View Full Version : Prostitution

08-16-2012, 08:15 PM
What are your views on "the worlds oldest trade"?

Incel King
08-16-2012, 08:24 PM
I'm strongly oppose prostitution and it's against Jesus. Prostitution should be prohibited and prostitutes should be punished very sternly.

08-16-2012, 08:27 PM
I am against it. It is severly hurting the dignity of humans.

08-16-2012, 08:32 PM
It depends, if a woman is not forced to it & does it by her own means, I don't
oppose that & I frankly don't care (many relationships are based on money),
but if she or even he is forced into it, I'm definitely against it & the perpetrator
/the one who forces her into that should be locked up for good.:thumb001:

08-16-2012, 08:34 PM
I am against it, it poisons the relationships between men and women, spreads disease, encourages men to have an unhealthy perspective about women in general, so that they have absolutely no realistic idea what women's real sexual needs and desires are. Prostitutes are mostly young girls, in some ways they are victims who have no sense of self worth, so they are to be pitied and helped. Prostitution turns sex into something ugly.

08-16-2012, 08:36 PM
I see its purpose. I am not against it as long as the women and men who are the ones being sought after are kept in good living conditions, are given adequate medical care when they need it, and are not vilified for their choice of profession. And also that they are of a legal working age, and are in the profession of their own free will.

There's a lot of men that are not able to secure a woman for themselves without having to pay for it, I know one in particular, a really, really nice, sweet man, but he has had horrible luck with women. He now goes to prostitutes, after two failed relationships. Do I think that he's immoral for that? No! All people experience loneliness, and if that is the only option that has worked for them, then they should be able to use it.

Now, would I want my husband to visit one? No, I wouldn't. :aufsmaul_2: But that's a family decision.

08-16-2012, 08:37 PM
I am not the one to tell people, what or what not to do with their own bodies. Its none of the states business either.

08-16-2012, 08:40 PM
Self-ownership. Adult people are free, responsible and owners of their bodies. They can prostitute themselves.

08-16-2012, 08:40 PM
Not a fan of it, but it should nevertheless be legalized and monitered by the state. Whether we like it or not, prostitution will exist in this day and age even if it is illegal. Prostitutes in almost all countries (both male and female) are oftentimes abused (Emotionally, physically, sexually, etc) and forced into it. If it is legalized, then there can be a better watch on prostitutes and at least help keep them safe and offer them the same security that most people in the first world are allowed. They are people too after all.

08-16-2012, 08:40 PM
It should be legalized......
You can't stop it........al least medical care would prevent to some degree level of STD's transmited to the wifes at home from their beloved husbands when they get back from "action" :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
But,legalization of prostitution should follow serious fight against human trafficking and sexual slavery.....
I find it silly to go against human nature when it commes to sex.....prostitutes and gigolos will always exist ,because there will always be need for them.

08-16-2012, 08:54 PM
My view is that what goes on between two consenting adults isn't really any of my business. I don't see much of a difference between spending £40 on drinks to get a woman drunk so you can fuck her, and spending £40 on a prostitute, in fact I think the latter is more morally correct. All men have to pay for sex, whether that's by providing for your wife/family, going on dates, buying women drinks at clubs, or paying for prostitutes, so the act of paying for sex is by no means unique to prostitution.

Just my 2 cents.

08-16-2012, 08:57 PM
My view is that what goes on between two consenting adults isn't really any of my business. I don't see much of a difference between spending £40 on drinks to get a woman drunk so you can fuck her, and spending £40 on a prostitute, in fact I think the latter is more morally correct. All men have to pay for sex, whether that's by providing for your wife/family, going on dates, buying women drinks at clubs, or paying for prostitutes, so the act of paying for sex is by no means unique to prostitution.

Just my 2 cents.

Some people would probably prefer it. They pay for just one night, and don't have to deal with the "nag, nag, nag, bitch, bitch, bitch" of a full time relationship. :tongue

08-16-2012, 09:00 PM
Not a fan of it, but it should nevertheless be legalized and monitered by the state. Whether we like it or not, prostitution will exist in this day and age even if it is illegal. Prostitutes in almost all countries (both male and female) are oftentimes abused (Emotionally, physically, sexually, etc) and forced into it. If it is legalized, then there can be a better watch on prostitutes and at least help keep them safe and offer them the same security that most people in the first world are allowed. They are people too after all.

Good point,

08-16-2012, 09:01 PM
I don't care. There are women on the dole that sleep around a lot that could easily turn this into a career. No one is surprised these days to see people having many short term partners but most still seem to have strong views about prostitution.

We should legalise it and set up discrete brothels or something rather than having women desperate for money in the hands of dangerous pimps.
Prostitutes on the streets have always been vulnerable but some women will take the chance to make some money anyway. So setting up well regulated brothels is probably the best option.
It shouldn't just be limited to female prostitutes and male customers though, women too should be able to use these places.

Really this isn't an issue I really care much about, but there's not much point arguing about morals surrounding prostitution when these are clearly ignored in many relationships.
I don't see it as a major problem, it's always existed and always will.

08-16-2012, 09:04 PM
Prostitution is actually legal in the UK. Only organised prostitution (e.g. pimps, brothels etc) is illegal.

08-16-2012, 09:08 PM
Everybody can do whatever they want with their body, it's their choice. But it's totally diferent if the person is forced to do it.

08-16-2012, 09:12 PM
Prostitution is actually legal in the UK. Only organised prostitution (e.g. pimps, brothels etc) is illegal.

I think that prostitution would be much better off with a
more organized, state touch to it, alot of women & even
teenage men would be much safer & I guess it wouldn't
be much of a taboo.

I personally would not like to see women prostitute
themselves that much, but as you said, if you narrow
it down, basically everything can be taken as prostitution,
since women really dislike cheap men.:thumb001:

08-16-2012, 09:17 PM
I understand there's alot of crime and filthy business behind prostitution or "illegal" prostitution but it shouldn't be illegal. Honestly what counts as prostitution today? I also don't think the gov't should be telling people who they can and can't have sex with, making it illegal promotes the crime probably.

08-16-2012, 09:40 PM
Prostitution is actually legal in the UK. Only organised prostitution (e.g. pimps, brothels etc) is illegal.

Yes, it's a ridiculous situation. Women are more at risk this way.

08-16-2012, 09:58 PM
The situation in Sweden is like this: it's legal to prostitute yourself, but illegal to pay for sex. A prostitute can put ads in newspapers and tax the business, and at the same time is also able to report the customer to the police if she/he wasn't satisfied with him/her. It's a ludicrous compromise if you ask me. It should either be legal or illegal for both parts.

08-16-2012, 10:00 PM
The situation in Sweden is like this: it's legal to prostitute yourself, but illegal to pay for sex. A prostitute can put ads in newspapers and tax the business, and at the same time is also able to report the customer to the police if she/he wasn't satisfied with him/her. It's a ludicrous compromise if you ask me. It should either be legal or illegal for both parts.

Oh my god, are they forreal? :eek::picard1:

Talk about extra rights for the prostitute, this is
male discrimination at it's best.:D

08-17-2012, 08:23 AM
I'm strongly oppose prostitution and it's against Jesus. Prostitution should be prohibited and prostitutes should be punished very sternly.

Are you seriously using a two thousand year old dead Jewish zombie as a moral compass?

I am against it. It is severly hurting the dignity of humans.

Humans don't have dignity. If they did, governments wouldn't exist. But they do, because humanity in general is composed of self-effacing, grovelling cowards.

I am against it, it poisons the relationships between men and women, spreads disease, encourages men to have an unhealthy perspective about women in general, so that they have absolutely no realistic idea what women's real sexual needs and desires are. Prostitutes are mostly young girls, in some ways they are victims who have no sense of self worth, so they are to be pitied and helped. Prostitution turns sex into something ugly.

Prostitution spreads disease no more than conventional sexual relations do. If anything, it spreads less disease - a prostitute who gets a reputation as a petri dish for venereal diseases isn't going to get many customers. On the other hand, how many sluts get drunk and have sex with random men without using a condom because it 'feels better'? Porn, not prostitution, encourages an unrealistic perspective of women. And the collapse of feminism into sluttishness does infinitely more damage to the image of women than old fashioned prostitution.

08-17-2012, 01:16 PM
The situation in Sweden is like this: it's legal to prostitute yourself, but illegal to pay for sex. A prostitute can put ads in newspapers and tax the business, and at the same time is also able to report the customer to the police if she/he wasn't satisfied with him/her. It's a ludicrous compromise if you ask me. It should either be legal or illegal for both parts.

Its basically rape in Sweden, if you look at a female the wrong way, speaking of overcompensating for Viking past...

08-17-2012, 01:21 PM
I don't have that much of a problem with it as long as the people involved are not forced into the line of work(i.e sex slaves)
If someone wants to sell sex and there are those who will buy it, then that's their business not mine.

08-17-2012, 01:28 PM
I see its purpose. I am not against it as long as the women and men who are the ones being sought after are kept in good living conditions, are given adequate medical care when they need it, and are not vilified for their choice of profession. And also that they are of a legal working age, and are in the profession of their own free will.

There's a lot of men that are not able to secure a woman for themselves without having to pay for it, I know one in particular, a really, really nice, sweet man, but he has had horrible luck with women. He now goes to prostitutes, after two failed relationships. Do I think that he's immoral for that? No! All people experience loneliness, and if that is the only option that has worked for them, then they should be able to use it.

Now, would I want my husband to visit one? No, I wouldn't. :aufsmaul_2: But that's a family decision.

^This exactly. Took the words right out of my mouth.

08-17-2012, 01:30 PM
Are you seriously using a two thousand year old dead Jewish zombie as a moral compass?

His right to

Humans don't have dignity. If they did, governments wouldn't exist. But they do, because humanity in general is composed of self-effacing, grovelling cowards.

No, I disagree.

Prostitution spreads disease no more than conventional sexual relations do. If anything, it spreads less disease - a prostitute who gets a reputation as a petri dish for venereal diseases isn't going to get many customers. On the other hand, how many sluts get drunk and have sex with random men without using a condom because it 'feels better'? Porn, not prostitution, encourages an unrealistic perspective of women. And the collapse of feminism into sluttishness does infinitely more damage to the image of women than old fashioned prostitution.
Nonsense. In one minute, looking up the CDC website, I found many studies:


"Serologic evidence of HTLV-III/LAV infection in female prostitutes has been shown in preliminary studies from several American cities. Of 92 prostitutes tested in Seattle, five (5%) had HTLV-III antibody detected by the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) tests of two manufacturers. In Miami, Florida, 10 (40%) of 25 prostitutes attending an AIDS screening clinic had HTLV-III antibody detected by both EIA and Western blot methods. Eight of the 10 seropositive women reported previous IV drug abuse. Reported by H Handsfield, MD, Seattle-King County Dept of Public Health, J Kobayashi, MD, State Epidemiologist, Washington State Dept of Social and Health Svcs; M Fischl, MD, G Dickinson, MD, University of Miami School of Medicine, J Witte, MD, Florida Dept of Health and Rehabilitative Svcs; AIDS Br, Div of Viral Diseases, Center for Infectious Diseases, CDC."

Prostitutes carry many more diseases , because they have sex with many more people. Condoms are simply not as safe as some people think. Please do not lead people to believe otherwise, and add to ignorance, also possibly endangering their young lives.
I also want to point out that legal prostitution is the reason so many men from other countries, carrying diseases you do not want in your population, come and visit, spread their disease, and leave. Now you will expose your own population to diseases that were not there.

08-17-2012, 01:31 PM
I favor the Netherlands model. Legalize prostitution in a specific area and tax sex workers. Prostitution is going to happen one way or other whether we like it or not.

08-17-2012, 01:32 PM
Oh my god, are they forreal? :eek::picard1:

Talk about extra rights for the prostitute, this is
male discrimination at it's best.:D

Sweden has the most messed up laws when it comes to dealing with sex crimes and related hence the reason why Sweden has been able to charge Assange with rape because of their ludicrous laws.

08-17-2012, 05:43 PM
Its basically rape in Sweden, if you look at a female the wrong way, speaking of overcompensating for Viking past...

08-17-2012, 09:53 PM
Let me ask this: will you make it illegal for people to have random hookups?

Duży Zaganiacz
08-18-2012, 12:58 AM
Prostitution makes a woman potentially useless for racial preservation, as literally no one is likely to marry such a thing, except for criminals.

08-18-2012, 10:02 AM
Prostitution makes a woman potentially useless for racial preservation, as literally no one is likely to marry such a thing, except for criminals.

A lot of women are heading that way without prostitution too.

The Lawspeaker
08-18-2012, 10:03 AM
If it's voluntary and pay income tax and charge VAT over their services then I don't see a problem with it (and of course: condoms should be mandatory). People own their own bodies.

08-18-2012, 11:08 AM
Prostitution makes a woman potentially useless for racial preservation, as literally no one is likely to marry such a thing, except for criminals.

Unless she keeps her mouth shut and moves away from the area she was prostituting herself ?

08-18-2012, 01:02 PM
It takes a certain personality to be a prostitute. It's like faggotry and real estate agency, not a growing demographic.:bored:

Duży Zaganiacz
08-18-2012, 03:21 PM
Unless she keeps her mouth shut and moves away from the area she was prostituting herself ?

In a region where sluttiness is a norm, such a former prostitute can even look innocent :) But whether she would still be attractive, is a different story.

08-18-2012, 03:26 PM
In a region where sluttiness is a norm, such a former prostitute can even look innocent :) But whether she would still be attractive, is a different story.

Better Question would be if such a person willing to earn her living on her back would be a decent specimen to preserve to begin with.
Quantity is one thing but what about Quality?

08-18-2012, 04:02 PM
Its basically rape in Sweden, if you look at a female the wrong way, speaking of overcompensating for Viking past...

Now I see why they want to deport Assange in Sweden. The guy is not just paranoid, what do you think Albion?

08-18-2012, 04:15 PM
Now I see why they want to deport Assange in Sweden. The guy is not just paranoid, what do you think Albion?

The Norse didn't rape their own women, but everyone else's. Business as usual.

Assange is no more a sexual assaulter than any other man. He's a potential political prisoner.

08-18-2012, 04:28 PM
The Norse didn't rape their own women, but everyone else's. Business as usual.

Assange is no more a sexual assaulter than any other man. He's a potential political prisoner.

Even worse. A potential political prisoner who is not allowed to enjoy the status of a political prisoner.

08-18-2012, 04:49 PM
Even worse. A potential political prisoner who is not allowed to enjoy the status of a political prisoner.

I don't understand. Very refreshing!

08-18-2012, 04:52 PM
I don't understand. Very refreshing!

I mean, worse for him. Being a political prisoner isn't something to be ashamed of.

08-18-2012, 04:55 PM
The Norse didn't rape their own women, but everyone else's. Business as usual.

Assange is no more a sexual assaulter than any other man. He's a potential political prisoner.

Dont kind yourself, all heterosexual intercourse is rape, you see women and men arent equal in our patriarchal society and because men have all the power and do with woemn as they please, they cant really give consent. Its basically forced upon them but in order to cope with the situation, they actually convince themselves, they wanted it or dont deserve any better. Its some sort of Stockholm syndrom.

08-18-2012, 05:06 PM
I mean, worse for him. Being a political prisoner isn't something to be ashamed of.

Well it might be better for his image to be a political criminal than a sex offender, but unfortunate for his time on earth because sex offenders generally have less jail time than political prisoners. Some people don't have as much shame as others and 3 years imprisoned for a sex offense might be more attractive than an open ended political sentence.

Would you rather be dealing with the British justice system or the American one? Whether he's guilty or not of the sex offenses it's understandable he wouldn't want to be delivered to America. After all, why should he? If he truly is a sex offender, Sweden should have the courage to flay him alive and be done with it.

08-18-2012, 05:14 PM
Dont kind yourself, all heterosexual intercourse is rape, you see women and men arent equal in our patriarchal society and because men have all the power and do with woemn as they please, they cant really give consent. Its basically forced upon them but in order to cope with the situation, they actually convince themselves, they wanted it or dont deserve any better. Its some sort of Stockholm syndrom.

I really don't understand you.
Males have strength, females have seduction.

Male uses his specialty => male = rapist; female = victim
Both agree => male = rapist (according to you)
Female uses her specialty => male = cheater; female = (maybe) a slut

If with equality you mean symmetry, it can't happen, because we're not symmetrical.

08-18-2012, 05:22 PM
Well it might be better for his image to be a political criminal than a sex offender, but unfortunate for his time on earth because sex offenders generally have less jail time than political prisoners. Some people don't have as much shame as others and 3 years imprisoned for a sex offense might be more attractive than an open ended political sentence.

Would you rather be dealing with the British justice system or the American one? Whether he's guilty or not of the sex offenses it's understandable he wouldn't want to be delivered to America. After all, why should he? If he truly is a sex offender, Sweden should have the courage to flay him alive and be done with it.

I'm not so sure whether America really wants to prosecute him.
They better prefer a forgotten Assange in a Sweden prison, and an excuse to dismiss any wikileaks info as sourced by a rapist, rather than a political vip that times after times gets mentioned in media.

08-18-2012, 05:29 PM
Dont kind yourself, all heterosexual intercourse is rape, you see women and men arent equal in our patriarchal society and because men have all the power and do with woemn as they please, they cant really give consent. Its basically forced upon them but in order to cope with the situation, they actually convince themselves, they wanted it or dont deserve any better. Its some sort of Stockholm syndrom.

The sad thing is that most Leftists actually believe this crap.

08-18-2012, 06:05 PM
I really don't understand you.
Males have strength, females have seduction.

Male uses his specialty => male = rapist; female = victim
Both agree => male = rapist (according to you)
Female uses her specialty => male = cheater; female = (maybe) a slut

If with equality you mean symmetry, it can't happen, because we're not symmetrical.

And people claim we dont have a sense of humour....

Its radical feminist bullshit ideology, which doesnt really fit well with my first post about Swedish rape legislation.
And to be clear I dont believe it has anything to do with their Viking past (Vikings, famous for rape... joke)

The part about looking women the wrong way was an exaggeration meant to highlight the rather extreme way Sweden takes regarding feminism, rape etc.

08-18-2012, 06:05 PM
The sad thing is that most Leftists actually believe this crap.

Not all of them but major parts of the Swedish are almost there.

08-18-2012, 06:14 PM
Not all of them but major parts of the Swedish are almost there.

I can't understand why they are totally oblivious to how fucking retarded that is, I can't help but laugh...

08-18-2012, 06:25 PM
I can't understand why they are totally oblivious to how fucking retarded that is, I can't help but laugh...

Well, if they want you to lick your mistresses boots, they better be hot and most Swedish girls certainly are...
But yes, its quite pathetic and also a little bit mysterious considering most western feminist and leftists organisations draw their strenght from the terror of the world wars and Sweden wasnt really that involved to put it nicely.

Bobcat Fraser
08-19-2012, 06:32 AM
It's extremely immoral, but it should not be illegal. We should have control and power over what we do to and with our own bodies, not the State. God gave freedom of choice to us. It's time that the government does the same.

08-19-2012, 06:49 AM
Our society is, and has been, since the advent of agriculture, if not sooner, based on prostitution in one way or another. Prostitutes relieve sexual tension which may not otherwise have an outlet (OK, let's face it, beating it gets tiring after a while), in this way, they perform a community service. I am all for prostitution, as the repression of sexuality is largely responsible for a goodly portion of the world's ills.

It's extremely immoral, (:confused:) but it should not be illegal. We should have control and power over what we do to and with our own bodies, not the State. God gave freedom of choice to us. It's time that the government does the same.
If it were possible to give half a "Thanks" for a post I would do it here.

08-19-2012, 08:29 AM
Dont kind yourself, all heterosexual intercourse is rape, you see women and men arent equal in our patriarchal society and because men have all the power and do with woemn as they please, they cant really give consent. Its basically forced upon them but in order to cope with the situation, they actually convince themselves, they wanted it or dont deserve any better. Its some sort of Stockholm syndrom.

This sounds like a female Swedish exchange student that I had the misfortune of meeting.

08-19-2012, 01:08 PM
This sounds like a female Swedish exchange student that I had the misfortune of meeting.

Maybe we met the same person then, after her little rant, I asked her if she would mind me raping her. Her expression was priceless.

08-19-2012, 04:12 PM
And people claim we dont have a sense of humour....

Its radical feminist bullshit ideology, which doesnt really fit well with my first post about Swedish rape legislation.
And to be clear I dont believe it has anything to do with their Viking past (Vikings, famous for rape... joke)

The part about looking women the wrong way was an exaggeration meant to highlight the rather extreme way Sweden takes regarding feminism, rape etc.

Ah. I missed that too, sarcasm and humour doesn't communicate well in writing because it often depends on the tone of voice.

This is ridiculously stupid of them though. BTW, have you ever heard of the SCUM manifesto? That was written by a feminist too. There is some debate as to whether it's supposed to real or for humour. Since it was written by a feminist then I think it's supposed to be real, it's kind of messed up...

Our society is, and has been, since the advent of agriculture, if not sooner, based on prostitution in one way or another. Prostitutes relieve sexual tension which may not otherwise have an outlet (OK, let's face it, beating it gets tiring after a while), in this way, they perform a community service. I am all for prostitution, as the repression of sexuality is largely responsible for a goodly portion of the world's ills.

I bet it happened in the stone age too - you can just imagine it:

"Ugg, give me that mammoth and I'll make it worth your while...." ;)

08-19-2012, 06:14 PM
Ah. I missed that too, sarcasm and humour doesn't communicate well in writing because it often depends on the tone of voice.

This is ridiculously stupid of them though. BTW, have you ever heard of the SCUM manifesto? That was written by a feminist too. There is some debate as to whether it's supposed to real or for humour. Since it was written by a feminist then I think it's supposed to be real, it's kind of messed up...

I bet it happened in the stone age too - you can just imagine it:

"Ugg, give me that mammoth and I'll make it worth your while...." ;)

The chick who wrote it tried, to shoot Andy Warhol, the feminists demanded her to be released called her a hero and a fighter against the evil patriarchy, if it was meant to be funny, they kinda messed up the punchline.
Its a nice example of feminazi hate speech but then being loving and caring creatures women arent really capable of hating or violence, are they?

Anyway the scum manifesto isnt the only dubious work those wenches produced, I read those elaborated post about "world castration day" recently. Which doesnt cry for the murder of all men but only 80% or so and the rest would get their testicles removed in a rather barbaric and humiliating fashion in order to protect women from us filthy animals. If the male has desireable traits he would be "milked", before taking his balls off. If you refuse, you are put down for good. She was really detailed when describing the scenery, seems like she had fun. But she also mentioned how the procedure would be in our best interest, since it would prevent testicular cancer.

08-19-2012, 06:23 PM
The chick who wrote it tried, to shoot Andy Warhol, the feminists demanded her to be released called her a hero and a fighter against the evil patriarchy, if it was meant to be funny, they kinda messed up the punchline.
Its a nice example of feminazi hate speech but then being loving and caring creatures women arent really capable of hating or violence, are they?

Anyway the scum manifesto isnt the only dubious work those wenches produced, I read those elaborated post about "world castration day" recently. Which doesnt cry for the murder of all men but only 80% or so and the rest would get their testicles removed in a rather barbaric and humiliating fashion in order to protect women from us filthy animals. If the male has desireable traits he would be "milked", before taking his balls off. If you refuse, you are put down for good. She was really detailed when describing the scenery, seems like she had fun. But she also mentioned how the procedure would be in our best interest, since it would prevent testicular cancer.

A lot of feminists seem to have been victims of sexual abuse (or claim to have been anyway). It seems they had a few bad experiences with men and became male-haters as a result.
We never see men advocating anything like this for women though. Some feminists are mentally ill and yet our degenerate societies find it acceptable.
At least Russia knows what to do with them.

Sultan Suleiman
08-19-2012, 06:26 PM
You can't stop it........al least medical care would prevent to some degree level of STD's transmited to the wifes at home from their beloved husbands when they get back from "action" :rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

Vidi mog optimističnog cvjetića :rolleyes:

08-19-2012, 06:27 PM
Too many police resources are wasted busting hookers. The industry needs to be regulated, taxed, and given strict rules. This won't eliminate all bad things associated with it, but it will cut out predatory pimps, reduced the spread of STD's, and give prostitues some measure of official protection from dangerous clients.

08-19-2012, 06:43 PM
A lot of feminists seem to have been victims of sexual abuse (or claim to have been anyway). It seems they had a few bad experiences with men and became male-haters as a result.
We never see men advocating anything like this for women though. Some feminists are mentally ill and yet our degenerate societies find it acceptable.
At least Russia knows what to do with them.

And the other part wish they were, because they are so hideous, no man would want to touch them. Smart and/or beautiful women dont need feminism.

Bobcat Fraser
08-20-2012, 12:54 AM
If it were possible to give half a "Thanks" for a post I would do it here.

I'll accept your thanks as a "tha". Anyway, it's just that I think that an intimate, personal, spiritual act should not be degraded and monetized by visiting prostitutes. You see it from a different perspective, which is your right. The law should allow us to act on how we view this issue.

Colonel Frank Grimes
08-20-2012, 02:00 AM
Married women have a traditional dislike for prostitutes. They see them as competition. A man of any age would prefer a young, attractive woman over their middle age, wrinkled, over weight wife. It comes a time in the life of most men when they look at their wife and say (in their head) "I rather jerk off to porn than fuck you." The other option is the prostitute. I don't mean a crack whore with disease (well, for the lower status men with little money I do) but escorts and women who work in "masseuse parlors."

A 50 year old woman could get laid just as quickly as 20 year old woman with men around her own age, married or not. A 50 year old guy is left hanging with not only a very depleted pool of attractive women around his own age but with the lack of time and energy to pursue women. He has very little hope of snagging a young attractive woman unless he is very well off, which is preferred. So off to the escort or "masseuse parlor" he goes for a quick fix.

I'm fine with giving men that option. It's only fair and it keeps women from holding sex over their husband's head to get what they want as some women do.

08-20-2012, 02:08 AM
I think prostitution should be legalized by the goverments, because it's a phenomen that can't be totally eliminated, in addition where it's considered illegal often this activity is controlled by crime organizations.

08-20-2012, 09:55 AM
I'm fine with giving men that option. It's only fair and it keeps women from holding sex over their husband's head to get what they want as some women do.

Fuck, it pisses me off so much that women do that. Not all women, but it's common in marriage after kids when women have pretty much no reason to have sex with their husbands...

08-20-2012, 01:21 PM
Thanks for the answers guys, it's been interesting to read through this thread, a lot of you have said about whether or not it should be legalised, but the answers I'm really looking for are about the morals of prostitution, whether you would use one, do you think it's ok, etc

08-20-2012, 01:32 PM
Fuck, it pisses me off so much that women do that. Not all women, but it's common in marriage after kids when women have pretty much no reason to have sex with their husbands...

Some people really love their partner, and sex is fun. People who love someone would not withhold sex! Why would they? It makes them both happy. Don't be fooled by the people who have no respect for love, they are just jaded and bitter. I have seen lots of people who are happy married and adore their spouse. People withhold sex when they are angry at each other. But, sensible people make amends, and are kind .

08-20-2012, 01:44 PM
Thanks for the answers guys, it's been interesting to read through this thread, a lot of you have said about whether or not it should be legalised, but the answers I'm really looking for are about the morals of prostitution, whether you would use one, do you think it's ok, etc

It would be interesting to open a thread about 'morals' first.
How people define morality?

About legalizing something...
I don't like to spend time planting flowers, but I would be against a law that prohibits it, even though it wouldn't affect me.

I just don't support the idea of "victimless crimes". Punishing people for something that affects no one but them.

08-20-2012, 01:46 PM
I support Prostitution only if it's a choice. It should be legalised everywhere in the world, it's OK if they practice safe sex.

08-20-2012, 02:25 PM
People who love someone would not withhold sex!


08-20-2012, 08:04 PM
Fuck, it pisses me off so much that women do that. Not all women, but it's common in marriage after kids when women have pretty much no reason to have sex with their husbands...

How would you know that if you are 17?:confused:

08-20-2012, 08:20 PM
As long as there is a demand for something there will be a supply.

08-20-2012, 08:22 PM
How would you know that if you are 17?:confused:

Quorra, these are pearls of wisdom! You know that many a truth is spoken by the mouth of babes. ;)

08-20-2012, 10:45 PM
How would you know that if you are 17?:confused:

Not from personal experience obviously, nobody's personal experience would be valid evidence for the argument I made, regardless of age or the number of times they'd married.

This is off topic so I won't bother getting in to an argument about it.

Hong Key
08-20-2012, 11:22 PM
I knew a girl (Kelly Royce for you perverts out there) who did porn , tried real acting (didn’t work out, of course) and when she was a little older became a "Message Therapist” i.e. happy endings. When I met her she was born again christian. (so no nooky for me, she screwed 3/4 of the males in the city 1/4 of the females and all I get is her boob in my mouth, probably for the best though)

The sex industry really destroy’s people, both men and women. I understand when rent is due and your ass is broke but it’s really horrendous. There’s alway going to be a few who participate but as you have notice our enemies are trying/succeeding in making it mainstream. Also when you see those fresh from the border hookers in downtown L.A., you know half or more of them were forced into it. Disgusting, sad, disturbing.

08-21-2012, 02:43 AM
Not from personal experience obviously, nobody's personal experience would be valid evidence for the argument I made,regardless of age or the number of times they'd married. Why's that?
This is off topic so I won't bother getting in to an argument about it.

How's it off topic? You led the discussion to this so you'd be the one to know. ;)

08-21-2012, 10:59 AM
I knew a girl (Kelly Royce for you perverts out there) who did porn , tried real acting (didn’t work out, of course) and when she was a little older became a "Message Therapist” i.e. happy endings. When I met her she was born again christian. (so no nooky for me, she screwed 3/4 of the males in the city 1/4 of the females and all I get is her boob in my mouth, probably for the best though)

The sex industry really destroy’s people, both men and women. I understand when rent is due and your ass is broke but it’s really horrendous. There’s alway going to be a few who participate but as you have notice our enemies are trying/succeeding in making it mainstream. Also when you see those fresh from the border hookers in downtown L.A., you know half or more of them were forced into it. Disgusting, sad, disturbing.

Born again christian? Now thats worrying indeed. If this would be the likely outcome, I would be against prostitution as well.

You are probably right regarding the Mexican hookers but thats not a reason to fight prostitution but to legalize it. So we can tax the girls, have madatory std tests for them but also to protect them better. The legalization would be a major blow to organized crime.

08-21-2012, 11:15 AM
Why's that?

Because nobody's personal experience is anywhere near enough to make a generalisation such as that.

08-23-2012, 11:30 AM
People who love someone would not withhold sex!

What I wonder: if men can so easily have sex with someone they don't love, can't they just as easily not have it with someone they love?

08-23-2012, 11:50 AM
All for: legal and controlled prostitution by consenting individuals, brothels, safely conducted, STD tested, taxed and insured labor.

All against: human trafficking, forced prostitution, child prostitution, hazardous and unsafe processes, pimps, sidewalks, undeclared and uninsured labor.

08-23-2012, 11:56 AM
What I wonder: if men can so easily have sex with someone they don't love, can't they just as easily not have it with someone they love?

No, because the first case includes sex, while the second dont....

We are talking about a relationship here, not love for your family or obsession with a person who doesnt want anything to do with you right?

Besides our biological urges, sex serves also as an important bonding mechanism, it turnes my interest and sympathy for a particular female into love. Men (at least in most cases) arent obsessive schoolgirls vowing eternal love to the guy one a poster on their walls.
And if one of the spouses doesnt wish to have sex with the other over a long period of time, there is something deeply wrong with those marriage, which probably reaches way beyond the actual sex.

08-23-2012, 12:32 PM
What I wonder: if men can so easily have sex with someone they don't love, can't they just as easily not have it with someone they love?

No, because sex is a basic physiological need for males.

08-23-2012, 07:59 PM
What I wonder: if men can so easily have sex with someone they don't love, can't they just as easily not have it with someone they love?

And women only ever have sex with people they love do they? :picard1:

10-17-2012, 10:05 AM
I was thinking today. Prostitution a thorn in the eye of soccer moms and hollywood feel good propaganda, a man needs sexual release and non romantic, non propagandist forms of sexuality. Women's sexual liberation is actually a form of man's sexual enslavement, insisting the only way to have sex is through a monogamous romantic relationship.

10-17-2012, 10:46 AM
I was thinking today. Prostitution a thorn in the eye of soccer moms and hollywood feel good propaganda, a man needs sexual release and non romantic, non propagandist forms of sexuality. Women's sexual liberation is actually a form of man's sexual enslavement, insisting the only way to have sex is through a monogamous romantic relationship.

I beg to differ.

Women's sexual liberation is the ability to have sex outside of monogamous relationships, and for it to be socially acceptable.

This results in a huge shift in the supply and demand of sex, resulting in a minority of males getting a lot more than they need (or even want), and the majority of males not getting enough, if any, and having to "settle for less".

10-17-2012, 11:43 AM
Nowadays the sexual liberation is like a illusion of freedom for the woman, they think have equality and freedom because they can have sex with who they want.
Look to the Slut Walk, woman calling themselves sluts and thinking this is a form of obtain respect! "I have sex with how many man I want because I'm free and have the same rights!" No, goddamn bitch! You're just one more sexual object!

The midia teach the woman to be bitches and the man to be depraved, and make both think this is freedom and evolution of the way of thinking.

10-17-2012, 02:26 PM
I was thinking today. Prostitution a thorn in the eye of soccer moms and hollywood feel good propaganda, a man needs sexual release and non romantic, non propagandist forms of sexuality. Women's sexual liberation is actually a form of man's sexual enslavement, insisting the only way to have sex is through a monogamous romantic relationship.

I don't agree that women's liberation is the man's sexual enslavement. Because it's not women who demand monogamous relationships. It's men who can't get laid.

Vesuvian Sky
10-17-2012, 02:29 PM
Connected to prostitution very closely is human trafficking which I don't support at all and angers me.

If someone actually volunteers to do such service on their own then fine yet I hardly believe that most prostitutes aren't forced, coerced, or "trafficked" into their current profesion.

10-17-2012, 03:02 PM
Not in favor but I think it serves its purpose. It should be taxed and regulated by the government for the best of all parts involved. A lot better that then letting it be controlled by criminals. My view is the same on alcohol and Cannabis. Banning everything you don't like won't make it perish away, the alcohol prohibition in the states proved that. Prohibition makes it worse, legalization and information is the key in if not solving at least improving the situation.

10-17-2012, 05:33 PM
Prostitution is a profession. It should be regulated and taxed, like it was until the Commies came to power here. The risk of diseases and violations will decrease significantly. If a woman/man wants to make money with sex or to pay for it, so let it be.

10-17-2012, 06:29 PM
I think it should be outlawed. Woman who are currently operating as 'prozzies' should be offered alternative work. They should also be offered other kinds of help, for example if they are addicted to drugs and so forth....

10-17-2012, 08:47 PM
is it prostitution when u offer to a girl crash over in your apartment and in return she, u know humps u for one night,but she won't admit that she did it because of that

10-17-2012, 09:15 PM
is it prostitution when u offer to a girl crash over in your apartment and in return she, u know humps u for one night,but she won't admit that she did it because of that

lol I think thats the general idea bro. :)

10-18-2012, 07:06 AM
is it prostitution when u offer to a girl crash over in your apartment and in return she, u know humps u for one night,but she won't admit that she did it because of that

Virtually all instances of sex can be classed as prostitution.

That's just one example.

Another example would simply be being popular/famous, girls would have sex with you just because it would improve their social status. It's not monetary but they're still selling their body for some form of gain.

Another example is the basis of all healthy heterosexual relationships; resources/security (provided by the male), in exchange for sex (provided by the female).

10-22-2012, 04:54 PM
I think it should be outlawed. Woman who are currently operating as 'prozzies' should be offered alternative work. They should also be offered other kinds of help, for example if they are addicted to drugs and so forth....

I think you don't understand... Prostitution is in itself a alternative work for many women.

The issue of prostitution is stupid. I mean I can not understand that some people here are for or against... It's like being for or against the pain, sadness or anger.

BTW, I am against the legalization of prostitution by the state. I fear that it becomes a "career" for some people or some zealous bureaucrats see this as a new source of revenue. I think prostitution should not exceed the level of today. I am tolerant, because it is a form of misery.

Don't forget that the Americans created Al Capone with prohibition. It's will be embarrassing that history repeats itself...