View Full Version : Why People identify as mixed?

06-24-2012, 06:26 PM
Why someone would identify as mixed? It just crossed my mind, i think mixed is a big bag of nothing, you are either black or white and im not a one dropper if you look closer to white and can get away with it do it but if you look more black and can get away with it do it. Mixed is just a big bag of nothing.

Any Ideas, Thoughts, etc.? Really would like to hear from mixed people like sigur ros,who also identifies strongly as mixed or predominantly european and emhapsis that he is mixed. I may have some white admix but im not mixed, because mixed is a big bag of nothing. Im just a Roma. Either you are Roma or you are not.:wink

06-24-2012, 06:35 PM
Why someone would identify as mixed? It just crossed my mind, i think mixed is a big bag of nothing, you are either black or white and im not a one dropper if you look closer to white and can get away with it do it but if you look more black and can get away with it do it. Mixed is just a big bag of nothing.

Any Ideas, Thoughts, etc.? Really would like to hear from mixed people like sigur ros,who also identifies strongly as mixed or predominantly european and emhapsis that he is mixed. I may have some white admix but im not mixed, because mixed is a big bag of nothing. Im just a Roma. Either you are Roma or you are not.:wink

Mixed is a big bag of everything and all the more interesting. I saw Sigur Ros 23andme results today and I find them absolutely fascinating.

06-24-2012, 06:37 PM
Mixed is a big bag of everything and all the more interesting. I saw Sigur Ros 23andme results today and I find them absolutely fascinating.

genetically it maybe a package full of everything, but its no solid basis for identification. either you are white or black there is no inbetween.

06-24-2012, 06:38 PM
Because all constituent groups refuse to accept them as one of their own, so "mixed" is their last resort. They would do well to attempt to forge a new identity, similar to what the "Eurasians" have done. Not simply be content with being a mixture of two groups who refuse to accept them, but creating a new identity that doesn't require external acceptance.

This applies to "mixed" cultures as well, my own being a good example. Europeans will often ignorantly refer to American culture as a mongrel culture, but no real American would refer to it as such. We've created an entirely new culture which doesn't require European approval, and in consequence we've obtained some semblance of self-respect, making external respect unnecessary. Mixed race people would do well to follow that example.

06-24-2012, 06:40 PM
Because all constituent groups refuse to accept them as one of their own, so "mixed" is their last resort.

i was never rejcted by gypsies, but gypsy is another culture and another race, there are much whiter gypsies then me with coloured eyes.

06-24-2012, 06:41 PM
genetically it maybe a package full of everything, but its no solid basis for identification. either you are white or black there is no inbetween.

But why does someone or something need to be black or white?

I don't know but this is just illogical. :confused:

Why is it so important to be black or white?

06-24-2012, 06:42 PM
i was never rejcted by gypsies, but gypsy is another culture and another race, there are much whiter gypsies then me with coloured eyes.

Would you say gypsies are generally more accepting than other people? What I said doesn't have to apply across the board, of course. It applies in my rather limited experience of Black/White mixes, who are generally not fully accepted by either the Black or White camps.

06-24-2012, 06:42 PM
I saw Sigur Ros 23andme results today and I find them absolutely fascinating.

What about my 23andMe results, are they not fascinating enough? :(...:D

06-24-2012, 06:43 PM
But why does someone or something need to be black or white?

I don't know but this is just illogical. :confused:

Why is it so important to be black or white?

because mixed is no identification. what is mixed, it means basically you are nothing. you maybe a package full of everything genetically but from identification your a zero. mixed is no culture, if there are more of them they could form a new one and give them a new name,maybe.

06-24-2012, 06:45 PM
Would you say gypsies are generally more accepting than other people? What I said doesn't have to apply across the board, of course. It applies in my rather limited experience of Black/White mixes, who are generally not fully accepted by either the Black or White camps.

i dont have much contact to them. but i doubt if i were rejected it would have anything to do with my appearance, it could have to do with the lack of authenticism though.

06-24-2012, 06:46 PM
What about my 23andMe results, are they not fascinating enough? :(...:D

Of course they are! :D

06-24-2012, 06:47 PM
IM, why don't you identify as Serb?

Correct me if I'm wrong but as much as I remember your Dad is Serbian. So it would be just logical to me that you as a man identify with his ethnicity. Even more so when higher regarded than your maternal Gypsy heritage.

Generally speaking I have no problem with people identifying as mixed as long as it reflects the reality in a sence that they really have two "ethnic souls" in them. Not just some distant ancestry.

06-24-2012, 06:48 PM
Most people identify with their nationality or ethnic background, my identity is not "white" but formed by my culture and upbringing.

06-24-2012, 06:49 PM
IM, why don't you identify as Serb?

Correct me if I'm wrong but as much as I remember your Dad is Serbian. So it would be just logical to me that you as a man identify with his ethnicity. Even more so when higher regarded than your maternal Gypsy heritage.

Generally speaking I have no problem with people identifying as mixed as long as it reflects the reality in a sence that they really have two "ethnic souls" in them. Not just some distant ancestry.

I dont identify as Serb because I dont look like one. I did in the past until i realised that everyone sees that im not one on the first sight. If i were a little whiter looking i would identify as Serb.

06-24-2012, 06:52 PM
IM, why do you start all these threads?

You start off with a general question and then always steer it towards yourself. Now it's becoming about you again. :confused:

06-24-2012, 06:52 PM
Why someone would identify as mixed? It just crossed my mind, i think mixed is a big bag of nothing, you are either black or white and im not a one dropper if you look closer to white and can get away with it do it but if you look more black and can get away with it do it. Mixed is just a big bag of nothing.

Any Ideas, Thoughts, etc.? Really would like to hear from mixed people like sigur ros,who also identifies strongly as mixed or predominantly european and emhapsis that he is mixed. I may have some white admix but im not mixed, because mixed is a big bag of nothing. Im just a Roma. Either you are Roma or you are not.:wink

Welcome aboard the anti-miscegenation club:thumb001:

06-24-2012, 06:54 PM
IM, why do you start all these threads?

You start off with a general question and then always steer it towards yourself. Now it's becoming about you again. :confused:


06-24-2012, 06:55 PM
I dont identify as Serb because I dont look like one. I did in the past until i realised that everyone sees that im not one on the first sight. If i were a little whiter looking i would identify as Serb.

I am aware that some Serbs don`t like to hear that, but if you would not reveal and consistently refer to the fact that you are half gypsie you could go through as Serb.
Maybe not the atypical looking one, but I have seen Serbs who are darker than you.

06-24-2012, 06:57 PM
IM, why do you start all these threads?

You start off with a general question and then always steer it towards yourself. Now it's becoming about you again. :confused:

Narcissism? :D

06-24-2012, 06:58 PM

It's a bit beyond me. :confused:

IM could have bought himself a mansion on the hill and be driving a Rolls Royce had he saved his money instead of testing his genes with every company on the market.

No, IM. Really. The mind boggles...

06-24-2012, 06:59 PM
It's a bit beyond me. :confused:

IM could have bought himself a mansion on the hill and be driving a Rolls Royce had he saved his money instead of testing his genes with every company on the market.

No, IM. Really. The mind boggles...

Has he done a lot of those tests?

06-24-2012, 07:00 PM
Narcissism? :D

No. I don't think so.

IM is looking for answers. And he is looking for the answer he WANTS, not the answer there really is. If he gets the answer he wants, then he questions it. This is a never-ending cycle.

06-24-2012, 07:00 PM
It's a bit beyond me. :confused:

IM could have bought himself a mansion on the hill and be driving a Rolls Royce had he saved his money instead of testing his genes with every company on the market.

No, IM. Really. The mind boggles...

What? The man has Aryan roots! You jelly? :D

06-24-2012, 07:01 PM
I think it's an interesting topic. Is the generic "mixed" label really fair to those whom it describes? It's not really a proper identity.

06-24-2012, 07:02 PM
I am aware that some Serbs don`t like to hear that, but if you would not reveal and consistently refer to the fact that you are half gypsie you could go through as Serb.
Maybe not the atypical looking one, but I have seen Serbs who are darker than you.

its is his phenotyp, u see from a mile that he is gipsy or partly,and maby u have seen taned Serbs but his skintone is not naturally among serbs

06-24-2012, 07:11 PM
Welcome aboard the anti-miscegenation club:thumb001:

thanks. you can invite me.:p

06-24-2012, 07:12 PM
I think it's an interesting topic. Is the generic "mixed" label really fair to those whom it describes? It's not really a proper identity.


06-24-2012, 07:12 PM
I dont identify as Serb because I dont look like one. I did in the past until i realised that everyone sees that im not one on the first sight. If i were a little whiter looking i would identify as Serb.

Has aynone ever told you that you look like the Serbian singer Marija Serifovic


06-24-2012, 07:13 PM
Has aynone ever told you that you look like the Serbian singer Marija Serifovic


she is gipsy/ half gipsy

Padre Organtino
06-24-2012, 07:13 PM
Has aynone ever told you that you look like the Serbian singer Marija Serifovic


Sorab's nightmare:D

06-24-2012, 07:13 PM
No. I don't think so.

IM is looking for answers. And he is looking for the answer he WANTS, not the answer there really is. If he gets the answer he wants, then he questions it. This is a never-ending cycle.

IM is a little lost puppy dog who becomes annoying because of ingrained habits which you yourself didn't instill in him.

That said. Mary bores the hell out of me already, but IM is still kinda amusing.

06-24-2012, 07:14 PM
Has aynone ever told you that you look like the Serbian singer Marija Serifovic


:eek: That`s not a pretty woman in my eyes

06-24-2012, 07:14 PM
she is gipsy

Really? I didn't know that. But she could be IM's twin. I was really suprised when I saw her picture. She looks so much like IM.

06-24-2012, 07:14 PM
its is his phenotyp, u see from a mile that he is gipsy or partly,and maby u have seen taned Serbs but his skintone is not naturally among serbs

no im way too dark for serbs, in serbia everyone knows im a gypsy including gypsies. its just foreigners who think that serbs are tanned.

being serb is not for me, i need to be something which will make me confident with my appearance.

06-24-2012, 07:17 PM
she is gipsy/ half gipsy

I thought she has turkish roots.

06-24-2012, 07:19 PM
ok back to topic, forget about me.:p

06-24-2012, 07:23 PM
no im way too dark for serbs, in serbia everyone knows im a gypsy including gypsies. its just foreigners who think that serbs are tanned.

being serb is not for me, i need to be something which will make me confident with my appearance.

Thats what i said, its not serbs naturall skintone, u can say that u are Serbian but u cant say u are Serb, or just what u are half Serbian half roma

06-24-2012, 07:23 PM
being serb is not for me, i need to be something which will make me confident with my appearance.

If you want to feel confident you should try it with reality once, instead of finding a new enthnicity you might fit phenotypically every week.

If you want to be confident and gain some life quality- then face the truth!
You're a Serbian Gypsy.
Not Indian, not Iranian, not Australian Aboriginal or whatever.

06-24-2012, 07:28 PM
ok back to topic

06-24-2012, 07:40 PM
This applies to "mixed" cultures as well, my own being a good example. Europeans will often ignorantly refer to American culture as a mongrel culture, but no real American would refer to it as such. We've created an entirely new culture which doesn't require European approval, and in consequence we've obtained some semblance of self-respect, making external respect unnecessary. Mixed race people would do well to follow that example.

Mixed Races did too where they had the soil and numbers ie. latin america for example

06-25-2012, 07:31 AM

06-25-2012, 07:38 AM
I think Sigur Ros could pass as "Red Bone" (ie Light Skin Black) and be accepted by Afrocentrists and Black Nationalists.

06-26-2012, 10:36 PM
Well because we are mixture of both cultures and civilizations, we are not one or the other. However often at times we find ourselves at odds with those who made up both our lineages. At times one culture will accept us by virtue of our paternal or maternal lineage like the various tribes in Southern Russia who go by the paternal lineage like the Circassians and related kin folks.Well Jews often accept half breeds that are maternally Jewish, with the exception of the Karaites. Other cultures often put the mixed race people into the middle and others assimilate them. Hence why most people often identify as mixed. As well we get defensive when one of our bloodlines insulted or is potrayed in a misconception and misrepresenations, it's our nature to be so, thus we can never be like the pure bloods we are bound by both lineages and hence the only applicable label is mixed.