View Full Version : Group classification: classify Radiohead

04-13-2012, 10:42 AM
Classify Radiohead members, band from Oxford, UK (lead singer Thom Yorke's family should be from Scotland). It's a five men band: Thom Yorke - lead vocals, guitar and other stuff; Ed O'Brien - guitar, vocals; Phil Selway - drums (playing guitar in the pic I post here - he's the bald guy); the Greenwood brothers, Johnny and Colin (together in the pic I post).
P.S. The Greenwood brothers could pass easily as "native" in my region (Liguria, Italy).

04-13-2012, 11:50 AM
Uh, anyone? I say Ed O'Brien - the first guy in the pic sequence is atlantid or atlanto-med, John and Colin Greenwood look dinaricizied atlantids (with some CM?), but I can't classify Thom Yorke (singer) and Phil Selway (the bald guy).

Davy Jones's Locker
04-13-2012, 10:23 PM
I've seen Thom Yorke classified as Keltic Nordid + CM. I'd guess Phil Selway is Brunn. I agree with your other classifications.

04-14-2012, 12:18 AM
Ed O'Brien: Atlantid/Nordo-Mediterranid Atlantid.

Thom Yorke: Keltic-Nordid with a minor Cro-Magnon influence.

Phil Selway: Borreby with a Keltic-Nordid/Nordid influence.

Johnny Greenwood: Paleo-Atlantid + Slightly Dinaricized Atlantid/North Atlantid.

Colin Greenwood: Keltic-Nordid with a strong Paleo-Atlantid influence and a North Atlantid influence.

04-14-2012, 03:55 PM
Interesting, so Colin and Johnny Greenwood express different phenotypes (though connected each other). I didn't know that brothers can be that different, I thought that two brothers, sharing the same genetic heritage, expressed the same phenotypes.

04-14-2012, 04:29 PM
Interesting, so Colin and Johnny Greenwood express different phenotypes (though connected each other). I didn't know that brothers can be that different, I thought that two brothers, sharing the same genetic heritage, expressed the same phenotypes.

Nope it does not always work that way, although there is always the probability it will be the case. They still have a similar look, but they are phenotypically different.

There are so many random possibilities that could occur in terms of who gets what trait, and how much of it they get. A lot of physical traits can be inherited from one side of the family as determined by alleles.

You could get a look from your great-grandparents side, while your sibling gets a look more from your other great-grandparents side, and we can deduct the possibilities ad infinitum.

10-24-2019, 05:25 PM