View Full Version : White Arabs

White World
06-26-2012, 01:42 AM
The ruling class of the middle east are provably a white folk. A lot more to come.




Supreme American
06-26-2012, 01:51 AM
No such thing as white Arabs and the first guy is a Kurd. Nader may or may not be Arab, he's Levantine.

06-26-2012, 01:56 AM
No such thing as white Arabs and the first guy is a Kurd. Nader may or may not be Arab, he's Levantine.

The original Arabians were not White indeed but brown small gracile Caucasoids. In fact this type exist among the Bedouin tribes of the Syrian and inner Arabian Desert.

The first guy is not Kurd but a Northern Iraqi Arab, Nader is Levantine. Some of these people are Arabized culturally or admixed and hence the European traits among them. You will find more such so called White Arabs from the regions that interacted heavily with Europe and Anatolia such as the Levant.

06-26-2012, 01:59 AM
White Arabs? :confused: :confused2:

06-26-2012, 03:24 AM
Arabs are not white. There are some who have white / European admixture.

Siberian Cold Breeze
06-26-2012, 06:12 AM
im sure he means the skin color ,not race

06-26-2012, 01:48 PM
im sure he means the skin color ,not race

Judging by his apparent agenda, I am pretty sure he is speaking of race.

04-11-2013, 03:18 AM
Pretty much all Arabs are White. [Caucasoid]

04-11-2013, 03:21 AM
Caucasoid=/=white. White is a vague term that can mean anything to anyone. Also, there are plenty of Arabs such as Egyptians and Palistinian Muslims who show up with some notable amounts of SSA influence. But the thing is, this guy will probably start posting Levantines. However the christian levantines are not arabs, and the muslim levantines are arabs mixed with roman byzantines along with pockets of crusader influence.

04-11-2013, 03:24 AM
It's absolutely ridiculous to me when a clearly white Levantine Arab is no longer considered "white" because they are from the Middle East.

04-11-2013, 03:32 AM
I see Arab the same way I see Latino. Arab and Latino are both not a race or an ethnicity. There are White Arabs such as the Levantines. Brown Arabs such as Saudis, Yemenis, and other Gulf Arabs. There are also Black Arabs such as the Sudanese and other Afro-Arabs of the Middle East and North Africa. Just as there are Blacks, Whites, and Brown people from Latin America.:coffee:

04-11-2013, 03:32 AM
Arabs such as Egyptians and Palistinian Muslims who show up with some notable amounts of SSA influence.

Well, other than the Arabs with SSA admixture, they're White.

04-11-2013, 03:32 AM
You're all right. Most of the Middle-Eastern whites aren't Arabs but Arabised Northern Semites eg Assyrians, Kurds, Syriacs, Jews etc. Southern Semites Aren't "white" but northern ones are (Lebanese, Palestinians, Syrians, Some Iraqis, Some Jordanians)

04-11-2013, 03:36 AM
Well, other than the Arabs with SSA admixture, they're White.

When you say Arab are you just using the general term for middle-eastern people? Or specifically Arabs cuz...



there are Levantines(Arameans/Phoenecians), Assyrians, etc...

04-11-2013, 03:42 AM
You are white if you carry the white men's burden. Arabs do not. You can say white-looking Arabs but not white.

04-11-2013, 03:46 AM
Technically, Arabs have an imperial reign over the rest of the semitic speakers except the Hebrews. Many for such a long time that they became know as Arabs.

Hurrem sultana
04-11-2013, 03:48 AM
those are bosniaks that came to arab world during ottoman empire,there is the lastname Bushnak still in those countries ;)

04-11-2013, 03:52 AM
those are bosniaks that came to arab world during ottoman empire,there is the lastname Bushnak still in those countries ;)

Yes that's is true or Al-Bosnai or Al-Albani as well, they indicate Bosnian and Albanian ancestry. The surname Cherkes is quite common to. Let's not forget the Mamlukes many who came from Circassia and Ukraine at least the Kipchak part.

04-11-2013, 03:53 AM
in America pretty much all 'arabs' are considered white, unless they're really dark Iranians or something and say they're "black" or something. this goes for licenses, census's afaik etc.

04-11-2013, 03:59 AM
in America pretty much all 'arabs' are considered white, unless they're really dark Iranians or something and say they're "black" or something. this goes for licenses, census's afaik etc.

I don't know what you are talking about. The White Americans at my school call the Chaldeans "almost white"... They can definitely tell a difference.

Yes that's is true or Al-Bosnai or Al-Albani as well, they indicate Bosnian and Albanian ancestry. The surname Cherkes is quite common to. Let's not forget the Mamlukes many who came from Circassia and Ukraine at least the Kipchak part.

There are white looking Alawites, but I doubt that the Alawites have Balkan ancestry. More likely the product of Crusaders marrying Saracen women.

04-11-2013, 04:03 AM
Marky Mark:

I'm talking about Levantines, Saudis, and Iraqis.

04-11-2013, 04:04 AM
Iraqis are generally not white except for the northern ones who are Arabized Kurds and Assyrians.

Saudis are definitely not white.

04-11-2013, 04:09 AM
There are white looking Alawites, but I doubt that the Alawites have Balkan ancestry. More likely the product of Crusaders marrying Saracen women.

Yes the interesting about the Alwaite is the kept Christian costumes, for example they celebrate Easter and Christmas. They also use wine in many of their rituals. There is indeed a legend that states that they are descendants of the Crusaders, and an other claim is that they are of Hittite origins. That said there is indeed Crusader ancestry in some Levantine Christians, such as the famous Al-Farngi family indicating Frankish ancestry. The Balkan/North Caucasian ancestry is more common in the general Muslim population. The Alwaites also started as a secret movement that seem really to have been more of a Gnostic Christianity intermixed or only veiled with some Islamic elements, mostly taken from Shiaism. There is also Greco-Roman ancestry that might be present in the Alwaite

Iraqis are generally not white except for the northern ones who are Arabized Kurds and Assyrians.

Iraqis are not White, and in general very Arabian genetically, well those in the North seem to be Arabized Assyrians, and their Arabiazation is recent. The reason for Iraq being not really Arabized only in the linguistic sense, is mostly due to the Mongol and Timur. Though I would not say Assyrian or Kurds are White. Zeph is Assyrian and he looks very Arabian for example.

04-11-2013, 04:21 AM
Yes the interesting about the Alwaite is the kept Christian costumes, for example they celebrate Easter and Christmas. They also use wine in many of their rituals. There is indeed a legend that states that they are descendants of the Crusaders, and an other claim is that they are of Hittite origins. That said there is indeed Crusader ancestry in some Levantine Christians, such as the famous Al-Farngi family indicating Frankish ancestry. The Balkan/North Caucasian ancestry is more common in the general Muslim population. The Alwaites also started as a secret movement that seem really to have been more of a Gnostic Christianity intermixed or only veiled with some Islamic elements, mostly taken from Shiaism. There is also Greco-Roman ancestry that might be present in the Alwaites.

Might? There definitely is. There is Greco-Roman ancestry in all the Muslims in Syria. When the Romans were at their greatest extent, there were people of Roman ancestry all over the empire. Even throughout the Byzantine Empire there was plenty of immigration all over the place. There were Greco-Romans in Syria, and of course they converted to christianity after Constantine made it the official religion of the empire, but there is no proof that the Greco-Romans in Syria fully mixed with the Syriacs or other native levantine christians. Then of course came the Arab invasions and the Greco-Romans became especially absorbed in to the Arabs in Syria, especially after the 13th centruy when many Arabs moved to Syria to defend against the Mongol invasion. Why else do you think the Syrian Arabs cluster where they do? They were definitely Arabs and many traces of their y-dna shows it. But they cluster in the Levant because when you take the average of a Greco-Roman and an Arab it shows up as the Levant. Even when you look up the Ghassanids it says that they were Hellenized and Romanized Arabs, and the Ghassanids were the ones who invaded the Levant.

Note: The Arabs I am talking about are the ones who don't call themselves Bedouins.

04-11-2013, 04:22 AM
You are white if you carry the white men's burden. Arabs do not. You can say white-looking Arabs but not white.

o.k. whats your opinion on levantines

04-11-2013, 04:30 AM
The Ghassanids were indeed Arabs, they were from Yemen, originally pagans but chose to convert to Christianity, they began the process of Arabization of the Levant. Today many Christian families have some traces of Ghassanid blood, it's common claim among some Maronites, and but it's often claimed by the "Greek"/Arab Orthodox Christians. Yes the Ghassanids were nominally Hellenized, but then they seemed to slowly Arabize those elements. Ghassanids invaded the Levant around 400 A.D. Today if pure Ghassanid exist their genetics would match the tribal Desert Saudis, Yemeni highlanders, and Yemeni Jews.

04-11-2013, 04:34 AM
The Ghassanids were indeed Arabs, they were from Yemen, originally pagans but chose to convert to Christianity, they began the process of Arabization of the Levant. Today many Christian families have some traces of Ghassanid blood, it's common claim among some Maronites, and but it's often claimed by the "Greek"/Arab Orthodox Christians. Yes the Ghassanids were nominally Hellenized, but then they seemed to slowly Arabize those elements. Ghassanids invaded the Levant around 400 A.D. Today if pure Ghassanid exist their genetics would match the tribal Desert Saudis, Yemeni highlanders, and Yemeni Jews.

For the most part Maronites are just Syrians with extra phoenecian. BTW, I've been emphasizing lately that Syrian Muslims are Arabs but I guess I was too lazy to type out what I deem the correct term- Roman Byzantine Arabs.

Everytime I hear the word ghassanid I think of this guy-

04-11-2013, 04:54 AM
The Ghassanids were indeed Arabs, they were from Yemen, originally pagans but chose to convert to Christianity, they began the process of Arabization of the Levant. Today many Christian families have some traces of Ghassanid blood, it's common claim among some Maronites, and but it's often claimed by the "Greek"/Arab Orthodox Christians. Yes the Ghassanids were nominally Hellenized, but then they seemed to slowly Arabize those elements. Ghassanids invaded the Levant around 400 A.D. Today if pure Ghassanid exist their genetics would match the tribal Desert Saudis, Yemeni highlanders, and Yemeni Jews.

their impact on the levantine christians were actually low....stop with your bullshit again

04-11-2013, 05:00 AM
Might? There definitely is. There is Greco-Roman ancestry in all the Muslims in Syria. When the Romans were at their greatest extent, there were people of Roman ancestry all over the empire. Even throughout the Byzantine Empire there was plenty of immigration all over the place. There were Greco-Romans in Syria, and of course they converted to christianity after Constantine made it the official religion of the empire, but there is no proof that the Greco-Romans in Syria fully mixed with the Syriacs or other native levantine christians. Then of course came the Arab invasions and the Greco-Romans became especially absorbed in to the Arabs in Syria, especially after the 13th centruy when many Arabs moved to Syria to defend against the Mongol invasion. Why else do you think the Syrian Arabs cluster where they do? They were definitely Arabs and many traces of their y-dna shows it. But they cluster in the Levant because when you take the average of a Greco-Roman and an Arab it shows up as the Levant. Even when you look up the Ghassanids it says that they were Hellenized and Romanized Arabs, and the Ghassanids were the ones who invaded the Levant.

Note: The Arabs I am talking about are the ones who don't call themselves Bedouins.

any genetic test of christian levantines proved any mixing with greco-roman people?
its seem who the mix with th greco-roman people were pretty low....

04-11-2013, 05:00 AM
their impact on the levantine christians were actually low....stop with your bullshit again

He never said they were high. I can't repudiate the fact that there were some Maronites that did mix. Like I said earlier they are mostly Syrian with more Phoenecian than normal. Also I don't even care about the Ghassanids because they were not Muslim during the time of their invasion. But now the Roman Byzantine Arabs are the majority and discriminate against the native Levantine christians. That is where you should have your problem. Anyways I think you should calm down and keep a clear head.

any genetic test of christian levantines proved any mixing with greco-roman people?
its seem who the mix with th greco-roman people were pretty low....

Why else would the Syrian Arabs cluster where they are? Ashkenazi's now cluster with Cypriots because they are literally a combination of Germans and Jews and Cypriot clusters were oginally inbetween the two. Arabs do not originally cluster with Levantines, that is until they were Hellenized and Romanized (and became literally a combination of Roman Byzantines and Arabs) which brought their clusters to the Levant which was naturally inbetween Southern Semites and Southern Europeans.

Edit: So basically I'm saying that Syrian Muslims are a combo of Roman Byzantines and Arabs which brought their clusters to the median point which is near where the native Levantines are. this situation is similar to how the Ashkenazi are a combo of Germans and Jews and means they cluster with Cypriots because Cypriot clusters were originally in the middle of the two.

04-11-2013, 05:03 AM
Yes the interesting about the Alwaite is the kept Christian costumes, for example they celebrate Easter and Christmas. They also use wine in many of their rituals. There is indeed a legend that states that they are descendants of the Crusaders, and an other claim is that they are of Hittite origins. That said there is indeed Crusader ancestry in some Levantine Christians, such as the famous Al-Farngi family indicating Frankish ancestry. The Balkan/North Caucasian ancestry is more common in the general Muslim population. The Alwaites also started as a secret movement that seem really to have been more of a Gnostic Christianity intermixed or only veiled with some Islamic elements, mostly taken from Shiaism. There is also Greco-Roman ancestry that might be present in the Alwaite

Iraqis are not White, and in general very Arabian genetically, well those in the North seem to be Arabized Assyrians, and their Arabiazation is recent. The reason for Iraq being not really Arabized only in the linguistic sense, is mostly due to the Mongol and Timur. Though I would not say Assyrian or Kurds are White. Zeph is Assyrian and he looks very Arabian for example.

any genetic proves to this who the alawites have any greco-roman mix?

04-11-2013, 05:04 AM
any genetic test of christian levantines proved any mixing with greco-roman people?
its seem who the mix with th greco-roman people were pretty low....

I never understand these references, maybe it was one group or something? Seems like you would be able to tell from their names

04-11-2013, 05:13 AM
I never understand these references, maybe it was one group or something? Seems like you would be able to tell from their names

no,just the fact who levantine people not look much alike same as greeks or romans...but have their own distinct look...

Wild North
04-12-2013, 01:29 AM
The original Arabians were not White indeed but brown small gracile Caucasoids. In fact this type exist among the Bedouin tribes of the Syrian and inner Arabian Desert.

Would it be correct to say, that originally the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula, were a kind of mediterranean race. However add also the geographical proximity to the African continent, so already at an early date they became more or less mixed with dark Africans, and there were contacts between the peninsula and the African side long before the Caliphate came to existance.. Another thing to have in mind is also the hot desert climate of the Arabian peninsula, and it is also true to say that environment have an impact on people´s physical character, f. ex dark skin color.

04-12-2013, 02:06 AM
Would it be correct to say, that originally the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula, were a kind of mediterranean race. However add also the geographical proximity to the African continent, so already at an early date they became more or less mixed with dark Africans, and there were contacts between the peninsula and the African side long before the Caliphate came to existance.. Another thing to have in mind is also the hot desert climate of the Arabian peninsula, and it is also true to say that environment have an impact on people´s physical character, f. ex dark skin color.

Yup. Gulf Arabs are something like 20% Congoid.

Cristiano viejo
04-12-2013, 02:43 AM
Some White Berbers

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTvJVzYOxXGojcs9cZ48UFm7hpTxpY76 OwEPh53fNjO-QJrU3C6PXj2I8gf
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuNQr5tsjFaxEOgpeXBrmqaJTRrSKpO ExJpAFMh9cU7YnW24p8dG_8MfZY

Grumpy Cat
04-12-2013, 03:05 AM
Back when I worked at a tobacco shop, this really white looking dude came in.

I mean stereotypical white, in looks, and even dress and mannerisms. You wouldn't think he was anything other than a white Anglo Canadian.

He asked for a few cartons of smokes. The order was a few hundred dollars.

When he paid, he handed me a credit card with a very Arabic name on it. I mean, stereotypical Arabic name.

I was positive I had an identity thief in front of me. I asked for ID and pushed the button to alert the police.

But I was totally wrong. That was indeed his credit card and he was born in the Middle East. I was so embarassed.

I also used to work with another Saudi guy and I thought he was white. He worked in a different department so I didn't know hid name, I just saw him when I came in and he alwayd said "hello" to me as I walked by. I didn't know he eas Arab until he got moved to my department. Actually, when I got the e-mail saying he was joining my team, I thought this person was a new hire.

So, there are many white-looking Arabs.

04-12-2013, 05:48 AM
Would it be correct to say, that originally the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula, were a kind of mediterranean race. However add also the geographical proximity to the African continent, so already at an early date they became more or less mixed with dark Africans, and there were contacts between the peninsula and the African side long before the Caliphate came to existance.. Another thing to have in mind is also the hot desert climate of the Arabian peninsula, and it is also true to say that environment have an impact on people´s physical character, f. ex dark skin color.

Yup. Gulf Arabs are something like 20% Congoid.

Back when I worked at a tobacco shop, this really white looking dude came in.

I mean stereotypical white, in looks, and even dress and mannerisms. You wouldn't think he was anything other than a white Anglo Canadian.

He asked for a few cartons of smokes. The order was a few hundred dollars.

When he paid, he handed me a credit card with a very Arabic name on it. I mean, stereotypical Arabic name.

I was positive I had an identity thief in front of me. I asked for ID and pushed the button to alert the police.

But I was totally wrong. That was indeed his credit card and he was born in the Middle East. I was so embarassed.

I also used to work with another Saudi guy and I thought he was white. He worked in a different department so I didn't know hid name, I just saw him when I came in and he alwayd said "hello" to me as I walked by. I didn't know he eas Arab until he got moved to my department. Actually, when I got the e-mail saying he was joining my team, I thought this person was a new hire.

So, there are many white-looking Arabs.

The guy must get that a lot. Was he Syrian?

04-12-2013, 05:53 AM
Would it be correct to say, that originally the Arabs in the Arabian peninsula, were a kind of mediterranean race. However add also the geographical proximity to the African continent, so already at an early date they became more or less mixed with dark Africans, and there were contacts between the peninsula and the African side long before the Caliphate came to existance.. Another thing to have in mind is also the hot desert climate of the Arabian peninsula, and it is also true to say that environment have an impact on people´s physical character, f. ex dark skin color.

No, it was mostly environmental adaptation to severe heat and sandy climate, hence why Arabians are brown skinned, they always been. I would not say that African admixture altered them since the influence is actually minor, and in all honest truth there is no such thing as Mediterranean race, since the Mediterranean has always been used as a code word for pigmented Caucasoid. That said Arabians often referred to themselves as Red people, and often called Europeans Yellow. Yemenite Jews are quite dark, and they are pure Arabians who converted to Judaism. So to answer your question they have always been brown pigmented small Caucasoids.

04-12-2013, 07:41 AM
No, it was mostly environmental adaptation to severe heat and sandy climate, hence why Arabians are brown skinned, they always been. I would not say that African admixture altered them since the influence is actually minor, and in all honest truth there is no such thing as Mediterranean race, since the Mediterranean has always been used as a code word for pigmented Caucasoid. That said Arabians often referred to themselves as Red people, and often called Europeans Yellow. Yemenite Jews are quite dark, and they are pure Arabians who converted to Judaism. So to answer your question they have always been brown pigmented small Caucasoids.

yemenite jews are admixtures of jews, arabians converters to judaism and east african slaves...this the reason to their dark skin

04-12-2013, 07:47 AM
yemenite jews are admixtures of jews, arabians converters to judaism and east african slaves...this the reason to their dark skinned

I am not trolling. Arabians are not White and I know how they looked like and what they looked like, because they are my people through my maternal lineage. Yemenite Jews are Arabian converts, they don't have admix with East African slaves what the heck. If you know genetics, the reason they are dark is because of their SouthWest Asian component and their adaptation to Arabian climate. Yes Yemenite Jews might have some traces of Jewish blood, but in general there is not much of it, as they largely seem to have adopted Judaism. The East African slave admixture is quite comical.

04-12-2013, 07:58 AM
I am not trolling. Arabians are not White and I know how they looked like and what they looked like, because they are my people through my maternal lineage. Yemenite Jews are Arabian converts, they don't have admix with East African slaves what the heck. If you know genetics, the reason they are dark is because of their SouthWest Asian component and their adaptation to Arabian climate. Yes Yemenite Jews might have some traces of Jewish blood, but in general there is not much of it, as they largely seem to have adopted Judaism. The East African slave admixture is quite comical.





unlike you i know yemenite jews personally...

04-12-2013, 08:04 AM




unlike you i know yemenite jews personally...

They look Arabid, and small Caucasoids. Just because they have curly hair it does not mean their mixed man. You know that Yemenite Jews cluster closely to Yemeni highlanders, Desert Saudis, and the Shammar Bedouins. My mom is genetically the same as them.

04-12-2013, 08:06 AM
They look Arabid, and small Caucasoids. Just because they have curly hair it does not mean their mixed man. You know that Yemenite Jews cluster closely to Yemeni highlanders, Desert Saudis, and the Shammar Bedouins. My mom is genetically the same as them.

you are so weird man...their african admixture seem very high....you must be blind

04-12-2013, 08:07 AM
and in all honest truth there is no such thing as Mediterranean race, since the Mediterranean has always been used as a code word for pigmented Caucasoid.

Caucasoid is a term that covers mediteranean people, it isn't code at all actually. Caucasoid covers all non-"negroid and and non-mongloid/ keep in mind these terms are not infallible/, peoples in Europe and the near/middle east. arabs are considered Caucasoid also.

Wild North
04-13-2013, 12:24 PM


The first guy from the left, clearly looks negroid.

The King, I am
02-03-2014, 11:02 AM
A pure ethnic Arab would look like this:


Like a brown-ish color

02-03-2014, 11:05 AM
White Arabs? Like me? :P

02-03-2014, 11:06 AM
the Shammar Bedouins are not arabs
they're persians by origins !!! THEY HAVE THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF R1a1a In the Middle East around 43%!!

02-03-2014, 06:53 PM
the Shammar Bedouins are not arabs
they're persians by origins !!! THEY HAVE THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF R1a1a In the Middle East around 43%!!

Stop trolling. The Shammar Bedouins are Arabs and not of Persian stock. What tribe are you from. That said my mom is a Shammari Arab and she has nor her tribe anything to do with Persians. They speak Arabic and claim Qahatani or Yemenite lineage. Also just because they have high Y-DNA R1a1 does not make them Persian.

Real Arabs to some extant overlap with North Indians, but slightly usually lighter.

02-03-2014, 06:56 PM
I dont think their are many white arabs, i wouldnt really pass anyone from the gulf in europe but the levant definitely some very european looking. Of course because they arent genetically pure arabs.

06-09-2014, 12:52 AM
What you are trying to do is to divide by saying :

Muslim Levantines = Byzantines + Arabians and Christian Levantines = Native Aramaic speakers (Mostly Arameans+ Greco-Roman admixture).

I want to correct you by saying that i can take into account part of your reasoning but concerning the Core of the idea , i can't agree with you.

The western part of the Levant is definitively closer to the Native people and the Arabian admixture isn't predominant like the eastern one which tends to be mixed between the Natives and the Arabians.

Byzantine Roman Arabs ? What about the Arameans who formed the Core , the principal population ?
Why don't you mentioned them ?

06-09-2014, 12:54 AM
There are just as much or more of the ruling class who are not "White" looking. This thread is rather pointless IMO.

06-09-2014, 01:14 AM
It's absolutely ridiculous to me when a clearly white Levantine Arab is no longer considered "white" because they are from the Middle East.

Absolutely...The way our society identify White Syrians/Lebanese (not all, but many) and White Latinos are indeed ridiculous.

If we use culture/religion as a parameter,
agnostic Americanized European is no less White than agnostic Americanized White Levantines/Latinos

06-09-2014, 01:28 AM
Nobody from the middle east is white.

06-09-2014, 01:44 AM
I consider most Arabs to be White.

06-09-2014, 01:47 AM
I consider most Arabs to be White.

I hope you meant West Asian Arabs..

Imo White =/= Euro... full-blooded Ashkenazi Jews are White but not Euro.
Similarly, I do think majority of Levantines and Persians are White.
Saudi & other quite dark Arabs ain't White.

06-09-2014, 01:49 AM
Except for people from the Arabian Peninsula and black-admixed Egyptians, I consider most Arabs white.

06-09-2014, 01:51 AM
Except for people from the Arabian Peninsula and black-admixed Egyptians, I consider most Arabs white.

What about Iraqi Arabs and other North African populations?

06-09-2014, 01:52 AM
I hope you meant West Asian Arabs..

Imo White =/= Euro... full-blooded Ashkenazi Jews are White but not Euro.
Similarly, I do think majority of Levantines and Persians are White.
Saudi & other quite dark Arabs ain't White.

I just go by the classical definition of White meaning Caucasoid. I consider the pure Arabids of Arabia to be part of the White Race, but not SSA admixed ones obviously.

06-09-2014, 01:52 AM
What about Iraqi Arabs and other North African populations?

North Africans without visible SSA, yes.

Iraqi Arabs vary.. those in the north can look Levantine and I've even seen a few who could be southern Italian, so I'd call those types white. Those in southern Iraq are basically an extension of the Arabian Peninsula and look like Saudis, Yemenis, etc. so no.

06-09-2014, 01:55 AM
North Africans without visible SSA, yes.

Iraqi Arabs vary.. those in the north can look Levantine and I've even seen a few who could be southern Italian, so I'd call those types white. Those in southern Iraq are basically an extension of the Arabian Peninsula and look like Saudis, Yemenis, etc. so no.

Why do consider Levs and certain Iraqi/North African pops to be white?

06-09-2014, 07:44 AM
There are just as much or more of the ruling class who are not "White" looking. This thread is rather pointless IMO.

The guy is not an Arab in the first place I doubt it, I think he is sockpuppet of some person, he also is very obsessive about my maternal tribe, which unlike other Arabian tribes, has a large amount of the Y-DNA R1a1, one time he called us Arabized this and that and other nonsense. This Y-DNA R1a1 is very old and is shared with other Semitic populations, and some Ashkenzaim have this particular sub-clad. It's honestly get annoying.

06-09-2014, 07:54 AM
It's absolutely ridiculous to me when a clearly white Levantine Arab is no longer considered "white" because they are from the Middle East.

I fully agree.

06-09-2014, 07:57 AM
Why do consider Levs and certain Iraqi/North African pops to be white?

I'd have to agree with Sikeliot. There are Levantines and others of the Mideast and North Africa that are clearly white, but because of location, many people rule it out regardless of phenotype. I think with Mideast and NorAf, some are and some are not.

06-09-2014, 07:59 AM
I dont think their are many white arabs, i wouldnt really pass anyone from the gulf in europe but the levant definitely some very european looking. Of course because they arent genetically pure arabs.

That's just it, there is no real set in stone definition of white, since it's not rooted in science. My country has a legal definition and it includes Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. As far as NorAf and the Mideast, I don't think it's all, those regions are subject to selective identification per phenotype.

06-09-2014, 08:04 AM
Third guys clearly Judean

06-09-2014, 08:25 AM
Yes that's is true or Al-Bosnai or Al-Albani as well, they indicate Bosnian and Albanian ancestry. The surname Cherkes is quite common to. Let's not forget the Mamlukes many who came from Circassia and Ukraine at least the Kipchak part.

Most Mamlukes are Georgians ( gurian or Mingrelian)

06-09-2014, 10:59 AM
Some White Berbers

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTvJVzYOxXGojcs9cZ48UFm7hpTxpY76 OwEPh53fNjO-QJrU3C6PXj2I8gf
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuNQr5tsjFaxEOgpeXBrmqaJTRrSKpO ExJpAFMh9cU7YnW24p8dG_8MfZY
Last pic are afghan kids

06-09-2014, 11:04 AM
No Arabs are not white, but there are Arabs who look white just as there are Iranians, afghans, Kurds who also can look white.

Sidi Atlas
06-09-2014, 11:14 AM
No Arabs are not white, but there are Arabs who look white just as there are Iranians, afghans, Kurds who also can look white.
Does not may sense at all. Can one look black and not be black? These color identities are ridiculous for most of the world. They can only make some "sense" in highly race based societies like the the Americas, Sudan, Mauritania and such.

06-09-2014, 11:40 AM
Does not may sense at all. Can one look black and not be black? These color identities are ridiculous for most of the world. They can only make some "sense" in highly race based societies like the the Americas, Sudan, Mauritania and such.

So what do you want me to say? That Arabs( levantines) are white just because some can pass as a Southern European? In that case, afghans are Also white because some can not only pass as Southern European, but even Swedish. Get a grip mate, in the real world, whites will never accept us, and we don't want to be accepted.

Wild North
06-10-2014, 01:01 AM
Were the original Arabs white?

06-10-2014, 02:25 AM
Were the original Arabs white?


03-07-2015, 08:51 AM
My cousin..... Would be considered white, for arab standards I guess.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1502560_904933106267470_2500000107077640493_n.jpg? oh=ec4a2bd37c00f668e5356499bffafe15&oe=5574B9E9&__gda__=1433786226_5be974b44a456b07c614bb01027adb5 6

03-07-2015, 09:44 AM
It's absolutely ridiculous to me when a clearly white Levantine Arab is no longer considered "white" because they are from the Middle East.

XD by this logic. All Mediterranean people should be considered white.

03-07-2015, 09:49 AM
Some White Berbers

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTvJVzYOxXGojcs9cZ48UFm7hpTxpY76 OwEPh53fNjO-QJrU3C6PXj2I8gf
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSuNQr5tsjFaxEOgpeXBrmqaJTRrSKpO ExJpAFMh9cU7YnW24p8dG_8MfZY

We are not talking about Berbers...
Btw blondism among Berbers is less rare than among Arabs.

Visage pâle
06-23-2015, 08:59 PM
Unmixed arabs are caucasoïds, they are white with brown skin.

06-23-2015, 09:02 PM
The original Arabians were not White indeed but brown small gracile Caucasoids. In fact this type exist among the Bedouin tribes of the Syrian and inner Arabian Desert.

The first guy is not Kurd but a Northern Iraqi Arab, Nader is Levantine. Some of these people are Arabized culturally or admixed and hence the European traits among them. You will find more such so called White Arabs from the regions that interacted heavily with Europe and Anatolia such as the Levant.

Arabs of southern Turkey and mediteriannen coast are lighter then an avarege Turk.

08-16-2017, 10:46 AM
The ruling class of the middle east are provably a white folk. A lot more to come.



Arabs are not White ( European) as a whole. Though some may have European admixtures dating even from Roman times.


08-16-2017, 10:47 AM
Were the original Arabs white?


08-16-2017, 10:48 AM
Unmixed arabs are caucasoïds, they are white with brown skin.

Whites have a white or fair skin, not brown.

03-17-2021, 05:45 AM
Culturally, “white” is code for “Anglo-Saxon”.

03-20-2021, 12:29 AM
Look at the Levantine, a lot of them look whiter than most Turks

07-25-2021, 04:20 AM
People like Khashoggi and Assad are certainly white in my book. Even Imran Khan is borderline white. No matter where you are from, if you look white Caucasoid, you are it. This is from a physical perspective we're talking. Culturally, there is no such thing as "white", because there are multiple cultures within every race.

07-25-2021, 04:24 AM
So what do you want me to say? That Arabs( levantines) are white just because some can pass as a Southern European? In that case, afghans are Also white because some can not only pass as Southern European, but even Swedish. Get a grip mate, in the real world, whites will never accept us, and we don't want to be accepted.

The vast majority of Afghans could not pass, unlike Levantine populations where a high amount (up to 50% or even more) can pass in Southern Europe. Like under 10% of Afghans look remotely Euro.

07-25-2021, 11:35 AM
The ruling class of the middle east are provably a white folk. A lot more to come.




They are just a bunch of light - skinned Arabs. The Arabs are not White people in the strict sense of the word. These same light - skinned Arabs you are presenting can have a very dark - skinned or very swarthy sibling or cousin or parent. Don’t fall for that light skin, Arabs show a greater spectrum of skin colors than the Europeans ( Whites).

07-25-2021, 11:39 AM
Look at the Levantine, a lot of them look whiter than most Turks

Levantines are not lighter than Turks. They might be just as light, but not lighter. Levantines are the lightest Arab - speaking bunch. It does not mean that they are European either. Kurds are just as light as the Levantines! So what now?

07-25-2021, 11:45 AM
Were the original Arabs white?

No. The original Arabs came from the Arabian peninsula and were a people of color. They had a medium to lighting brown skin tone on average. With minorities who were either lighter or darker. These Arabic - speaking tribes then eventually invaded the entire Middle East and parts of Africa ( especially the north) and mixed with the people they met in those areas such as the Canaanites, Berbers, etc….

08-24-2021, 01:57 AM
Arabs are racially Caucasian and those with fair skin are by all means white. "White-passing" to me implies a Negroid or Mongoloid-admixed person who could pass for European.

A white Levantine isn't going to get pulled over by the cops or have slurs yelled at them from meters away.