View Full Version : Which Films Have You Never Seen?

12-29-2008, 11:07 PM
Which popular films have you never seen? Films that it seems everyone else has seen at least once. I'll start.

Star Trek: I saw the series on TV as a child & it turned me off to a certain genre of science fiction, that set in a utopian intergalactic future. It was too socialistic & multicultural. So I never saw any of the Star Trek films except for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock which I saw with a group of friends & I'm not sorry I missed the rest of the franchise.

Star Wars: As I said Star Trek turned me off to certain Sci-Fi films. And Star Wars has a certain mythology that I've never bothered to learn & seem necessary to know to understand the franchise so I don't think I would be able to enjoy any of the films.

Rocky: I haven't seen any of the Rocky films. I've seen clips of Sylvestor Stallone interviews or clips of his films & he annoys the hell out of me. I will never pay good money to sit in a theater for 2 hours & listen to him mumble his way through a film.

Rambo: ^

The Terminator: Same reason as Rocky, just substitute Arnold Schwarzegger for Sylvestor Stallone.

I have never seen a Stallone film & the only Schwarzenegger film I've ever seen was Kindergarten Cop & I'm not sure how I got trapped into seeing that one.

Jaws: I wasn't allowed to see these when the first came out. Years later I caught a few minutes of the original while flipping channels & I thought That shark looks fake" & flipped the channel. I don't get what the fuss was about.

Harry Potter: Some how I've so far manage to get out of supervising a trip to the theater to see a Harry Potter film. I'm not sure how long my luck will hold.

12-29-2008, 11:42 PM
The Titanic :D

Just a random movie coming to mind. I despised all that Titanic hysteria so much that I never got to see it.

12-29-2008, 11:48 PM
Yes, some films have so much hysteria about them that they can never live up to the hype.

12-29-2008, 11:55 PM
The Dark Knight :eek:

12-30-2008, 12:35 AM
The Godfather: The people and lifestyle the films depict, even if not in a positive light, strike me as utterly repulsive. On a side note, I also do not care for Marlon Brando's acting.

Schindler's List: While I have seen short clips, it comes across as biased, dull, and certainly overrated. If, for example, a film with the same budget was made concerning the Armenian Genocide, the Holodomor, or the Srebrenica massacre, it goes without saying that it would never be afforded the type of praise and mythical status which has been heaped Spielberg's piece of propaganda.

There is certainly more, but these are the main ones that come to mind.

12-30-2008, 01:11 AM
Which popular films have you never seen? Films that it seems everyone else has seen at least once. I'll start.

Star Trek: I saw the series on TV as a child & it turned me off to a certain genre of science fiction, that set in a utopian intergalactic future. It was too socialistic & multicultural. So I never saw any of the Star Trek films except for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock which I saw with a group of friends & I'm not sorry I missed the rest of the franchise.

Star Wars: As I said Star Trek turned me off to certain Sci-Fi films. And Star Wars has a certain mythology that I've never bothered to learn & seem necessary to know to understand the franchise so I don't think I would be able to enjoy any of the films.

Rocky: I haven't seen any of the Rocky films. I've seen clips of Sylvestor Stallone interviews or clips of his films & he annoys the hell out of me. I will never pay good money to sit in a theater for 2 hours & listen to him mumble his way through a film.

Rambo: ^

The Terminator: Same reason as Rocky, just substitute Arnold Schwarzegger for Sylvestor Stallone.

I have never seen a Stallone film & the only Schwarzenegger film I've ever seen was Kindergarten Cop & I'm not sure how I got trapped into seeing that one.

Jaws: I wasn't allowed to see these when the first came out. Years later I caught a few minutes of the original while flipping channels & I thought That shark looks fake" & flipped the channel. I don't get what the fuss was about.

Harry Potter: Some how I've so far manage to get out of supervising a trip to the theater to see a Harry Potter film. I'm not sure how long my luck will hold.

Oh gosh!! How our tastes differ! LOL Save for the Rambo bit--I'm with you there. Star Trek, old franchise and new franchise (TNG (The Next Generation)) were great movies. Star Wars is a phenomenon not to be missed. Jaws is a classic (one of my favourite movies actually). Rocky, the very first one is a classic as well--a typical feel-good underdog story that Hollywood is so famous for. Harry Potter I can take or leave pretty much, though the first one was neat since the story was so novel at the time. Now mind you we're contemporaries you and I Æmeric so these films were shown in our youth and young adulthood. I'm not sure how I would feel seeing some of these as 'blockbusters' today mind you.

Stuff I haven't seen? All of these Scream movies and Scary movies and Final Destination and...well you get the picture. I've never seen Bernigni's Life is Beautiful, for the simple reason that somebody told me the ending and I honestly can't stomach such sadness. Nor have I seen Brokeback Mountain and probably never will. I don't consider myself homophobic by any stretch but I really have never had an interest in seeing it.


12-30-2008, 02:10 AM
The Dark Knight :eek: I haven't seen any of the Batman films. I did watch the series way back in the 60s & liked it at the time but I had no interest in seeing a Batman movie as an adult. I might watch them someday.

The Godfather: The people and lifestyle the films depict, even if not in a positive light, strike me as utterly repulsive. On a side note, I also do not care for Marlon Brando's acting. I saw Godfather I & II and liked them because they did show the mob in a realistic unflattering light, though I don't think many persons understood this. A lot of people left the theater (or their living-room, I was too young to see the Godfather films in the theaters when they first came out) admiring Michael Corleone. Same thing with the Sopranos, those people are animals but they have their admirers. And I was puzzled as to why Marlon Brando was nominated as Best Actor for what is essentially a supporting role. The only film I've seen where I liked Brando was "A Streetcar Named Desire". But his character was a brute.

[Schindler's List: While I have seen short clips, it comes across as biased, dull, and certainly overrated. If, for example, a film with the same budget was made concerning the Armenian Genocide, the Holodomor, or the Srebrenica massacre, it goes without saying that it would never be afforded the type of praise and mythical status which has been heaped Spielberg's piece of propaganda.Saw it, wish I hadn't. One of those "The Poor Persecuted Jews" pity movie.

Stuff I haven't see? All of these Scream movies and Scary movies and Final Destination and...well you get the picture. Yeah, I do longer have an urge to see those kinds of movies. Though I did see the original Halloween in 1978 & it was frightening at the time. I also saw the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the late 70s at a friends house - he had cable, one of the first in our neighborhood. It seemed low budget & trashy when I saw it on IFC last year but at the time it was very gory & bloody, something teen boys love.
I've never seen Bernigni's Life is Beautiful, for the simple reason that somebody told me the ending and I honestly can't stomach such sadness.I'm drawing a blank. I don't think I heard of that film. I am getting out of touch with contemporary pop culture.
[ Nor have I seen Brokeback Mountain and probably never will. I don't consider myself homophobic by any stretch but I really have never had an interest in seeing it.

Argh! A gay cowboy movie! I haven't seen it, never will & had forgotten about it's existance.

I did see Midnight Cowboy years ago on cable. I had no idea what it was about before I saw it. And for some reason I thought it was going to be a western.:eek:

12-30-2008, 03:05 AM
Let's see...

I've never seen a single Holocaust film (Schindler's List, Diary of Anne Frank, Life is Beautiful, etc.).

There are also a lot of classic films I've never seen, like Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia, The Grapes of Wrath, or To Kill a Mockingbird.

I've also not seen very many contemporary war movies (WWI, WWII, etc.).

12-30-2008, 04:23 AM
Star Trek was the first ever thing I saw on screen. Where I lived, it wasnt til the seventies that the tv transmitter mast got put up on the nearby hill. :D
We had the first tv! It was a massive thing in a piece of furniture that looked like a sideboard, took four men to put it in place and it stayed in the same corner til it died on us.
The very first programme I ever saw was Star Trek and I was hooked! Love it still, great nostalgia kick for me. :)
Haven`t seen the Batman movies aside from one, forget which one, but didn`t like it...again, I`m tainted by the things I watched growing up..the original series was camp, but funny and just right for kids. I outgrew my Goth phase so the dark brooding moodiness of the new movies just bores me.
Also haven`t seen any of the `rom coms` that are around....not a fan of such movies. I like plain old entertainment by way of blockbusters, special effects and the like...fantasy worlds, sci fi (Bladerunner is still one of my favourite movies...) or classic horror...cut my teeth on Hammer (:D) and the movies of Mario Bava.
Also haven`t seen the new Indiana Jones movie.
Or Quantum of Solace....I also grew up with Bond, and from all I`ve heard of it, it is dire, so I`m not going to even watch it.
Craig is hellbent on ruining the Bond character...I don`t want to get into James Bond`s psyche! I want the action, the gadgets, yes, even the sexism! I want the car chases and for him to say "shaken, not stirred" which Craig dismissed as dated, foolish, foolish man...(aka he won`t last forever, no matter how pretty he looks in swimming trunks...;) )

12-30-2008, 07:03 AM
Haha, maybe it would be easier to tell which ones I have seen :D. I haven't watched many movies at all :embarrassed. Titanic I have. It is looooooooong :eek:!

I have seen all of the Star Wars movies :D.

I don't have seen: any of the Scream movies, Scary movies, Harry Potter, American Pie, X-men. No holocaust movies except for Benigni's the Life is Beautiful. No Star Trek.

I've only seen the last Indiana Jones movie but I want to see the other ones :thumb001:.

I haven't had the occasion to watch the last LOTR yet :embarrassed.

12-30-2008, 08:03 AM
I've only seen the last Indiana Jones movie but I want to see the other ones :thumb001:.

Don't. It's utter crap. All they do is bash Germans/"Nazis" and while me and my brother who happen to like these movies watched the third movie a week ago, I got tired of pointing out all the errors -- and they were plenty!

One detail irritated me the most, several Germans wear uniforms with the ribbon from the Iron Cross, second class from WW2. And the movie is set in 1938, a year before WW2! Surely you think a multi-million dollar film could afford an expert on these things. And, also, Austria shouldn't exist, but it does in the film.

So, to sum it up, everything Spielberg does, including hos most celebrated films, is shit.

12-30-2008, 09:04 AM
Don't. It's utter crap. All they do is bash Germans/"Nazis"

Well in the "Temple of Doom", The East Indian Kali Thuggee religious cult were portrayed as the bad guys.

The Indian government actually found the script to be racist so they denied Speilberg filming rights there. Most of the movie ended up getting filmed in Sri Lanka instead.

12-30-2008, 10:13 AM
It's with some pride that I can say I've never seen Titanic or the Swindler's Mist.

I despise Spielberg in general, although I suppose I have to admit that when he bought his way into the Philip K Dick project Minority Report he didn't do such a bad job.


What G.A. said.

Arrow Cross
12-30-2008, 03:22 PM
Casablanca: War propaganda. Couldn't be arsed. But I think it's the beginning of a beauutiful thread...

Indiana Jones Trilogy: Only saw parts of it, but even that was enough for an utter disgust with that Yidd fairytale.

Star Trek Ep. 1-67443: Down with the usurpers! http://stumbleinn.net/forum/images/smilies/smiley_thumbsdown.gif

Planet of the Apes: The modern one, that is. The old ones were good.

American Pie: Do. Not. Want.

Kill Bill 1-2: Haven't seen, though I might give it a shot later.

X-men, Mortal Kombat, Final Fantasy, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Half-Kangaroo-man, etc...: Not intrested in American cartoons' movie versions. Never will be.

The Matrix 1-3: Its entire style and setting are fundamentally alien to me, plus, it was a too big fashion, plus, it was sooooo cool and wooow... :coffee: Has good parodies though.

Interview with the Vampire, Nightmare on Elm Street: Wanted to see, always missed 'em.

Resident Evil 1-2-3-whatever: Boring story, boring characters, boring monsters.

V for Vendetta: Multiculturalist, far-left propaganda. Ugly heroine. 'Nuff said.

P.s.: Seen LoTR, although I wish I haven't.

Don't. It's utter crap. All they do is bash Germans/"Nazis" and while me and my brother who happen to like these movies watched the third movie a week ago, I got tired of pointing out all the errors -- and they were plenty!

One detail irritated me the most, several Germans wear uniforms with the ribbon from the Iron Cross, second class from WW2. And the movie is set in 1938, a year before WW2! Surely you think a multi-million dollar film could afford an expert on these things. And, also, Austria shouldn't exist, but it does in the film.

So, to sum it up, everything Spielberg does, including hos most celebrated films, is shit.
A golden post.

The Godfather: The people and lifestyle the films depict, even if not in a positive light, strike me as utterly repulsive. On a side note, I also do not care for Marlon Brando's acting.
Watch them. They're among the best movies of the century. Regardless of its heroes not being some gallant knights, the storyline, the cast, the acting, and the emotions present as the trilogy goes through the entire XXth Century are magnificent.

Lady L
12-30-2008, 03:34 PM
The Titanic :D

Just a random movie coming to mind. I despised all that Titanic hysteria so much that I never got to see it.

Oh my goodness no! No Titanic..? :confused: I love it! I think you should see it...if you like love stories that is....:tongue

I have never seen Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Rocky...

01-02-2009, 06:33 AM
I never got around to see any of the "Harry Potter" movies.

Never caught any of the "Saw" movies.

I also never saw any of the "Scary Movie", "Epic Movie", "Date Movie", "Disaster Movie", "Meet the Spartans", "Not another Teen Movie", or "whatever movie", etc. that just parody other films.

01-02-2009, 02:22 PM
Interview with the Vampire

An extremely rare crossover from book to movie screen. Anne Rice is a beautiful author and I thought the film did the book justice. The only downside was Tom Cruise. I like him as an actor, but his portrayal of Lestat is just cringe worthy.

Which Films Have I Never Seen?


I made the mistake of watching that Hollywood raspberry of the same name with Keanu Reeves in it and don't think I can now watch it without having flashbacks to the remake.

01-02-2009, 03:39 PM

I made the mistake of watching that Hollywood raspberry of the same name with Keanu Reeves in it and don't think I can now watch it without having flashbacks to the remake.

Funny, a friend and I were chatting about this same movie last night. He told me to watch the original first before anything else! Hmm seems I should very much heed his advice. :thumbs up


01-02-2009, 04:28 PM
Check out American Pie : the naked mile Artic Fox, it's funny as hell !

01-14-2009, 09:41 PM
Planet of the Apes: The modern one, that is. The old ones were good.The 1968 one had a procommunist/universalist message, and was written by a blacklisted communist. :icon_eek:

As for the OP: I try to avoid movies with anti-European themes or glorification of degeneracy, though this is quite impossible to do 100% today.

One I wish I could erase from my memory: UndercoverBrother :stop :speechless-smiley-0

Also: Avoid all movies that Spike Lee is involved with in any way! :D

Manifest Destiny
01-22-2009, 04:31 PM

I've never seen this movie and never will; just on general principle. I was incredibly annoyed by the millions of people who made such a huge deal about the movie (with some people seeing in many, many times in theaters) when they already knew how it ended: the ship sinks.

01-22-2009, 07:34 PM
The Titanic. All the hype pissed me off to the point that I simply couldn't be bothered watching a movie which took the better part of two hours going through the motions - before the ship hit the iceberg!

None of the Saw movies either. Want to watch good old fashioned horror and suspense? I'd recommend any Hitchcock film but especially Psycho.

02-20-2012, 11:47 PM
I've never seen Titanic or Pretty Woman.

Queen B
02-20-2012, 11:53 PM
''Saw'' and also the sequels

Damião de Góis
02-21-2012, 12:02 AM

The Social Network


Titanic is a good movie btw

02-21-2012, 12:04 AM
I've not seen:

- Any of the Harry Potter movies
- Any of the Lord of the Rings movies
- Any of the Star Wars movies
- Any of the Matrix movies

Damião de Góis
02-21-2012, 12:07 AM
I've not seen:

- Any of the Harry Potter movies
- Any of the Lord of the Rings movies
- Any of the Star Wars movies
- Any of the Matrix movies

If you mean the early ones from the late 70s then you are missing out. The first three are classic material.