View Full Version : To Hell with it!

07-26-2012, 09:00 AM

First off, I'd like to point out I'm a light-haired and light-eyed European, however due my family situation and general disinterest of family members in each others (and my lack of knowledge on genetics) I'm not sure even to which meta-ethnicity I belong. I am categorized as white, except when exposed too much to sunlight - then light reddish-pink with aching burns (and potentially skin cancer someday).

Secondly, I won't say where I live exactly nor shall reveal any other immediate information about my identity. Why? Because apparently, I value privacy especially when discussing the 'touchy topics' in which the world's oligarchy has strong interest.

I prefer our communication instead of here to be done mainly (and later exclusively) in forum sections corresponding the mattering topic and just maybe by other means with the highly like-minded.

The last, but not the least- things you ought to know:

-The greatest impact Europe made (and still does) on me is intellectual and spiritual.

- I am not racist: I appreciate the differences and I am for preservation of all of them

- You're may ask questions, I'll answer them if I can; all of this according to that said above.

07-26-2012, 09:04 AM
You seem very interesting and intelligent. Welcome!

07-26-2012, 09:05 AM
Hello and welcome :)

07-26-2012, 09:07 AM
Hi there. Your intro is intriguing:) Welcome to the forum!

07-26-2012, 09:10 AM
May i ask what was the necessity of describing your hair color and eye tinge? If you are reluctant to discuss most anything about yourself?

07-26-2012, 09:21 AM
May i ask what was the necessity of describing your hair color and eye tinge? If you are reluctant to discuss most anything about yourself?

The detail ought to matter in a forum like this.
It suffices. But if my body interests you more than this, that might prove a problem.

07-26-2012, 09:32 AM
The detail ought to matter in a forum like this.
It suffices. But if my body interests you more than this, that might prove a problem.

No it does not.
Your introduction is enough.

07-26-2012, 09:37 AM
You have an interesting screenname:)

07-26-2012, 10:07 AM
First off, I'd like to point out I'm a light-haired and light-eyed European

First thing you mention, later you point out, you don`t want to reveal any private information and you will not mention where you live.
A bit contradicting yourself but anyway, welcome

07-26-2012, 10:24 AM
You have an interesting screenname:)

It comes from my tremendous dislike for decadent and depressed people who often prove to be depressive as well. And yes, I do like to occasionally dabble in mythology. It never gets out-dated despite people thinking otherwise.

First thing you mention, later you point out, you don`t want to reveal any private information and you will not mention where you live.
A bit contradicting yourself but anyway, welcome

Not really. I've just drawn a line to how much I will reveal, with good reasons.

No it does not.

Not to you. But my introduction was meant for other people also, people whom it may concern.

Thank you for welcomes! We'll see if I'll be just as welcome when the heat of discussions rises! :tongue

07-26-2012, 10:30 AM
It comes from my tremendous dislike for decadent and depressed people who often prove to be depressive as well. And yes, I do like to occasionally dabble in mythology. It never gets out-dated despite people thinking otherwise.

Not really. I've just drawn a line to how much I will reveal, with good reasons.

Not to you. But my introduction was meant for other people also, people whom it may concern.

Thank you for welcomes! We'll see if I'll be just as welcome when the heat of discussions rises! :tongue

I meant that your drawing a boundary does not bother me. Iam cool with it.

07-26-2012, 10:46 AM

07-26-2012, 10:52 AM
I meant that your drawing a boundary does not bother me. Iam cool with it.

Good to know!

07-26-2012, 02:21 PM
Hello! Welcome to the Apricity. :)

07-26-2012, 02:22 PM

07-26-2012, 02:32 PM
Too much information, but welcome anyhow! Have fun! :D

07-26-2012, 03:32 PM
Too much information

If introduction is all about welcome and thank you, we might have skipped it. But it's not. Not this one!

Thank you all.

The Lawspeaker
07-26-2012, 03:38 PM
Welcome to the jungle. :)

07-26-2012, 03:41 PM

07-27-2012, 12:57 AM
I understand the way you value privacy. Who knows what forces scour the web for thought-crimes. Would it be too much to ask if you are of western or eastern European origin?

07-27-2012, 01:01 AM
Welcome! You seem to be a tough girl:D

07-27-2012, 01:22 AM
Welcome, and I will be happy to respect both your privacy and your communication preferences, good to meet you, enjoy the forum.

07-27-2012, 02:50 AM
Welcome :)
We're a a feisty bunch at times but, we always mean well.
Enjoy your time here, there are many great characters on here,
good luck :D

07-27-2012, 02:55 AM
Welcome :)

07-27-2012, 02:58 AM


07-27-2012, 12:00 PM
Welcome! You seem to be a tough girl:D

:D smiley makes you seem like a wooer. Wooing not allowed!!!

Welcome :)
We're a a feisty bunch at times but, we always mean well.
Enjoy your time here, there are many great characters on here,
good luck :D

I like Assassin's Creed too!



Aye, commander!

07-27-2012, 12:48 PM

First off, I'd like to point out I'm a light-haired and light-eyed European, however due my family situation and general disinterest of family members in each others (and my lack of knowledge on genetics) I'm not sure even to which meta-ethnicity I belong. I am categorized as white, except when exposed too much to sunlight - then light reddish-pink with aching burns (and potentially skin cancer someday).

Secondly, I won't say where I live exactly nor shall reveal any other immediate information about my identity. Why? Because apparently, I value privacy especially when discussing the 'touchy topics' in which the world's oligarchy has strong interest.

I prefer our communication instead of here to be done mainly (and later exclusively) in forum sections corresponding the mattering topic and just maybe by other means with the highly like-minded.

The last, but not the least- things you ought to know:

-The greatest impact Europe made (and still does) on me is intellectual and spiritual.

- I am not racist: I appreciate the differences and I am for preservation of all of them

- You're may ask questions, I'll answer them if I can; all of this according to that said above.

Some observations:

Your meta-ethnicity has little to do with your subrace (which is the area of interest of many on this forum). If you're north-west European in ancestry, it's either Germanic or Celtic. If you're from 'The Colonies', probably Celtic-Germanic. If East European, Slavic would most probably be your meta-ethnicity, perhaps Turkic if South East European (I'm being generous with my concept of 'European' here), more probably Hellenic. If South/South-West European, probably Latin. Whatever country you come from, it most probably has more than a couple of million occupants, so I wouldn't be terrified of identifying your nationality. From your information, I've already pegged your ancestry as north-west European, your ancestry probably derived from the British isles. Functionally, that means you'd likely be one of potentially 200 or so million people from across the world who're descended from the core of the British Empire :p

If you're truly concerned about your privacy and consider yourself a thought criminal or probable 'anti-citizen', you shouldn't be on the internet. That said, unless you're doing something particularly active, it's safe to say the limited resources the authorities have at their disposal simply are not going to be directed at you. By all means don't go posting your photos or name, but no need to be that paranoid :p

All that asides: welcome to The Apricity, have fun discussing stuff that probably doesn't come up in conversations with random people while waiting for the bus :)

07-27-2012, 06:01 PM
I like Assassin's Creed too!

Can't wait for the new one this fall, super stoked! :D

07-27-2012, 06:04 PM
to hell with what?

08-03-2012, 08:44 AM
Can't wait for the new one this fall, super stoked! :D

Trailer looks very promising indeed and the previous sequels are kick-ass (both metaphorically and literally) in many ways!

to hell with what?

Surviving the wait for account confirmation and making a super-interesting-and-unique headline for introduction.