View Full Version : classify stefanie zu guttenberg (bismarck)

george sand
06-28-2012, 04:28 PM
she is the great-great-granddaughter of Chancellor Otto, Prince of Bismarck(almost same nose) and
is the only daughter of Andreas Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen and Charlotte Kinberg, a Swedish interior architect with partial Dutch/German ancestry.

What i find interesting on her are her brown eyes where could she have them from/ do you think shes fake blonde?



http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p508/georgesand1/df9e3_dts_image_2206_sjtogengqc_140_600_5259911894 2731.jpg


06-28-2012, 04:52 PM

06-28-2012, 05:54 PM
Atlantid/Borreby. Her hair seems dyed.

Ugo Tognazzi
06-28-2012, 05:55 PM
yes Borreby/Faelid the Bismark look is still there

george sand
06-28-2012, 06:06 PM
yes Borreby/Faelid the Bismark look is still there

yes defntly the nose and cheeks
was Otto a borreby too!?

george sand
06-28-2012, 06:08 PM
Atlantid/Borreby. Her hair seems dyed.

i think her hair is dyed too.

06-28-2012, 06:15 PM
she is the great-great-granddaughter of Chancellor Otto, Prince of Bismarck(almost same nose) and
is the only daughter of Andreas Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen and Charlotte Kinberg, a Swedish interior architect with partial Dutch/German ancestry.

What i find interesting on her are her brown eyes where could she have them from/ do you think shes fake blonde?


From and arab/negro ancestor since brown eyes are entirely absent among the Dutch and Germans.:rolleyes:

06-28-2012, 06:56 PM
Borreby-Faelid predominantly with additional Nordid influences.

george sand
06-28-2012, 11:40 PM
From and arab/negro ancestor since brown eyes are entirely absent among the Dutch and Germans.:rolleyes:

yes you seem to be right :thumb001:;)

george sand
06-28-2012, 11:43 PM
Borreby-Faelid predominantly with additional Nordid influences.

so people with predominately nordid faelid or smth else nordid can also have brown eyes like africans?? so what differes the white race from the black and the asian one!??

06-28-2012, 11:45 PM
There are massive differences between Europeans, Asians, and Negroes for starters, but it can't all be illustrated merely with one statement, although fundamentally speaking its quite self-evident.

She could have a brown eyed German, Dutch, or Swedish descendant, so you can not discount that from being a possibility.

I mean sure there are a lot of people from these areas that have blue eyes, but there are also some brown eyed individuals among them.

george sand
06-28-2012, 11:56 PM
There are massive differences between Europeans, Asians, and Negroes for starters, but it can't all be illustrated merely with one statement, although fundamentally speaking its quite self-evident.

She could have a brown eyed German, Dutch, or Swedish descendant, so you can not discount that from being a possibility.

I mean sure there are a lot of people from these areas that have blue eyes, but there are also some brown eyed individuals among them.

i live in germany (northrhine westphalia) and over here the only way one can tell a light skin brown haired foreigner from a light skin brown hair local are the eyes and sometimes the height (people over here are pretty tall) older german people over here call brown eyed people "ÖLAUGE" (oil eye) even if they are light skinned and do not really stand out..i mean youre right there are brown eyed norhtern europeans but to most(predominately) older germans they kinda seem "foreign"

george sand
06-29-2012, 12:33 AM
i think this is quite an interesting topiC...does anyone else have an opinion on her!?

06-29-2012, 12:28 PM
so people with predominately nordid faelid or smth else nordid can also have brown eyes like africans?? so what differes the white race from the black and the asian one!??

Brown eyes also exist in Europeans and the majority of Southern Europeans have brown eyes. Only really dark eyes very rarely exist among Europeans or at least more Northern European countries.

06-29-2012, 12:35 PM
i live in germany (northrhine westphalia) and over here the only way one can tell a light skin brown haired foreigner from a light skin brown hair local are the eyes and sometimes the height (people over here are pretty tall) older german people over here call brown eyed people "ÖLAUGE" (oil eye) even if they are light skinned and do not really stand out..i mean youre right there are brown eyed norhtern europeans but to most(predominately) older germans they kinda seem "foreign"

Brown eyes exist in Germany and Austria, just take me as a referrence :D
But there is a South/North division. I have been in Braunschweig once some years ago and I have to say there are so many light skinned, faelid and nordic people. I felt like a real foreigner there and people thought I am Turkish or Greek, unlike here in the area I live, because here my appearance is totally the norm, even if we also have some blonde blue eyed individuals among us.

george sand
06-29-2012, 03:51 PM
Brown eyes exist in Germany and Austria, just take me as a referrence :D
But there is a South/North division. I have been in Braunschweig once some years ago and I have to say there are so many light skinned, faelid and nordic people. I felt like a real foreigner there and people thought I am Turkish or Greek, unlike here in the area I live, because here my appearance is totally the norm, even if we also have some blonde blue eyed individuals among us.

youre right brown eyes of course do exist in germany but rather in württemberg east germany and bavaria (like in your case) over here in westphalia germans are predominately blue eyed and like i said pretty tall...i just find guttenberg quite interesting because she is really a nordic mixture and has brown eyes..she is a good example that even "nordic" people can also have brown eyes