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Thread: Loki, idiot, ban my theaprishitty account

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    I'm not gonna waste my time with you, dude. I know exactly where you stand so don't come here and pretend as if you're neutral. I've seen some of your posts.

    Who the hell cares if we are ''changed'' or not entirely identical to some of our ancestors that lived thousands of years ago. It does not bother me. I can perfectly accept it despite this is not exactly what geneticsts like Lazaridis claim. In fact it is this ''Feiichy'' person who is butthurt. These losers are literally obsessed with Albanians. And it's well known why:
    Slavic migrations to the Balkans

    ] The 2015 IBD analysis found that the South Slavs have lower proximity to Greeks than with East Slavs and West Slavs and that there's an "even patterns of IBD sharing among East-West Slavs–'inter-Slavic' populations (Hungarians, Romanians and Gagauz)–and South Slavs, i.e. across an area of assumed historic movements of people including Slavs". The slight peak of shared IBD segments between South and East-West Slavs suggests a shared "Slavonic-time ancestry".[37] According to a recent admixture analysis of Western Balkan, the South Slavs show a genetic uniformity,

    Good bye.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ylla View Post
    What are you talking about? The majority have left, not that I mind as I wasn’t a huge fan of them but we do need more Albanian members, ideally new ones.
    I didn’t know about the mod incident to be honest, but that’s not specific to Albanians and pretty irrelevant of you go bring it up, it’s just the type of people the forum attracts, give the mod status to cv or rmuller and the same would happen.
    I dont think you should be telling us who’s a troll or not lol, we are the ones invested in the subject and we see patterns that you won’t see, particularly from certain members.
    This is why I brought up the former Albanian mods: an example of perceiving an opinion as trolling because the person perceives what is said as a negative and then overreacting. I'm sure they saw patterns as well. We sometimes see what we want to see to justify our reaction.

    Individual posts add up and proves somebody has an agenda.
    The only time I've seen Feiichy speak of Albanians in any context is in regard to when NATO bombed Serbia and despite her own dislike for Serbians she felt sympathy for what happened to them.

    The Feiichy thread, It boils down to a disagreement she had with Albanian members a few years ago and told us ‘we will regret it’, and since then has an agenda towards us. I don’t think you are aware of that so please stop adding your views. It’s not really any different to the RMuller situation.
    RMuller would make a few threads a day trolling Spaniards. As far as I'm aware, Feiichy didn't talk about Albanians. She certainly didn't make a bunch of threads about Albanians. You're bringing up an old fight from years ago and think now she's having her revenge? That sounds very odd.

    I just claimed I dislike her and she has taken it in an immature way. Now myself and Marsa are bitches, and she’s attacking Blondie, a younger girl, she is awful but always protected on here. She has always been really weird with the female members and has a complex. Had it been the other way, we had opened threads on Croats, we would have been called all types of names.
    Feiichy is certainly a 'muh people dindu nuffin' type but I honestly don't see her thread as trolling and even if she was trolling there aren't many examples of people trolling Albanians here. Trolling revolves around feuds and there just aren't enough Albanians here now for a feud.

    Anyway, Feiichy doesn't have a history of trolling. She has a history of being combative and insulting but not one of trolling.

    Anyway, I just dislike her, nothing deeper than that and I plan to stay away from her on the forum.
    You are really annoying me with mentioning Wizz, do you give the same energy to Dusan or Varda?!
    I don't see Dusan or Varda making the same type of threads over and over again. That annoys me. In fact, I barely know who they are because they don't obsessively repost their views all over the place. You know very well Wizz was annoying as fuck for reasons I gave and no one was trolling Albanians before he was doing it and no one did so while he was doing it. Fanaticism is one of my pet peeves (hence one of the reasons I don't get along with Cristiano Viejo).

    This place is a joke.
    You're just mad. You'll get over it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rizza View Post
    This is the Y-DNA found among Illyrians, J2b2-L283, totally lacks in Croatia and South-Slavic populations in general yet they claim they are Illyrians


    That map is one of the worst available,a better map for our lineage:

    Tho ancient DNA is being taken into account , so croatia should be a lighter shade.

    Scandinavians are mostly I1 yet majority of their autossomal DNA is Yamnaya.Y DNA and autossomal DNA are two quite independent things, its more about apearent correlations than about actual causations.
    Ilirians were not native to the balkans either , they were a bunch of central euro invaders , that killed and raped in classical indo european maner, karma would hit and the slavs did the same with them later.

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    Please mind your business. We were neither upset or ever mentioned that her topic was trolling. Her views are inconsistent so it appears that she’s not trolling but she often admits to it. One minute she is anti Southern European, the next she admires them. It’s really difficult to figure her out.
    The problem was the conclusions she was coming up with, assigning 30% Imperial Roman DNA without any genetic evidence, simply because her calculator told her so. Dare we question the status quo? She was also being incredibly arrogant at anybody questioning her, calling us low IQ for questioning the validity of her calculator. It all boils down to her lack of respect with the people she’s debating with. She already makes her judgement that the other person knows less than she does. Im all about getting to know the truth, and that’s what irks me. Our opinions are just as valid but she thinks hers is the correct one and becomes very aggressive.
    So you’ve basically made this all about Spaniards and how none of us have it as bad as you have. Got it.
    Whether you have heard of them or not is irrelevant, point stands that they spam our threads out of context.
    Give up already and admit the ex members had a massive effect on you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ylla View Post
    Please mind your business. We were neither upset or ever mentioned that her topic was trolling. Her views are inconsistent so it appears that she’s not trolling but she often admits to it. One minute she is anti Southern European, the next she admires them. It’s really difficult to figure her out.
    The problem was the conclusions she was coming up with, assigning 30% Imperial Roman DNA without any genetic evidence, simply because her calculator told her so. Dare we question the status quo? She was also being incredibly arrogant at anybody questioning her, calling us low IQ for questioning the validity of her calculator. It all boils down to her lack of respect with the people she’s debating with. She already makes her judgement that the other person knows less than she does. Im all about getting to know the truth, and that’s what irks me. Our opinions are just as valid but she thinks hers is the correct one and becomes very aggressive.
    I know how Feiichy is like. I've argued with her before. She's can be very aggressive and insulting (I am also) but it doesn't appear she started out that way in that thread. It appears to have been gradual annoyance with a few posters starting with Rizza who would make a half a dozen posts in a row.

    So you’ve basically made this all about Spaniards and how none of us have it as bad as you have. Got it.
    I'm using Spaniards as a comparison. There is literally a mentally ill person who makes a few threads a day for months (years, actually) attacking them, while I don't see people troll Albanians even when Wizz was making threads that you would think would cause a trolling reaction but it didn't. That's the reason why I brought him up. Where was the trolling of Albanians? You would think the content of his posts would create a trolling reaction but there was none. So what is this talk about Albanians being trolled and particular posters saying they need to be here to defend Albanians? Let's say Feiichy was trolling. That's all the evidence that can be presented.

    Whether you have heard of them or not is irrelevant, point stands that they spam our threads out of context.
    Isn't that a matter of perception? Wizz's posts weren't exactly kind to Serbians (even claiming that a Serbian knight that supposedly killed a sultan was actually Albanian). One can view that as trolling. His 'source' (I looked at the link) wasn't even a legitimate source. If I remember correctly it was some woman with no credentials. It may have even been a self-published book if I remember correctly.

    So everyone can say one is trolling the other except I didn't see much of a reaction to it and why I did see people reacting to his thread they were providing counterarguments. I don't consider presenting counterarguments as trolling.

    Give up already and admit the ex members had a massive effect on you.
    I'm pointing out a fact. They didn't leave because of a forum bias or because they were being picked on. Most were banned. Even you acknowledge you didn't care for them. Why not? Maybe because as a group they weren't a stable bunch. One of them tried to convince me that his cousin cornered a Black in NYC to pour milk on him to humiliate the guy. Why? I think to prove Albanians were tough. I believe that was the 'war hero' who said that and it probably never happened but it lets you know the guy is fucked up to think that would be a good thing.

    Psychopathy does have a major effect on me. It's why I don't like Sean (laughing at a picture of dead Mexicans) or Creoda (making a racial joke at the expense of dead Mexican children whose bodies weren't even cold yet). If they were dying in front of me, I wouldn't lift a finger. Same with some of those Albanian ex-members. If you threaten people with rape and murder then that person can go fuck themselves.

    I'm sure most Albanians are good people because that is the norm. You're a good person. Kurgan was a good person (he apologized to me and then I got to see he was a really decent guy). Hulu and RogueState are good people. I think Maestro is Albanian. He's okay. But for whatever reason there were some really disturbing posters who were Albanian.

    Wizz and Rizza can go fuck themselves because I don't like fanatics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ylla View Post
    Please mind your business. We were neither upset or ever mentioned that her topic was trolling. Her views are inconsistent so it appears that she’s not trolling but she often admits to it. One minute she is anti Southern European, the next she admires them. It’s really difficult to figure her out.
    The problem was the conclusions she was coming up with, assigning 30% Imperial Roman DNA without any genetic evidence, simply because her calculator told her so. Dare we question the status quo? She was also being incredibly arrogant at anybody questioning her, calling us low IQ for questioning the validity of her calculator. It all boils down to her lack of respect with the people she’s debating with. She already makes her judgement that the other person knows less than she does. Im all about getting to know the truth, and that’s what irks me. Our opinions are just as valid but she thinks hers is the correct one and becomes very aggressive.
    So you’ve basically made this all about Spaniards and how none of us have it as bad as you have. Got it.
    Whether you have heard of them or not is irrelevant, point stands that they spam our threads out of context.
    Give up already and admit the ex members had a massive effect on you.
    I think that same person who claimed Albanians have middle Eastern DNA despite studies disprove this

    The Kosovars show the closest affinities among Western Balkan populations to Greeks and other South European populations. In our ibd analysis, we also did not find evidences for specific gene flow from the Middle East to Kosovars, compared to non-Muslim populations of Western Balkan (Figure 7).

    Thus, culturally diverse Western Balkan populations are genetically very similar to each other. These results, together with the high-resolution analysis of the variation of mtDNA and NRY, let us to affirm that the genetic profiles of Western Balkan populations resemble that of their closest geographical neighbors!po=22.8477

    Obviously we know the agenda of this person, she lives in Croatia which was inhabited by Illyrians so of course she does not want Albanian to be Illyrian so she uses some supposed genetic change to apparently disprove such a theory, all the genetic change in the world wouldn't change that proto-Albanian was Illyrian. I have run those Thracian samples from Bulgaria and they are nowhere close to Albanians. I'm still trying to figure out how much Slavic ancestry does Albanian have. She copy pastes some fringe theories from some Albanians on Eupedia who want Albanian to be Thracian or some kind of mythical Dardanians who were neither Thracian nor Illyrian when most ancient sources mention them as Illyrian and I expect samples from there should be no different than in Macedonia or Western Balkans.

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