that claiming someone is "more European" is ambiguous. Please, again, be more specific or don't post at all.

The only person I have classified that I could think of is Monte Melkonian and it was not so far from the other posters. You on the other hand, have a tendency to make exaggerated claims specifically on Armenian topics.

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 02:01 AM
You are dumb and a lier. Christians from Lebabon don't adhere to Greek Church, they have their ancient ones, and her father is Greek who adhers to Greek Catholic church. You get caught and you play with words.

You also cheated when out of her many pics chose one where she looked less ME while Pbachman showed in all other pics she looks nothing like Armenian girl.
You should be banned for your continuous lies on all Armenian threads.

Most Lebanese look like this and Armenian girl again looks nothing like them


She is not Greek, you moron. You comrade also agree with me on this.

And yes, I didn't want to mention this but an average Armenian is more "brown" than her so posting these guys is not an argument.

02-08-2012, 02:04 AM
She is not Greek, you moron. You comrade also agree with me on this.

And yes, I didn't want to mention this but an average Armenian is more "brown" than her so posting these guys is not an argument.

You should be banned for yout insults.

Average Armenian is diverse, there are darker and lighter types just like in some European countries and Georgia.

You are trying to poison people's mind here with your continuous anti-Armenian posts on all threads.

P.S.I reported you for an insult and hope that this time Mods will not ignore it!

02-08-2012, 02:06 AM
She is not Greek, you moron. You comrade also agree with me on this.

And yes, I didn't want to mention this but an average Armenian is more "brown" than her so posting these guys is not an argument.

Whatever...please don't call me "her comrade". You are making this into a "they said I said". There is no "they"; rather, just be brave and admit you are wrong. I can highlight many times I have apologized for something dumb I did on the boards. I am not asking you to apologize, but your claims are indefensible. You do realize logic is on my side on this one? You are going onto a sub-forum and using terms like "European". Just now, you are claiming Armenians are "more brown", what does that mean? Remember you are posting in the " Anthropology" forum under the "Taxonomy" section. Be more specific or don't post.

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 02:11 AM
It's clear that I meant more exotic and non-European looking and the wordplay is not applicable. If anyone has to apologize it is Nairi - she has accused me of lying and was calling for a ban. That's to say the least disgusting and uncivilized. And fits perfectly into "Semitic Middle Easterner" Stereotype.

I'm out and she is in my ignore list from now on. I don't want any more "discussions" with her.

Padre Organtino
02-08-2012, 02:12 AM
You should be banned for yout insults.

Average Armenian is diverse, there are darker and lighter types just like in some European countries and Georgia.

You are trying to poison people's mind here with your continuous anti-Armenian posts on all threads.

P.S.I reported you for an insult and hope that this time Mods will not ignore it!

If anyone should be banned it is you for calling to ban other people based on false accusations. Adios.

02-08-2012, 02:16 AM
Your Semitic Middle Esstern behaviour with fake/cherry picked pics and insults got exposed here one more time and I am not happy with Mods always ignoring your attacks on me, every time they say "avoid each other", don't fight, and I do adhere to what they say and don't stalk you, you instead stalk all posts about Armenians including my own threads with personal insults. That is against TA rules and I expect Mods to take actions at least this time.

02-08-2012, 02:42 AM
Whatever...please don't call me "her comrade". You are making this into a "they said I said". There is no "they"; rather, just be brave and admit you are wrong. I can highlight many times I have apologized for something dumb I did on the boards. I am not asking you to apologize, but your claims are indefensible. You do realize logic is on my side on this one? You are going onto a sub-forum and using terms like "European". Just now, you are claiming Armenians are "more brown", what does that mean? Remember you are posting in the " Anthropology" forum under the "Taxonomy" section. Be more specific or don't post.

PBachman, are you an Armenian American?

02-08-2012, 10:49 PM
She is not Greek, you moron.

This is the last time you will insult her in this way, is this understood?

@ Nairi - apologies I only now saw the reported post. I won't be active this evening either.

02-08-2012, 10:53 PM
Mmm, I need an au pair.

02-08-2012, 10:57 PM
No, I have already said my opinion.
I'm sorry, but she couldn't pass as Eastern European, especially Poles. I have never seen Poles with her appearance in my life. IMO, she could pass as Turk, Balkans, Lebanese and so on..

02-08-2012, 11:00 PM
If Andreas Kotelnik is a Ukrainian, I don't see why she can't be one either
http://www.europeboxing.com/fotos/Lvov_24_ene_2003/Andreas_Kotelnik_2003.jpg :shrug:

But just to clear, I'm not saying that she would be typical for Eastern Europe. She Wouldn't. I'm only saying that she can "pass"

02-08-2012, 11:10 PM
If Andreas Kotelnik is a Ukrainian, I don't see why she can't be one either
http://www.europeboxing.com/fotos/Lvov_24_ene_2003/Andreas_Kotelnik_2003.jpg :shrug:

But just to clear, I'm not saying that she would be typical for Eastern Europe. She Wouldn't. I'm only saying that she can "pass"
Everyone can ''pass'' in your pro-European world.

02-08-2012, 11:29 PM
You are dumb and a lier. Christians from Lebabon don't adhere to Greek Church, they have their ancient ones, and her father is Greek who adhers to Greek Catholic church. You get caught and you play with words.

Many lebanese do adhere to the greek orthodox faith in lebanon, the same church of the greeks. There is a big greek orthodox lebanese church in Mntreal that I drive near whenever I visit some family in Montreal. Of course there are many more maronite christians in lebanon thought.

Just wanted to clear it up. :)

02-08-2012, 11:45 PM
Many lebanese do adhere to the greek orthodox faith in lebanon, the same church of the greeks. There is a big greek orthodox lebanese church in Mntreal that I drive near whenever I visit some family in Montreal. Of course there are many more maronite christians in lebanon thought.

Just wanted to clear it up. :)

The point is her and her family being Christians and especially adhering to Greek Church mean that most likely she is not Arab (can be Maronite or have Greek ancestry since adhers to Greek Church). And she can't be representative for Lebanese people, but anyway as PBachman showed her other pictures she doesn't even closely resemble Armenian au-pair,that's why I say he cherry picked one pic where she looked very different and we can't be sure about her ancestry.
If this pic was posted by a Balkan user none would think to fit her in Lebanon,Turkey,Levant...Not even in Armenia where she represents one of various phenotypes...

And lebanon,Levant,Turkey anyway is a big mixed pot of people with many European ancestries including Armenia, so even fitting there doesn't make sense unless they look typical Turk,typical Arab which none of my posted pics ever did...:)

02-08-2012, 11:53 PM
This is the last time you will insult her in this way, is this understood?

@ Nairi - apologies I only now saw the reported post. I won't be active this evening either.

I need to add that insults can go both ways ... I don't check all threads, it is impossible. Pls contact staff if there are any issues. We aim to be impartial and fair to everyone.

02-09-2012, 12:02 AM
I need to add that insults can go both ways ... I don't check all threads, it is impossible. Pls contact staff if there are any issues. We aim to be impartial and fair to everyone.

Well, in this case he called me "dumb" and I called him his word back, then he called me "moron", I never insult anyone but being insulted for several times on various threads affter a while I can give his words back, I don't think that can qualify as "both ways". :) Besides, I don't go on Georgian threads and stalk them there continuously, Clementina asked us to avoid each other, which I do, but he even comes to my thread with fake pic...and I don't talk about Georgians while in all his sentences he makes sure he says something negative about Armenians, deliberately using derogative term "Armo", which is aimed to provocate us.

02-09-2012, 03:12 AM
The point is her and her family being Christians and especially adhering to Greek Church mean that most likely she is not Arab (can be Maronite or have Greek ancestry since adhers to Greek Church). And she can't be representative for Lebanese people, but anyway as PBachman showed her other pictures she doesn't even closely resemble Armenian au-pair,that's why I say he cherry picked one pic where she looked very different and we can't be sure about her ancestry.
If this pic was posted by a Balkan user none would think to fit her in Lebanon,Turkey,Levant...Not even in Armenia where she represents one of various phenotypes...

And lebanon,Levant,Turkey anyway is a big mixed pot of people with many European ancestries including Armenia, so even fitting there doesn't make sense unless they look typical Turk,typical Arab which none of my posted pics ever did...:)

I am not speaking to whether or not armenians look like lebanese or if the girl in the picture looks lebanese. My point earlier was (like you just stated) that lebanon had a wide variety of looks. My above point was that there was a greek orthodox church in lebanon. :)

02-09-2012, 02:34 PM
The point is her and her family being Christians and especially adhering to Greek Church mean that most likely she is not Arab (can be Maronite or have Greek ancestry since adhers to Greek Church).

Padre's right. With all due respect, you are not well acquainted with this topic. Being a member of the Greek Melkite Church does not mean that you are ethnically Greek. The church's title refers to a rite, that's all. Most congregates of this church are ethnic Arabs, not Greeks.

02-09-2012, 09:43 PM
Most congregates of this church are ethnic Arabs, not Greeks.

And why am I not qualiied on this topic? Many Armenians live in ME and we keep in touch and know a lot.
I have heard many times if someone is Christian in ME then he/she is not Arab but a minority. That is also something always repeated by EliasLucard.And since you yourself say "most" it means their ancestry is unknown and pictures cannot be used as clear cut Arabs.

02-09-2012, 10:27 PM