View Full Version : Classify this Brilliant Genius!!!

06-26-2012, 08:39 PM
Leon Dănăilă

Leon Dănăilă (born 1 July 1933) is a Romanian neurosurgeon and author. He is a prolific author and has been responsible for a reduction in neurosurgical mortality at his hospital.

Dănăilă worked for three years as a general practitioner with the sanitary district of Comanesti and Darmanesti, in Bacău County. In 1961 he was appointed resident neurosurgeon at the Neurosurgery Clinic of Bucharest, where he has remained. He completed his specialty residency in 1966 and became a Doctor of Medicine - PhD - in 1973. In 1981 he was named a Senior Physician, 2nd degree, and became head of the Vascular Neurosurgery Department VII. In 1991, he was named Professor of Neurosurgery at the Bucharest Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Psychoneurology at the Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest.
Dănăilă serves on the teaching board of the Faculty of Medicine at Bucharest, appointed in 1992. He has also been head of the Neurosurgery Department of that institution since 1996, in addition to President of the Romanian Neurosurgery Society since 1997. In 1980, Dănăilă was granted a Fulbright Scholarship, enabling him to work at the neurosurgery clinic of the University Hospital of New York. In July 1981 he travelled to the Netherlands for specialized studies in vascular neurosurgery and attended the Burdenke Neurosurgery Institute in Moscow.

Following his travels, Dănăilă was able to perform the most complex of neurosurgical operations, including occlusion of aneurysm of the arterial vertebro-basilar system, ablation of the third ventricle tumors, surgical management of skull base tumors, carotidian and middle cerebral endarterectomy, and extra- and intracranial anastomosis. He also succeeded in reducing operation mortality from operations to percentages comparable with those reported by the world's most reputable neurosurgical clinics. Thus the surgical mortality rate in Bucharest fell from 50% to 2-6% for acoustic nerve neuroma and from 49% to 3% for intracerebral aneurysm cases. These reductions were aided by the endowment of the operating theatre with a surgical microscope and laser. So far, he made over 23,000 operations, of which 10,300 used the surgical microscope and 800 used CO2 and Nd:YAG lasers.

In the course of his career, Danaila has communicated and published 317 scientific works, 59 of which appeared in foreign specialty journals. Works include "Logorrhea syndrome with hyperkinesia", "Ultrastructural changes of the cerebral substance and of the small vessels in the cerebral cortex determined by atherosclerosis", "The interaction of the two cerebral hemispheres in the integration of the language system", and "Histological studies of normal and pathological human cerebral tissue irradiated by CO2 laser". He has authored 39 books and co-authored another nine.


06-26-2012, 08:46 PM
Balkan Borreby.

06-26-2012, 08:51 PM
Balkan Borreby sounds accurate to me.

06-26-2012, 09:43 PM
Balkan Borreby with perhaps some Dinarid.

06-26-2012, 09:45 PM
Pred Borreby with some Dinarid influences

06-26-2012, 09:47 PM
Pred. Balkan Borreby.

06-26-2012, 10:01 PM
Borreby/Eastern CM

06-27-2012, 08:21 AM
Cromagnoid with minor Dinarid influence.

06-27-2012, 08:43 AM
No offence, but the term "genius" in it's purest form is reserved for guys like Tesla, Newton, Archimedes, Einstein, Pascal, Da Vinci, Mozart, etc...

Not a Romanian neurosurgeon who's helped reduce the surgical mortality rate in a country that ranks somewhere around 100 globally in terms of healthcare services.

Every neurosurgeon saves lives, given the intrinsically delicate nature of their work.

06-27-2012, 08:54 AM
No offence, but the term "genius" in it's purest form is reserved for guys like Tesla, Newton, Archimedes, Einstein, Pascal, Da Vinci, Mozart, etc...

Not a Romanian neurosurgeon who's helped reduce the surgical mortality rate in a country that ranks somewhere around 100 globally in terms of healthcare services.

Every neurosurgeon saves lives, given the intrinsically delicate nature of their work.

He is a Genius, I also read somewhere that they had tested his IQ or something, he had an incredibly high IQ.

He is obviously a Genius, just because he didn't live before the time when Electricity was invented in order for him to invent it doesn't make him a NON Genius, people who u mentioned are inventors, a Genius doesn't have to be an inventor, plus did u even read the whole Text????

The guy has published 300 something scientific works in 59 foreign Journals, he has written 39 Books and co authored 9 others.

He has performed the hardest surgeries there are and one of the hardest in the world.

Anyways, I was searching about the best neurosurgeons, one was in Indiana Unviersity but this guy impressed me and I read from different sources that this person is a super genius.

That is beside the point.

Classify now.

06-27-2012, 09:02 AM
He looks a bit like my dad. Maybe he's Russian.

06-27-2012, 09:10 AM
He is a Genius, I also read somewhere that they had tested his IQ or something, he had an incredibly high IQ.

IQ tests and intelligence itself is heavily subjective. But we'll leave that for another day.

He is obviously a Genius, just because he didn't live before the time when Electricity was invented

Tesla and Einstein both lived in the industrial and post-industrial age.

There is also Hawking but my point is, these guys displayed an almost unnatural knack for problem-solving, memorization and abstract thinking when they were children.

I'm not sure the same can be said of Leon here.

Classify now.

I agree with Dinaro-Borreby but I see some kind of Keltic-Nordic influence; the large nose and hairline.

06-27-2012, 09:11 AM
No offence, but the term "genius" in it's purest form is reserved for guys like Tesla, Newton, Archimedes, Einstein, Pascal, Da Vinci, Mozart, etc...

Not a Romanian neurosurgeon who's helped reduce the surgical mortality rate in a country that ranks somewhere around 100 globally in terms of healthcare services.

Every neurosurgeon saves lives, given the intrinsically delicate nature of their work.

How can you compare a neuro surgeon with a composer?:D Give me him over Mozart without doubt.

The guy has saved thousands of life and has dropped the death rate no matter if Romania ranks around 100 globally in terms of healthcare services.Probably many people of neighboring regional states come to seek for his help too.So he is a brilliant man who have decided to stay in his country and help it.

06-27-2012, 09:19 AM
You guys are diluting the meaning of the word "Genius"; as with almost every superlative in the English language for the past 3 decades, it's losing its significance.

Yeah he's brilliant.

He's not a friggin' genius.

There a thousands of neurosurgeons who do exactly what he does the world over, if he not better (and I'm willing to bet the neurosurgeons at places like Johns Hopkins or the Mayo Clinic are better).

To date there has only been one Tesla, one Einstein, one Da Vinci, etc...

If you applied yourself seriously enough, most people with median IQ's could become neurosurgeons.

Most people however could not come up with the Theory of Relativity their entire lives.
Most could not fathom the concept of radar or nuclear fission before they were invented.

Surgery has been performed since caveman times, it's just more miniaturized and safer these days.


06-27-2012, 09:21 AM
He is a Genius, I also read somewhere that they had tested his IQ or something, he had an incredibly high IQ.

He is obviously a Genius, just because he didn't live before the time when Electricity was invented in order for him to invent it doesn't make him a NON Genius, people who u mentioned are inventors, a Genius doesn't have to be an inventor, plus did u even read the whole Text????

The guy has published 300 something scientific works in 59 foreign Journals, he has written 39 Books and co authored 9 others.

He has performed the hardest surgeries there are and one of the hardest in the world.

Anyways, I was searching about the best neurosurgeons, one was in Indiana Unviersity but this guy impressed me and I read from different sources that this person is a super genius.

That is beside the point.

Classify now.

Many scientists today which dont even have a chance to be in a history book have hundreds of published papers. what is important is how many times his or hers individual publications were cited by other researchers and that shows how important are these publications.
He may have 317 cited publications but that does not mean anything. His publications individually can be cited several times and he could have around 1000 citations or 2000 or 3000 citations which is not that much and there are many many unknown people today who have that. What is important is the importance of this publications.
For exampe one Nobel prize winner can have 10 000 citations based on only one scientific publications and this kind of publications are regarded as breakthroughs. So his or hers one publication is more important that hundreds of his.
This kind of publications are usually publications which enabled this guy to perform surgery in the first place like the invention of lasers, various microscopy techniques as mentioned in the article not to mention countless physiologists and medical doctors which publications show him how to perform surgery based on theirs discoveries.

06-27-2012, 09:21 AM

I think he looks like Dr. Ruth.
She's a German-American.


06-27-2012, 02:33 PM
IQ tests and intelligence itself is heavily subjective. But we'll leave that for another day.

Ok whatever.

Tesla and Einstein both lived in the industrial and post-industrial age.

Tesla and Einstein worked in totally different fields from what this guy is working, no one said Tesla is not a Genius, Tesla is a Genius too so is Feynman and Einstein I don't know what u arguing over, Tesla could probably not do what this guy is doing and this guy can probably not do what Tesla is doing.

U can't also compare Tesla's and Einsteins era with this one.

There is also Hawking but my point is, these guys displayed an almost unnatural knack for problem-solving, memorization and abstract thinking when they were children.

And u r completely sure this guy was a dumbass when he was a kid?????

What u talking about dude???

This guy was probably some kind of intelligent kid as well even though there is no way for me to prove it but people that succeed to this guy's level are 90% of the cases very intelligent.

I'm not sure the same can be said of Leon here.

Yes u r not sure because u can find world class surgeons that have published 300 something Scientific papers in every corner of the world.

Get real yo and stop hating, the guy is obviously a GENIUS.

A genius also doesn't have to be a scientist or an inventor, many intelligent people are lazy anyways.

I agree with Dinaro-Borreby but I see some kind of Keltic-Nordic influence; the large nose and hairline.

Good. Thank you.
Now let's quit the offtopics, if u don't agree with my definition of GENIUS then don't.

If you applied yourself seriously enough, most people with median IQ's could become neurosurgeons.


06-27-2012, 02:34 PM
Many scientists today which dont even have a chance to be in a history book have hundreds of published papers. what is important is how many times his or hers individual publications were cited by other researchers and that shows how important are these publications.
He may have 317 cited publications but that does not mean anything. His publications individually can be cited several times and he could have around 1000 citations or 2000 or 3000 citations which is not that much and there are many many unknown people today who have that. What is important is the importance of this publications.
For exampe one Nobel prize winner can have 10 000 citations based on only one scientific publications and this kind of publications are regarded as breakthroughs. So his or hers one publication is more important that hundreds of his.
This kind of publications are usually publications which enabled this guy to perform surgery in the first place like the invention of lasers, various microscopy techniques as mentioned in the article not to mention countless physiologists and medical doctors which publications show him how to perform surgery based on theirs discoveries.

I really have no idea what the fuck u arguing about ?????

What is ur point dude ????

01-20-2014, 08:26 PM

07-25-2014, 11:59 PM
Just so everyboddy knows, LEON DANAILA really is a genius.
Together with viorel palis (biologue) he discovered a NEW CELL IN THE BRAIN, more precisely in the ARACHNOID.
The name of the cell is CORDOCITE and has a role similar to the lymphatic circulation (wich is absent in the brain)