View Full Version : Classify an actress

10-22-2012, 09:54 AM

Zmey Gorynych
10-22-2012, 10:17 AM
Turanid with a Med/Iranid influence.

10-22-2012, 03:47 PM
Anyone else?



10-22-2012, 03:51 PM
alpine. looks european except an oriental vibe on the eyes' region

10-22-2012, 03:52 PM
Borreby/Baltoid-Turanid - Pontid-Nordpontid

Zmey Gorynych
10-22-2012, 04:09 PM
Borreby/Baltoid-Turanid - Pontid-Nordpontid


That is not borreby/baltoid. It's amazing what a bucket of make-up, died hair and the "right" pictures can do to a person's phenotype :) I know that Altay thinks she's alpinoid ;)

10-22-2012, 04:15 PM
That is not borreby/baltoid. It's amazing what a bucket of make-up, died hair and the "right" pictures can do to a person's phenotype :) I know that Altay thinks she's alpinoid ;)

That's her? Looks Alpinoid-Turanid with Mediterranid influences. Might have some Borreby-like traits. What's her name anyway?

Zmey Gorynych
10-22-2012, 04:31 PM
That's her? Looks Alpinoid-Turanid with Mediterranid influences. Might have some Borreby-like traits. What's her name anyway?
Veda Dizisi Fahriye Evcen. If there is some alpinoid it's at the level of influence, the main phenotype being the good old Turanid. What do you think about the nose, isn't there something more progressive at work than med ?

10-22-2012, 04:43 PM
Veda Dizisi Fahriye Evcen. If there is some alpinoid it's at the level of influence, the main phenotype being the good old Turanid. What do you think about the nose, isn't there something more progressive at work than med ?

Pontid or Nordpontid maybe, she seems to have longer head also.
I don't think term "Turanid" is correct at all. Von Eickstedt named these Turanids
They are Aralid (Taurid/Armenoid+Alpinoid) mixed with Mongolid Tungid. They look nothing like her.

What here is the case and in many "Turanids" as people like to call them is some Alpinoid or Cromagno-Alpinoid mixed with Mongolid. That's not the same as Von Eickstedt's Turanid (Aralid), notwithstanding that pure Turanid (Pamirid) is a Caucasoid type.

Turanids are supposed to have progressive/beaky noses often.

Zmey Gorynych
10-22-2012, 04:54 PM
Pontid or Nordpontid maybe, she seems to have longer head also.
well her nose is a little beaky which can not be explained by pontid or nordid influence, I thought of types like dinarid or iranid, armenid maybe. Iranid explained both the longer head and the progressive nose.

I don't think term "Turanid" is correct at all. Von Eickstedt named these Turanids
They are Aralid (Taurid/Armenoid+Alpinoid) mixed with Mongolid Tungid. They look nothing like her.
http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/7113/turaniden2.jpg I see, well it's a little complicated and I don't see how a mixture of 3 brachycephalic types can produce a long-headed new type, do you ? They look very mongoloid to my eyes but you are right thy are still pred caucasid.

What here is the case and in many "Turanids" as people like to call them is some Alpinoid or Cromagno-Alpinoid mixed with Mongolid. That's not the same as Von Eickstedt's Turanid (Aralid), notwithstanding that pure Turanid (Pamirid) is a Caucasoid type.

Turanids are supposed to have progressive/beaky noses often.
That's the combination that I call Turanid, esentially an eurpoean cromagnoid altered by mongoloid admixture.

10-22-2012, 05:00 PM
It's amazing what a bucket of make-up, died hair and the "right" pictures can do to a person's phenotype :)
Actually I thought she was wearing less make-up than normal in the pictures I posted. It's a historical drama or something, note the plain clothing.