View Full Version : Slavic nose

07-13-2012, 11:53 PM
Is there such a thing as a common Slavic nose? If so, how would you picture it?

07-14-2012, 11:35 AM
i'm not sure big whenever I think of it. Harrison Fords snd MillavJovovich noses come to mind. kind of wide nostrils ifvyou know what I mean

07-14-2012, 11:36 AM
i'm not sure big whenever I think of it. Harrison Fords snd MillavJovovich noses come to mind. kind of wide nostrils ifvyou know what I mean

07-14-2012, 11:37 AM
The woman from Nero's avatar have the slavic nose imo.

07-14-2012, 11:37 AM


07-14-2012, 11:44 AM
All noses of original Old Slavic types, so some long and convex Eastnordid ones and those snubbed or concave Osteuropid should fall under this category.

07-14-2012, 12:15 PM
Slavic is big group.
Dinaric, Noric, Pontid, East Nordid, Borreby,Baltid and there might be other types of noses because there have been Germans and other people living in Poland etc.

07-14-2012, 12:42 PM
Lol,there is not such a thing as slavs genetically only by language.
North russians have small noses,dinarids have long noses,west ukrainians/czecho-slovaks have central-european noses and so on.

07-14-2012, 12:49 PM
Lol,there is not such a thing as slavs genetically only by language.
North russians have small noses,dinarids have long noses,west ukrainians/czecho-slovaks have central-european noses and so on.

There is something you can name as a "Slavic look", as well as some "Germanic look" and "Romance look" exist.
pred.Dinarid German is Germanic in terms of nationality and language but he hardly looks like Germanic, you know what I mean?
Dinarids and Alpinids don't look like an ancestors of Slavs too, Balkans were just slavicised linguistically and more or less - genetically.

07-14-2012, 12:57 PM
There is something you can name as a "Slavic look", as well as some "Germanic look" and "Romance look" exist.
pred.Dinarid German is Germanic in terms of nationality and language but he hardly looks like Germanic, you know what I mean?
Dinarids and Alpinids don't look like an ancestors of Slavs too, Balkans were just slavicised linguistically and more or less - genetically.
The theories of Slavic migration to the Balkans is getting proven to be wrong. Don't be so sure about that :D
The "Slavic nose" could be East Nordid, Pontid and maybe Noric.

07-14-2012, 01:02 PM
Some have sharp and straight noses, while others have fleshy noses.
There are also some Slavs who have hooker noses.
So there are not special phenotypes about Slavic noses.

07-14-2012, 01:04 PM
The theories of Slavic migration to the Balkans is getting proven to be wrong. Don't be so sure about that :D
The "Slavic nose" could be East Nordid, Pontid and maybe Noric.
They are not wrong, at least when it comes to the migration of R1a lineages pattern. Anyway, I don't know about I2a2 migrations well but this haplo seems to be more indigenuous.

07-14-2012, 01:05 PM
There is something you can name as a "Slavic look", as well as some "Germanic look" and "Romance look" exist.
pred.Dinarid German is Germanic in terms of nationality and language but he hardly looks like Germanic, you know what I mean?
Dinarids and Alpinids don't look like an ancestors of Slavs too, Balkans were just slavicised linguistically and more or less - genetically.

"Dinarid" looking German will genetically still be an average German and have almost nothing in common genetically with anything south of the Alps.
Handling terms like Dinarids, Alpinids will lead nowhere.

07-14-2012, 01:07 PM
Slavic people's noses can take any shape or form. But I would say generally they are on the longish side, not too wide, have a nice roundish tip and not a droopy tip (but don't look at old people's noses since age will make a nose droopy), could be straight bridged or have a slight bump to the bridge.

07-14-2012, 01:12 PM
"Dinarid" looking German will genetically still be an average German and have almost nothing in common genetically with anything south of the Alps.
Handling terms like Dinarids, Alpinids will lead nowhere.
That's true, you can have phenotype after some distant member of your family, and this member could have his look after another distant member and so on and so far.
My point was about somewhat stereotypical but still genuine look of Slavic ethnicity. It's undoubtable that they looked rather Nordid/Pontid and Osteuropid than Dinarid/Alpinoid which came later.

07-14-2012, 01:25 PM
They are not wrong, at least when it comes to the migration of R1a lineages pattern. Anyway, I don't know about I2a2 migrations well but this haplo seems to be more indigenuous.

So what are R1a migrations? Where does it originate and what do you think where does I2a2 originate?

07-14-2012, 01:39 PM
So what are R1a migrations? Where does it originate and what do you think where does I2a2 originate?
R1a place of origins is debatable, because we don't have aDNA Y-DNA from Paleolithic and not so many from Mesolithic too.Tested people with one of the oldest R1a clades live today in Iran, England(!), we have one really old R1a result from Macedonia and more to come in.
I2a2 is said to have originated somewhere at the northern Mediterranean coast but I suppose it's clear speculation too.

Migrations of modern R1a coorelated with Slavs(but not exclusively them) are clearly from Central European Corded Ware zone, heading both Eastern and Southern Europe.

07-14-2012, 01:40 PM
So what are R1a migrations? Where does it originate and what do you think where does I2a2 originate?
Not to get off topic, I would say the R1a migration to South Slavic lands came originally from the area that is now Poland and the Ukraine, and possibly Belarus.

07-14-2012, 01:47 PM
Not to get off topic, I would say the R1a migration to South Slavic lands came originally from the area that is now Poland and the Ukraine, and possibly Belarus.
Indeed.Complex Y-DNA analysis indicates that most(but not all) balkan R1a is from slavic invasion from the lands noth of Balkans.

07-14-2012, 01:49 PM
R1a place of origins is debatable, because we don't have aDNA Y-DNA from Paleolithic and not so many from Mesolithic too.Tested people with one of the oldest R1a clades live today in Iran, England(!), we have one really old R1a result from Macedonia and more to come in.
I2a2 is said to have originated somewhere at the northern Mediterranean coast but I suppose it's clear speculation too.

Migrations of modern R1a coorelated with Slavs(but not exclusively them) are clearly from Central European Corded Ware zone, heading both Eastern and Southern Europe.

I wrote I2a2 because you wrote it too. I meant specifically I2a2a ( now called I2a1b ).

07-14-2012, 01:55 PM
I wrote I2a2 because you wrote it too. I meant specifically I2a2a ( now called I2a1b ).
I don't know, they appear to be Old-European offshoots. Is this clade found mostly in Balkans?

EDIT: This certain clade probably originated in Balkans(or just found the best refuge there)Very unstable presence suggests that they were most likely killed-off to some extent in the European Plains.

07-14-2012, 02:00 PM
I don't know, they appear to be Old-European offshoots is this clade found mostly in Balkans?

Former I2a2a in the Y2010 tree. I2a1b1 (L69.2(=T)/S163.2) is typical of the South Slavic populations of south-eastern Europe, being highest in Bosnia-Herzegovina (>50%).[14] Haplogroup I2a1b1 is also commonly found in north-eastern Italians.[15] There is also a high concentration of I2a2a in north-east Romania, Moldova and western Ukraine. In 2010 has Ken Nordtvedt argued that I2a1b1 is too young not to have been a result of a sudden expansion.[16] According to him I2a1b1 arose not earlier than 2500 years ago in Eastern Europe. He has presumed this to be a consequence from the Slavic invasion of the Balkans, from the area north-east of the Carpathians since 500 CE.[17] In 2011 Nordtvedt has confirmed I2a1b1 is not older than 2,800 years.[18] In his last comments about Haplogroup I tree and the conjectured spread map, he locates the start of the I2a1b1 lineage around the middle course of the Vistula.[19]

I do not give a fuck about Slavs so do not get me wrong, but since haplogroups only tells us not so much its funny that some do not want to associate a certain haplogroup with Slavs because Dinarics or Alpines and where this haplogroup has highest percentages ( not to mention a term which has zero correlation with genetics and therefore reality ) destroy image of blond Slavs.

In any case I do not know what does Ken means with the expansion that is were there brought to the south by force or not

07-14-2012, 02:08 PM
I do not give a fuck about Slavs so do not get me wrong, but since haplogroups only tells us not so much its funny that some do not want to associate a certain haplogroup with Slavs because Dinarics or Alpines and where this haplogroup has highest percentages ( not to mention a term which has zero correlation with genetics and therefore reality ) destroy image of blond Slavs.
It's not about Nordicism and being blonde, don't understand me in a wrong way. I'm not a blonde and fully Nordid guy myself.
That's why I have written Pontid among other types whose skeletons were vastly found not only in a Corded Ware zone but also some older non-Slavic(let's say just Indo-European or Eurasian) cultures like Andronovo, Afnasevo etc.
It's time to deal with it that Balkans were under some process we don't understand for the most part and their slavicness is like germanicness of Irish people. They speak Germanic language and have some minor genetic input but they aren't original and descend from extinct culture.