View Full Version : Which of the following countries you think is more proper to be called Jewland?

05-31-2012, 11:55 AM
Which of the following countries you think is more proper to be called Jewland?
Before you vote:
Rusia - because 5 billionaires from first 10 russian billionaires are jews and is also known there are plenty of very rich jews there
Israel - because if full of jews there
SUA - because jewization of a part of population there,especially the elites and the strong support of some elites there for Israel and zionism

Aces High
05-31-2012, 11:58 AM


Marmie Dearest
05-31-2012, 01:14 PM

oh ok sorry I needed a laugh

(you know this thread is funny, right?)

05-31-2012, 02:08 PM
Israel. Shows the true colours of Orthodox Jews.
Russia and others : Jews leech of the Gentiles and support Israel.

05-31-2012, 02:17 PM
Why is US included? Contrary to popular belief, Anglos control everything in this country. Most CEO's, politicians, people of importance have anglo phenotypes rather than jewish, heh.

05-31-2012, 03:13 PM
The Jewnited States.

05-31-2012, 03:16 PM
Another Jewspiracist thread.:rolleyes2:

You guys need to get a life.

05-31-2012, 03:23 PM
Jewnited States, with capital city Jew York.

05-31-2012, 05:11 PM
Contrary to popular belief, Anglos control everything in this country.

Anglos SEEM to control everything but deep inside they are just puppets moved by the jew money. And that's another clear sign of the control jews have over the US: Yanks are the most materialistic people in the world, money is God to them (an obvious jew trait).

06-04-2012, 02:11 AM
Israel and NY lol.

06-04-2012, 03:22 AM
Anglos SEEM to control everything but deep inside they are just puppets moved by the jew money. And that's another clear sign of the control jews have over the US: Yanks are the most materialistic people in the world, money is God to them (an obvious jew trait).

I would say the control started in December 23, 1913 with Wilson and the Federal Reserve Act. After that it was a downhill slid to where we are today.

Even so the real problem is not Germanic Americans, but the Globalist Cultural Jews/Marxism who really are some evil SOB's. They do really need to be stopped at some point.

06-05-2012, 03:37 AM
An active volcanic area.

06-05-2012, 03:42 AM
The USA is hands down. We have become the vehicle for the Zionist agenda.

06-05-2012, 03:48 AM
Anglos SEEM to control everything but deep inside they are just puppets moved by the jew money. And that's another clear sign of the control jews have over the US: Yanks are the most materialistic people in the world, money is God to them (an obvious jew trait).

No, there's no 'seem' about it.

And frankly the conspiracy bullshit gets old. People have tried to claim everything from porn to reality shows being controlled by jews DESPITE most directors being of Anglo extraction. I remember one person claiming that a Jew invented Jersey Shore when it was infact not a jew but none other than an Italian American. Apparently despite hundreds upon hundreds of Anglo writers, and directors, bring in 3-4 jews who become very popular and suddenly = Jews control cinema, LOL. Forget the thousands upon thousands of other ethnicities 3 jews = Dominating. Its pathetic and it truly makes me lol. The large portion of of Presidents, Politicians, Celebs, CEO's have all been of predominantly Anglo extraxion. Where is this jew control and dominance?

The richest man in America is not even a Jew. He's....wait for it, Anglo. America is a materialistic country and we also like spending money. We are heavy consumers, and if a band, game, film makes it big we most likely spent the most money on it but what does that have to do with jews?

06-05-2012, 03:50 AM
No, there's no 'seem' about it.

And frankly the conspiracy bullshit gets old. People have tried to claim everything from porn to reality shows being controlled by jews DESPITE most directors being of Anglo extraction. I remember one person claiming that a Jew invented Jersey Shore when it was infact not a jew but none other than an Italian American. Apparently despite hundreds upon hundreds of Anglo writers, and directors, bring in 3-4 jews who become very popular and suddenly = Jews control cinema, LOL. Forget the thousands upon thousands of other ethnicities 3 jews = Dominating. Its pathetic and it truly makes me lol. The large portion of of Presidents, Politicians, Celebs, CEO's have all been of predominantly Anglo extraxion. Where is this jew control and dominance?

The richest man in America is not even a Jew. He's....wait for it, Anglo.

Ask anyone who works in Hollywood. It's a big jewfest. John travolta and Marlon Brando have said this openly.

06-05-2012, 03:52 AM
SUA - because jewization of a part of population there,especially the elites and the strong support of some elites there for Israel and zionism

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

06-05-2012, 03:55 AM
Ask anyone who works in Hollywood. It's a big jewfest. John travolta and Marlon Brando have said this openly.

Because American actors are usualy intelligent and very credible.


No, its an old bullshit myth that started 70 years ago and still today keeps on circulating. There's many of them in our culture that just won't die because people refuse to stop being idiots.

Crn Volk
06-05-2012, 03:57 AM
No, there's no 'seem' about it.

And frankly the conspiracy bullshit gets old. People have tried to claim everything from porn to reality shows being controlled by jews DESPITE most directors being of Anglo extraction. I remember one person claiming that a Jew invented Jersey Shore when it was infact not a jew but none other than an Italian American. Apparently despite hundreds upon hundreds of Anglo writers, and directors, bring in 3-4 jews who become very popular and suddenly = Jews control cinema, LOL. Forget the thousands upon thousands of other ethnicities 3 jews = Dominating. Its pathetic and it truly makes me lol. The large portion of of Presidents, Politicians, Celebs, CEO's have all been of predominantly Anglo extraxion. Where is this jew control and dominance?

The richest man in America is not even a Jew. He's....wait for it, Anglo. America is a materialistic country and we also like spending money. We are heavy consumers, and if a band, game, film makes it big we most likely spent the most money on it but what does that have to do with jews?

Maybe americans should not be so pro-israel, and stop pursuing the jewish agenda. Jews are very present amongst the ruling elite of the usa;


06-05-2012, 03:59 AM
Because American actors are usualy intelligent and very credible.


No, its an old bullshit myth that started 70 years ago and still today keeps on circulating. There's many of them in our culture that just won't die because people refuse to stop being idiots.

How would John Travolta and Marlon Brando not know this spending there entire life in Hollywood?

06-05-2012, 04:01 AM
How would John Travolta and Marlon Brando not know this spending there entire life in Hollywood?

Actors themselves never really stop being in character. There are only a few actors who IMO have been 100% real off camera. Everything you see them say on camera, is just that on camera.

When you have actors who will go on a Tv show and lie about seeing ghost, traumatic experiences they never had, or make up some shit on a reality show for ratings how can you possibly be so gullible to everything they say?

06-05-2012, 04:02 AM
Actors themselves never really stop being in character. There are only a few actors who IMO have been 100% real off camera. Everything you see them say on camera, is just that on camera.

When you have actors who will go on a Tv show and lie about seeing ghost or make up some shit on a reality show for ratings how can you possibly be so gullible to everything they say?

Are you kidding? Even PRESIDENT Richard Nixon was caught on tape blasting the jews for their grip on the media. This is a fact.

06-05-2012, 04:07 AM
Are you kidding? Even PRESIDENT Richard Nixon was caught on tape blasting the jews for their grip on the media. This is a fact.

Yeah, list the president with the biggest distaste for jews, irish, and even italians. How does that make it true though? Idiots will spout idiocy. Why are you picking and choosing on what to believe based on nothing really? Are you saying our presidents never spout bullshit? They never lie? That would be a laugh, most of them do. Our presidents are the biggest frauds ever, pretending to have values just to please a certain crowd.

06-05-2012, 04:10 AM
Yeah, list the president with the biggest distaste for jews, irish, and even italians. How does that make it true though? Idiots will spout idiocy. Why are you picking and choosing on what to believe based on nothing really? Are you saying our presidents never spout bullshit? They never lie? That would be a laugh, most of them do.

The facts are clear as day. Jews are way over represented in Political and Monetary circles despite that they are only 3% of the usa population.

06-05-2012, 04:11 AM
Clinton Advisers: 5 of 7 are Jewish

NEW YORK - Of the seven advisers on whom Gov. Clinton relies, at least five are Jewish and perhaps six.

They are Robert Reich, 45, a professor of Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government; Ira Magaziner, 45, president of SJS, Inc.; Robert J. Shapiro, 42, vice president of the Progressive Policy Institute; Samuel R. Berger, 46, former deputy director of the State Department policy planning staff; and Michael Mandelbaum, 45, professor and director of American foreign policy studies at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.

06-05-2012, 04:29 AM
And most of Bush's advisors were Anglo. We could make list and speculate on circumstantial evidence till the end of time.

I have to ask though. What is the jewish "agenda' with Hollywood? Is it to portray Anglos as gods? Nearly all import actors come from Britain, Canada, & Australia. Nearly all groups of people in film are portrayed by Anglos. Be it Romans, Greeks, or Egyptians and its standard to potray non Anglos with British accents. Why would jews do this?

06-11-2012, 06:13 AM
And most of Bush's advisors were Anglo. We could make list and speculate on circumstantial evidence till the end of time.

I have to ask though. What is the jewish "agenda' with Hollywood? Is it to portray Anglos as gods? Nearly all import actors come from Britain, Canada, & Australia. Nearly all groups of people in film are portrayed by Anglos. Be it Romans, Greeks, or Egyptians and its standard to potray non Anglos with British accents. Why would jews do this?

Because they are selling the movie to whites.:confused:

This isn't rocket science ya know.

06-11-2012, 06:23 AM
This isn't rocket science ya know.

You're right, it's bullshit.