View Full Version : Booze Fuels 80% Rise In Female Violent Crime

10-23-2009, 09:30 AM
Binge-drinking is being blamed for an 80% rise in violent crime committed by women.


Figures show more than 12,500 women were convicted for violence in 2007, compared with just under 7,000 in 1998.

Violence is now the most common reason for women being arrested in England and Wales, and many experts blame binge-drinking for the rise.

British women on average are now drinking twice the amount of their foreign counterparts.

Medical expert Professor Ian Gilmore said: "Being drunk is now socially acceptable.

"We are more than double our nearest rivals when it comes to women binge-drinking. We stick out like sore thumbs."

The president of the Royal College of Physicians is warning that women are more affected by binge-drinking than men because their bodies have less tolerance of alcohol.

The number of professional and middle aged women hit by alcohol-related problems are also on the rise.

Alcohol Concern claims the problem is that alcohol has become 75% more affordable since 1980.

"The way to change things is to put a minimum price on alcohol, stop general drink promotions and, particularly, the ones allowing women to drink free," CEO Don Shanker told Sky News Online.

Local councils are now taking action to deter binge-drinkers from their streets.

Cardiff Council has banned drinking in the streets and has made it easier for the police to address the problem.

A statement said: "If people are creating disorder or behaving anti-socially because of the alcohol, the police can ask that person to stop...without the need for an arrest.

"If the introduction of this order helps to reduce alcohol-related violence, it can only benefit the city."

Link. (http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Violence-By-Women-Rises-80-Since-1998-Binge-Drinking-Blamed-as-Women-Try-To-Keep-Up-With-Men/Article/200910415411360)

At the same time, 50 pubs per week are closing in Britain. I guess it's because peoiple prefer guzzling cheap supermarket lager at home?

10-23-2009, 03:11 PM
Violence is now the most common reason for women being arrested in England and Wales, and many experts blame binge-drinking for the rise.

British women on average are now drinking twice the amount of their foreign counterparts.

Well :( I have seen drunken british girls on vacation and it is not a pretty sight... :(

But there is another thing... I haven't been to the U.K. since 1996 and from friends that study there, *especially* female friends, I have heard that it is the most common thing to get beaten to death by drunken Chav 15 year-old tarts for no reason whatsoever. :eek:

A friend of mine who studied in Glascow, for example, was attacked totally out of the blue by a gang of 15 year old females, and as soon as they managed to knock her down they started kicking her on the head, torso and genitals...

She ended up in the hospital with severe cranial injuries (they don't call it Glascow Coma Scale (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_Coma_Scale) for no reason :rolleyes:), fractured bones, ribs, hematomas, etc.

Seriously, what the fuck went wrong in this country... :confused: :rolleyes2: